A Million Dollar Mindset for the Average Joe

3 replies
When it comes to staying motivated, taking action and getting the job done it is easy to become overwhelmed, discouraged and sidetracked. There is a lot of "Stuff" out there as well as a lot of "Opinions".

There are ebooks, articles, websites and a lot of "everything else" on this subject. And just like everything else...it gets overwhelming.

If you were like I was when I was getting started....I would stay positive taking the good with the bad day in and day out. But you know what....there were a lot of times where I had just had enough. Screw this!
I am not getting anywhere....and this positive attitude is getting me no where. Why even bother.

But guess what....I got it out of my system. What I began to do is take a break from what ever it was that I was doing. Sometimes you need to step back and breathe!
Walk away from what you are doing or working on and go do something else. Go play with the kids, girlfriend, boyfriend, Husband, Wife....what ever. You need Balance.

A million dollar mind set for the guy who is making a million bucks or close to it is easy. Why would they not be happy? How would it not be easy to stay positive? The difference is that they persevered! They worked through the challenges. The took breaks...re grouped and came at it from a different direction.

The average person needs to realize two things.
1. Everything takes work...so choose to work on something you enjoy
2. Everyone makes mistakes.

So,,,, what does this mean and why the hell am I even writing this?
Good Question!

The answer is simple.

You must persist until you succeed and Failure will never overcome you as long as your determination to succeed is strong enough.

Everyday you wake up...wake up with a positive attitude. Even in the midst of the most overwhelming circumstances. You HAVE to find positives in negatives. Begin to train your mind to think differently. Look at things from different angles, different perspectives.

We all know that it is easier to give up and give in rather than fight the fight! So some words of encouragement. You are not alone. There are millions of average people out there going for the gold! Keep a positive attitude. Look for positives everything that is negative. Change your perspective in the way you look at things.

Another very important point. Do not be envious of what others have! What I mean is...when you see your neighbor drive up in a new Porche...your first thought should not be " Man I wish I had that...boy they must have it good" -or- " Must be Nice". These thoughts immediately put you into a psychological setup for demotivation, depression and wrong thinking.

This should be the time where your mind begins to strategize and develop a plan of action to accomplish the goal. Creative Thinking should be sprung into action. This is the beginning! Where it Starts.

I am sure that you have heard before...if you want to be successful...find someone who is and follow their lead. This means get to know them, find out what makes them tick, befriend them.

Surround yourself with positive people and get rid of the rest! Misery loves company and we do not need any more miserable people in our lives.
#average #dollar #joe #million #mindset
  • Profile picture of the author Midnight_Eden
    I think this is a great post and a really timely reminder for me right now.

    If ever I am discouraged and wishing life could be just that little bit easier I think of this quote.

    "If your boat doesn't come in.....swim out to it"

    There is always a way, you just have to find it....and I am really searching at the moment ;-)

    Thanks for the post.


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    • Profile picture of the author vicone
      It's fairly straight forward to be able to shift from obvious negativity to a more positive outlook. It just takes a little time to make the changed attitude a habit.

      Just frame an affirmation such as "What is it that I really WANT in this situation?" so that you habitually focus on goals instead of problems. This is fundamental to reducing stress and anxiety.

      You can make it a habit by closing your eyes and repeating the statement several times a day. Also add a white spot to the face of your watch or cell phone and think of the statement and what it means whenever you see the spot.

      You'll notice the difference in the way you think within a couple of days. Continue to use it for 30 days and then whenever you feel an extra "fix" is needed.

      This doesn't require a lot of work. Once the new attitude has become a habit, it will operate automatically.

      A SUCCESS MINDSET takes this a little farther and builds on the new habit you've learned above. It involves being able to see through the eyes of some one who is very successful in the area that interests you, whether that is in relationships, prosperity, sport, health, etc.

      For a fuller description of SUCCESS MINDSET have a look at this article and see how it has been applied to relationships (the same principles apply to prosperity):

      Most Successful Ways to Improve a Relationship

      For a technique that can be used to build a Success Mindset, have a look at the free PDF that is being offered by "Intrepreuner" in another thread on this forum and get a copy of it (HINT:Use it to build a script of your own):


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  • Profile picture of the author warriorsellingebooks
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  • Profile picture of the author Orion777
    I can tell you from personal experience that money does not buy happiness. You say "who wouldn't be happy if they have a million bucks". Well, if your child's heart is breaking, it breaks yours too. No amount of money can heal that wound. I could go on and on with a list like that. Money just keeps the bill collectors off of your back but only if you have managed your money correctly. I know millionaires that run from the repo man. Of course it is easier to cry in the backseat of a Rolls Royce than a Yugo...Anyway, to have a millionaire mindset, requires not only having knowledge, wisdom, persistence, and focus - it also requires self-discipline. And nobody is going to wake me up in the morning and tell me how great I am and what to do today - I must do that for myself. It requires self-discipline to be a self-made millionaire. You must keep your eye on the end goal when little things become irritating. That vision of your end goal keeps your emotion positive and in high gear and gives you the drive you need. The drive may fizzle out if this goal is not a strong goal for you, and this is where the saying "know what you really want" comes in to play.
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