How Did Money Change You?

25 replies
I'm curious to know...

*How Did Money Change You?*

Did you get MORE or LESS support from your friends
or family?

Where you treated a little differently when someone
close to you learned of your success?

Did you get more peace of mind, or more worries?

Did you get more dirty looks from civilians or more

Do you feel you have more freedom than you ever
had before, or do you feel you just need to work
harder...rarely enjoying the success you have?
#change #money
  • Profile picture of the author areevez
    Being broke was the worst thing I have ever had to endure, and I was broke, and when i say broke i mean POOR for years and years. I was always very depressed, moved slowly, un motivated, people thought I was a bum, people laughed at me for trying to make money online, they called me lazy, said I had no life.

    Money has changed me. I lost a lot of friends because of success. ENVY is very powerful. I wake up in the morning with a secure feeling that if my car blew up while I was sleep, I wont have to get sick worrying about how im going to get another car AND feed my daughter at the same time. Waking up and going to sleep with money is a wonderful feeling so I would say I have much more peace of mind. I dont think I get dirty looks, more like blank stares, probably people just wondering why such a young man is driving a 2010 car. I definitely feel I have more freedom with money, when you have money you dont have to work as hard as you do when your broke, thats what outsourcing is for. It's awesome trust me.

    Long story short, I did change but not in the sense that people try to make it seem like money makes people change. More than often the people around you are the ones who act different because of envy, they think your acting a different way because your not broke like them any more.
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    • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
      Being broke is the hardest thing for me.

      Its like I can't do it because I am incapable of doing it, I can't do it because I don't have the funds TO do it. I personally hate it but going through gave me a reason to go out and find a way to make money, and I been that way since I was 12 years old always wanting to work for myself and not nobody else.
      Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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    • Profile picture of the author vryannn
      Originally Posted by areevez View Post

      Being broke was the worst thing I have ever had to endure, and I was broke, and when i say broke i mean POOR for years and years. I was always very depressed, moved slowly, un motivated, people thought I was a bum, people laughed at me for trying to make money online, they called me lazy, said I had no life.

      Money has changed me. I lost a lot of friends because of success. ENVY is very powerful. I wake up in the morning with a secure feeling that if my car blew up while I was sleep, I wont have to get sick worrying about how im going to get another car AND feed my daughter at the same time. Waking up and going to sleep with money is a wonderful feeling so I would say I have much more peace of mind. I dont think I get dirty looks, more like blank stares, probably people just wondering why such a young man is driving a 2010 car. I definitely feel I have more freedom with money, when you have money you dont have to work as hard as you do when your broke, thats what outsourcing is for. It's awesome trust me.

      Long story short, I did change but not in the sense that people try to make it seem like money makes people change. More than often the people around you are the ones who act different because of envy, they think your acting a different way because your not broke like them any more.
      Yeah your right, but I it feels great to be envy at the same time haha
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      • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
        Originally Posted by vryannn View Post

        Yeah your right, but I it feels great to be envy at the same time haha
        Does it?

        I know some people get a kick out of it, personally
        I don't like it and work hard to help ease peoples
        mind so they DON'T feel inferior to me - because I
        constantly remind them that I'm *human*.

        Feeling envious and being envied are emotions I've
        felt and it's just a very dark place I don't like to go.

        To each his own.
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  • Profile picture of the author MIRENGE
    people think that having a lot of money will give you peace of mind but am here to tell you that you will never get enough money. There those how will respect you for money and others will be against your success.
    Interior design .... where beautiful homes is all we care.
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    • Profile picture of the author areevez
      Originally Posted by MIRENGE View Post

      people think that having a lot of money will give you peace of mind but am here to tell you that you will never get enough money. There those how will respect you for money and others will be against your success.
      Wrong. Your telling me that making 10k per month wont give you peace of mind? How much are you making? And if you are making good money its all up to you if you gain peace of mind from it, dont get me wrong there are other problems people must face, but for me and my life, lack of money caused 99.9 percent of my stress and lack of peace of mind.
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      • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
        Originally Posted by areevez View Post

        Being broke was the worst thing I have ever had to endure, and I was broke, and when i say broke i mean POOR for years and years. I was always very depressed, moved slowly, un motivated, people thought I was a bum, people laughed at me for trying to make money online, they called me lazy, said I had no life.

        Money has changed me. I lost a lot of friends because of success. ENVY is very powerful. I wake up in the morning with a secure feeling that if my car blew up while I was sleep, I wont have to get sick worrying about how im going to get another car AND feed my daughter at the same time. Waking up and going to sleep with money is a wonderful feeling so I would say I have much more peace of mind. I dont think I get dirty looks, more like blank stares, probably people just wondering why such a young man is driving a 2010 car. I definitely feel I have more freedom with money, when you have money you dont have to work as hard as you do when your broke, thats what outsourcing is for. It's awesome trust me.

        Long story short, I did change but not in the sense that people try to make it seem like money makes people change. More than often the people around you are the ones who act different because of envy, they think your acting a different way because your not broke like them any more.
        Wow. Thanks for sharing that story.

        I WANTED you to go into a *long story* - not a short
        abridged version. Sort of like a detailed self-analysis.

        Here's why:

        I think it's extremely fascinating the lifestyle changes
        we all deal with when we make more money...

        both GOOD and BAD experiences.

        Not only have I found it to be therapeutic to the guy
        or gal reporting on their experiences, it prepares the
        people who are scared or on the fence about changes
        that are inevitable to happen.

        In other words, it serves both those who experienced
        it and those in transition TO experience something sim

        So, I say don't *hold back* if you have the time and/or

        I thank you for sharing the story you DID share.

        Do you have any tips on how YOU personally handled
        a much higher than normal income?

        Did you go on a wild spending spree at your young age
        BEFORE you had more control over your habits? or did
        you keep yourself in check through early discipline?

        Originally Posted by MIRENGE View Post

        people think that having a lot of money will give you peace of mind but am here to tell you that you will never get enough money. There those how will respect you for money and others will be against your success.
        Originally Posted by areevez View Post

        Wrong. Your telling me that making 10k per month wont give you peace of mind? How much are you making? And if you are making good money its all up to you if you gain peace of mind from it, dont get me wrong there are other problems people must face, but for me and my life, lack of money caused 99.9 percent of my stress and lack of peace of mind.
        Very interesting.

        I, too, discovered that the majority of problems I faced
        before was almost exclusively BECAUSE I had a lack of
        financial freedom.

        $10k is PLENTY. Even for a 5 person family with kids in
        the mix.

        I think I understand what Mirenge is saying...

        what I think is that he's not exactly wrong, as you aren't
        wrong - for his perception on *whats enough* is His/her

        No, $10k is NOT enough if you want to rent a Mega Yacth
        for the weekend.

        It's NOT enough if you want a Bugatti.

        It's NOT enough if you want to live in a Multi-million dollar

        It's NOT enough if you want to give away MILLIONS of
        dollars to charities and organizations.

        In THAT context it's not *enough*, and I know people who
        are perfectly happy at $10k per month, and some who feel
        it's chump change and doesn't push their full potential.

        You're BOTH right.
        **How I FLIPPED $80 into $690 Pure Profit With ONE EASY Method...2 to 3x Per Week...Only 30 Minutes Per Day (and how YOU can COPY my RESULTS, too!) **CLICK HERE FOR VERIFIED VIDEO PROOF**
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      • Profile picture of the author scole954387
        Money doesn't bring happiness or sadness.

        There are thousands of VERY HAPPY poor people who enjoy life. There are thousands of VERY WEATHLY people who also enjoy life..

        There are also thousands of VERY UNHAPPY PEOPLE WHO HAVE TAKEN THEIR OWN LIFE because they don't have money. There are thousands of VERY UNHAPPY WEALTHY PEOPLE AS WELL WHO HAVE TKANE THEIR OWN LIFE.

        The point is there are happy and unhappy people in all levels of life.. from the very poor to the very rich.

        I like T. Harv Ecker's quote: "Money is a lubricant. It lets you “slide” through life instead of having to “scrape” by.".

        If you have ever read Napoleon Hill's work he talks about knowing many very unhappy rich people. Napoleon teaches that rich is not just monetary riches but instead life riches.

        Having enough money to pay bills, put food on the table, and have a reliable vehicle to drive is VERY IMPORTANT and can make a huge difference in the quality of life.

        It's just not the deciding factor on if you're going to be happy or not. That, my friend, is inside you.


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        100% of ALL NET REVENUE from the sale of my WSO above will be used on!!!

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    • Profile picture of the author laurarussell49
      Originally Posted by MIRENGE View Post

      people think that having a lot of money will give you peace of mind but am here to tell you that you will never get enough money. There those how will respect you for money and others will be against your success.

      People with lots of money, feels incomplete...empty... Not all things in this world can be gain through money. HOw sad to know that respect is gain through power and money. Really, it's so bad to hear this stuffs.
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  • Profile picture of the author markfreedom
    I can't deny the fact that money gives me peace of mind stop thinking about tomorrow and some financial concerns.
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    • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
      You guys are making some really really good points on this thread and I'm enjoying reading everyones story.

      Originally Posted by markfreedom View Post

      I can't deny the fact that money gives me peace of mind stop thinking about tomorrow and some financial concerns.
      Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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  • Profile picture of the author areevez
    okay well i will tell you why I think making good money changed me into a better person...

    I admit when I started making good money, I blew through it like the wind. I felt like being broke so long I deserved to splurge on myself. My mindset has grown a lot since then. When I first started making a considerable amount of money instead of chump change, i went crazy which really bit me in the ass. My first big check was 6k in one month, I was so excited that I spent up that money quicker than the direct deposit took to hit my bank. Clothes, Tvs, xbox, wii, new furniture, the works. I saved nothing. That was a terrible mistake, my method ended up flanking and I went from comfortable to dead broke again. So much that I had to sell ALL of that stuff juts to pay my rent. But I am happy that I made that mistake, because even though I dont have anything to show for that 6k, I learned a valuable lesson and I vowed to never let that happen again, it scared the crap out of me, almost ending up on the street. If you dont train your mind, having a lot of money can be a very bad thing. You WILL change in the sense of thinking your unstoppable and everything is always going to be kosher from then on. Money can trick you. That situation brought me back into reality and made absolutely terrified of it happening again. So from that point on, I did things the right way, I told myself I wouldnt fall into the trap ever again. I lived like I was broke for months and months. I gave myself a minimum wage income and saved the rest, so if I made 1500 a week, I would give myself 500 of that to work with, which is actually much more than a minimum wage job where I live. Good Money made me look at things in a different perspective, I WANTED so much stuff before I ever started making money, stuff I didnt need. Thats why whenever I got any kind of money I would blow it all on the list of crap that I wanted. Now, I focus on getting myself what I NEED and getting my daughter what she WANTS. I live with my aunt right now and i pay her like 100 every week just to save money, I dont like it, but Im looking at the bigger picture. I REFUSE to waste my money on paying high rent. I wont be comfortable living the life i WANT to live(big house, camero and challenger in the backyard, overseas trips etc) until I have like 200k in the bank. I think if I never had to endure being so poor for so long, every week on friday when my check would come i gaurentee I would blow through it. I see people who have regular jobs living paycheck to paycheck because of THEIR choices. They HAVE to get their nails and hair done every week, they HAVE to get a new outfit every week, they HAVE to go to the club every week, they HAVE to get the newest phone. Its really sad. People are brainwashed into always thinking they NEED that stuff, If they would refrain from blowing money on all that crap for just 6 months they would have thousands of dollars saved. Right now, I dont WANT a bugatti, I dont WANT to live in a multi million dollar mansion, I dont WANT a yacht. All that stuff can wait until im a millionaire. Right now what I WANT is to eat whatever comes to mind, to never have to worry about my gas being on E, to never have to worry about running out of diapers, to never have to beg anyone to borrow money, to be able to help a struggling friend financially. Thats what Im comfortable with now, and those simple things make me wildly happy.

    I dont even know if I answered any of your questions, sorry i got caught up rambling lol
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    • Profile picture of the author USAirlinesLetter
      Originally Posted by areevez View Post

      okay well i will tell you why I think making good money changed me into a better person...

      I admit when I started making good money, I blew through it like the wind. I felt like being broke so long I deserved to splurge on myself. My mindset has grown a lot since then. When I first started making a considerable amount of money instead of chump change, i went crazy which really bit me in the ass. My first big check was 6k in one month, I was so excited that I spent up that money quicker than the direct deposit took to hit my bank. Clothes, Tvs, xbox, wii, new furniture, the works. I saved nothing. That was a terrible mistake, my method ended up flanking and I went from comfortable to dead broke again. So much that I had to sell ALL of that stuff juts to pay my rent. But I am happy that I made that mistake, because even though I dont have anything to show for that 6k, I learned a valuable lesson and I vowed to never let that happen again, it scared the crap out of me, almost ending up on the street. If you dont train your mind, having a lot of money can be a very bad thing. You WILL change in the sense of thinking your unstoppable and everything is always going to be kosher from then on. Money can trick you. That situation brought me back into reality and made absolutely terrified of it happening again. So from that point on, I did things the right way, I told myself I wouldnt fall into the trap ever again. I lived like I was broke for months and months. I gave myself a minimum wage income and saved the rest, so if I made 1500 a week, I would give myself 500 of that to work with, which is actually much more than a minimum wage job where I live. Good Money made me look at things in a different perspective, I WANTED so much stuff before I ever started making money, stuff I didnt need. Thats why whenever I got any kind of money I would blow it all on the list of crap that I wanted. Now, I focus on getting myself what I NEED and getting my daughter what she WANTS. I live with my aunt right now and i pay her like 100 every week just to save money, I dont like it, but Im looking at the bigger picture. I REFUSE to waste my money on paying high rent. I wont be comfortable living the life i WANT to live(big house, camero and challenger in the backyard, overseas trips etc) until I have like 200k in the bank. I think if I never had to endure being so poor for so long, every week on friday when my check would come i gaurentee I would blow through it. I see people who have regular jobs living paycheck to paycheck because of THEIR choices. They HAVE to get their nails and hair done every week, they HAVE to get a new outfit every week, they HAVE to go to the club every week, they HAVE to get the newest phone. Its really sad. People are brainwashed into always thinking they NEED that stuff, If they would refrain from blowing money on all that crap for just 6 months they would have thousands of dollars saved. Right now, I dont WANT a bugatti, I dont WANT to live in a multi million dollar mansion, I dont WANT a yacht. All that stuff can wait until im a millionaire. Right now what I WANT is to eat whatever comes to mind, to never have to worry about my gas being on E, to never have to worry about running out of diapers, to never have to beg anyone to borrow money, to be able to help a struggling friend financially. Thats what Im comfortable with now, and those simple things make me wildly happy.

      Great! You are so smart to have such kind of thinking! Keep it up man.
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  • Profile picture of the author BryanC
    That's an impressive block.
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  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    Originally Posted by WhoIsBenjamin View Post

    I'm curious to know...

    *How Did Money Change You?*

    Did you get MORE or LESS support from your friends
    or family?
    Support? I yeah everyone wants to hang out with the money man. Sure they support me, they want a loan.

    Where you treated a little differently when someone
    close to you learned of your success?
    Of course I am treated different. Everybody loves you when you're winning.

    Did you get more peace of mind, or more worries?
    Love hate relationship.

    Did you get more dirty looks from civilians or more
    Haters gonna hate.....there is always more admirers than there are haters.

    Do you feel you have more freedom than you ever
    had before, or do you feel you just need to work
    harder...rarely enjoying the success you have?
    Jim Straw once said, work choose the work you hate the least. Meaning there are things you won't like about your business, but, you can live with it.

    Ask a professional athlete if they have more freedom. Of course not, but, it is fun and there are perks.
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  • Profile picture of the author robrammuny
    At the end of the day money brings more good than bad.

    At the beginning it will drive you crazy, you'll find out who your real friends are, government will be up your ass etc...

    BUT it will help you see your real friends, be more responsible and live life less stressed.

    I'd rather live with money than worry about struggling each and every day
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
      Originally Posted by areevez View Post

      okay well i will tell you why I think making good money changed me into a better person...

      I admit when I started making good money, I blew through it like the wind. I felt like being broke so long I deserved to splurge on myself. My mindset has grown a lot since then. When I first started making a considerable amount of money instead of chump change, i went crazy which really bit me in the ass. My first big check was 6k in one month, I was so excited that I spent up that money quicker than the direct deposit took to hit my bank. Clothes, Tvs, xbox, wii, new furniture, the works. I saved nothing. That was a terrible mistake, my method ended up flanking and I went from comfortable to dead broke again. So much that I had to sell ALL of that stuff juts to pay my rent. But I am happy that I made that mistake, because even though I dont have anything to show for that 6k, I learned a valuable lesson and I vowed to never let that happen again, it scared the crap out of me, almost ending up on the street. If you dont train your mind, having a lot of money can be a very bad thing. You WILL change in the sense of thinking your unstoppable and everything is always going to be kosher from then on. Money can trick you. That situation brought me back into reality and made absolutely terrified of it happening again. So from that point on, I did things the right way, I told myself I wouldnt fall into the trap ever again. I lived like I was broke for months and months. I gave myself a minimum wage income and saved the rest, so if I made 1500 a week, I would give myself 500 of that to work with, which is actually much more than a minimum wage job where I live. Good Money made me look at things in a different perspective, I WANTED so much stuff before I ever started making money, stuff I didnt need. Thats why whenever I got any kind of money I would blow it all on the list of crap that I wanted. Now, I focus on getting myself what I NEED and getting my daughter what she WANTS. I live with my aunt right now and i pay her like 100 every week just to save money, I dont like it, but Im looking at the bigger picture. I REFUSE to waste my money on paying high rent. I wont be comfortable living the life i WANT to live(big house, camero and challenger in the backyard, overseas trips etc) until I have like 200k in the bank. I think if I never had to endure being so poor for so long, every week on friday when my check would come i gaurentee I would blow through it. I see people who have regular jobs living paycheck to paycheck because of THEIR choices. They HAVE to get their nails and hair done every week, they HAVE to get a new outfit every week, they HAVE to go to the club every week, they HAVE to get the newest phone. Its really sad. People are brainwashed into always thinking they NEED that stuff, If they would refrain from blowing money on all that crap for just 6 months they would have thousands of dollars saved. Right now, I dont WANT a bugatti, I dont WANT to live in a multi million dollar mansion, I dont WANT a yacht. All that stuff can wait until im a millionaire. Right now what I WANT is to eat whatever comes to mind, to never have to worry about my gas being on E, to never have to worry about running out of diapers, to never have to beg anyone to borrow money, to be able to help a struggling friend financially. Thats what Im comfortable with now, and those simple things make me wildly happy.

      I dont even know if I answered any of your questions, sorry i got caught up rambling lol
      I'll be frank...

      as painful as that was to read...

      it was definitely worth reading.

      It's interesting when you say you learn to want the
      simple things more than the expensive material...

      from personal experience, I know how it FEELS to
      have the means to fill up my eat at almost
      any restaurant and not worry about price.

      In fact, I remember one time last year where it took
      me almost 15-20 minutes to order, because prior to
      going to this restaurant I've NEVER had the luxury...

      I also have a quick story to relate to a friend who I
      personally know fell into the consumerism trap you
      talked about:

      He has the best and newest phone, but MUST have
      the newest one *just because*. Nothing wrong w/
      the new one he just got 3 months ago, but he HAS
      to have it...

      he has a huge 50+ inche TV he couldn't afford...but
      he HAD to have that more than saving the money to
      keep himself afloat.

      His place his very comfortable, but it came at a HIGH
      price. His vistors are like "WOW!", and inside he's like
      " How am I going to pay for all this..."

      Great story. Thank you for going into more detail...
      for the record, please never do your text like that

      Originally Posted by robrammuny View Post

      At the end of the day money brings more good than bad.

      At the beginning it will drive you crazy, you'll find out who your real friends are, government will be up your ass etc...

      BUT it will help you see your real friends, be more responsible and live life less stressed.

      I'd rather live with money than worry about struggling each and every day
      I agree.
      **How I FLIPPED $80 into $690 Pure Profit With ONE EASY Method...2 to 3x Per Week...Only 30 Minutes Per Day (and how YOU can COPY my RESULTS, too!) **CLICK HERE FOR VERIFIED VIDEO PROOF**
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4128970].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author areevez
        Originally Posted by WhoIsBenjamin View Post

        I'll be frank...

        as painful as that was to read...

        it was definitely worth reading.

        It's interesting when you say you learn to want the
        simple things more than the expensive material...

        from personal experience, I know how it FEELS to
        have the means to fill up my eat at almost
        any restaurant and not worry about price.

        In fact, I remember one time last year where it took
        me almost 15-20 minutes to order, because prior to
        going to this restaurant I've NEVER had the luxury...

        I also have a quick story to relate to a friend who I
        personally know fell into the consumerism trap you
        talked about:

        He has the best and newest phone, but MUST have
        the newest one *just because*. Nothing wrong w/
        the new one he just got 3 months ago, but he HAS
        to have it...

        he has a huge 50+ inche TV he couldn't afford...but
        he HAD to have that more than saving the money to
        keep himself afloat.

        His place his very comfortable, but it came at a HIGH
        price. His vistors are like "WOW!", and inside he's like
        " How am I going to pay for all this..."

        Great story. Thank you for going into more detail...
        for the record, please never do your text like that

        I agree.
        lol yeah sorry about that
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  • Profile picture of the author Timmeh
    I believe I worry a bit more often about stuff I never had to when I didn't make money.
    It's not a horrible kind of worrying though, you get used to it I guess.
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  • Profile picture of the author ccora
    One thing that sure hasn't changed is that when a man has money, suddenly women become much nicer to him!

    Clint Cora - Motivational Speaker, Author & Karate World Champion

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    expand your comfort zones to conquer your most daunting goals in life

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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
      Originally Posted by ccora View Post

      One thing that sure hasn't changed is that when a man has money, suddenly women become much nicer to him!
      Good point.

      Well, it does I believe neccessarily because one
      has more money, but a combination of two things:

      1. Confidence - To EARN the money he feels is life
      changing to him (or her), it takes confidence...this
      sometimes spill out into personal relationships &
      wanting more of them with the opposite sex.

      2. More TIME - That person has the TIME and the
      resources to spend more time socializing and get
      -ting more intimate with people than before.

      It certainly doesn't apply to just men.

      Women with money have a higher sex drive than
      someone struggling with it...they spend less time
      worrying about it and needing another outlet to
      fill their time and have fun - sexual encounters...
      **How I FLIPPED $80 into $690 Pure Profit With ONE EASY Method...2 to 3x Per Week...Only 30 Minutes Per Day (and how YOU can COPY my RESULTS, too!) **CLICK HERE FOR VERIFIED VIDEO PROOF**
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4130659].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Women with money have a higher sex drive than
        someone struggling with it...they spend less time
        worrying about it and needing another outlet to
        fill their time and have fun - sexual encounters...
        Sounds more like a gigolo than a casanova.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author DannyDarwin
    There is a saying...

    In a relationship, the proof of a womans love is when her boyfriend is broke. And the proof of a mans love, is when his pockets are full of cash.

    So be careful what you wish for...
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  • Profile picture of the author robertlach
    I did pass " the money exam" only partially.
    I have managed to get my first million $ 10 years ago. Multiplied to 3 m$ in 2 years, then I've managed 13,5 m $ project in 2004, then participated in 30m project in 2005.
    I've had my own, kind of James Bond kind of life, and I have noteced that money can demoralize you and the ones who are close to you. (or say, "close to me").
    We had overseas holidays, 6-figure salary and emptyness started to knock to our door.
    Then the boss of the company have died, and I have to start everything from the scratch, since I was to naive - leaving the things, like he shall live forever...

    This gave me a LOT of reflection...
    I feel honoured however, that I had a chance to meet Robert Kiyosaki and his wife Kim few years ago, and learned that maybe I am brave and intelligent in some areas, but when ot goes to money - I Was simly stupid :-). Obviously, reading all Kiyosaki's books, playing cash flow, RESETing former habits, and thinking on cash-flow instead of capital gains - chave helped us to change our financial bluesprint with my wife, and we started to pay back credits, payed 2 car leasings, bought 3 real estates... and then the company I worked for - our of the sudden bancrupted, with the one click of mouse.

    So we are starting from the scratch, but with the knowledge, that bigger money are also testing you. And if you know, what for you are here on Earth, wou might use your monay wisely.

    In the end we can not rewind time, back... So now, If I ever form a new company, it will be constructed in such a way, like Warred buffet does it. It will be BUILT TO LAST and to CREATE GREATER VALUE over time, till the end of my days...

    Either Money serves to you and to God (if you are serving to God) or you are being managed by money and greed.
    Everyone of us can selct one of these options...:-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
    Before I had money, I was a little odd and opinionated and people looked down upon me and thought I was a "reject" because they had more money than me ... and "obviously" knew more....

    After I had money, I am still a little odd and opinionated and people look up to me because they see I have more money than them and think I know something they dont...

    hehe.. I am still the same. It is everybody else that changes.
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