Karma Effect - Why you should contribute benefit post here !

Raja Kamil
Profile picture of Raja Kamil
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I'm a bit busy with helping my brother to get a job where in the first place, I never had any experience doing so.

What can I suggest to him, keep trying harder.

Back to the title above, in this post, I'm going to share my Karmatic experience with all of you.

Yesterday, I posted a post on CPA section in WF.
The title of my post is "I got paid by CPAWay and I will tell you how..."

The post is about telling what I'm doing to get paid by CPA.
Basically the purpose of telling what work to me in that post is for sharing purpose and getting some karma into my business.

I myself believe in a concept of, "the more you give, the more you get".
And, I myself never thinking to get that Karma effect almost instantly.

Yesterday alone, I close a deal, increase my subscribers by 30% compare to normal day and also increase my CPA income.

Wow........I said to myself.
I believe, by sharing through out forum posting, blog, twitter, facebook and other medium, we are creating positive aura and like a magnet, it will attract so many good things in our life.

What I'm trying to say in this post is, Please Contribute to WF !
It doesn't matter who you are, whether you are a guru level or even a beginner.

PS : it's very hard to read good posts nowadays in WF compare to old days.

Raja Kamil
#benefit #contribute #effect #karma #post

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