It's good to be motivated.
Over the past year, I have been picking up my game a little bit. But still, I haven't taken the type of action that is required to be successsful. To make your dreams come true, you really just have to realize that you are the only one that can control it.
No one else is going to get you to a 6 figure income, that yacht, or even a happy family life. You are the only one in control of you. I know this is common knowledge everyone understands, but most people don't fully understand it or maybe it just doesn't sink all the way through to most people.
It really just comes down to people are lazy. No one wants to put in that hard work with uncertainty of failing. I have taken small steps for the first year of internet marketing. Failing at nearly every turn. But the great thing about all these failures is I'm learning. Each step I've taken, be it a failure, has shown me which direction to go.
It was only a few weeks ago, I believe I really understood that I'm the only one who can get me to my goals and the more I hold off the moer likely it is I will never reach them. So here comes the motivation. And let me tell you, when you get motivated, it rocks.
Over the past year of internet marketing, I have written maybe 100 articles and a free 20 page ebook for a newsletter I created not long ago. That was me in a not motivated state. It's better than nothing, I agree, but I have huge goals for myself and that much work isn't going to cut it. To compare what motivation can do though, the past 3 days I have written over 30 articles, finished another 20 page free ebook I will be giving away in one of my niches, and completed 15 videos I will be adding to a upcoming product of mine. I work 10-12 hours a day at a full time job on top of this.
I am doing all this without any results so far either. That's the scary part, but I know that by actually doing something it will work. Each step I take even in the wrong direction is better then doing nothing.
I know most of this post is just me rambling, but I feel like I've finally kicked it up a gear. I want all those people sitting back wanting their dreams to come true but not doing anything about it to step up. Start now!
There is never a BAD time to help those living with lousy kidneys!
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