A Successful Internet Marketer...

8 replies
A Successful Internet Marketer defines what he wants and goes for it, overcoming any odds against him and leveraging his time for maximum benefit.

Now, it's your turn. Describe a Successful Internet Marketer, in ONE sentence.

And go.
#internet #marketer #sentence #successful
  • Profile picture of the author proaffiliate26
    Originally Posted by moneysoapbox View Post

    A Successful Internet Marketer defines what he wants and goes for it, overcoming any odds against him and leveraging his time for maximum benefit.

    Now, it's your turn. Describe a Successful Internet Marketer, in ONE sentence.

    And go.
    Great thread!

    A Successful Internet Marketer not only understands his own needs, but the needs of his fellows; he sets a goal and doesn't give up until he either achieves the goal or finds a more lucrative goal.

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    • Profile picture of the author nehaluck11
      Every successful marketer has his own point of view regarding his success criteria and for me "A successful internet marketer Provide a Consistently High Quality Product at a Fair and Reasonable Price.
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  • Profile picture of the author FeedbackSecrets
    A successful internet marketer is always learning, he may not yet know what goal will bring him happiness, but he is learning where he wants to go and what it will take to get him there.
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  • Profile picture of the author DanielCW
    A successful internet marketer is someone who adds extreme value to others by solving their problems

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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Bainbridge
    A successful intnernet marketer is someone who loves what they do on a basic level

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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    A successful IM is in control of their emotions and their path.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaleniie Devi
    A successful internet marketer knows that marketing is ONLY ONE aspect of building an online business and that he or she needs to have a product and a list to which marketing can actually be applied to.

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