Will you still work when the world says it's time to retire?

36 replies
Business owners- what will you be doing when your retirement age rolls around?

Me? I see the word "retirement" as an excuse to slow down and live off some form of savings. If that's the case, I never want to retire. I'd rather keep helping who I can, make money, and enjoy every minute of it.


#retire #time #work #world
  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    That's a great question!

    Actually, I think work will be more enjoyable!

    But, your work might take on new interests and

    I personally think people go downhill faster if they have
    no "work."


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author GrantFreeman
    I'd agree.

    I know of a few people that simply invest in stocks, or Ira's then play golf all week.

    I'd go crazy if I couldn't do more as far as creating something useful for people.

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  • Profile picture of the author ucajack
    Well for me retirement would mean to do things i always wanted to ,write a book,learn martial arts,become a singer but yes my top most priority would be to remain in best of shape and fitness.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Louis Monk
    I hope to learn the methods here that will earn me an income to replace lost pensions which mean I cannot retire. I want to be able to earn money but not by exchanging time for money as in the past.

    I was hoping to learn from the Warrior Members and take up some of the WSOs. However, as long as there are members like Traffic Addict (be warned) who will not refund my $497, I don't think that will ever happen. It has made me wary of buying any such offer again. The moment Traffic Addict refunds my money I will amend this post, but until then this post remains as a warning to others.


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  • Profile picture of the author Groovystar
    I plan to eventually earn a living online so I can work at something I love and feel like I'm retired at the same time =)
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  • Profile picture of the author hazel0513
    I'm 24 this year. Am planning and implementing my "mini-retirement".

    This is an interesting question. and I would like to recommend this book - The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss.

    This is a book that teaches you how to escape 9-5 job and join the New Rich.

    What is New Rich (NR)? Well, Tim has made a comparison between NR and Deferrers (those who save it all for the end only to find the life has passed them by) in his book.

    Here I interpret NR as those who live what they want, making more money by doing less. They implement "mini-retirement", i.e. "take the usual 20-30-year retirement and redistribute it throughout life instead of saving it all for the end". They have the ability to choose, and live with real freedom.

    He teaches how to become a NR in 4 steps:

    Definition - design your own lifestyle, throw away the old-rules and here comes the new concept of New Rich
    Elimination - how to replace yourself, own the business but not in the business, how to be more effective and efficient by doing less, much more lesser!
    Automation - how to create your autopilot income machine, again, with lesser jobs
    Liberation - how to live your "mini-retirement" and enjoy your real freedom

    I highly recommend this book. If you are looking for the so-called "internet lifestyle" then this is the one, regardless you are employer or employee now. Working for others or working for yourself.

    I particularly like this: (quoted from his book) - "This is how most people work until death: "I'll just work until I have X dollars and then do what I want." If you don't define the "what I want" alternative activities, the X figure will increase indefinitely to avoid the fear-inducing uncertaintu of this void."

    Like the old him, he has to continue working even that there was no financial need. "I needed to feel productive..."

    A great book that inspired me a lot.

    Have you read this book too? What do you think?
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    • Profile picture of the author naruq
      As long as I am healthy I will work Until I pass away. It is not really work when you enjoy what you do.

      Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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    • Profile picture of the author GrantFreeman
      Originally Posted by hazel0513 View Post

      ..This is an interesting question. and I would like to recommend this book - The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss..Have you read this book too? What do you think?
      Yes I have. And I keep having visions of doing my work in some remote island in the carrabian under an umbrella

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  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    for me...
    it's not called retirement..
    it is supposed to be financial freedom, where I work...Just when I want it ^_^
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  • Profile picture of the author AylaPress
    I was unemployed for a year once, with no cashflow worries; which is kind of like retirement. I would NEVER want to do it again. I will probably work harder in retirement.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Grant,

    I never do what the world does because if I did I'd wind up like most of the world. Have you looked around recently?

    I do what works for me. The primary counsel I seek is the Silent Type - aka God.

    As for retirement it depends on what people enjoy doing.

    My old man retired recently and has never been happier. The man goes to basketball games, baseball games, goes out, having fun non-stop. He's even taken to twitter and Facebook and is growing a nice little following on each. He always had a life first and worked second so he's enjoying retirement immensely.

    If you have a passion for what you do of course, there's no need to retire because you never worked in the first place.

    Ryan Biddulph
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author webwriter
      Most definitely! I could not imagine having nothing to do all day.

      When my dad retired, he was going crazy during the first few months because he didn't know what to do with all of his time. He reached a point at which he traveled to New York almost every day and occasionally, to my sister's house. He always said that he was looking for a job.

      I think that he was going through hell since retirement. All day long with almost nothing to do except to go out, come home, watch tv, and go to bed.

      That's not the life I want. I would prefer working until I drop.
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  • Profile picture of the author Scootek
    I say I would like to retire...but the reality is I am a restless person and will get bored. However, I would love to be travelling. Now that I could retire and do very happily.

    If you can help me SEO suggestions...then it will be appreciated...

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  • Profile picture of the author ryjo
    I hope to have earned enough money to retire into philanthropy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Okenyon
    i think ill own and sell sites for ever tbh!

    Owner at Internet Marketing Deals and Coupons and Landing Page Guys, fully qualified chef turned online entrepreneur, lover of Prosecco and LFC.

    More about me here.

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  • Profile picture of the author GrantFreeman

    I hear ya. A good friend of mine talked of his girlfriends grandfather.Spent most of his time on his ranch tying flies. The fishing kind. Didn't have a care in the world. I don't know what he did for a living before that, but it seems that whatever it is the world calls "work" it was "play" to him.

    My mom was the same way after a few months. She wound up finding a part time job doing something she liked. Didn't stay with it to long though.. made her get up to early in the morning.

    Lots of great comments so far. I was just chatting with my girlfriends mom whos retired from Real Estate. She would have stayed in the field longer if the internet didn't come along- something she knew nothing about. She's happy though and she's set for life.

    Does anyone else wonder why every once and a while, you see a senior working in walmart or the grocery store, and ask yourself if they are there because they WANT to be, or they HAVE to be?

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  • Profile picture of the author Jimmy Reilly
    Starting a software company/ internet marketing empire is my retirement. So few find something they love to do that can also provide a great lifestyle! Personally I consider myself lucky even if in the end everything goes up in flames. I will look back with no regrets.
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  • Profile picture of the author Victoralexon
    If I had a lot of money, I'm not sure if I would be working for money any more. But I would have to do something with all my time so I would probably try and just create value for other people and do a good service to the world in some way.

    That sounded very corny.
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  • Profile picture of the author bizfox
    I'm never retiring. Old people who have no purpose usually die earlier
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    • Profile picture of the author John Derrick
      IF you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.

      I have never worked since 1999.

      Instead, I enjoy myself and can hardly believe how well paid I am for doing it.
      JohnDerrick.com ====>>> The Secret Course <<<===
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      • Profile picture of the author webwriter
        Doing something that you enjoy actually is good for you. You're more likely to be happier and healthier and live longer.

        My grandfather enjoyed reading a Polish newspaper and solving crossword puzzles. Formerly, he owned a little grocery store before giving it up to go full time as a landlord. Seeing him ask one of his tenants for rent always cracked me up. My grandfather would go to the tenant's place, knock on the door, and say "Rent," as he held out his hand. And the tenant gave him the rent, lol!

        And yes, my grandfather lived a long, productive life. I doubt if the word retire was in his vocabulary. He spoke very little English anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author mbaplease
    Life's work never ends. We all must find a way to make both the exciting and tedious tasks enjoyable. Yes, financial freedom is key; however, true happiness is greater. The ideology of the New Rich is one that we should all hold near and dear to our hearts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Scootek
    I don't really need loads of money to retire. Just enough to live on. Then I go travelling. Happy days.

    If you can help me SEO suggestions...then it will be appreciated...

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  • Profile picture of the author KC-Coop
    I retired two years ago at age 18 when I found this industry.

    It's not work if you love what you're doing.

    My end goal is to own several businesses that run themselves - and continue to invest and build businesses on my own time.

    I love entrepreneurship - nothing feels better then creating a company out of nothing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Scootek
      Hazel, I will check the book out when I get a second.

      KC, I do what I love. I quit a descent job for this. I mean some interesting people in my job (in person). At the same time, there are loads of other things that I want to do. Travelling is there on top of the list.

      If you can help me SEO suggestions...then it will be appreciated...

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  • Profile picture of the author rahulr
    Business life is never about retiring.As you grow older yo get better and wise.
    {$5 ONLY}750 word article written on your keyword.
    GET IT NOW -http://goo.gl/gXH4m
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    • Profile picture of the author Scootek
      Originally Posted by rahulr View Post

      Business life is never about retiring.As you grow older yo get better and wise.
      I suppose I have a lot I want to besides this.

      If you can help me SEO suggestions...then it will be appreciated...

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  • Profile picture of the author KatyaSenina
    "When the world says"...don't make me laugh. :p

    I don't listen to ANYTHING the government, society says... because it's all brainwashing and BS! I usually move the opposite way and run away as fast as I can.
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  • Profile picture of the author hendricius
    I will probably start a start tuition center and educate potential entrepreneurs in becoming successful or ill just continue my business but this time as a joint venture with someone else.
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  • Profile picture of the author sylviad
    Well, I'm retired - sort of - because I'm 65 and unemployed. I've worked since I was 16. I can't see me not working because I've done it for so long that it's who I am. Plus I do enjoy working, especially if it's on my own projects. I love creating, writing and producing. I like the feeling of accomplishment and personal satisfaction work brings.

    As long as I can keep learning, I'm happy to continue working.

    The ideal would be to have sufficient savings to last my lifetime so that money is no longer a concern. Then, I can take time off when I want for as long as I want without that nagging distraction. I can get back to writing my mystery novel that I started about 5 years ago. I still have time to become another Agatha Christie.

    My life's dream since I was about 12 years old has been to become a successful mystery writer. Being financially secure and retired would give me that opportunity.

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    • Profile picture of the author ucajack
      Hello Sylvia,
      It so heartening to see that you are living your dream, some thing i would want to do after 15-20 years.
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    By the time I retire, I hope to have been made rich from IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author vem
    Who is to decide our retirement time. I think it is our own decision. Particularly for people in IM business this would be more true. I don't think I will let the world decide that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chantal-Louise
      I think when the world says its time to retire i may find it difficult. I remember when i was at school and i had summer holidays and honestly i used to get soo borred. With work it keeps you occupied and all you need to do is find a good balance between fun and work and you will be fine.
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