How I skyrocketed my Productivity

by jonyy
31 replies
I want to share some tips with you to skyrocket your productivity. I will be honest, I don't apply all of these every time, but if I do, I get done more in 1 week than others do in 2 months. (And sorry for any mistakes, english is not my native language)

1. Get Up Early.
This is probably the most effective of these tips. This is not theory. When I get up early I get much much more things done. On days when I get up late, I get done nothing or very little. Get up early and you will have more energy and more motivation.

Note, this doesn't mean that you go to bed late at 2am, sleep 3 hours and get up at 5am. Most people should sleep 6-8 hours per day. Personally I go to bed 10-11 and get up 6-7. Going to bed so early is not acceptable for many, but just try this for 1-2 weeks, and if you don't like it, you can switch to your old habits again.

Also one tip that I learned from Steve Pavlina (the Personal Development God): Go to bed when you are tired, and get up at the same time every morning, even on weekends. Your body will adapt to your new pattern and you will get more energy over time.

2. Exercise 3-5 times per week.
Exercise 3-5 times per week, or better daily. The most effective exercise for me is aerobic exercise in the morning. I jog 20-30 minutes every second day in the morning. You will get a productive state and also will be much happier . If you are down or stuck, go for a jog and you will feel much better. Your brain will work faster too.

3. Drink tea instead of coffee.
Drink black or green tea. It will give you energy over a longer time period. I drink one cup in the morning and I have increased energy for 6-7 hours after my drink.

4. Set goals and Plan your time.
Set realistic and specific goals. Don't say "I want to make more money."
Say "I want to make $1000 per month". Also establish a definite date for achieving your goal. Make a plan and list the steps that are required. Follow this plan and be prepared to take massive action. Don't get discouraged by failures, learn from mistakes, have persistence and follow your plan rigorously, stick to it for at least 60 days, don't jump from system to system. That will get you nowhere. And don't give up!

Also don't let procrastination become your enemy. You should take breaks every 1-2 hours of work. Start small and focus on one task at a time. Don't multitask. Work for at least 30 minutes on a task. Don't do anything else in this time, don't surf forums, don't check email, don't check your clickbank account. You can do all this after your 30 minutes of work.
Try to do something daily to stay in motion. Work at least 1 hour every day on your business, so you make progress every day. This is 7 hours per week. That is more work than 90% of the people do here in 1 week cause they mostly read the forums, buy wsos after wsos, read books, socialize,....Don't get into that trap, take real action, like writing articles, doing niche research, building your website, building backlinks. This is real action that will get you forward. Preferably do 50% reading and 50% taking action on that.

5. Lift your moods.
Work on your mindset daily to achieve your goals. Visualize your end goal as already accomplished. See your business in front of you, the product, the sales letter, your search engine rankings, the money in your clickbank account that rises daily, you get the idea. Affirm your goal to yourself. Do this 3 times a day, the most important times are before you go to bed and after you get up in the morning. Do this and you will notice significant results in 2 weeks, you will also have more motivation.

That's it. Just note that reading alone will not make your more productive or get you closer to your goals. You can read as much as you want, for hours, weeks, months or years. You will not make progress until you apply your knowledge. Please begin applying your knowledge and you will make money faster than you every thought possible, I guarantee you that.
What are you waiting for? Make a plan and take action. If that's too hard for you, then take action for just 10 minutes every day. Just 10 minutes a day on your plan is enough to make progress. Really stop reading now and take 10 minutes of action.
#productivity #skyrocket
  • Profile picture of the author echaz
    1. Get Up Early.
    This is probably the most effective of these tips. This is not theory. When I get up early I get much much more things done. On days when I get up late, I get done nothing or very little. Get up early and you will have more energy and more motivation.
    For me personally this is really the best thing to get many things done. When I sleep to much, like 9 - 10 hours I get NOTHING done because I'm extremely lazy then.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I like the tips, I stick to most of them except for getting up early.

    I used I just work late

    Thanks for sharing!

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Murt@gh
    Excellent tips and I can agree with all of it. It is easy to fall out of the pattern of waking up early though. Plus everyone should note that not everyone needs the same amount of sleep so work out what is best for you

    What I have found helpful is that if you are waking up early and trying to get in that pattern but after a few days you are feeling tired at say 11am ish if you have been up since 7am, all you have to do is have a bit of light excersize at that time when you are tired to let your body know where it needs to be.

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  • Profile picture of the author writerval
    Good tips. Thanks for sharing. I recently read Time Power by Brian Tracy. That book is loaded with tips for productivity.

    "It's never too late to be what you might have been." ~ George Eliot

    Web Writing That Converts...Web Content That Captivates

    Learning About Happiness One Thought at a Time

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  • Profile picture of the author jtunkelo
    Good stuff. Just the 'get up early' bit almost makes the rest of it automatic.

    To be specific, 'early' to me means getting up before 6 a.m. The absolute BEST would be to get up at 4:30 a.m. which is when you can just ride the wave of Nature and get your best stuff done before most people even open their eyes. It's phenomenal.

    Also, it helps it you've planted the seeds for the day the evening before. Then you'll really hit the ground running and just almost automatically do the right things in the right order, in the right time. Works.

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  • Profile picture of the author HugoG
    I think you guys have to incorporate meditation too.

    This clears up your mind and gets you in a better mood.

    Here is a cool way on how to do it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Hydroxide
    These tips are awesome. I like the last tip. I do have problems with that ya know. Like coping up with the things I do and multitasking. Some of these days I'll add WF to my host file. -,-
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  • Profile picture of the author HaydenR
    Wow.. I love these tips.. especially the getting up early part. I've personally just overcome the late sleep and late wake up pattern and it feels invigorating. There's nothing like waking up fresh at 6 in the morning to do some work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Gray
    I usually don't lurk around this part of the forum, but
    there is actually some good information in this thread.

    Being quite the night-owl myself, I found when I get
    up early, I tend to be a bit more productive. When I
    go to bed late, I usually wake up sometime in the mid

    As for the exercise part, I'd highly recommend working
    out on a daily basis. It gets the blood flowing, the brain
    pumping and muscles start going into play.

    Setting daily goals is important. If you cannot stick to
    that, you won't be seeing much success. Write it on
    paper and try and stick to it. Set realistic goals on a
    daily basis and keep going.

    Jake Gray
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  • Profile picture of the author ejb2059
    Excellent tips ... Thank you for the post

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  • Profile picture of the author JTDrew
    Anyone who knows the benefit of GreenTea is way ahead of the curve. Very nice post.
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  • Profile picture of the author richardfelstead
    Been thinking about a lot of these things and come to similar conclusions, except that you've reminded me to do the visualisation. Intend to put these things into practise right away.
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  • Profile picture of the author SLCPA
    i totally agree with you jonyy...i increased my performance multiply by 100.still i am a student.this is very important for reach any task in life.not only have remember a word true.Thank you very much ........!

    Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author SB274
      Great post. I'll have to try a few of those out. I have discovered that if each day before I am done working I write down the 2 or 3 most important value adding activities I need to do for the next day, I am usually more focused and don't get distracted as much each day.
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  • Profile picture of the author FinallyFree
    Thanks for the tips. This is just what I needed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    Wonderful tips (seeing as I'm already a believer). As jtunkelo observed, getting up early is like the ''mother'' of them all...I'll like to add one thing that's been working for me for at least two decades! Water.

    I found that drinking Water (or taking a shower/bath) renews me.

    Thanks for sharing...

    Michael Newman
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  • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel C
    I love your 5 ideas. they are simple. I'm happy to know, I do almost all of them. Am mI productive then? :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author bradsemp
    @HugoG - great point! I interviewed business coach & strategist Paul Lemberg on the Busyness TV show (airs on April 7th). I asked him for the single Action Unit (AU) that every business owner should be sure to take every day.

    His answer =>> meditation (whatever form you want to utilize)

    NOTE: An Action Unit (AU) is a 15-minute focused period of action without distractions, etc. Everyone as 96 AUs per does each of us use our available AUs is the ultimate question?
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    • Profile picture of the author Dana K
      Years ago, I learned two great productivity tips from Mary Kay Ash:

      1) Get up one hour earlier than everyone else in your house. In my case, that's 5am. I love it! It gives me a jump start on the rest of the world, and a whole hour to get my head in the right place.
      2) Make a list of your 6 most important tasks of the day, and then make sure they get done. Adding too many gets overwhelming, and it's easy to procrastinate. Six tasks might not seem like many, but it's amazing how effective this is.
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  • Profile picture of the author eleary
    Thanks Jonyy. Great post! I love to get up early - I think it's invigorating. It's funny because it is a huge struggle for me to get up early - but I make myself, I am always happy that I did.
    I have one to add. Eat 5 or 6 meals a day. This may sound like health or diet, and it's great for that. However, it's also an incredible help for energy. If you only eat 3 meals a day, your blood sugar drops, that's when you get sleepy and unproductive. So on one of your breaks; eat a small meal/snack. You will be amazed what it will do for your productivity.
    Also, studies show that if you stay on your computer, iPhone, or any electronics, right before bed, you will not wake up as refreshed. So.....grab a business book, a motivational book, or anything you like to read and try that for 30 minutes or an hour before bed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Carol_A
    I recently started exercising..........HUGE difference in my energy level.

    Then, started cutting back on coffee substituting tea; again, improved focus.

    I write down my plan for the day and map it out then stick to it.

    HOWEVER, flexibility is key as people come before things.

    I created a Goal Poster with pictures to remind me exactly WHY I work so hard. It is right above my computer screen.

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    • Profile picture of the author DOWORKSON
      Originally Posted by Carol_A View Post

      I recently started exercising..........HUGE difference in my energy level.

      Then, started cutting back on coffee substituting tea; again, improved focus.

      I write down my plan for the day and map it out then stick to it.

      HOWEVER, flexibility is key as people come before things.

      I created a Goal Poster with pictures to remind me exactly WHY I work so hard. It is right above my computer screen.

      My work comes before people. That's just how I am. However, other than that, all of those things you listed are vital and very overlooked in becoming a successful entrepreneur.
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  • Profile picture of the author HamzaSiddiqui
    really well said...all the tips are usefull
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  • Profile picture of the author HamzaSiddiqui
    Tips # 1 .....waking up early ........

    I use this trick to make my day better
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  • Profile picture of the author astrellalopez
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    • Profile picture of the author miahmiah
      You are so right, getting up early is the best thing and helps get loads of work done
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Silver
    Definitely some solid advice for anyone struggling to stay productive on a consistent basis. Thanks for taking the time to put that post together and share it with the rest of us
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  • Profile picture of the author hayriku
    Great tips, that jogging tips is true, i usually jog at the morning.

    But it's hard to not drink coffe
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