New Find! Rapper 50 Cent and Internet Marketing = Roadmap To Making $$ Online
the book, "The 50th Law" by 50 Cent and Robert Greene.
I thumbed through it for awhile and realized that this is
some good stuff.
You can read about it here: The 50th Law (9780061774607): 50... (Direct link to Amazon - not my affiliate link)
I'm currently reading it while I'm reading the new 4-Hour
Work Week book. And I must say, reading the new 50 Cent
book while keeping your mind focused on your Internet
Marketing business... there's some really great stuff in here!
You can apply just about everything directly into your life and
Internet Marketing business to take it to the next level.
It's about being fearless. It's about hustling. It's about making
things happen.
Good stuff for fellow Internet Marketers - both advanced and
newbies trying to figure it all out.
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