You need money now and you want to what?

4 replies
Hi Warriors,

Two weeks a go I had a friend(yes I have couple)ask me how he could
make some fast money. He asked me if there was any way for him to make
the money he needed online?

I told him yes and no. Yes, he could do it but it would take him some time
and since he needed the money now that it wouldn't be the best way.

I then sat him down and we brained stormed some possible ways he could
make money right now. Jobs in our area are tough to find.

While we were sitting and discussing his options, I looked up and seen my
neighbor across the street setting a old table and chairs out to the road
for anyone to take. That was the answer to his problems.

Now he gets up at 4am and drives his truck around the neighbor hoods looking
for metal that people through away. Sound like a lot of work? Well he's
bringing home anywhere from $300-$700 dollars a day just picking up stuff
that people are throwing away and recycling it.

Moral to the story, Don't trap yourself into only one way to make money.
If I see a way to make money on or off line and it's there for the ethical
taking, I'm on it.

Making money is easy just look around with an open mind. This is actually
some thing my Grand Daughter has taught me over the past few years.

Heck, she already has 2 people lined up to rent her Water slide which will
net her $300 in two days. If a 10 year old girl can do it then surely you
can too.

Have faith in yourself and open your mind to the things around you.

Have a Great Day!

PS. Now that Rick is making money and on his feet again, I may introduce
him to eBay so he can sell some the better stuff he's collected so far.

You would be surprised at some of the stuff people throw away!
#make #money #online
  • Profile picture of the author FredJones
    I work with an open mind, and here comes my money

    Anyway, the world has too much money for us to run out of more to absorb!!

    Sounds greedy, the above one. But really and seriously, personally I believe that keep doing the good work that you love doing, and money will follow.
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    • Profile picture of the author DeadGuy
      Bravo Michael! A real world problem with a valid solution.

      You are making this work at home stuff way harder than it is. Ready for some sanity? Clear your head and start over.

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      • Profile picture of the author WritingMadwoman
        My grandfather has been making a tidy sum doing that for years Michael! People give him scrap copper, aluminum, whatever he can sell and make a profit, and he does very well! It's a fun hobby for him since he retired but he loves it and I can see how a person could virtually live off of such income.

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  • Profile picture of the author tyroneshum
    "Having an open mind" -- this is a good line for me and has always been. Everytime I learn new things, I am always open for changes, innovations that would help improve my earnings, ways I manage my business, etc. And it's true, opportunities are everywhere and we should only have to open our eyes before they get grabbed by someone else.
    Follow me on my 90 Day Challenge to rank no. 1 on Google
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