New Find! Rapper 50 Cent and Internet Marketing = Roadmap To Making $$ Online

12 replies
The other day I was at Barnes and Noble and stumbled on
the book, "The 50th Law" by 50 Cent and Robert Greene.

I thumbed through it for awhile and realized that this is
some good stuff.

You can read about it here: The 50th Law (9780061774607): The 50th Law (9780061774607): 50... (Direct link to Amazon - not my affiliate link)

I'm currently reading it while I'm reading the new 4-Hour
Work Week book. And I must say, reading the new 50 Cent
book while keeping your mind focused on your Internet
Marketing business... there's some really great stuff in here!

You can apply just about everything directly into your life and
Internet Marketing business to take it to the next level.

It's about being fearless. It's about hustling. It's about making
things happen.

Good stuff for fellow Internet Marketers - both advanced and
newbies trying to figure it all out.
#cent #find #internet #making #marketing #online #rapper #roadmap
  • Profile picture of the author n8
    Like many, I first thought it would be the lifestyle of a gangster rapper etc. After reading the reviews I can't wait to pick this bad boy up! 50 cent got to where he is because he worked harder then the rest! I recall seeing a clip with 50 and he explained as to why he is in the position he is. He starts work at 6am sharp after his morning workout then gives himself 1hr meditation and finishes work at 12am sometimes later. Mans at the top for a reason!

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  • Profile picture of the author Arfan
    My friend was telling me about this book 2 or 3 weeks ago I was amazed at the reviews it had, I thought he was just a rapper but recently found out he was a very good business man as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Texas_Guns
    Yeah. One part talks about "50 Cent" being the
    persona he created... and how he researches the
    heck out of markets/crowds to get ideas on what
    he can create for them.

    Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
    Launching A New Product? Need Copywriting? Multiple services offered. 13 years of experience as a Direct Response Copywriter. Product/Company launch expert. Millions of dollars in products sold online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jvsnow01
    This is surprising news!

    It makes me wonder if these musical artists initally are businessmen and use the music industry to craft themselves, before breaking through to reveal their true entrepreneurism.

    This shows that his vast wealth has not been gained from album sales alone.

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    • Profile picture of the author Mr. Enthusiastic
      Originally Posted by Jvsnow01 View Post

      It makes me wonder if these musical artists initally are businessmen and use the music industry to craft themselves, before breaking through to reveal their true entrepreneurism.
      Absolutely, but the entrepreneurship and the music are all just different forms of expressing what they want to build in their lives.

      Here's a great article about it: Journal of Business Strategy

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  • Profile picture of the author Shaleniie Devi
    He even had a show last year - I would classify it as the Rapper version of 'The Apprentice'.

    Link: 50 Cent: The Money and The Power | Full Episodes, Photos, Episode Synopsis and Recaps | MTV

    That's when I thought 'damn, this guy is good" - you can see the drive he has. Am going to pick this book up myself after reading about it in another thread.

    It's all about hustling woooo!

    Shaleniie Devi
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  • Profile picture of the author CPA
    50 made a water company and coca cola bought that for i think 100.000.000
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  • Profile picture of the author chini
    yes love that book, well i actually listened to the audio version. Here's a good quote:
    "People are attractive to those who act boldly, and their attention and faith in you will have the effect of heightening your confidence"

    It also had this bit on how most people are apart of a social process, in which they start school, go to college, find a job and work to the demands for some ****ty boss. Which really hit home for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rich Rockets
      Originally Posted by chini View Post

      yes love that book, well i actually listened to the audio version. Here's a good quote:
      "People are attractive to those who act boldly, and their attention and faith in you will have the effect of heightening your confidence"

      It also had this bit on how most people are apart of a social process, in which they start school, go to college, find a job and work to the demands for some ****ty boss. Which really hit home for me.
      I'm grabbing that audio book now. Thanks for the tips guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author SilentX
    Hah, I never would have guessed. I don't know if I'd condone the "hustling" bit, because I'd rather not take people's money without giving them value. I have a whole part on that in my new ebook I'm working on. I just don't believe you need to take other people's money in a way that takes advantage of them to make profits and, to me, that's what hustling implies.
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  • Profile picture of the author nando1125
    Wow I saw the book at B&N a few days ago too but I didn't really think much of it. I thought it was going to be all about hustling and pimpin ho's etc. Seems like its actually a good read lol. Thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author tbone3
      Wow thanks so much for telling us about this. I knew 50 was a smart businessman when he had the album titled "Get Rich Or Die Trying". Like what Will Smith says, you gotta be willing to die for your craft, that what it takes to succeed in anything you do.
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