Is SELF-DISCIPLINE the ultimate trait?

97 replies
To be honest, I do not believe that one singular trait is the trigger for designing and living a successful life, but, I believe SELF-DISCIPLINE is one of the main traits we need for transforming our lives. What's your take? And, what strategies do you employ to keep yourself disciplined and focused on your goals?
#selfdiscipline #success #trait #ultimate
  • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
    If it's not the top, it's still in the Top 3 or 5.

    People who go from little to a lot of tremendous self-discipline because of the effort it takes. Persistence is another very important trait that goes along with self-discipline. Rarely will people accomplish what they want quickly, so they need to stay with something for a while. That becomes very evident pretty quickly with IM (with the added element of "am I doing it correctly?").


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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
      Originally Posted by buckeyes09 View Post

      If it's not the top, it's still in the Top 3 or 5.

      People who go from little to a lot of tremendous self-discipline because of the effort it takes. Persistence is another very important trait that goes along with self-discipline. Rarely will people accomplish what they want quickly, so they need to stay with something for a while. That becomes very evident pretty quickly with IM (with the added element of "am I doing it correctly?").
      Thanks for sharing your insights. I think of PERSISTENCE as a reflection of SELF-DISCIPLINE. What strategies do you employ for integrating it into your...
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Harper
    Someone who has self discipline will find far more success than someone who is smarter and/or more talented, but who lacks it.
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    • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
      Originally Posted by Daniel Harper View Post

      Someone who has self discipline will find far more success than someone who is smarter and/or more talented, but who lacks it.
      No doubt. Ambition is something that equalizers pure talent, skill, and intelligence. To get to the top, you'll probably need those three, in addition to ambition. I would rather have pure ambition than the rest.

      History is littered with "average" people with above average ambition doing tremendous things from it.


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      • Profile picture of the author rdbranson
        I would probably rate positive attitude above self-discipline. Actually, self-discipline or will power doesn't work for most people. Baby steps works better.
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  • Profile picture of the author William King
    It is one of the required thing but not the only think I count it with the qualities like satisfying your self with what you have, patience, believing in your self and more importantly your self.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    Originally Posted by pethanks View Post

    I agree. You can't be successful without that self-discipline. We have to control ourselves.

    ''We have to CONTROL ourselves.'' Powerful. What strategies do you employ?
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    • Profile picture of the author mypiapo
      I would say the first step to self-discipline is controlling your thoughts. Thoughts lead to ideas, ideas to beliefs, beliefs to habits, habits to character, and character to actions. So by controlling your thoughts first, you will be disciplined, and your actions will automatically follow. Dont necessarily try to change your actions right away. Find out your thoughts and attitudes toward that action, and change the thought first. I think this is real discipline.
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  • Profile picture of the author HaydenR
    Hmmm.. actually I agree with you. Self-Discipline is probably the best trait to have.. because it encompasses so many things.. In fact, Self-Discipline is what separates the men from the boys and the great from the average.
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  • Profile picture of the author freight
    Right now I am working close to 90 hours in the week

    I get up a 445 and keep powering until 1100 - Self dicipline is the key

    What I need to do better is organise my web and linking better focus on the good urls and ...not forget about the stragglers

    I am time poor and need to organise better - working smarter the old deal .....

    You know what - one of the main things that keeps me going is google analytics

    As long as I see myself growing each day - week - month it drives me to be a better warrior
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    Originally Posted by Banner Design View Post

    Self Discipline will keep us in control but other factors like positive living will help you in succeeding.
    Please can you shed more light on ''positive living''? Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
    I believe Efficiency is the key, Self Discipline is a feeling and it varies time to time even though you're not self disciplined if you are efficient in what you are doing then you will succeed.
    Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
      Originally Posted by JagSEO View Post

      I believe Efficiency is the key, Self Discipline is a feeling and it varies time to time even though you're not self disciplined if you are efficient in what you are doing then you will succeed.
      Interesting. How do you define efficiency? And, how do you realise it, from day to day?
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  • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
    I remember my Boss told me before 100% Hard work x 50% efficiency= 50% result

    So you have to be efficient in what you do if you are doing it 100% then continue doing it 100% or go beyond that day by day.

    By the way you can do efficiency even if you're not self disciplined just shoot the target no matter what. I think it's a will more than self discipline.
    Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
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    • Profile picture of the author naruq
      I don't know if Self-Discipline is the Ultimate trait, however it is an important trait that you must have if you want to be successful. I define self Discipline as doing what you need to do whether you feel like it or not. For example, If you set a goal to exercise 90 minutes a day 3 days a week you need to committ exercising whether you feel like it or not on some days.

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  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Dean
    Gotta agree - you can't accomplish anything without the discipline to follow through. Many lives are wasted because they never master self discipline.

    Stephen Dean
    Free Coaching WSO: How to finish all your 2013 "Goals" in JANUARY with my proven productivity secrets - taken from 9 years working as a freelance copywriter. Click Here

    Occupation: Best Copywriter Ever.
    Matt Bacak, Jim Edwards, Ryan Deiss and more.
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    • Profile picture of the author apl
      Strategies for self-discipline?

      For me it works to have a clear schedule.

      Get up at a certain fixed hour. Do my stuff. Work.
      And stop working at a certain hour (some times you get caught in useless tasks you do out of cumplusion, which are not really necessary).
      Rest. And keep on working.

      And planning short term goals, writing them down, and focusing on getting them done.

      Just one aspect of self-discipline
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
      Originally Posted by Stephen Dean View Post

      Gotta agree - you can't accomplish anything without the discipline to follow through. Many lives are wasted because they never master self discipline.

      Stephen Dean
      It's an honor to have an award-winning ''rainmaker'' contributing...

      I was stopped in my tracks, when I read these words again.'' Many lives are wasted because they never master self-discipline.


      Thanks for sharing your insights.
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  • Profile picture of the author PabloVTB
    Discipline equals Freedom, as ironical as that sounds.

    But I believe that one to be true.

    Because discipline means you can control yourself, you can do what you want to do consciously.

    So, I would say it's at least in the top 3 or so
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Self discipline is definitely extremely important to become successful. Strategies I used to keep me on track is time management, weekly report, notebook, short term and long term goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author dailysnatch
    Well, for me, it's the number one trait. If you have self discipline, everything will just soon follow.
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  • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
    Maybe true and maybe not. It depends on someones perception on how things work for them. But I think the baseline is self-discipline.
    Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
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  • Profile picture of the author ashleysmith
    yes. you're right. self-discipline is the ultimate path to prosperity in any area of life.
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  • Profile picture of the author veenafurtado
    I absolutely agree with you -
    without self-discipline -
    we can stray from our goal(s)
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  • Profile picture of the author Carol_A
    I think resourcefulness is key.

    No money? No experience in copywriting? No programming skills? Not much time?

    Learning to be resourceful in finding a way to accomplish your goals and not taking "no" for an answer is just as important as self-discipline, in my opinion.

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
      Interesting observation, Carol.

      I believe we need self-discipline to be resourceful. It's about focus, self-denial, being willing to sit (or stand) for hours mastering new skills. I think the trait is fundamental.

      Thanks for sharing your insights.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jun Balona
    I have something to share to all of you. It is called the 5S of Workmanship:

    1. Sort

    2. Systematize

    3. Spic and Span

    4. Standardize

    5. Self-discipline

    That IMHO is the ultimate, not just self-discipline alone. Any business owner, IM or offline, has implemented those into their own sytem and become successful in their endeavors.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    I remember Dr. S. Covey alluded to this trait when he mentioned the habit common to most successful people. Doing what others don't like doing. Doing what they don't like doing themselves.

    At times, we have to ''force'' ourselves to keep our focus.

    I enjoy my work. It's like a hobby. But for SELF-DISCIPLINE...I'll probably be watching movies or hanging out with my sons (10 and 8). Children can be refreshing.

    Once we've gained clarity about our paths/business models. SD will be required all the way.
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    • Profile picture of the author LindseyRainwater
      Absolutely. Self-discipline is huge when it comes to achieving the life you want.

      I think one of the big reasons is because it is easy to accept life when you're "ok" or things are "good enough." Most people stop at this point, even though it means lacking time with their families, the things they want, or a great career.

      Self-discipline is what makes us say "I'm doing good, but I'm not done. I want to be even better." and keeps us moving forward and upward.

      I have a success journal that I use a couple times a week to remind myself of what I want in life and who I want to become, as well as my plans to get there. It really helps to keep me on track.
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  • Profile picture of the author cynthea
    Awesome thread. Thank you for your OP, Michael. Here's where I'm at with your question: right now at this point in my life, I really believe that the wisdom to use your Creative Imagination is the ultimate trait. After many years, I've come to this conclusion, because self-discipline for many of us, may be at odds w/ our self-image... and as much as we apply willpower to self-disciplining ourselves, we experience the snap-back effect that Maxwell Maltz/Dan Kennedy refer to in the New Psycho-Cybernetics. I was able to make the most changes this past year (lost 55 pounds *and* quit smoking) not through self-discipline, but through using my imagination to dream bigger dreams. The self-discipline came as a result of using my imagination first.

    Now I don't know if I'm explaining this clearly... it's something I've been giving a lot of thought to. And I'm interested in further discussion - I hope lots of folks will contribute their thoughts, because it's such a great question!
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
      Originally Posted by cynthea View Post

      Awesome thread. Thank you for your OP, Michael. Here's where I'm at with your question: right now at this point in my life, I really believe that the wisdom to use your Creative Imagination is the ultimate trait. After many years, I've come to this conclusion, because self-discipline for many of us, may be at odds w/ our self-image... and as much as we apply willpower to self-disciplining ourselves, we experience the snap-back effect that Maxwell Maltz/Dan Kennedy refer to in the New Psycho-Cybernetics. I was able to make the most changes this past year (lost 55 pounds *and* quit smoking) not through self-discipline, but through using my imagination to dream bigger dreams. The self-discipline came as a result of using my imagination first.

      Now I don't know if I'm explaining this clearly... it's something I've been giving a lot of thought to. And I'm interested in further discussion - I hope lots of folks will contribute their thoughts, because it's such a great question!
      Interesting angle. You've gone to the ''starting point''.

      Everything starts in the mind. The ''begin the end in mind'' phase. I'm very imaginative (I thought I was going to draw for Marvel comics when I grow up). My friends and I had an Island when we were twelve: Bogerian Island! (If you believe that, then...).

      To tell you the truth, I'll love to make as much dough as Armand Morin or Rich Schefren...I can start with the imagination...but that alone won't take me to the promised land. I'll have to sit my butt down day-in, day-out...

      Imagination is the first-step, but, it's a dime a dozen. It's a necessary ingredient...but, it's not sufficient to cook a delicious meal (achieve success).

      The thread is getting interesting. Thanks for sharing your insights.
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      • Profile picture of the author cynthea
        Originally Posted by Michael Newman View Post

        Interesting angle. You've gone to the ''starting point''.

        ... Imagination is the first-step, but, it's a dime a dozen. It's a necessary ingredient...but, it's not sufficient to cook a delicious meal (achieve success).
        Michael, when I talk about Creative Imagination, I'm using the term specifically as it can be applied to taking action. Not in the daydreaming about creative things or brainstorming, which both are admittedly uses of imagination. I should have been more specific. I'm using it, let's say, as Applied Imagination... I absolutely agree w/ Stephen "Many lives are wasted because they never master self-discipline."

        I'm working on goal setting right now. I am convinced that goal setting (and following through to Goal Achieving) is the key to success. Here's the quote that I use to apply imagination to: "Focus on one project, set your goals and execute!" But the way I'm choosing to work w/ it now is to set the goal and then use my imagination to carry out the goal... in other words, I'm really talking about NLP. In fact, i've recently become very interested in all the recent research involving the brain's plasticity.

        I think we can actually re-groove our brains. If this is true, then I think it makes more sense that that the goal achieving and success can be most joyfully achieved through applying the imagination to neuro-linguistic programming... as opposed to Blood, Sweat and Tears or the Victorian idea of willpower.
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        • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
          Originally Posted by cynthea View Post

          Michael, when I talk about Creative Imagination, I'm using the term specifically as it can be applied to taking action. Not in the daydreaming about creative things or brainstorming, which both are admittedly uses of imagination. I should have been more specific. I'm using it, let's say, as Applied Imagination... I absolutely agree w/ Stephen "Many lives are wasted because they never master self-discipline."

          I'm working on goal setting right now. I am convinced that goal setting (and following through to Goal Achieving) is the key to success. Here's the quote that I use to apply imagination to: "Focus on one project, set your goals and execute!" But the way I'm choosing to work w/ it now is to set the goal and then use my imagination to carry out the goal... in other words, I'm really talking about NLP. In fact, i've recently become very interested in all the recent research involving the brain's plasticity.

          I think we can actually re-groove our brains. If this is true, then I think it makes more sense that that the goal achieving and success can be most joyfully achieved through applying the imagination to neuro-linguistic programming... as opposed to Blood, Sweat and Tears or the Victorian idea of willpower.

          Thanks for the clarification. Just like soups, we need a mix of ingredients. I've found that I get results faster when I combine the soft (imagination) and hard (the ''real'' work). Creative imagination is effective as a part of the process. I wish you the best as you explore new paths/systems...

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  • Profile picture of the author Nereah
    Self Discipline is very important because once you are, you stay focused on what is important and all other things just follow. Thanks for your sharing your thoughts.

    Planning an event

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  • Profile picture of the author Rach72
    Surely you need self discipline to be able to effectively drive all the other traits and tactics that you need to succeed? You certainly need to have self discipline to implement the other 4 S' of workmanship.

    I would class persistence and patience as a close second equal
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  • Profile picture of the author rcritchett
    I think you're right bro, there really isn't one main thing.

    Certainly self management (the ability to observe, manage and command internal states) is the foundation for any kind of precision in anything.

    I've found it useful to use words with friendly connotations (secondary underlying meanings). Self control is different than self management.

    Generative thinking is a more precise way of explaining projective thinking, as opposed to maybe saying smart or positive thinking which almost describes hope and no action.

    Ultimately, I think success (however you define that) has to do with understanding and managing your own mind.

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
      Originally Posted by rcritchett View Post

      I think you're right bro, there really isn't one main thing.

      Certainly self management (the ability to observe, manage and command internal states) is the foundation for any kind of precision in anything.

      I've found it useful to use words with friendly connotations (secondary underlying meanings). Self control is different than self management.

      Generative thinking is a more precise way of explaining projective thinking, as opposed to maybe saying smart or positive thinking which almost describes hope and no action.

      Ultimately, I think success (however you define that) has to do with understanding and managing your own mind.
      Are you into NLP or sth...

      I find some of the words you used very animating and refreshing. It goes to show how transformational and magical using the right words can be.




      It's all intriguing. I guess we have to consciously choose the 'words to live by' and focus on what works.

      Thanks for sharing...

      Michael Newman
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  • Profile picture of the author cantfigureout
    time management is a huge factor 2.

    Its impossible for me to focus on anything.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
      Originally Posted by cantfigureout View Post

      time management is a huge factor 2.

      Its impossible for me to focus on anything.

      You're very correct about time management.

      It's sad, what you said about not being able to focus on anything!

      Would you like us to discuss that in private (PM me if you'd like to). Being able to FOCUS is critical, it pre-supposes having clarity about one's path and having the discipline to pursue it and persevere.

      I wish you the best in your pursuits.


      Michael Newman
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  • Profile picture of the author iphonerepair
    Self discipline would be on my top 5 traits with honesty, loyalty, respect being in the top 3.

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  • Profile picture of the author corsleymaxwell
    Well, self discipline matters but it is not the ultimate trait. For me, it is still God who will cause us to succeed.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
      Originally Posted by corsleymaxwell View Post

      Well, self discipline matters but it is not the ultimate trait. For me, it is still God who will cause us to succeed.

      I'm deeply spiritual... and I believe in God.

      But, he won't do for man what man can do for himself. Life, creation, the universe, is like software. The Lord has developed a program that you can use to get results. He won't do the work for you. Work and pray. In fact, at a level of appreciation, work is prayer.

      Have you ever wondered why being an atheist does not prevent people like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg from having a lot of dough. The software is indifferent. Jews, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims...are all using it to get results.

      The software makes the work easier. It won't do the work for us. No angel or higher being would...

      There is hardly any belief system that does not validate the central role of SELF-DISCIPLINE in our quest for ''Nirvana''.

      Work is prayer.

      If it's some being up there that will determine our success, we can all just go back to bed... or watch TV all day.

      I'm deeply spiritual, but, I work my

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Michael Newman
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  • Profile picture of the author Robertjack
    In the quest to achieve our desires, be they wealth, happiness, lifestyle or improvement in relationships, health, career etc i feel that the process although simple is by no means easy.
    Whilst may traits are common to those who achieve success in their endeavors, no one is more or less important just as in a cake recipe, no single ingredient is more or less important.
    Only when all the ingredients are processed in the correct order will a a cake manifest1

    In some part we the question itself is derived from a flawed premise dating back to Dakarte and Cerpericius in the separation of science from religion. This separation led to the Newtonian view point where all things can be divided to there smallest denominator, from which a study and an understanding of the part would derive knowledge of the whole.

    We now understand this simplification to be unreliable.

    Regards Rob
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    • Profile picture of the author cynthea
      Michael, thanks so much for asking such a great question. It has given me a lot to think about! Especially when one looks at the idea that little can be achieved without persistence...

      Now I'll ask *you* a question! Which 3 authors do you return to again and again for inspiration and motivation?
      > Former Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 Writer Available to Work for You <
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
        Originally Posted by cynthea View Post

        Michael, thanks so much for asking such a great question. It has given me a lot to think about! Especially when one looks at the idea that little can be achieved without persistence...

        Now I'll ask *you* a question! Which 3 authors do you return to again and again for inspiration and motivation?
        • Dr. Stephen Covey
        • Napoleon Hill
        • Anthony Robbins

        What about you?
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  • Profile picture of the author cynthea
    On a similar, but separate note... while we're discussing "Is Self-Discipline the Ultimate Trait," has anyone used subliminal audio programs as *one* aspect of a self-development program, whether it would be to strengthen self-discipline, perseverance, self-management, etc.?
    > Former Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 Writer Available to Work for You <
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    I have not. What are they? How do they work?

    What are the key benefits?

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    • Profile picture of the author cynthea
      Originally Posted by Michael Newman View Post

      I have not. What are they? How do they work?

      What are the key benefits?

      All good questions. I don't know how they work exactly and I am intuiting that the key benefits would be enhanced NLP and deeper, more profound changes in thinking, because of the aspect that the subliminal messages would reach the unconscious, where some of our "failure messages" might have a stronghold, i.e. old entrenched messages from authority figures that may no longer serve our Success goals.

      I got the idea to pursue subliminal learning from the New Psycho-cybertics CDs in which Dan Kennedy refers to the Psycho-C Subliminal Program that people who are interested in further work in re-engineering the self-image might be interested in acquiring from the P-C Foundation.

      Unfortunately, I found that the only way to get in touch w/ the P-C Foundation is through a guy by the name of Matt Furey and he doesn't respond to emails or phone calls (no exceptions, his website says), so one would need to pay I think around $129.00 for the program and I'm not interested in spending that. I posted my question re: specific titles that other WFers have used in the subliminal CD category and am getting some good leads. I want to use the CDs to further clearing work that I have been doing.
      > Former Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 Writer Available to Work for You <
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Self motivation is the key to releasing all your other talents and skills. Without it you'll always need others to lead and motivate you.

      If a talented person had all the other gifts but no self motivation they could never live up to their true potential.

      Most people live and go to their graves with most of their gifts and talents buried in them because they lacked the self motivation to release them. What a shame!
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    • Profile picture of the author BBryanB
      Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put ones thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.

      Talk is cheap, actions is what really speaks for us, without the ability / or the self discipline, nothing really gets done.


      We are launching our opportunity now. Based in Vanada, looking to exspand through Affiliates,

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  • Profile picture of the author BigSexy
    Yeah, I think that self-discipline is one of the most important traits to be successful as an entrepeneur. Too bad that Internet Marketing tend to make you lazy as hell.
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  • Profile picture of the author eleary
    Personal Responsibility - hold yourself accountable - have goals short term and long term - based on results - (SMART goals is great)
    Tenacity - keep going - when times are tough - this is the hardest - keep going....failure and rejection are temporary if you keep going
    Vision and passion - you need to be passionate about what you are doing to be good at it - you need to have a vision - focus -
    Ability to empower and inspire others to ACT - whether it's the people you hire or the people you are selling to
    Commitment - you must be fully committed
    Integrity - this is important if you are building a business - people still buy from people.....and you can sleep better at night!
    Self-discipline - shows up in many of the ones I have listed....
    You have to THINK about what you want, how to do it, be able to VOICE it, and ACT on it - you need all 3 to be successful....
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  • Profile picture of the author jonyy
    Yes, self-discipline is definitely one of the best traits to have. It is a key if you want to be successful and you will reach your goals much faster.
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  • Profile picture of the author HugoG
    I believe that self discipline is the one thing that will take you farthest in life than all your other traits combined. I completely agree 100%.

    Even if you are a genius, the fact that you dont apply your wisdom makes its meaningless that you are a genius.

    Self discipline is the only thing that will help you discover what are your virtues and your weakness in life, so you can work in both.

    Great post
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    That's the way I see it too, Hugo.

    It provides a structure for our energies, for our lives. It's the voice that guides when our emotions and reason clash. When you've got tons of work to do...but, there are conflicting pleasures demanding attention. It's the strong and silent voice that reminds you of the promises you've made to yourself.

    It's a bit hard in the beginning, but like most things...It becomes almost automatic with the passage of time, after all, we're creatures of habit.

    One of the simplest and easiest techniques that helps me to be relatively disciplined is to have a GRAND obsession. A vision or goal that becomes the basis for evaluating all the numerous activities and entities yearning and pining for my attention. With my focus on the goal, it's so easy to say NO to all the distractions...
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  • Profile picture of the author William Veasley
    Hey Michael,

    I agree with you that there is no one trait that makes you successful. I believe it is a trait that you must have if you ever hope to be successful, but self-discipline will not give you success alone. Self-discipline is one of the hardest traits to master. When you can stay focused on whats important without getting sidetracked then, good things will happen.

    God bless,
    William Veasley
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    William the Great,

    Interestingly, I keep finding SD everywhere. What is required for us to be FOCUSED on our goals, day in day out? Self-discipline. The ability to concentrate is a reflection of SD. It becomes easier with time. I am trying to learn how to tear away myself from my work. Too much focus:-)

    May the Lord bless you and yours,

    Michael Newman
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  • Profile picture of the author Robster0880
    Self-discipline is the best trait to master. Hands down just look around this forum how many people jump from shiny thing or magic bullet... focus,self-discipline,and patience
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  • Profile picture of the author iamsuccor
    Self-discipline is being able to master your desires and do what need to be done when it needs doing. Without the ability to make yourself do what needs doing the other traits/qualities don't matter.

    The greatest victory a man can win is victory over himself. - Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
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    • Profile picture of the author Kieran D
      [QUOTE=iamsuccor;3641250]Self-discipline is being able to master your desires and do what need to be done when it needs doing. Without the ability to make yourself do what needs doing the other traits/qualities don't matter.

      Very well said indeed. You took the words out of my mouth also!

      I agree with what other people have said here as well - in terms of other traits.

      However, you can have all the "ambition" in the world but if you don't "sit there" and "do it" you will never get anywhere.
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    • Profile picture of the author GlobalMedia
      Originally Posted by iamsuccor View Post

      Self-discipline is being able to master your desires and do what need to be done when it needs doing. Without the ability to make yourself do what needs doing the other traits/qualities don't matter.

      The greatest victory a man can win is victory over himself. - Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
      I totally agree with u. It is better to compete with our own self rather than with others. The self satisfaction and self confidence which we generate is over and above everything.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxinez
    iamsuccor, you couldn't have said it better. We all know what needs to be done, but then we need to willpower to overcome the pain of possible failure or rejection. That's where self discipline comes in.
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  • Profile picture of the author cynthea
    Originally Posted by Michael Newman View Post

    ...what strategies do you employ to keep yourself disciplined and focused on your goals?
    Michael, I've been thinking about this post for a couple of weeks now.

    Here are the three strategies I'm using right now to keep myself disciplined and focused on my goals:

    Strategy #1.
    I enjoy and review my vision board before I go to bed and when I wake up in the morning. Seeing all the images of my dreams (travel to the Egyptian pyramids; a close-knit relationship w/ my rockin' daughter; an ebony Steinway grand piano; a healthy, vibrant and active lifestyle; a beautiful spacious home; close relationships with dear friends and family; and intimacy in my closest relationships) inspires, excites me and feeds my passions.

    Strategy #2.
    I have a strong sense of direction with my long-term "Chief Definite Aim" (from Think and Grow Rich)goals and my written weekly goals. On Sundays (today!), I check in w/ my goal sheet, checking off the goals I achieved and setting next week's goals.

    Strategy #3. Before going to sleep, I listen to motivational and inspirational CDs. Right now I am strengthening my self-image through the audio program "The New Psycho-Cybernetics" and also learning new visualization techniques by listening to "The Power of Visualization" CD series by Dr. Lee Pulos.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vortex Creator
    Self-Discipline is indeed needed to ride the Personality Self (Monkey Mind) with the God Self (Infinite Mind) - without it we just get lost in our bodies and forget who & what we really are & what's waiting for us.

    A person who has the self-discipline to always look for the best, always look for what's working, always look for the positive aspects of everything is a blessed human being.

    If we think about it: This whole world is only physical because someone is holding a constant focus that allows the energy to collapse into observable matter. If no-one was having the self-discipline to focus that way we'd all be gone in an instant & turn back into light. So I'm thankful for that There is great stability & longevity in self-discipline.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    @ Cynthea...Thanks a mill. for sharing those strategies. I'll steal some of them. :-)

    @Phil...Wow! What a refreshing and lofty way to look at it. I never looked at it that way.
    With SD, focusing becomes easier...and we move closer to our dreams.
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  • Profile picture of the author talamoth
    Great question! There is no questioning the importance of self-discipline. Without it we would be nothing but creatures of habit. Self-discipline is a major factor contributing to happiness and over all success but I believe that a person's basic mindset is key in terms of what you create and attract into your life.

    Every hear that saying "you become what you meditate on?" My personal believe is that if a person is constantly focused on fear of failure, if that is the visualization a person "meditates" on day in and day out, it is likely that failure will happen. That old adage of being the "captain of our own ship" has rung true in my life repeatedly as I have noticed obvious correlations between where my head is at and what has manifested in my life as a direct consequence of it.
    SICK AND TIRED OF STRUGGLING to make any real money online? It's NOT your fault! Plug into a simple, proven system and profit. Click Here
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    • Profile picture of the author Vortex Creator
      Originally Posted by talamoth View Post

      Great question! There is no questioning the importance of self-discipline. Without it we would be nothing but creatures of habit. Self-discipline is a major factor contributing to happiness and over all success but I believe that a person's basic mindset is key in terms of what you create and attract into your life.

      Every hear that saying "you become what you meditate on?" My personal believe is that if a person is constantly focused on fear of failure, if that is the visualization a person "meditates" on day in and day out, it is likely that failure will happen. That old adage of being the "captain of our own ship" has rung true in my life repeatedly as I have noticed obvious correlations between where my head is at and what has manifested in my life as a direct consequence of it.
      I couldn't agree more with what you said What is in being entertained in our frontal lobe is 'common law' and reality cannot do anything other than reflect that back ("you get what you think about, whether you want it or not"). With SD the sky is open
      It takes more energy than most people are capable of to hold a thought in our frontal lobe and think truth regardless of appearances. And that's also where the real magic lies. Becoming the alchemist & architect of reality <3
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    I agree about the importance of ''mind-set'', but, even for ''soft'' issues, SD is also required, changing what we focus on, is work, it takes effort (though there are simple tips that facilitates its attainment). Now, SD may not be the ultimate (I suspect it is)'s vital for winners and those aspiring to build awesome lives.

    I use the power of silence (introspection) as one of the strategies for entrenching SD in my life. It's easier for me to follow certain paths when I've taken time to think deeply about what's at stake. I also employ the 80/20 rule. I'm more into ''quality'' activities now, rather than just filling my to-do list.

    What key strategies do you employ to make SD relatively easy?
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  • Profile picture of the author magnates
    the word "self discipline" scares people.But it is very important .without self discipline you cannot follow through . Results are rarely instant or immediate . there is usually a gestation peiod before we see the fruits of the action you are currently taking .

    All you need to do is take one baby step a day . for me for instance , I used to hate reading books .I made a promise to read at least 3 paragraphs a day (very easy to do) and several months later , i have read several books and some of them have changed my life

    You got to continue to practise the right actions until it becomes the normal way of doing things . then it is who you are and what you have become and who do not need to discipline yourself because that is just the way you are
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    Right on the dough, magnates. Baby steps, and the fact that after a while, some of the work actually becomes easier and habitual. If we clarify what we really want, focus...and tweak as results come in...after a while, it won't be scary any more.
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  • Profile picture of the author tk226
    yes, self discipline is the ultimate trait. I not remember the author name who formulated more than 1000 success principles and when asked which he thinks would be most vital and tops the list. He replied "self discipline'.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    Good point. Self-motivation is a vital factor in the success equation. Since we're driven by benefits. To trigger the inner movement for success, it's definitely a key requirement. Maintaining it requires SD...all the time. Thanks for sharing your insights.
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  • Profile picture of the author totodeal
    i take this as my motto: write what you think,do what you write.
    i believe every man do poccess a specil power that could save the
    whole world someday-
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    This is what's keeping me going right now, great site and amazing time management system.

    The Pomodoro Technique®

    I think every warrior should check it out!

    I learned about on some thread here, not even sure which one, but thought I'd pass it on as it deserves repeating.

    Start working in pomodoros!
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  • Profile picture of the author zackick
    It hard to achieve Self-discipline but it really eat me out. I just state to myself if I can't focus doing anything, just go exercise for 30-60 minute or any physical work. I mean when you feel the tiredness it help lot to do one thing or task at one time.
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  • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
    I once read love is the ultimate trait. If songs are the measuring stick, love wins hands down. I can't recall any songs about self discipline but am humming a love song as I make this post.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisKahler
    I think that self-discipline is definitely something required. We all must find ways of growing beyond our current place in life as long as where we strive is a positive advancement.

    Also, beyond self discipline I feel that the ability to find inspiration and to inspire others is more desirous than self discipline. I think it's better to inspire others though, because if you can inspire others that in itself will be inspiration for you.

    Inspiration is one thing that many lack and it's hard to put a finger on when it will come or when it will fade away, whereas self discipline is one thing that everyone could have if they were just inspired to do so.

    If you look at the root of what makes people successful, you will find they were initially inspired to do so, then the self discipline came afterwards - otherwise disciplining yourself will feel no different than any other form of "work" and you will inevitably give up on it!

    Some may consider what I'm talking about "motivation", which they are closely related and work the same. However, motivation is what carries you through the actions of a decision you've made whereas inspiration is what's needed to make the decision a worthy one to act out.

    An inspired decision is a commitment, and motivation completes a commitment. Self discipline falls somewhere in the middle of committing and winning.
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  • Profile picture of the author GlobalMedia
    In our regular life, self discipline may not appear as an important trait but here we make the mistake. One may be talented, wise and smart but unless he master the art of self discipline he may not achieve his goals. Self discipline also impacts our decision taking ability.
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  • It may not be the most vital thing but, it's important.
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  • Profile picture of the author Debra Barrow
    Perseverance is definitely a vital trait to have because there will always be challenges and obstacles to deal with. To have even the slightest chance of success, you cannot give up when times get tough.

    A strong will is important because if you do feel like giving up, your inner strength will help pull you through.
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  • Profile picture of the author craighawkins
    I'm not quite sure what the statement means... It kind of leads one to ask -"is self-discipline the ultimate trait... relative to what?".

    I would argue that self-discipline on its own is meaningless in terms of success, unless you are disciplined in the right actions. One can easily spend years doing things the wrong way... but be disciplined in carrying out those actions... I guess we call that being "stuck-in-a-rut". It is not necessarily discipline that is needed as a primary first cause - though of course it is necessary... but rather, discipline in carrying out the right actions that lead to success.

    I think one example of this is the bad reputation that has grown up in the Network Marketing industry... particularly from many of the execs within that industry... many of them are obsessed with hard selling tactics to family and friends, and those absolutely dreadful positive thinking seminars that they often hold - and in answer to a member of their network, who is feeling downhearted at not being able to build a responsive downline... gets the trite reply: "you just need to be more positive". Indeed, many of the dowline members within the Network Marketing industry... spend much of their time 'stroking their battered MLM failure egoes' at MLM positive thinking seminars... what these people need - is not more positive thinking... but skills on how to most effectively run their business.

    The key to success in any business... is to identify the daily actions that work and then carry out those actions with discipline. But until you identify success inducing actions, discipline on its own is meaningless and even counter productive.

    Indeed, discipline in following the right actions and positive thinking don't necessarily go together. You may be in a less than positive mood... but as long as you carry out the same successful actions that you did the day before (when perhaps you were in a positive mood) and all things being equal... you should get similar results for your efforts. Of course, if you are in a less than positive mood... this may well affect your desire in carrying out these actions... but that is a different point.
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  • Profile picture of the author happyme
    Self Discipline, I believe is the strongest factor that drives a person. It controls your actions, your personality. It's very important.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alimar
    yes self discipline is the key without it we wont stay the course. Anyone who has achieved anything has had to employ this trait over an extended period of time.

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  • Profile picture of the author uebomoyi
    Self control by far is one of the most valuable traits I must agree. Even you don't have it, then you're all over the place trying new things, never getting anything done. I can understand though why it's hard for some people to develop this trait because they never have time to sit back and think. When you keep exhibiting repetitious behavior, it eventually becomes subconscious and then you can't control it anymore. Self discipline is a rare trait indeed. There are definitely other factors that play a role in success but self discipline is number one in my opinion.

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  • Profile picture of the author hireava
    For me, I think the ultimate trait is being God-fearing. All positive traits fall into place if you are a God-fearing person.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
      Originally Posted by hireava View Post

      For me, I think the ultimate trait is being God-fearing. All positive traits fall into place if you are a God-fearing person.
      I wish it were that easy.

      God-fearing folks have to work hard at it, too. We have a tendency to relax, to take things easy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Build Discipline
    Self-discipline is definitely key.
    It is the foundation, all your achievements and success are build upon this skill.
    If you want to know more about developing self-discipline, or the research that has been done after this subject, you should visit How To Get Self-Discipline | Build Discipline - Do It Your Self-Discipline.

    Great topic anyway!
    "It was a business doing pleasure with you!"
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  • Profile picture of the author jay walters
    I would agree that self-discipline is a one heck of a trait. And without it, there wouldn't be endurance, perseverance and determination. I believe self-discipline bears great fruit and wonderful harvest.
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  • Self-discipline is a very important trait in success building. Self-knowledge is an equally helpful tool because it can reveal underlying issues that the mind uses to distract a person from chosen goals.

    The element that keeps me most focused on my work is the love I have discovered for it. Now, because I love what I do, work seems more like freedom.

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  • Profile picture of the author MrArr
    I think having an end goal in mind really helps as well since you have a direction, you stop wasting time. You can focus your energy into achieving it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Originally Posted by Michael Newman View Post

    To be honest, I do not believe that one singular trait is the trigger for designing and living a successful life, but, I believe SELF-DISCIPLINE is one of the main traits we need for transforming our lives. What's your take? And, what strategies do you employ to keep yourself disciplined and focused on your goals?

    Especially for entrepreneurs and online entrepreneurs, discipline is one of the very hardest hurdles to conquer. Without a boss or anybody holding you accountable it's easy to float around and not produce

    It's important to realize you ARE YOUR OWN boss so you need to be accountable, reward, and punish yourself for your results. This is easier said than done, but the entrepreneurs who understand and follow tend to do very well!

    Great post OP!
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  • Profile picture of the author RockNRolla
    Totally agree, for me it is definitely ONE of the most important traits for success. However, I think that another trait that is just as important is being able to think creatively. I have only really developed my self discipline over the last year or so, before then I had to rely on coming up with fresh ideas that could be leveraged without too much hard work to make money online. If back then I had the self discipline that I have now, my net worth would probably be 100 fold!
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    • Profile picture of the author Affiliatestrading
      I think self-discipline is one of critical characteristics to achieve success but it should be accompanied by self-reflection. There are so many people with great self-discipline but they are of lacking of self-reflection. The later reminds us when we need to change our course of action so we are getting closer to our goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author jocke1099
    I totally agree with you! I use a technique that I have learned from a copywriting guy. His name is Eugene Schwartz.

    The technique he used was very simple...

    Work in spurts!

    33.33 min then take a 10-15 min break.

    He did this 6 times a day 5 days of the week...

    But you have to have rules doing this.

    Please do not use affiliate templates in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    Agree self discipline is a must..

    I don't know anyone who is successful and undisciplined..


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