You never know when disaster will strike.

6 replies
My best friend and mother to my god daughter lives in Huntsville, Alabama. They will be without power for probably the next week or two. 8 people lost their lives in the tornadoes in Huntsville. We are sending them care packages and helping to take care of my god daughter. You never know when disaster will strike, you have to be prepared and be positive. I'm just glad my goddaughter is safe and sound. She called me today to tell me she loved me and that she gets to have candles in her room. Kids. Gotta love em. They are resilient.
#disaster #strike
  • Profile picture of the author AmazingP
    We have to prepare always and make all the family be alert especially in the face of disasters...we really never know.
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  • Profile picture of the author writerval
    The pictures on the news are so horrifying. I'm glad your friends are safe and that your goddaughter is resilient. You are absolutely right - the bottom can drop out at any time for any of us.

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  • Profile picture of the author Amrutg
    Thanks God they are all well. Hope they would recover soon from the tragedy and also pray that it shall never happen again to them.

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  • Profile picture of the author ScottGordon
    Life is short. We never know when our birth certificate is going to expire.

    So, it's important to get on with living. Stop procrastinating. Start making our dreams come true.
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  • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
    The relief efforts in Alabama are going to be long and expensive. If you can donate money to help, please do so. The Red Cross is taking donations via text, or their website.

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  • Profile picture of the author happyme
    That's sad. The Tsunamis that happened earlier, and the Tsunami that destroyed Nagasaki, it was totally unexpectable.
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