A quote by Wayne Dyer has me confused..
My aim in life is to be as succesful as I can be and I know that to be succesful you must work hard at whatever it is you deem will make you succesful, take chances and basically make things happen for yourself.
But just the other day I picked up a book by Dr.Wayne W Dyer "Everyday Wisdom for Success" and on the first page he says "Chasing success is like trying to squeeze a handful of water. The tighter you squeeze, the less water you get. When you chase it, your life becomes the chase, and you become a victim of always wanting more"
Now this statement has me confused. I know some people, especially the followers of The Secret believe you just ask,believe and recieve but I believe that you have to take action aswell, it just wont magically manifest without any action, but this statement seems to contradict in what I believe in.
What do you guys/gals think of the statement? Do you think Wayne Dyer is right and if so, what exactly does he mean? If I want to be succesful do I not chase it???
Geenius -
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Mark Bradley -
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[ 2 ] Thanks
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