The Real Secret To Success

11 replies
There is a real secret to success, whether you are an affiliate, entreprenuer, business man/women, sales person, or anything else you want to acheive in life this post applies to everyone...

Real success comes when someone has a definite purpose, of what they really want to do or be...

Not just doing it to follow a crowd or not just doing it for the sake of doing it, but doing somethng because you have the Desire to become successful in whatever you want...

Success all starts off with DESIRE, once you have the desire you need to BELIEVE that you will becaome successful...

If you are persistant in what you do you have to become successful no matter what...

everyone gets failure, which is only temporary but success always come with persistance, success will just come around the corner when you least expect it!

so the simple SECRET formula to any SUCCESS is...


Even if your plan dont work keep planning untill it does, eventually your plans will work and you will have the success you want
#real #secret #success
  • Profile picture of the author itzpaul
    Great post. I believe Success follows every Unique individual.
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  • Profile picture of the author Super Affiliate
    If you want something bad enough, you'll become successful. A lot of times, you know what works but don't want to do it because it takes too much of your time or it's something you don't want to do. But if you can't afford to not want it right now, you'll go through with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author zinally
    Desire with passion to do.
    Definite Plan with Action.
    Action with Result.
    And For Most is LUCK = Learn and Understand The Correct Knowledge!
    Know The Process
    Build A System
    Promote to Monetized.
    Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author rparikh
    I think every guy has different definition for success and a person must clear about his meaning of success.

    I really like your thoughts about success.

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  • Profile picture of the author eye
    Start using Law Of will soon see the change...
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  • Profile picture of the author NasalSpray
    Missed out a crucial step:

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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    It starts with vision. That ensures Integrity, which is key.
    All the "make a million dollars this year" wishes are just that: wishes.
    The goals that spring, spontaneously and inevitably from your true Vision, are the ones that will change your life.
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    • Profile picture of the author jrom
      It's also very important to focus your thoughts on what you want and not on what you don't want. Whether your thoughts are of success or your thoughts are of failure, your mind will make it so.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    I literally wrote this quote down from a video I saw on youtube. Its hugely powerful yet so simple...

    When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful

    I dont care if you are trying to be successful in a sport, in a business, on a project, if you want to succeed at it as bad as you want to breathe...every single person reading this has it within their ability to be successful.

    Imagine this...somebody dunks your head under water and you start running out of air. You need air but you aren't strong enough to get loose of the person holding your head under water. You are approaching your limit and you start getting dizzy. Imagine this in your head.

    At this moment in time, you only care about one thing...air. All you want is air and at that moment you will do anything and everything to get a breathe of air.

    When you want to succeed as bad as you wanted to breathe at that moment, you will be successful.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jetmir
      Nice formula, affiliatepro222.

      And, Ken, this so awesome. Thank for posting it.
      Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

      I literally wrote this quote down from a video I saw on youtube. Its hugely powerful yet so simple...

      When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful

      I dont care if you are trying to be successful in a sport, in a business, on a project, if you want to succeed at it as bad as you want to breathe...every single person reading this has it within their ability to be successful.

      Imagine this...somebody dunks your head under water and you start running out of air. You need air but you aren't strong enough to get loose of the person holding your head under water. You are approaching your limit and you start getting dizzy. Imagine this in your head.

      At this moment in time, you only care about one thing...air. All you want is air and at that moment you will do anything and everything to get a breathe of air.

      When you want to succeed as bad as you wanted to breathe at that moment, you will be successful.

      ATTENTION: Do you wanna make up to 100$ a DAY with 20 minutes of super-easy work?

      It's never been easier. Send me a Private Message for details.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pisaka
    I like your formula! It's great! But it resembles all the others, which are crowded around such phenomenon as SUCCESS...

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