Law Of Success Editions

Profile picture of poath
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Hey, I decided to buy law of success in sixteen lessons by Napoleon Hill but there are two editions.

A question to those who read it, is there major difference between the 'normal' law of success in sixteen lessons and the 21st century edition.

Also, both of them are around 300 pages but I remember the copy that I read once before had like 1000 pages o.O

Here is the normalnormal one and here is the 21 edition21 edition
And no neither of them are affilate :rolleyes:
#editions #law #success
  • Profile picture of the author markcall
    Profile picture of markcall
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    I am looking for the 1925 Edition (would love to find an original) however I am also looking to SELL 1925 Editions to my coaching students... do you know of any affiliate programs for a good 1925 edition?
    • Profile picture of the author Ralf Skirr
      Ralf Skirr
      Profile picture of Ralf Skirr
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      Originally Posted by markcall View Post


      I am looking for the 1925 Edition (would love to find an original) however I am also looking to SELL 1925 Editions to my coaching students... do you know of any affiliate programs for a good 1925 edition?
      Isn't it in the public domain?

      If yes you could create your own edition quickly, instead of promoting an affiliate program.
      • Profile picture of the author scortillion
        Profile picture of scortillion
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        Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko View Post

        The 1928 Edition is public domain, but the 1925 Edition isn't.

        And to Markcall, I can help you with that. Just shoot me a PM and I can help you get setup. Just tell me how many you're looking for and how much you expect to sell them for.
        Hey Gordon, I looked at the library of congress and it looks like both versions are in the public domain. What makes you say the 1925 version isn't?
  • Profile picture of the author Coldinferno
    Profile picture of Coldinferno
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    Speaking of Napoleon Hill...

    I would recommend his other book, Think and Grow Rich, too. It's based on Law of Success, but I find it more clear and informative. You can download it for free from the link in my signature.
  • Profile picture of the author manisha8
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    • Profile picture of the author jimevee
      Profile picture of jimevee
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      The Laws of Success and Think and Grow Rich are special because they provide you with the blueprint to success to life. Not just business success, but to find success in all aspects of your life. The books aren't full of hype and fluff, but the essential foundation and elements of success. The book was written originally written over 70 years ago and has sold over 30 million copies and is just as popular today. Can't argue with that kind of longevity.
      • Profile picture of the author Coldinferno
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        There's also some very interesting clips with Napoleon Hill on Youtube where he talks about his meeting with Andrew Carnegie, it's simply brilliant. I can't post links yet but you can search for "Napoleon Hill" and it will be one of the first videos on the search results.

        BTW: Check my signature if you would like to read Think and Grow Rich and get a glimpse of Hills wisdom. It's just a simple PDF e-book.
  • Profile picture of the author citro
    Profile picture of citro
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    sorry i'm new for this, what book it's, please explain to me??thanks
    • Profile picture of the author Coldinferno
      Profile picture of Coldinferno
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      Originally Posted by citro View Post

      sorry i'm new for this, what book it's, please explain to me??thanks
      I suppose you wonder what Law of Success is. It's a book written by a guy named Napoleon Hill in the 20's, which desribes how to acheive success through a number of wise principles. You should certainly check it out, no matter what your ambitions in life are. He has also written Think and Grow Rich, which is based on Law Of Success.

      You can dowload Think and Grow Rich from the link in my signature or search for it on Google. Both books are public domain and 100% free, except if you want to buy a hard copy.
    • Profile picture of the author YellowGreenMedia
      Profile picture of YellowGreenMedia
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      Originally Posted by citro View Post

      sorry i'm new for this, what book it's, please explain to me??thanks
      Law Off Attraction is like a religion, people think that if you think hard enough and "take action" (that phrase is really big here) you will become Rich

      Personaly i don't belief in that kind of hocus-pocus magic nonsense, but it is funny to see how people go up in it just like religious people do...

      No offence btw

      • Profile picture of the author cynthea
        Profile picture of cynthea
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        Originally Posted by YellowGreenMedia View Post

        Law Off Attraction is like a religion, people think that if you think hard enough and "take action" (that phrase is really big here) you will become Rich

        Personaly i don't belief in that kind of hocus-pocus magic nonsense, but it is funny to see how people go up in it just like religious people do...

        No offence btw

        Lol. You're funny. Have you even read the thread? Where does anyone make mention of the Law OFF Attraction?

        Can I ask why you even bothered to comment, since you clearly didn't even read the OP or follow-up posts?
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  • Profile picture of the author jimevee
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    I keep these book on my nightstand and find myself reading passages a few times a week to help keep me focused.
  • Profile picture of the author topnichekeyword
    Profile picture of topnichekeyword
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    I have read this, easy to understand! Everyone should read!
  • Profile picture of the author happyme
    Profile picture of happyme
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    Ohkay, am I the only one wandering wild here? What is this law of success? And, how does it relate to mind warriors?
  • Profile picture of the author johnparker2011
    Profile picture of johnparker2011
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    Getting successful for any endeavor will inspire you to work hard. Which book is the best for a topic about law of success. And what edition? Let me know. Thanks.
  • Profile picture of the author markcall
    Profile picture of markcall
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    I really want to OFFER the "ORIGINAL" Law of Success to my Coaching Students...

    NO ... I am NOT sugesting the "Law of Attraction" - although it is an easy eye opener - The 1925 Edition is a "REAL" original! It is PROVEN with studies over 20 years!

    It is RARE to have a REAL 1925 Edition, and from my understanding - Gordon has a good connection!

    Hey, Gordon, I sent ya a PM with my direct email ... I will PM again, my friend!

    My goal is to take my students on a 18 week JOURNEY "with" me!

    I too am still learning the differencs in these volumes and GORDON so far has had MORE knowledge than anyone I have run across.....

    I really hat that someone refered to Hocus-Pocus here ... this book "The Law of Success in 16 Lessons" was not a MEDIA event ... it was a STUDY done over 20 years of the traits of the MOST successful people of the centry!

    Gordon, I look forward to more comunication with you, bud! THANKS!

    - Mark

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