Can Nature Teach You Success?

Profile picture of billMarket
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16 replies
As a nature lover, I have a profound respect for nature.

Often we hear nature analogies regarding success; for

Like a flower, which attracts pollinators to it, one should
first develop oneself and therefore attract success rather
than chase it.

Have You Learned Any Lessons From Nature?
#nature #success #teach
  • Profile picture of the author jborjaperez
    Profile picture of jborjaperez
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    A Redwood tree is one of the biggest trees in the world. Naturally if it starts to lean one direction, the tree will grow more limbs on the other side to remain balanced.

    Key Point : Always stay balanced with what you do in your business. Or topple over.

    And great example. Success is attracted by the person you become.

    In my signature.. It's not a secret method.. It's a lifestyle.. It's Day 1, Follow Me From The Bottom UP!

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  • Profile picture of the author hawk123
    Profile picture of hawk123
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    I´ve learned to never give up, and always stand up again, once you have fallen.
    • Profile picture of the author naruq
      Profile picture of naruq
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I believe that nature can teach you success in all of the major areas of your life.

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  • Profile picture of the author SEOExpert104
    Profile picture of SEOExpert104
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I also did learn what hawk123 did, NEVER GIVE UP, and once you fall, start over!
  • Profile picture of the author styla786
    Profile picture of styla786
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    yes offcourse
    if we see that when one day end the next day will come what its mean?
    its mean that a man should always try and do struggle for success because the new day always come after a dark night
  • Profile picture of the author lindaingleson
    Profile picture of lindaingleson
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    I often quote nature when I am coaching for business. In the garden we prepare the soil because we know the preparation is the hard work and we will gain the benefits. then we sow the seeds or plant the bulbs. Nature takes its course but we lend a hand, we water when its too dry and give food if needed. sometimes we have to trim down or put support in. The seasons come and go, the snow can cover the soil and the seeds are working hard underground. The the warmth and the sun come and the little green shoots appear. sometimes they have to force themselves through the frozen ground, but they dont give up, they just keep on going - because its nature.

    We can learn so much from this. Dont give up when the going gets tough, just go watch some daffodils survive through their growth in an English garden. That will inspire you to just keep pushing on.

    The end result can be whatever you want it to be, a beautiful garden with wonderful sights and smells - it can also be a geat successful business giving you financial freedom and satisfaction.

    • Profile picture of the author Darren L Carter
      Darren L Carter
      Profile picture of Darren L Carter
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by lindaingleson View Post

      I often quote nature when I am coaching for business. In the garden we prepare the soil because we know the preparation is the hard work and we will gain the benefits. then we sow the seeds or plant the bulbs. Nature takes its course but we lend a hand, we water when its too dry and give food if needed. sometimes we have to trim down or put support in. The seasons come and go, the snow can cover the soil and the seeds are working hard underground. The the warmth and the sun come and the little green shoots appear. sometimes they have to force themselves through the frozen ground, but they dont give up, they just keep on going - because its nature.

      We can learn so much from this. Dont give up when the going gets tough, just go watch some daffodils survive through their growth in an English garden. That will inspire you to just keep pushing on.

      The end result can be whatever you want it to be, a beautiful garden with wonderful sights and smells - it can also be a geat successful business giving you financial freedom and satisfaction.

      Great post Linda!

      As for myself, I absolutely love nature. I think the pure beauty of it can teach us a lot just by going out of our way to appreciate it (it's right in front of us but most miss out on the beauty unless they look). So I guess one thing it has taught me is to stop and look at what is right in front and all around me.

      Darren L Carter
  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Profile picture of AwesomePossum
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    I LOVE the seasons and how they work : )

    I think that's HUGE for us to grow as works perfectly with awareness and evolution.

    Spring time's fresh and new....summer's the work and labor & fall is our reward...winter is the dead end...the passing of a time or "level of awareness"

    I lil trick I realized is that we don't need to work in seasons but years...believe it or not that's how trees work : 0...doesn't look like it from the surface but they operate in years...I swear!! I've obviously got no proof for this..only observation : p
  • Profile picture of the author Markus Mustikkamaki
    Markus Mustikkamaki
    Profile picture of Markus Mustikkamaki
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    I think nature teach us very much!

    Last year I learned very valuable lesson just from watching in to the forest. In example one tree alone doesn't grow so well and tall than two tree's together and even more tree's even longer etc.

    The point is that together we are strong. Alone in this world there is so much strugle in everything you do
  • Profile picture of the author jonrhodesuk
    Profile picture of jonrhodesuk
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    Wasn't it Robert The Bruce who was inspired by watching a spider struggle to make web. The spider just kept going until it finally succeeded. This inspired him to lead his Scottish army to victory, after 6 defeats, against the English.
  • Profile picture of the author STKING
    Profile picture of STKING
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    Adaptation is the's the difference between those who make it through the 'rough times' and those who don't.
    Nature is all about adaptation and cooperation. Humans are supposed to be, but we get stuck in our ways often.
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  • Profile picture of the author maddiet
    Profile picture of maddiet
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    Nature taught me that we are all different like, plants are. You treat flowers differentlty according to their special needs. A rose is not a cactus, isn't?
  • Profile picture of the author Freelancer's Mind
    Freelancer's Mind
    Profile picture of Freelancer's Mind
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    What a wonderful topic.

    What I learned from nature? Many things, but above all persistence in what I do.
    Nature doesn't care about success or failure. It only persists.

    Patience is what I learned also. And to let go.
  • Profile picture of the author Eric Nishio
    Eric Nishio
    Profile picture of Eric Nishio
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    Great topic. For me, the survival of the fittest is the underlying teaching offered by nature (or Darwin). You can never succeed if you fail to improve yourself and build assets that take you to success. I don't like to think that success is competition; but, for example, in the world of online marketing, we have to offer something better than what spammers, cheaters and exploiters do if we want to triumph.
    Teach yourself success.

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