Law of Attraction Vibration

Profile picture of managepro
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How does one go about managing their thoughts in the moment?

Is it possible to have your Vibration set to the optimal so we always attract optimally love, health, wealth or any other thing we desire?
#attraction #law #lawofattraction #lawofattractionvibration #vibration
  • Profile picture of the author SilentX
    Profile picture of SilentX
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    Um.. I don't know what you mean by vibration. Sounds kind of vague. I think the law of attraction is based in conscious thoughts. Thinking positively or negatively doesn't really matter, according to some ways of thinking. The main idea that you're thinking of should become manifest, whether you're thinking you want it the positive thing, or you don't want a negative thing. Whatever your mind is focusing on, it will manifest itself. That's the general concept as I understand it, at least.
    • Profile picture of the author NenadR
      Profile picture of NenadR
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      I think that it is impossible to set our thoughts to always be in a positive vibration, due to the law of polarity, since each thing contains its opposite. We know 'positive thoughts' only in contrast to negative ones.

      It is however possible to keep shifting our attention to things which are good and true, and to chose what kind of thoughts we hold in our mind. It is something that takes a lot of work, and I personally feel like it is something I have only recently began to get the hang of, despite practising various forms of mind improvement for over a decade.
      • Profile picture of the author JustinP
        Profile picture of JustinP
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        Originally Posted by NenadR View Post

        I think that it is impossible to set our thoughts to always be in a positive vibration, due to the law of polarity, since each thing contains its opposite. We know 'positive thoughts' only in contrast to negative ones.

        It is however possible to keep shifting our attention to things which are good and true, and to chose what kind of thoughts we hold in our mind. It is something that takes a lot of work, and I personally feel like it is something I have only recently began to get the hang of, despite practising various forms of mind improvement for over a decade.
        I totally agree. It is almost impossible, and probably a little delusional to believe that one can only ever think about the positive side of life. Its more a matter of the direction of your attention. When you are focusing on the negative (either on purpose or by accident), you can train yourself to refocus on the positive outcome you are trying to produce.

        How do you do this? So many techniques and strategies. I use a combination of images, notes to myself, audio tracks of my own voice with my goals read aloud, inspirational videos and presentations. Different combinations work for different people.

        If you watch a lot of TV, cut out an hour an use that time to do some of the above. It makes a world of difference.
  • Profile picture of the author Evans
    Profile picture of Evans
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    I think you need to live in the moment and give gratitude to life itself, and with that you will receive positive encounters in all aspects in your life.
    • Profile picture of the author PreetiN
      Profile picture of PreetiN
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      Originally Posted by Evans View Post

      I think you need to live in the moment and give gratitude to life itself, and with that you will receive positive encounters in all aspects in your life.
      I agree with you. Living in the NOW, doing what we have to do with total dedication and enthusiasm, without worrying about results, is the best way to attract positivity and success
  • Profile picture of the author DonTino
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  • Profile picture of the author Red Munkey
    Red Munkey
    Profile picture of Red Munkey
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    Originally Posted by santoshr25 View Post

    How does one go about managing their thoughts in the moment?

    Is it possible to have your Vibration set to the optimal so we always attract optimally love, health, wealth or any other thing we desire?
    You simply choose to manage your thoughts in the moment. Everything else leading up to the choice, is only a part of the justification/I need to perform a ritual or have some fancy technique before I can do it dance.

    We are all always attracting exactly what it is that we desire. When your outside world does not match the inner vision of your conscious mind, it is best to understand that the conflict does not reside in your conscious mind. The conflict exists, because your subconscious beliefs and conscious beliefs are not in alignment. Here's something to think about. The subconscious account for approx. 90% of our total consciousness .
    It's better to be a first rate version of yourself than a second rate version of someone else.
    • Profile picture of the author DeonKrey
      Profile picture of DeonKrey
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      Originally Posted by Red Munkey View Post

      You simply choose to manage your thoughts in the moment. Everything else leading up to the choice, is only a part of the justification/I need to perform a ritual or have some fancy technique before I can do it dance.

      We are all always attracting exactly what it is that we desire. When your outside world does not match the inner vision of your conscious mind, it is best to understand that the conflict does not reside in your conscious mind. The conflict exists, because your subconscious beliefs and conscious beliefs are not in alignment. Here's something to think about. The subconscious account for approx. 90% of our total consciousness .
      I agree. We have the capability to control our minds so even if we feel that everything seems to give us negative vibes, we can still shift our minds up to bring in positive vibrations again and choose to be positively conquering circumstances. And that's dealt by simply smiling around.
  • Profile picture of the author teguh123
    Profile picture of teguh123
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    The essence of the secret is nash equlibrium.

    If people believe in something, they bet on it. They bet on it, they count on it. Then they make things happen.

    For example, what language should we speak here?

    Well, all languages are nash equilibrium. If everyone speak french, or chinese, or hokian, or swahili, it's all fine. If everyone speak french, it's not to my best interest to speak others.

    However, one of those belief, namely english, is focal. Everybody believes that we should speak english here. It is to the best interest of everyone then to speak whatever language everyone else speak. Then it costs a lot to learn a new language.

    So the more an equilibrium become focal, it becomes like a black hole attracting situation.

    It's not just yourself, it's everyone else. Our mind consists of so many different preferences. Preferences to make love, make money, etc. All those has to work based on what we believe to be reality.

    If we want to be poor so we can blame capitalism for example, and we ended up becoming rich, then a big part of us that want to blame capitalism will die. The truth is rich and poor don't give that much different if we think about it. Evolutionary speaking, the rich and poor make the same number of kids and achieve about the same evolutionary success. Our genes are hardwired only to reproduce and I can see how desire to blame, to lose, to fail, and anything, can easily overwhelm desire to be rich.

    If reality is different than what we believe subconsciously then our plan will go awry. Hence, subconsciously we want to fulfill all our beliefs.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mokai
    Profile picture of Mokai
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    Thoughts are things, visualize your success and get off your butt and do it and youll find it!
  • Profile picture of the author robrave
    Profile picture of robrave
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    Yes, you can set your vibration so that you always attract all good things.

    How? Appreciate all the good things that come in your life. The more you put your attention to only the things that you want, the more Law of Attraction brings them to you.

    Things would just keep getting better and better.
  • Profile picture of the author managepro
    Profile picture of managepro
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    The truth about out vibration is that it is best when we are in the moment, in reality and not a thought.

    Every thought has its own vibrational energy and we set ourself to that vibrational energy when we think and feel that thought.

    But less is it know that the best vibrational energy we can feel is when we are thoughtless, and from this state of vibrational energy we can see much clearly what to do next whatever be the situation.

    Read this article to know better about Vibration.
  • Profile picture of the author richgrad
    Profile picture of richgrad
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    Keep a gratitude log... write down all the things you are grateful for... do this either at the start of everyday or at the end of everyday or both.

    Oh and use affirmations to cancel out negative self-talk =)

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