Law of Attraction NEVER Works..... For Me

by 91 replies
Yep, as goes the title, it hasn't really worked for me till date. When I first watched 'The Secret', it really struck a chord with me

The sheer effect it had on my perspective is something I deeply respect. I have been a positive person since I was a little child and he LOA has only made me more positive.

But, here's the shocker, I don't BELIEVE it.

I liked how The Secret put it but the part where they talked about health and politics made me throw the idea out the window, so to speak.

That's not to say anyone who believes in it is wrong.

There was a thread on this forum months (probably over an year) ago that LOA is all about positivity and I agree with that - it's not any kind of voodoo in my opinion.

Has the LOA worked for you?
#mind warriors #attraction #law #works
  • I believe our thoughts have an impact on the world. Push on the universe and it pushes back, we are all one and unity etc. But stuck firmly in this illusion called consensus reality I feel like having a realistic outlook is way more important. Getting professional advice has far more positive impact than LOA.
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    • Here's a video by Success Magazine publisher, Darren Hardy about "how the law of attraction really works."

      "This is how the Law of Attraction really works. It is not some mysterious, esoteric voodoo, as it sometimes sounds like, as it is being described. It's far simpler and more practical than that."

      YouTube - How Goal Achieving REALLY Works
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  • And that's why it doesn't work for you.

    Every single successful person I have known personally has always had a success mindset.

    I actually haven't watched or read "The Secret," but I have read other success mindset authors such as Napoleon Hill and Catherine Ponder.

    And one of the lessons that has been repeating in my life for the last six months is the meaning behind the phrase, "Be strong and of good courage," that appears throughout the Old Testament. That phrase is used when people were facing overwhelming and impossible circumstances. The words in the original Hebrew actually mean to be "steadfast and singleminded" and to "fasten upon or to seize."

    The LOA, to "be strong and of good courage" or whatever you want to call it, isn't just about thinking happy thoughts. Napoleon Hill outlines the strategy in "Think and Grow Rich." You have to believe it, make a plan, take action, and have faith and keep your focus even when setbacks occur.

    You may say, "well it's all about hard work," and that is partially true. But when you've done all you can do and can't go any farther on your own steam in your current circumstances but you still maintain that focus and intent, that is when the "magic" happens.

    People will come into your life, doors will begin to open, and you will find things happening that you could have never imagined would.

    It's not some voodoo, it's part of the physical laws of the universe. It's quantum physics. Our intent and focus has an impact on matter.

    Not believing it is your choice and will impact your reality. Some people think the whole "make money online" thing is a fairy tale too.
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    • Thanks everyone for your input here

      Just want to put out there that I didn't mean to imply that I am not getting success OR that the LOA is bad etc. I probably chose the wrong word when I said 'voodoo' in my OP but that was in good humor.


      That is something that resonates with me. There are no doubt times when no matter how much effort you put into something, it doesn't work out the way you want it to. And those are the times when one needs to be strong on the inside.

      I feel that LOA is one of the ways of doing that. Like I said in my OP, I stop short of the 'health & politics' part because that violates my logical & rational part.

      A law is a law if it works every time.

      Again, not my intention to ridicule someone else's belief but that's my perspective on laws.

      There are examples I could mention that would prove the, mm, what do you call it, unlawfulness of the LOA but that would beat the point of the thread

      True. And heartily agreed

    • Very well said.

      Our beliefs determine the course our lives go, and if you don't believe in something, the laws of the Universe will guide your experiences so you don't see evidence to the contrary.

      Which is why it's so hard to prove it works. You have to start out BELIEVING it will work, and then you see the evidence to support that belief.

    • I couldn't have said this better. Without having that true focus and intent on achieving something (which is impossible to have since you don't believe in LOA anyway), you can't make this simple law work for you. It all starts with belief, which then leads to focus and intent that guide you in all of your actions, and also make you cognizant of situations and details that you can take advantage of which are in line with your goals and objectives.

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    • I absolutely LOVE your attitude/spirit!!! I couldn't have worded that any better than you just have I've always believed in positive thinking and letting go of negative energy/'s like being in a relationship that you know is never going to work and it's a matter of letting go and getting past the attachment we hold for things/people. Or being on the phone with someone who is literally passing on their negative energy and draining you of yours. If you get me? I personally have not watched "The Secret" but have had a few friends direct me to it in the last year. I do believe in Universal Law but I also believe that you have to educate yourself and be knowledgeable to be able to know what to do when doors do open. I also believe in meditating it does wonders for stress Oh I could write a novel about this
  • I have had this debate tons of times. When people have tried to prove the LOA and I have pressed them, I always found a specific action or set of actions that led to the result they tie to the LOA. Additionally, I know tons of people that say the LOA does not work and sure enough there was no action and so "it" did not work. It is like I have written many times, just show me an action log and I can tell you who will be successful. The LOA as it is currently taught in the Secret is a marketing ploy to sell books.

    I heard a great quote, the law of attraction works if you are attracted to work. In other words you must take action.
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  • Thank you very much! I'll give it a try.

  • I had the same beef with The Secret, the most important part of the puzzle they left out was taking action, they only spent a few minutes on it.

    It's more than "wishing" or "believing" the Lamborghini will show up in the garage.

    Read or listen to The Answer from John Assaraf, it is sort of a follow up to The Secret and puts the rest into more practical terms.

    Hope that helps
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  • I personally think the Law of Attraction is always working - whether you want it to or not.

    Not just for money, or lack of..

    Even pertaining to weight gain (just listen to peoples "self talk"), accidents and illnesses that I've had - when looking back on my mindset at those time - it always reflected something negative, and "wrong" in my thinking. An example... saying to your self "I can't stomach this situation" over and over a period of time can definitley affect your health, digestion.

    The subconscious or inner mind controls your whole outer life, or reality as you personally perceive it. The outer reflects the inner (relationships, career, whatever).

    Just what I believe.
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  • The law of attraction doesn't work simply because your thoughts do not create or attract things into your life. Intention followed by subsequent action, or inaction, creates things into your life.

    You cannot retrace the root of an intention. When you devise the plan that you're going to actively manifest something into your life trough a technique like the law of attraction, that only means that there is the intention for creating that thing you're wishing for.

    There isn't one person in the world, not even Bob Proctor or any loa guru, that can tell me that the law of attraction works every time. If it was a law, it would work every time for everyone, like the law of gravity.

    The truth is that you only get what you need at different times in your life. If you get a million dollars a year from now and you convince yourself that it was because you "wished" it into existence, you are free to believe what you want. But the truth is that you visualizing and wishing for a thing and than getting it is only the storyline of how the million dollars came into existence.

    The idea of you actively manifesting that million dollars into your life is nothing but an illusion. The illusion of control over your reality. You can only have limited control over your reality, because you only have a limited understanding of it. You can't fully control something that you can't fully comprehend.

    Hope that makes sense.
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    • You are right. "As you think so shall you be." The illusion is the illusion.

      Furthermore: If thoughts are not real would you or anyone even dare over the next 30 days to sit for just 10 minutes per day, completely focused with emotion, that you have cancer. 10 minutes a day for the next 30 days. You would not do that! In fact don't do that!

      Instead apply the same technique on something that you do want. Again the key is not simply a thought but rather the feeling behind that thought.
  • Some good thoughts in here.

    'Action leads to success' is one cliche I've always agreed with, LOA or not.

    A teacher I had when I was in school often told us this:
    "It's easy to fail - just don't do anything".

    He also said that not every action you take is going to lead to success because there are just too many variables. There are going to be failures even when you take action.

    BUT, that is where your mindset will make a difference.

    Keep kickin' - that's how you came into the world!

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  • I can see why it doesn't work... Law of attraction NEVER works... title of the thread says it all on the type of outlook you have.

    It really does work... obviously you need to take action, you can't just sit around and think positive without doing anything else. I get results because I take action and for the most part I have a positive outlook! I take action because of the positive energy behind it to accomplish what I want.
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    • That's true.

      Something I'd like to reiterate is that I KNOW why it doesn't work for me actually. And still, I have ample success in my life and am getting where I want to.

      But, I won't give credit to the LOA for that. Like I said in one of my posts:

      A law is a law if it works in every situation.

      I wanted to see how many people, if any, agree on that point

  • Yes, I think we can all agree that a a "law" of the universe must, by definition, work in every situation.

    Of course, you have to understand that the LOA is like the laws of chemistry. Just because the law itself works, doesn't mean that everyone knows how to use it. You have to have the right ingredients, combined in the right proportions, with the right techniques.

    I don't think anyone here doubts the laws of chemistry, but how many can produce salt from the basic compounds?

    Saying the LOA doesn't work simply because you didn't get the results you wanted doesn't make it so.
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  • A very valid point, Alan.

    But don't you think the fact that LOA involves believing it for it to work is a little gray area?

    I do not know of any law that requires believing that it will work. That's my only complain, really.

    Apart from that, I love the whole idea of LOA & the positivity it can build up in people.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • When you realize that there is more to the Universe than the physical, and that on a "higher" level, things like belief are just as "real" as anything else, and even more so, you start to understand how this works.

      Of course, I fully understand where you're coming from, because I've been there myself. It takes a LOT of time, and experimentation, to realize how the pieces fit together, and even after 30 years, I'm still learning new bits and pieces.

      A couple of years ago, I summed up my understanding of this subject into a $17.95 paperback, "Choose To Believe", which is listed on Amazon. The first chapter is attached here. It covers the science behind the LOA.
  • Alan,

    Thanks for that. A good read, and really makes me wonder.

    Just two things:

    1. A placebo works - but not every time. And that is what makes it unreliable.

    So if LOA was to be thought of as a placebo, one is bound to be disappointed in the long run.

    2. If LOA does work, I would find it rather disturbing to know that someone 'manifested' what happened in Japan (and in India in 2004).

    And I hope you'd agree, that to even suggest the 2nd point above is ridiculous.

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    • The reason for the inconsistency is based on the inconsistency in the level of belief people have to placebos, and even medication in general.

      Actually, the 2nd point is not ridiculous, as most of us have been taught that disasters of all kinds "just happen" and this belief works to manifest random event to support our belief in random events.

      And yes, I realize the "catch-22" nature of this.

      I look at it this way -- it is our destinies to evolve behind "being human" into being something much greater, and for this to happen, we must learn to control our minds, to the point of believing in things which have not been true before.

      All I can offer at this point, is that when you work with the idea, you start to see evidence which supports it, to the point where you really do start to believe in "magic". I could go on for hours about things I've 'manifested', such as controlling weather, even stopping a tornado that was coming in my direction once. (Within 5 minutes of 'intending' for it to stop, it did.)
  • Does the law of gravity work for you? Yes.
    Then why not the LOA?

    Think of it this way. Both are laws.
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    • Gravity doesn't always appear to be working. Consider mag-lev trains, which actually 'float' above the tracks. How is gravity working there?
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  • I watched the Secret when it first came out. I've have much more success following Napolean Hills "Law of Success" course. After all, he is the master. Check it out. I always recommend his teachings.
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    • It depends on the situation: for example, LOA can work pretty good in Sales, PR, Communication, Journalism.
      Studies have shown that body language works not only in romantic relationships, but also in human interpersonal relationships.

      So you can take the basis of LOA and try to apply it in your working environment, also.
  • This LOA stuff is ridiculous. It's the same thing as diet pill manufacturers that proudly proclaim that you will lose huge amounts of weight with their products. Of course, there's that little "along with a diet and exercise program" caveat that they throw in at the end.

    If you just take the pill and don't diet or exercise, you'll stay fat.

    If you just see yourself as successful but don't work hard and/or smart, you'll stay unsuccessful.

    The "belief" might help you reach a proper mindset to do the work but greed or the fear of starvation or the desire for a better life or the need to educate your kids or the love of your work can inspire you as much or more than just picturing yourself as successful.

    Get to work.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Of course it works and works quite well...if you follow the LOA steps
  • Gravity can be proven, the LOA can't. Research as scientific law and you will see what I mean. Lots of people think lots of thoughts that do not come true. If you need to take action, then it actually would be more plausible to call it the law of action. But really even action does not work all the time. It is just more probable you succeed with action as opposed to thinking attracting and manifesting. Personally, LOA may or may not be real, but I know I can control my actions so that is what I focus on.
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    • It has taken many decades to prove many of the "laws" of physics. Just because something cannot be proven (to your satisfaction) right now, doesn't mean it isn't real.

      The existence of black holes couldn't be proven for quite a number of years. Same thing with Einsteins theory of relativity. Couldn't be proven until much, much later.
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  • Of course not. It's all mumbo jumbo new age bs.

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  • I was playing word bingo with the 3rd graders the other day. This little girl kept saying I am never going to get a bingo. I finally told her keep saying I am going to get a bingo over and over. She got the bingo within a few words.. I told her about being positive and the law of attraction. I think people need to be taught young. Don't you?
  • Who on this forum can tell me that the law of attraction works for them every time?

    In a year, how many of the things you wish for actually materialize? Please be honest.
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    • Banned
      I think that's an important question to ask actually.
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    • If that was so, every criminal we know of today would have been taken care of by the law.

      I can look around in the world and see it isn't being done.
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    • I never said that and I never used the word stupid. And the thread is still alive and well by the way:

      All I said is that you should try to accept your thoughts rather than try to control them. That doesn't mean that you should give in to each and every impulse you have.

      I don't know if disagreeing with your beliefs goes against the forum's rules, but defamation certainly does.
  • Your perfectly entitled to your opinion...but I can say LOA was worked a lot for me. Fundementally as the old saying goes 'you get what you focus on'...

    If you don't believe that it doesn't work, well you have proved yourself right.
  • I have been using the law of "attraction" for quite awhile and it works fine. For one thing, it's a law - not a device. What that ought to mean to anyone is that it does not DO anything, it just is. Trying to figure out the logic of it will decay any event. It's simple as anything can be, however, the moment you question it it therefore becomes exponentially complex to understand. That has a bunch to do with the fact you are questioning a law of non-questioning. If you are focused on questions then questions you will get and more and more of them. That is actually a great thing, but not for anyone seeking instant gratification.

    The movie "the secret" does not explain as much as they possibly should. Having been around IM and similar marketing strategies - you should also recognize some of the biggest internet marketers in that industry on that movie. As for the actual LOA?

    I would suggest reading the real source first before you try to wish cancer away. It says in great detail and with little doubt that all things come from the sun.....DO NOT SKIP THAT DETAIL like millions of others have.

    Is there an energy and intelligence to the cosmos? I really truly believe that, and it seems that no matter what, it is always there providing for me. No matter what, despite passions and logic - I am not constantly appreciative of that. Not because a DVD explained it, and not because of the oldest books known to man have explained it to me. I appreciate my place in the universe and everything that has been afforded to me because its all just so amazing - from the outer dark voids of space to an ant sitting on a daisy - it's unimaginable how amazing this whole world is.

    All sorts of people will talk about how much money or other vanities they have acquired seemingly out of nowhere. And I did, but I have to say that studying the laws has shown me things I can't even explain - but I can tell you they are right in front of your face all the time but very difficult to see without appreciation of these things and where they came from.

    The greatest trick of it all is that you really can't just explain it to anyone. So many years later, I would completely agree with that as well. I would love to list out a series of miracles and then see people benefit like I have; but that would in reality be really creepy and lame - a sort of carbon copying of my life with no appreciation for others. If someone copies me, it's just not worth it. However, if you figure it out yourself its mind blowing, just like a riddle. If that means you think it does not work, and want to live your life like that then that is actually perfect. That is how this universe works above all else. Asking the questions at least you will find your own way, and that is all that matters.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • This is an awesome thread. I have read and studied alot in this as well, and there is some great info in here.
  • Love this thread!
  • The common responses to your title are that "you aren't doing it right" and that "you are always attracting, whether you mean to or not".

    What you have now, the lifestyle you see around you, is what you are attracting. If it's all good, then you're probably doing it right. If it's not, or you want something more, then you are not doing it right.

    Have you ever heard of people who complain that bad things always happen to them? That's because they attract bad things by their attitude and what they think about most of the time. They "believe" that bad things will happen, because they always do.

    The same applies if you are constantly negative. This is my challenge to overcome, and I must say that while studying the Law of Attraction, I saw an amazing transition. Whenever negative thoughts ran in my head, I immediately exchanged them for positive ones. For a short while at least, it happened quite naturally. I felt so much better.

    At that time, I wanted (needed) money and through the exercises, I suddenly saw over $1300 come through my door over a 1-week period.

    But then, I stopped the exercises and lessons and everything went back to normal. Negative stuff happening, no money coming in, just bills that I couldn't pay. This is what I started attracting again.

    It IS hard work to attract the right things into your life, but you cannot say it NEVER works because it is working right this instant. If you don't like what you see, you'll need to work at changing it by adjusting your vibrations so that they are aligned with the aspect of the Universe that will bring you those changes.

    Maybe you just need to practice more or find a better teacher.

  • Whether you think you're right or wrong, you're probably right.
  • "The Secret" was entirely based on the work of the Hicks Family (Abraham Hicks). I don't know if you are familiar with their work but for me it's the most brilliant explanation of creation and because the creators (Rhonda Byrne) of "The Secret" had the vibration of "secret" so active in "The Secret" it still is a "secret" for millions of people how deliberate creation really works. Now many believe it's a fad because "If it really works...then where's my stuff???"

    You can't just say "Today, I'm going to apply the laws of the universe in my life" - They apply themselves ALL DAY - EVERY DAY to you!
    Have you noticed:
    *You ALWAYS get what you expect - NEVER what you want
    *People you love almost ALWAYS love you equally back
    *When you are confident you are better than most anybody else because you KNOW
    *The things you suck at you only suck at because you tell yourself you suck at them

    You get what you think about - whether you want it or not

    I'm now in the process of going into Ramtha's (was also in "What the bleep do we (k)now?") work - it goes even deeper. He tells his students to make a list of 10 things they want and he shows them how to manifest them - and then they make a new list. It's all about your LEVEL OF ALLOWANCE. What you want is already done most of the time - all you need to do is "let it in".
    The deepest teaching is: You are God in Physical Form and There is Nothing that You cannot Be, Do or Have Want it. Allow it. And it is.

    So be it.
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    • Phil,

      Well said. I have been studying the Law Of Attraction for 25 years now and I am also a fan of Ester and Jerry Hicks. I have referred so many of my friends to watch the videos in hopes of them making better changes in there lives. The tricky part of all of this LOA is you can't look at your situation as it is and expect it to change. You have to believe, act as if, live like you already have it then it is done it is already coming to you. It does take time and practice and people can not make positive changes if they are still telling their negative stories. For example if you need a job and all you do is talk to everyone about how you do not have one or you can't find one then this is holding you exactly where you do not want to be, without a job. On the other hand if you say, and believe there are many jobs I can do and they are being offered to me right now then you can see the difference,right? Like I said people put so much thought and energy into what they don't want that they get more of the same. Ask,believe,receive sounds simple right? But the believe part takes practice. Another trick is you must be in a state of gratitude all the time. I know as humans this is quite difficult but as soon as the negative thoughts try and creep in we are supposed to replace with positive thoughts. Well I could go on and on so I will stop now but just wanted to say thanks for the info on Ramtha's work I will definitely look into it.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Every day I do several things in my work. I see them all as things that will be beneficial to my business or I wouldn't waste my time doing them.

    75% of the time they do benefit my business and 25% of the time they don't. I "saw" them all as being successful so it seems to me that the law of attraction is kind of selective.

    The fact is that the law of attraction has nothing to do with my success. I'm successful because I work, work, work and while some of the things I do fail, others succeed. It's my actions that result in my "attracting" success, not any mystical law. In other words, I'm "achieving" success, not "attracting" it.
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    • Struggle More Please!
      You never created anything - it's an illusion. You help create it but what REALLY creates it is the life force that is flowing through you. It's the same with our thoughts: we think that the thoughts we entertain are 'our' thoughts so it would be appropriate to say that it was 'my idea' but in fact it was life manifesting through you & you simply allowing the success which is natural to you to manifest through you.

      Look at life & learn: Spring came this year & it was as beautiful if not more as every year and all life did was dream it into existance. The trees & the flowers dreamed the dream of spring and there it was - and none of them are arguing that they 'achieved' spring or that they made it happen even though they're doing the same thing you're doing (if not better): creating

      It's the natural consequence of us flowing thought energy

      The real purpose of our existance is to SEEK JOY
      It's not the toys
      Or the difference you make in people's lifes
      Or the perfect body, job, relationship

      Its selfishly aligning with source energy and in that process uplifting everyone you come into contact with, manifesting every desire you have, become brilliant in your chosen field & be the person you were born to be - a frisky creator

      That's what Abraham Hicks (The Source of "The Secret") teach us & I couldn't agree more because I'm HAPPIER THAN EVER!!! <3
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Hello Rick,

      Wether you believe it or not you are attracting my friend. You said "I see them all as things that will be beneficial to my business" and this is you attracting. And the fact that some things weren't all benificial does not mean anything. Sometimes we need to see what doesn't work to see what does so there are a mix of things thrown in there. And maybe there were things beneficial to those things that didn't work that taught you something you needed to know. We are constantly asking for what we want and we are also receiving what we believe we should have or are attracting to us. it sounds like your belief in work,work,work will bring you what you are asking for and it is done.

  • I think there is something to be said for having a positive attitude and focusing on your goal, for sure.

    But there are other factors at work as well.

    For example if you want to be the world's greatest piano player and you have very short fingers, it's doubtful you'll succeed in that goal. If you really really want to be a great pianist though and put in all the study and work you need, and you have short fingers, you may still become a GREAT piano player. But the best? Doubtful. That's just one example.

    I have known people who belong to a cultish religious sect who believe that by putting a particular piece of paper on their wall in a special place and chanting to it every day, they will succeed in all things including material wealth. I think this is complete b.s. and simple superstition.

    Now if they are motivating themselves by chanting in that it helps keep them focused on their goal and that then helps motivate them to do the work necessary, then, okay, it had an effect that "works". But chanting in and of itself is not going to "work".

    I also think that focusing on monetary success for yourself will seldom lead to "happiness". Happiness is not found in money or material success. Period.

    I think the LOA works to a point, and to the extent that it keeps you focused on doing what you need to do and keeping a positive attitude. Other than that it's not "voodoo", it's just focusing on what you need to do and attracting people to you by being a positive and good person who wants to help others. I did not watch the video Fred1 posted yet but will reply more after I watch it.
  • The Law of attraction is not only about your thought about a situation. Its also and possible more about your actual attitude when you deal with people on a daily basis. You can have a positive and uplifting attitude or you can have a negative/neutral attitude.
    The law of attraction is really a way of life, its more physical than spiritual to me.
  • i didn't try this before thanks for sharing.i'll try it.
  • Banned
  • the LOA has worked for me all my life when I used it. I understood it at a younger age but didn't understand it. Now that I am older and read and saw The Secret I understand it now. The things we have to do to grow up is so simple its difficult.
  • LOA worked for me. The trick is to start small, do one experiment and prove that it works!
  • Law of Attraction is as Universal as Law of Gravity, LOA is working for each one of us.

    It starts the day you attained Conciousness, as it enables you to Attract.

    I have seen many people making false/immature impression about the power of LOA, just because they have not understood the concept, one should.

    All see Law of attraction as a tool to get them rid of their problems and they loose the whole Understanding of this Wonderful Law.

    You can read more about it @

    Law of Attraction Forum

  • That's the thing.
    LOA is ALWAYS working. For everyone.

    But what you are saying is that it's not working to get you the things you want. But it is responding to your primary vibration.

    It responds to our daily thoughts and even if you believe in Loa, it doesn't mean necessarily that you will be able to use in your favor instantly.

    It takes time and effort to train our thoughts and work in our vibration.

    The reality is, believing or not, it's working.
    You are receiving what you are "putting out there".
    But if you want to work in your favor, you have to work on changing what kind of believes, thoughts and vibration you are offering.

    It's simple, but not easy.
    But in all means, it WORTHY it!
  • The Secret was a well produced fairy tale in my opinion.

    While I agree that you need to keep and think positive in your daily life. Fact of the matte is by thinking those things will not help you achieve success.

    You actually need to put in work and make your dreams come to a reality.
    Now, a combination of positive thinking, a clear goal in my mind, and consistent work will get you to the top!

    Hope all is well!


  • That shouldn't be a shocker. It IS a sign of reasonable intelligence and wisdom on your part.

    As I stated in another post, if "it" requires belief to work, "it's" not a law. It's hocus-pocus. Often BS covered hocus-pocus.

    "Laws" work without your consideration or consideration of you. Think gravity, chemistry, thermodynamics, you get the idea.

    Just because someone has created a catchy slogan using the word "law" doesn't make it a law.

    Using the word "law" is a better, though less accurate approach to marketing.

    And really, real laws don't need the word "law" to identify them. The law of gravity, or just gravity. Same thing.

    At any rate, I do compliment you on staying with the facts.

    Joe Mobley
  • Remember they say in 'The Secret' 'Believe or not it simply works'?
  • W. Clement Stone said; Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

    Henry Ford said; If you believe you can you are right, and if you believe you can't, you are right.

    Your mind controls everything. Nothing happens until you think it first. (I am not so sure that your mind isn't telling your heart to beat)

    You say you don't believe it, so why would you expect it to work for you? It will work if you work it. It isn't always easy, but then what is that is worth anything?
  • A great read. Left me wondering what I really beleive in!
    • [1] reply
    • Many people more eloquent than me have covered lots of good ground in the comments above. Here's my slightly different point of view.

      First of all, you need a spark or catalyst to help you get started on some new endeavor.

      Some people call this inspiration, some people call it a goal.

      For me, it is often a story that resonates with me that causes an "interest" to turn into a "passion."

      Problem is, so far, for the most part, my "passions" seem to have been like hobbies, and rather short-lived ones at that.

      But at least I've had a nice string of successes in a variety of things that have enriched my life.

      Sorry for speaking in generalities here, but to even give an overview of one such "project" would get me started on enumerating way too many details than necessary to prove the point.

      Maybe I need "life coaching" on how to stick with something with single-minded focus for a long time.

      In college, my room-mate and I nick-named each other "Eclectic Dilettante" and "Esoteric Philosoph." We went back and forth about who was which.
      • [1] reply
  • LOA is simple. It does work and I have tried it many times.

    But the real thing about it is it will only work if you belive it will work for you! LOL.

    Sounds silly but funny how it never works for the skeptics.

    I do no think scientits have truely tapped into the power of our minds.

    And they do only say we use 10% of our brain power.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • The law of attraction seems to work for me pretty good... but you really have to be productive to see this happen. You have to knock on every door and dont miss any on the way.. The door you miss might be worth a million.
  • I had a longer response, but this oughtta do it.

    Luke: "I don't believe it!"
    Yoda: "That is why you fail."

    Combined with a simple Intense Want, Desire, and Drive to make it happen. How much do you really want it?

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    Yep, as goes the title, it hasn't really worked for me till date. When I first watched 'The Secret', it really struck a chord with me The sheer effect it had on my perspective is something I deeply respect. I have been a positive person since I was a little child and he LOA has only made me more positive.