Self Improvement Give Away
who are interested in Mind Power.
Self improvement giveaway
event in our Evolution Ezine...
Self Improvement Gifts 5 :: WELCOME!
Discover yoga, learn to communicate with animals!, lose weight
naturally, overcome procrastination, detox your body and much more...
This is just a tiny selection of what is available for you -
* Astral Projection Video Series
* Raising Mindful Kids Ebook
* Measure and Raise your Vibration Audio
* Intense Relaxation Hypnosis Audio
* Miracle Mantras Ebook
* Guided Meditations for Stress Relief and Protection
* Animal Communication and Healing Ebook
* Power Chakra Music
* The All Natural No-Fail Weight Loss System Audio
Not an affiliate link Just wanted to share
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe