Comfortable VS Uncomfortable

12 replies
There is a saying which goes something like this:

"You cannot grow inside of your comfort zone".

Thinking along the lines of "comfortable or uncomfortable", I would have to say that right now I am pretty much in my comfort zone, and find it "kind of weird" that while I can sit in my comfort zone and have the worst part of my day be the fact that my internet didn't reboot itself...there are others who are faced with all kinds of things I can't even imagine going through...because of things which happen outside of their control.

But then of course, there are the things which are within your control, and I always find that the minute I get comfortable with anything I can control, I often start taking it for granted, or simply don't challenge myself to grow anymore with that thing.

Therefore, I would have to say that I live in comfort by choice too often, because I am "scared".

But what about you? At this very moment, are you comfortable or uncomfortable?
#comfortable #uncomfortable
  • Profile picture of the author stizzard
    Comfortable, but soon to be uncomfortable :-) by choice
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  • Profile picture of the author peakperformer
    Face it, we are all growing everyday and facing things which make us uncomfortable, just that we are not aware.

    For example, you may have been at a party ydae and ur good friend introduces you to this guy.. If your usual response is to feel shy and just say a few words, you can challenge yourself and start doing what you usually wont do- talk him up! This will get you uncomfortable, but you grow as well...

    Thats just an example of the random things we face in life everyday. we all are given opportunities to grow everyday, just that we must be willing to face the uncomfortable in order to grow and break out!

    hope this helps
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Yes, that's true. We are given "opportunities" daily.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrmoonlight
    I have decided 2010 will be the most uncomfortable year I can make it. My goal is to not look back and say "I wish I had..." about anything this year. wish me luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author yst
    I think comfortable in this context isn't exactly a good thing. It's really just a manifestation of laziness. So I always try to push myself. I find if I don't work during a day, I feel like junk.
    I find people whom aim to be "comfortable" are generally lazy and often not even "comfortable"
    So to answer your question: no, I would rather not be "comfortable".
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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Dennert
    I totally agree.

    It's easier said that done sometimes, but we should all try to grow in EVERY area of our lives constantly.

    It's not that hard to do either. All you have to do is tell that little voice in your head to shut the heck up whenever it tells you something is too difficult.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    I definitely get the same 'fear' that makes me stick to what I'm comfortable with. I can honestly say that it's those times that I've done something I was scared of and succeeded that I've been most proud of myself.

    The great thing is that some of the things I remember being so scared of are now so easy for me to do. Just goes to show how much you can grow if you can possibly shut up that little voice in your head, as jaked10 said above me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Right now? Right now I'm a bit uncomfortable, have been recently. But that is mostly because I am trying to expand my business into areas I am very unfamiliar with, that results in some discomfort. But I am okay with that, its hard to get ahead when you are 100% comfortable. I want to get further ahead and then I will deide whether I want to settle down and be comfortable...I'm suspecting not though.

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  • Profile picture of the author don21stc
    Some people are happy being 'comfortable', others (like me) aren't.

    I don't see anything wrong with either situation. It's being happy that counts.

    I often say that I like to push myself and take risks, although "I feel compelled..." may be more accurate than 'I like...'!
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  • Profile picture of the author johnrod
    I have come to the same realization, and I try to apply it at the gym. If I want to become stronger and grow muscle, I have to push and lift weights up to the point where I can't do another one. Not like some chit chat talk that most people do at their local gyms.
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    • Profile picture of the author Isaachun
      If you are uncomfortable but don't feel the need to change, you're not uncomfortable enough!

      A lot of people stay in the 'a little uncomfortable' zone their whole life.

      Change only happens when you reach a point so uncomfortable, you cannot bear it, You NEED to change!

      But if you really intend to change, but don't feel uncomfortable enough, do not wait for the uncomfortable feeling, instead create it. Use visualization and mental projection of the future to bring the very uncomfortable emotions and link it to the current situation you want to change.

      The point is to decide if you'd rather live with the nagging 'little uncomfortable' feelings of staying in your comfort zone all your life or start tackling the bigger uncomfortable feelings now to create a life worth living.

      The only hint I have that I'm growing, is that I'm uncomfortable.


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      • Profile picture of the author scrapgirl42
        I am actually uncomfortable when I get comfortable! It just means I need to get my butt in gear and start working!

        Thanks for this thread, it made me think and realize I need to quit reading the forums and get busy
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