Must read original works?

4 replies
For example:

1. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
2. The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace Wattles

Can anyone add to my list of original works, the authors, etc?

Thank you.

I'll cross post this as well as I'm sure some warriors in this section have some info on this subject:

My question is, since these works are so old, are they considered public domain content?

I'm also wondering if it would be ok to go over works like these and expand and explain concepts from these books as it relates to my blog audience in video and audio format?

I know The Secret was basically a condensed work of titles like I listed above. So I have to imagine on some level you can remake the content in your own view as it relates to your audience?

Any details/resources/links on information where I can find what is and is not allowed would be great.
#original #read #works
  • Profile picture of the author mounds
    I really dug "Unlimited Power" by Anthony Robbins. It's not focused on money per se but there is a lot of good material for overcoming mental blocks. If I recall correctly, there's a lot of neuro-linguistic programming in there.

    If you find yourself liking NLP, pick up, "The User's Manual for the Brain" by Michael Hall. Bit on the expensive side but it's the NLP bible.

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  • Profile picture of the author David Hooper
    I suggest anything by Earl Nightingale. Both "Lead the Field" and "Strangest Secret" are classics. has some others that I've read over the last year and really liked.
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    • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
      No question about it IMHO;
      1. Atlas shrugs By Ayn Rand. To understand how the world REALLY works.
      2. Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology by Ayn Rand. So you know HOW to think. (You really need to know how to go about the logical processes of rational objectivism or you won't know wisdom when it's staring you in the face.
      3. As a Man Thinketh vol 2 (not the pocket sized vol 1 teaser) so you know what to think. With Rands books you know HOW to think, here you learn WHAT to think.

      Once you know how to think, what to think and how the world really works you can figure everything else out for yourself.

      Then on top of that the 2 best business/strategy books ever written were; The book of five rings By Miamoto Musashi (Governs all business in Japan to this day) and The art of war by Sun Su (all wars are fought by it's principals).

      Read those and everything else will just fall into place.
      Free eBook =>
      The Secret To Success In Any Business
      Yes, Any Business!
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