What's Your Best Method to Stay Focused?

73 replies
How do you stay focused?

It's a pretty basic question, so here's my answer.

To stay focused I actually pushed my start menu (i'm on a windows machine) to the right side of the screen. This way I am not constantly reminded of other pages and I am more inclined to actually do something.

Ontop of that I also only have 1 instant messaging service (Skype) that I use currently. And the only people on that account are important business partners or very important friends. To talk with actual friends, I actually prefer to use email versus social networks like Facebook or Twitter, this way I'm not constantly checking them.

Anyways, those are my main methods, what are yours?
#focused #method #stay
  • Profile picture of the author magnates
    It depends on how you value your time . There is nobody breathing down your next to get the work done . It is easy to mess around clicking on your clicking away on your computer and not do any work

    There is no boss looking over your shoulder making sure you get your work done but if you value your time you set an time sheet where you schedule agenda which you would stick to and keep yourself accountable to make sure you get the work completed and mostly importantly get paid . You are an entrepreneur , you only get paid for results

    There are days that things will come up and stop you from keep your time schedule . they should rare and not the norm .Here is an example

    6- 7 a.m- Morning Exercise
    7- 8 a.m- Product Creation
    8- 9 a.m-Product Creation
    9- 10 a.m- Break/ Breakfast
    10-11a.m- Make a helpful video and Show some love to list
    11-12 noon - Forum Marketing
    1.00-2.00p.m- Lunch
    2.00-3.00p.m-Forum Marketing
    3.00-4.00 p.m- Product Creation
    4.00- 5.00p.m- Search Inspiring Success Stories
    5.00-6.00p.m- More Product Creation

    You get the point ...

    If this has help in someway, please "hit" the thanks button
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  • Profile picture of the author seobirk
    Usually a good planning of daily activities allow me to stay focused since my goal is to get them all done, the more I have them listed the more I want to get them all done. It is a very simple thing to do, only takes me 30 minutes maximum to plan the following days activities.
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    • Profile picture of the author ccora
      I'm a daily planner as well but when I really need to stay focused for a specific task, there are a few things I can do;

      1) schedule it for first thing in the morning when my mind is still clear
      2) go to another room so I don't have to be near my computer (if I don't need it for that task)
      3) take my computer with me to the library where the wifi is lousy (if I still need the computer)

      These tend to work for me

      Clint Cora - Motivational Speaker, Author & Karate World Champion

      Get my FREE 3-part Personal Development Video Series to help you
      expand your comfort zones to conquer your most daunting goals in life

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  • Profile picture of the author Raja Kamil
    This is mine...quite funny but work (at least for me )

    Raise Your Wand ! Wake Up Your Harry Potter Within ! | Raja Kamil dot com
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  • Profile picture of the author Enis
    When you have no choice, you stay focused no matter what.
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  • Profile picture of the author lonadaniel
    Thanks for bringing up this thread. That is actually my problem always - staying focused. But I am now trying to get back writing my to-do-list everyday to monitor my activities.
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    I stay focused by deciding what i will do the next day. So i don't waste time trying to make up my mind in the morning
    http://www.charlesmomo.com Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author oclseo
    Originally Posted by Justin Lewis View Post

    How do you stay focused?

    It's a pretty basic question, so here's my answer.

    To stay focused I actually pushed my start menu (i'm on a windows machine) to the right side of the screen. This way I am not constantly reminded of other pages and I am more inclined to actually do something.

    Ontop of that I also only have 1 instant messaging service (Skype) that I use currently. And the only people on that account are important business partners or very important friends. To talk with actual friends, I actually prefer to use email versus social networks like Facebook or Twitter, this way I'm not constantly checking them.

    Anyways, those are my main methods, what are yours?
    A cup of coffee and sound classical music will do, plus tranquility of the environment.
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  • Profile picture of the author jaywebdev
    I stayed focus by convincing myself that I need to work hard in order to attain my goal. And when I turn on my computer my background srceen has picture of my dream car So it reminds me to do the task that i really need to do. And also sometimes when you saw a good outcome to your work it become your addiction/challenge to work hard to get more revenue. So that's how I stayed focus!
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    • I think of work in terms of a series of short "sprints" rather than one long "marathon". I learned this observing poker dealers in casinos. To keep them fresh, the casinos give dealers 50 minute to 1 hour sessions then they get 20 minute breaks after every session, sort of like boxers with their 3 minute rounds and 1 minute rests.

      The mind can't really focus for long periods. I take a hint from the casinos. They know what they're doing. I work in 40 minute sprints followed by 20 minute stretching/youtube time wasting rest periods.
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Says
    loving the responses.

    I can say that I like schedules, but they have to be limited. I used to go by a daily schedule, but now I let things flow as they come and I find that I actually tend to find things a lot easier.

    You never know when something is going to pop up. Maybe you'll have a brilliant idea that could make something even more successful. If you do, thrive on it and go for it. Don't stop and think about it. You can always change it later

    My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.

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  • Profile picture of the author best2u
    A few things work for me such as something nice that I seen like a new model car.
    I used to plan things ahead for the day, trying to keep the schedule and it DID work, however, lately it just happens, unfortunately, that the closer the deadline is the more focused I get... strange, huh?
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  • Profile picture of the author SUPER Louie
    What you do is you write all your TODOs (including personal, career, love life, etc...) in a piece of paper to clear your mind. Then, you accomplish all of them one by one.
    A superhero is someone who knows how to be quiet, shed a tear for a moment, then pick up his sword, and fight again!
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  • Profile picture of the author Debra Barrow
    My method for staying focused comes from my trained profession before IM. I worked in financial analysis, which requires a great deal of concentration and attention to detail. I learned early on the consequences of "letting things fall through the cracks".

    So, I work like that on my IM projects...once I get all the distractions out of the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author janicelou
    set goals. have goals for the year, goals for the month, goals for the week, and goals for the day.

    i write my goals for day the night before. When I wake up i read them. I write my goals for the week on sunday night and I read i read them before I write my goals each night. I write my goals for the month the first sunday of every month.. and i read them each sunday before i write my goals for the week. ....... YOU GET THE POINT.

    having goals is what keeps you going. when you have goals you have something to do. when you have something you want to do its easy to stay focused.

    (make a note of where it says "something you want to do" )

    Having goals starts should starts with a burning desire. if a burning desire does not get you into action each day than it's not a burning desire.. its more like a wish.

    another thing is to watch what you eat and drink. you may be surprised to know that what you eat and drink will have a dramatic affect on your focus. they have done studies and found they can cure children with adhd by putting them on a highly nutritious diet of water rich foods (fruits, veggies, sprouts). they also put them on a regular routine of drinking pure water. (tap water does not cut it)
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  • Profile picture of the author Neoglitch
    Justin, I just finished reading a short story on this:


    I suggest you check it out
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Says
    @Neoglitch, thanks a lot dude You can see my post on that thread now.

    My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.

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  • Profile picture of the author kulo
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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Henderson
      Like many have already stated, I start out each day by writing down a list of the tasks that I will get done that day.

      I recently started to do something that really keeps me on task when it comes to writing. For most of my writing activities I go outside to a comfortable chair with nothing but pen and paper in hand. When I write on my PC, I find that it is easier for me to become distracted.
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    • Profile picture of the author rtsand
      There's a lot of good tips in this thread.

      I recently started using the Pomodoro technique, which is a time management system where you work for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break, then work for 25 minutes, then another break, etc. Every two hours you take a longer break. A timer is required to keep your work exactly to 25 minutes at a time.

      After a few weeks I've noticed that my focus has improved dramatically while I'm working on tasks. Any little distraction or interruption that pops is quickly dealt with by writing it down on a sheet of paper, then going right back to focusing on the task at hand. I can then take care of whatever it was that distracted me during the break or later in the day.
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    Having a specific plan for executing your plans in batches instead of hoping from one type of task to another. Planning time, connecting time (building relationships etc) and execution time. It also helps to have a recreational life to give your mind and body a chance to just wander.
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  • Profile picture of the author Viramara
    "Egil Saga" song from Faun is my personal anchoring.
    Everytime the song played, my brain commands me to work and do nothing else.
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  • Profile picture of the author Izzy9
    I usually create hourly goals in order to meet deadlines and balance my responsibilities at home at the same time. Many times I block out friends form my IM list so that they would not be able to bother me during work times.

    It's always a challenge to be stay focused when you have a lot of family and home issues to care about. But my family has understood that even if I am just at home, I have goals to meet.
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  • Profile picture of the author sandrasims
    I use Freshbooks as a timekeeper. If I know that I am 'on the clock' I am much more likely to stay on task!
    Sandra Sims

    Established marketing services website - view my Flippa website auction here!
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    • Profile picture of the author divingfenix
      I think of an idealised description of what I want, something which will inspire me and help create that all important mental picture of my target. This is called a 'vision statement' and I recommend that you should have one for your whole life.

      It's generally advised that the vision statement you develop should be created while constantly having the best possible outcome in your mind. In fact you might wish to think of something even better than the theoretical best possible outcome.

      Always remember that you must use the present tense in your vision statements. Try to write it just as if you were writing a report on what you actually see, hear, think, feel and etc. Imagine your ideal result' has come to you and you're writing about it.

      Try to make your vision statement describe what you'd feel when your goal has been accomplished. Include all the emotional gifts this would give you and try to filter them into your statement to give it more passion and make it more appealing, inspiring and energizing.

      The more information your statements include the more powerful they will be, include all your senses. Think about it, what colors, sounds, shapes, smells and textures would be connected? Does your vision include the smell of expensive leather and smooth silk sheets? Try to put everything you can into your statements. I have done it even on the bus...daydreaming and smiling...I get home, light a candle and start stating all the things I say "Yes!" to. This helps me stay focused on all of the positive things I want in my life.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Muhammad
    Affirmations and mastering your concentration.
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott B
    I have what I call my "Internet Marketing Success Algorithm" and I review it daily.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Magician
    To stay focused, I post a list of my current goals on the wall above and behind my monitor. This keeps my energy high, even when I find myself frustrated by a task I'm performing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kroncept
    I am currently in that procrastination mind mode where I have ten million ideas floating around but my day to day gets in the way...hopefully I will take care of that soon.

    Usually I write everything down
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  • Profile picture of the author benzwm02
    try making a mind map with software, it really does help
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  • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel C
    I personally use Action Enforcer, it's a action-timer based piece of software. It makes me stayed focused and I've accomplished more in the last 3 days that I usually do in a week.

    I've also used brainwave entrainment, quantum mind power to be exact. it's incredibly effective to get you focused. I'm amazed.
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  • Profile picture of the author zackick
    i do include exercise every 1 hour of do online biz but not my legs bone is hurting so much so I just stop exercise.

    i will focus 1 hour to do IM Biz and stop, rest and 1 hour IM Biz and stop. I do this for 4 hours only a day, then rest motivation book lo
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    • Profile picture of the author MValmont
      It's in my genes
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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    new glasses always help, but picking the frrames is the hard bit
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  • Profile picture of the author ThatMichaelKid
    I create goals and then break them into small steps throughout the day, then I divide a planning time to which I stick to so that I can focus on each one, after each one is done or gets to a certain time I take a break. I also turn any instant messaging service's such as WLM or Facebook, etc off, and listen to some music as it motivates me to keep going.
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  • Profile picture of the author italeads
    I like to run in the morning and figure out my plans for the day as I do so. This way I feel prepared to take on the day.
    ITALeads CPA Affiliate Network
    Weekly and On-time Payments
    Learn How to Make Money with CPA Here
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  • Profile picture of the author scsheldon33
    Set goals...Plan my day activities to achieve it
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    • Profile picture of the author coachkat
      I'm working on a logo right now, it's coming along nicely, but I am tempted to browse the net, jump to finishing my book, jump to posting on my blog, etc., etc., etc.

      However, I stay focused by scheduling my activities in my calendar, prioritizing them, reflecting in my daily journal and setting deadlines for the certain activities scheduled.

      I pretty much make my deadlines and as long as I stay self-observant, I stay focused (90% of the time! lol)
      Katheryn L. Olsen aka "Coach Kat"
      Self-Mastery Coach For Entrepreneurs
      Transformational Public Speaker
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  • Profile picture of the author Vulk
    My wallpaper is the type of car I want to buy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Skinner
    Funny you should ask!

    I schedule my time at the computer and actually sign in on a paper log attached to a clipboard and sign out when I'm done. Then later, I enter what I actually produced in the time I was sitting there. I hold myself accountable. Strange I know, but works for me!
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomSmith
    Make a list of tasks and start knocking them out! ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Aussie_Al
    I write out a list of goals I need to accomplish the desk day and post it to my wall - I then re-read it each time I pas that wall.

    Before sleeping I visualize myself achieving these goals and the next day I do it.

    Works for me!!
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    • Profile picture of the author piercebrandon49
      Make a list of prioritize and do the first priority? Thats make sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author thomaseade
    Do one task at a time. I think it is the best way to stay focused.
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  • Profile picture of the author suigeneris
    Nothing Beats a list

    1. Write Down Your Tasks
    2. Order them for Importance
    3. Work through them

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  • Profile picture of the author suigeneris
    2nd Technique

    Use Meditation Music.... www [dot] Holosync [dot] com , no affil

    helps me meditate deeper than I ever have in my life
    in fact they claim that you can
    • More Prosperity and Success
    • Eliminate Stress
    • And Even end depression
    Hot New CB Product!
    65%, On Each CONVERSION

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  • Profile picture of the author barrogz
    exercise keeps me focused...
    and eating super foods
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  • Profile picture of the author divingfenix
    I read today that there are 6 Steps to freeing yourself from the faulty mental programs that stand in the way of your dreams come true.

    Step 1: Identify the limiting beliefs that are holding you back

    Step 2:
    Create new empowering replacement beliefs

    Step 3 Clear the limiting belief file from your subconscious mind

    Step 4 Release the 'emotional glue' that surrounds and compounds the limiting belief

    Step 5 Install your new positive replacement belief

    Step 6 Strengthen your new beliefs in everyday life.

    When you clear your beliefs at a subconscious level you ensure real, lasting change.

    Your beliefs are vital for manifesting your dreams...make sure the ones you hold are aligned to your visions and dreams and the magnificent truth of who you are!

    Set yourself free to soar, to shine, to be all that you are and all that you can be!
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    • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
      One way to stay focused is do one thing a day that takes you closer to your major goals.

      Plus, always remember to judge everything you do by whether it takes you closer or farther away from your major goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author hireava
    I usually have my notepad where I list all my "to do list" for the day so I won't forget what I should do. This is my method to stay focused.
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  • Profile picture of the author nancykeener
    I have my sticky notes with my daily tasks written, arranged from the most important to least. I also set deadlines for all my tasks.
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  • Profile picture of the author pigmatic
    When i write for my blog or create content, i do not use computer and so i stay focused. I prepare everything on paper and then rewrite to comp. It's much easier for me, it's so many distractions out there: blogs, sites, forums, social sites, auctions, etc...
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    • Profile picture of the author KevinBolty
      Originally Posted by pigmatic View Post

      When i write for my blog or create content, i do not use computer and so i stay focused. I prepare everything on paper and then rewrite to comp. It's much easier for me, it's so many distractions out there: blogs, sites, forums, social sites, auctions, etc...
      Im doing really similar. Writing on paper then working withouth computer to stay focused. Recommended!
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      • Profile picture of the author Joshua526
        Originally Posted by KevinBolty View Post

        Im doing really similar. Writing on paper then working withouth computer to stay focused. Recommended!
        When blogging, I just write it first on OpenOffice (while my internet access is turned off), then when it's internet time, I just copy paste what I've written. I agree that there so many distractions, I don't resist, I just remove the resistance so I can work smoothly.

        When not blogging and I open the computer and internet, I think first so that I would know clearly what will I do, not just some mindless browsing, but with clear defined objectives, I do my tasks and just doing them.

        I am doing this for two weeks now and the results are not that impressive but the i can really sense the improvement.
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  • Profile picture of the author uebomoyi
    This is a great question. What I do to stay focused is write down on a notepad what I'm going to do on the computer that day so that way I don't get distracted. I read a book called "Succeed, How we can achieve our goals" and it talked about this thing called "the self control muscle" and the more you try to discipline yourself, the stronger it gets. I can feel it developing and it definitely keeps me from having a whole bunch of tabs open on my computer.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kelsy Scott
    I like to do lists keeps me in check.
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  • Profile picture of the author taniharjo
    use a stop watch and alarm when the task need to be done.
    One task is done, I reward my self with browsing some stupid stuff in youtube :p
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  • Profile picture of the author festow32
    To stay focused, I actually monitor what my competitor is doing so I can come up with a well researched better option
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  • Profile picture of the author Carmelia Brown
    When you know WHY you are going after the goal, the HOW becomes a lot easier. I always ask my self why I am doing it. Like if I am doing something for my wife or son, the thought itself wakes me up and motivate me
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  • Profile picture of the author vikash_kumar
    Honestly, This was my question as well....Till date I have never find a single answer to my question. Like always, I have several answers to my question, which again leads to loss of focus in finding a perfect answer.

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  • Profile picture of the author Zenaida
    concentration without distraction.....
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  • Profile picture of the author pronetwriter
    For me,it's all about my mindset.I zero in on my goals for the day and I don't budge till I've achieved them.Sometimes,i write down the goals while some other times,they are so clear in my mind and I don't need to write them down.Whatever the case may be,most times,I achive about 90% of the goals with this method.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anotherdesignteam
    I love this thread. For me focussing is very difficult. But I found ways to improve it. I make to do lists and just work them down. If I can't finish today, I work on it tomorrow again. Setting priorities. Staying away from places or situations where i can easily be distracted. I have build a lot around staying focussed, for that was one of my main issues
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Says
    Wow, tons of ideas. Thanks everyone for posting your thoughts on this. I myself have been doing my best to keep focused, but I'll tell ya, working in a dirty environment really brings down moral. So make sure to keep your place clean

    My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.

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  • Profile picture of the author estherwheeler
    first thing i did,to stay focused is to have peace of mind...then you have to eat your meal so it will help you think in the best way....hehehe
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  • Profile picture of the author Natausha
    I'm horrible at staying focused on one thing for long periods of time. Just one more reason that I do not hold a "regular job" I couldn't possibly go back to 8+ hour work days!

    What I have been using lately that is helping (it's still a work in progress) is using the pomodoro technique. Sometimes having a timer ticking down is really motivating to stay off the social networks and out my email. I also now only check my email at certain times of the day instead of having instant email alerts.

    Eliminating as many distractions as I can has meant more than just keeping off Facebook. Sometimes things that you think of as essential business functions are really distractions. Instant email alerts are mostly an unnecessary distraction.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christine2011
    Decide to work what is needed for the day only!
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  • Profile picture of the author addison.agnote
    Preparing a checklist of what-to-dos for the day can also help you stay in focus. It somehow gives you direction.
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  • Profile picture of the author CRM
    Great advice. To help me I set goals that are hard to achieve so that I have to be constantly working on them to get done. This motivates me to do more work and be more efficient with my time.
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  • Profile picture of the author krtinberg
    I schedule my day out the night before and try to stick as closely to that schedule as possible. It allows me to set daily goals and game plan what things need my immediate attention.
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  • Profile picture of the author bizlinkx
    My family , and my kids especially, its all about their happy faces..
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  • Profile picture of the author HawkPrecision
    do one thing at a time and live by my word. If I say it, I do it. That way I can trust myself when it comes to the big stuff.

    Become more effective by learning HOW to learn—http://diehardoptimist.com/

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  • Profile picture of the author elitewms
    review your short term goals daily and review your long term goals at the end of your workday. This will keep you focused on whats important. Read motivational and inspirational quotes before you start your day.
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  • Profile picture of the author dorianjohn425
    Yep, very common thing to stay focused is organize your activities for the day.

    Never let yourself get tempted to some other factors around as much as possible.
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