Becoming a Goal Sniper! The 21 Day Self Discipline Challenge!

71 replies
Hey Guys!

I was quite a disciplined guy! But these days, I am not doing what I need to do! That's why I started this thread!

I am going to do the following things for the next 21 days, consistently! And I am gonna log my progress every day in this thread.

Now, these are the things I am gonna do for the rest of my life -

  • Wake up @ 5 a.m.
  • Do exercise for 30 minutes
  • Do something to increase my internet empire for at least 2 hours (includes taking 1 of my site to the page-1, rank-1 of Google!)
  • Give more attention to my studies, and study for at least 5 hours
  • Do a "2 minute concentration practice". It's done by looking at an analog clock's "second counting dial" for 2 minutes without thinking anything else! Very powerful for giving concentration. 10 times a day.
  • Meditate for a total of 1 hour. 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes @ night.
There is a saying that, it takes 21 days to form a habit. Though, I know that I shouldn't go after more than 1 goal! But I did all these even before a month! So, no new thing here! I just want to make sure that I do these every single day!

Now you may ask me why I am doing this! There are other platforms such as! The thing is, I love the WF community. Every member here are very helpful. It will give me great pressure to do all things accordingly.

All these will be started tomorrow. This journal will be ended on 22nd September.

If you want to learn the top level SEO secrets of a 17 year old, I suggest you to subscribe to this thread
(see the 3rd point)

Wish me luck guys!!

#challenge #day #discipline #goal #sniper
  • Profile picture of the author PetterHedman
    These are some really good Goals.
    Dont overdo it. Then the risk is that U wont do it forever.
    keep a slow but steady pace and U will overcome the rest!
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    • Profile picture of the author Royce Space
      Originally Posted by PetterHedman View Post

      These are some really good Goals.
      Dont overdo it. Then the risk is that U wont do it forever.
      keep a slow but steady pace and U will overcome the rest!
      Exactly right. But it was nice goal actually.
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    • Profile picture of the author uebomoyi
      Originally Posted by PetterHedman View Post

      These are some really good Goals.
      Dont overdo it. Then the risk is that U wont do it forever.
      keep a slow but steady pace and U will overcome the rest!
      I agree. You have to be careful when setting goals. You don't want to have a negative association with the word goal by putting too much on yourself. I myself like to take on small goals that I know are achievable. Like posting 5 times in the warrior forum in the morning and then 5 times at night. That isn't too hard. For the other goals which place a higher demand on myself, like creating a quality video(s), I usually give up something for the day like TV since I know it will be a distraction. Always remember the law of sacrifice comes into play when you want to achieve goals. Hope this post was helpful to you...


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      • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
        Originally Posted by uebomoyi View Post

        I agree. You have to be careful when setting goals. You don't want to have a negative association with the word goal by putting too much on yourself. I myself like to take on small goals that I know are achievable. Like posting 5 times in the warrior forum in the morning and then 5 times at night. That isn't too hard. For the other goals which place a higher demand on myself, like creating a quality video(s), I usually give up something for the day like TV since I know it will be a distraction. Always remember the law of sacrifice comes into play when you want to achieve goals. Hope this post was helpful to you...

        You're right! I admit that I am giving myself too much pressure! But..have no choice! I have seen myself in the past when anyone could break me easily by putting much pressure on me! Now. I have only 3 words for that kind of guys - "Bring it on"!
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        • Profile picture of the author uebomoyi
          Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

          You're right! I admit that I am giving myself too much pressure! But..have no choice! I have seen myself in the past when anyone could break me easily by putting much pressure on me! Now. I have only 3 words for that kind of guys - "Bring it on"!
          Well I wish you the best of luck with your goal setting, just try not to stress yourself out too much or anything and always remember to have fun. When I was goal setting for big goals, I literally cut out everything that was even remotely close to fun and I just don't want you to go on a mental trip like myself, but I'm happy you're sharing your inspirational passion in the warrior forum and are focused on getting what you want. Keep it up pal


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        • Profile picture of the author Ben_R
          Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

          You're right! I admit that I am giving myself too much pressure! But..have no choice! I have seen myself in the past when anyone could break me easily by putting much pressure on me! Now. I have only 3 words for that kind of guys - "Bring it on"!
          i think youll find after a while it becomes easier and more enjoyable - also remember there are many others who do the same - like me
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

    All these will be started tomorrow.
    Why not put it off until the following day?

    PS Just joking - good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    Manchester U started off well. Only 22 days left
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  • Profile picture of the author IMRookie1
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    • Profile picture of the author EZRosenblum
      will give it a try. up for a challenge!
      The easiest way to make money online is by promoting affiliate products.
      The easiest way to promote other people's products is by creating review sites.
      The easiest way to create professional highly converting review sites is by visiting:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4582447].message }}
  • Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

    • Do a "2 minute concentration practice". It's done by looking at an analog clock's "second counting dial" for 2 minutes without thinking anything else! Very powerful for giving concentration. 10 times a day.
    • Meditate for a total of 1 hour. 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes @ night.

    Wish me luck guys!!
    The concentration practice and meditation by themselves will drastically improve your life! A calm, still mind will give you the clarity to see opportunities that you would have missed otherwise. Also, what good is all the money in the world without the sound mind to enjoy what you have?

    I will join you on those two goals and will be interested to see your results in the next 21 days.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Day - 1:

    • Waked up @ 6 a.m.! Probably my alarm clock wrung for about an hour!!
    • Did exercise for 30 minutes
    • Wrote 1 article for my affiliate website. The one I am trying to rank high.
    • Studied for approximately 4 hours
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 6 times
    • Meditated for 1 hour. 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night.
    What I did wrong:

    It was just the next day after the biggest event of Eid! I was overloaded with food! That's the only reason!

    About my affiliate website:

    Over the next few days I am going to do the hardest part of SEO - account creation! The most boring task of this world

    I will create accounts on the following web 2.0 sites -

    I will use TOR for less footprints. All these will be hand built.

    So far so good!
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    • Profile picture of the author The Great Gordino
      I'm interested in the idea of watching the second hand for 2 minutes, I haven't heard of that before.
      I'll give it a go...
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      • Profile picture of the author joekyut
        Originally Posted by The Great Gordino View Post

        I'm interested in the idea of watching the second hand for 2 minutes, I haven't heard of that before.
        I'll give it a go...
        Am also interested in this act of watching the second hand of my clock, I'll also give it a try
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      • Profile picture of the author CaptnJack
        Originally Posted by The Great Gordino View Post

        I'm interested in the idea of watching the second hand for 2 minutes, I haven't heard of that before.
        I'll give it a go...
        It's from an excellent book titled: Concentration: A Guide to Mental MasteryConcentration: A Guide to Mental Mastery by Mouni Sadhu.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4902617].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iva
      Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

      Day - 1:

      I will create accounts on the following web 2.0 sites -

      I will use TOR for less footprints. All these will be hand built.

      So far so good!
      Why are you focusing on those 20?
      Good luck with your challenge!
      Send me a PM if you have any questions.

      "Ask simple questions to get simple answers"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4596713].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
        Originally Posted by iva View Post

        Why are you focusing on those 20?
        Good luck with your challenge!
        Wait and see

        Having a bad time! My hard disk crushed!
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Day - 2:

    • Waked up @ 5 a.m.
    • Did exercise for 30 minutes
    • Wrote another article for my affiliate website. Launched a product on Digitalpoint, a highly modified PLR. Created 12 accounts on 12 Web 2.0 properties.
    • Studied for 5 hours.
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 10 times.
    • Meditated for an hour.
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    good luck on that am already inspired myself
    Signature Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author Royce Space
    Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

    Hey Guys!

    I was quite a disciplined guy! But these days, I am not doing what I need to do! That's why I started this thread!

    I am going to do the following things for the next 21 days, consistently! And I am gonna log my progress every day in this thread.

    Now, these are the things I am gonna do for the rest of my life -

    • Wake up @ 5 a.m.
    • Do exercise for 30 minutes
    • Do something to increase my internet empire for at least 2 hours (includes taking 1 of my site to the page-1, rank-1 of Google!)
    • Give more attention to my studies, and study for at least 5 hours
    • Do a "2 minute concentration practice". It's done by looking at an analog clock's "second counting dial" for 2 minutes without thinking anything else! Very powerful for giving concentration. 10 times a day.
    • Meditate for a total of 1 hour. 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes @ night.
    There is a saying that, it takes 21 days to form a habit. Though, I know that I shouldn't go after more than 1 goal! But I did all these even before a month! So, no new thing here! I just want to make sure that I do these every single day!

    Now you may ask me why I am doing this! There are other platforms such as! The thing is, I love the WF community. Every member here are very helpful. It will give me great pressure to do all things accordingly.

    All these will be started tomorrow. This journal will be ended on 22nd September.

    If you want to learn the top level SEO secrets of a 17 year old, I suggest you to subscribe to this thread
    (see the 3rd point)

    Wish me luck guys!!
    Thanks! Nice post. I will also take your advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Day - 3:

    • Waked up @ 8 a.m.
    • Didn't exercise
    • My affiliate site -
    1. Wrote 1 article
    2. Created 15 forum profiles from Paul's packet (Jan-Feb '11). A little old packet!! I bought it when I was using Paypal (Ah, those were the days. I verified it through vcc, but Paypal somehow found it :confused. Bangladesh didn't accept Paypal till now! Though the Government of Bangladesh approved Paypal recently, but it may take another 3-6 months for paypal to start their service in Bangladesh.
    3. My target is to create a linkwheel with these forum profiles. I will make a linkwheel of 50 forum profiles. Each will have 3 links. 1 link pointing to the money site, 1 to the previous profile, and 1 to the next profile.
    4. Spun 1 article and uploaded to Scribd.
    5. Pinged all url's through Pingler.
    • Studied for 4 hours
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 9 times
    • Meditated for 30 minutes
    What I did wrong:

    There is a saying that, "morning shows the day". I guess it happened with me! My alarm clock didn't ring for some unknown reason! I will my father's phone as an alarm clock tomorrow.

    Totally unsatisfied with my progress

    Let's hope for the very best in the next 18 days
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

      Totally unsatisfied with my progress.
      Don't be. You're doing awesome.

      There will always be little “road blocks” along the way and it's how you overcome them which is important. (And that is exactly what you're doing. : )

      “Fall down 7 times, get up 8”
      “You’re not a loser because you didn’t succeed. You’re a winner because you tried.”
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Day - 4:
    • Waked up @ 5 a.m.
    • Did exercise for 30 minutes
    • Growing my internet empire -
    1. Created another 15 forum profiles.
    2. Created 47 accounts on 47 supported sites!! (I almost broke my back )
    3. Wrote 1 article.
    4. Pinged all url's through Pingler.
    • Studied for 5 hours.
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 10 times.
    • Meditated for 1 hour.

    Great day!

    Tip of the day:

    If you are struggling to wake up on time, place your alarm clock at a distant place. So that you have to walk towards it to stop the alarm.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4607740].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

      Day - 4:
      • Waked up @ 5 a.m.
      • Did exercise for 30 minutes
      • Growing my internet empire -
      1. Created another 15 forum profiles.
      2. Created 47 accounts on 47 supported sites!! (I almost broke my back )
      3. Wrote 1 article.
      4. Pinged all url's through Pingler.
      • Studied for 5 hours.
      • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 10 times.
      • Meditated for 1 hour.

      Great day!

      Tip of the day:

      If you are struggling to wake up on time, place your alarm clock at a distant place. So that you have to walk towards it to stop the alarm.
      Impressive! That's probably more than most wanna-be internet marketers will do in a month.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mattaym
    Keep at it, man!

    The only way to fail is to give up.

    Try to give yourself a rest day, too.

    If you're struggling to wake up at 5 AM, I think that's fairly understandable try going to bed earlier as well. I find that if I get 9 hours of sleep, I can jump out of bed and get immediately started on what I need to do.

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    • Profile picture of the author juninhop
      All the best Adnan, writing down your goals is very important in actually reaching them.

      I wish you all the best and please share your progress with us as it will give other people hope to achieve their goals in life as well.

      Best Regards
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4609931].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
      Originally Posted by Mattaym View Post

      Keep at it, man!

      The only way to fail is to give up.

      Try to give yourself a rest day, too.

      If you're struggling to wake up at 5 AM, I think that's fairly understandable try going to bed earlier as well. I find that if I get 9 hours of sleep, I can jump out of bed and get immediately started on what I need to do.

      Thanks man! Currently I am sleeping only 3-4 hours/day! I found out that, meditation and exercise give me more energy than a full night sleep!
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Day - 5:

    • Woke up @ 5 a.m.
    • Did exercise for 30 minutes
    • Studied for 5 hours
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 7 times
    • Meditated for 1 hour
    • Growing my internet empire -
    1. Wrote 1 article
    2. Bought a high PR blog comment packet from Blog Comment Shop.
    3. Created another 15 forum profile.
    Tip of the day:

    What? You got up from the bed, walked towards your alarm clock, stopped it, and again came back to bed and slept for hours?
    When you're in this kind of situation, just do as I say - stop breathing! Yes, you heard me! When you stop breathing, your body parts will send message to brain - "Fight or Flight"! It'll take only a couple of seconds, and you'll be fully conscious!! Your eyes will be wide open and that sleepomania will be gone!
    Alert: If you can't hold your breath longer, don't force yourself! I don't want to see you dead

    I am soooo tired:rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author joekyut
    This thread is very interesting, Setting goals might be easy but achieving them is a challenging factor to consider
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    DAY - 6:

    • Woke up @5 a.m.
    • Didn't workout!
    • Studied for 3 hours!
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 10 times.
    • Meditated for 1 hour.
    • Growing my internet empire -
    1. Wrote 1 article
    2. Bought a Xrumer forum profile pyramid. 500 high PR forum profiles pointing to money site, blasted with 10000 forum profiles.
    3. Funneled all links through Twitterfeed and I will show you next day how I funneled the links to get them indexed!
    Why I was absent for 2 days:
    I was feeling pain in my left hand, but just didn't care! Now, I am paying for it! It's a muscle injury. I held my left hand in a sling for 2 days. The doc said, I won't be able to exercise for 1 week! I can understand that! I can't even lift a book with my left hand
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous

    Too many obstacles! This time it's cold and fever! Will start the challenge again from tomorrow
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    • Profile picture of the author JMCM
      Good luck Adnan! I hope you are over your cold and your hand is feeling better.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    Although I know that waking up in early in the morning is probably the best thing to do, I wouldn't wake up at 5AM.. most likely 7-8 would work for me

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author hradwan
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    • Profile picture of the author uebomoyi
      Originally Posted by hradwan View Post

      nice work man... if you can do that, it will be a great way to achieve any goal. I could not make it because I tend to get bored from routine. A lot of people suffer what I suffer. Anyone knows any cure for that?
      Find something you enjoy doing and figure out a way to get paid for it. Then you can start outsourcing boring tasks. You can do it bro, all you have to do is just focus on what you like. Also, there's a tool called the focus booster that you can download for free and it helped me pull through certain things I didn't like doing. Hope that helps you out some...


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  • Profile picture of the author tamimabraham
    Waiting to see final result. Go on! Always with you.
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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    How are these going so far?

    I definitely need to get back into waking up at 5am. I get SO much done in the morning its ridiculous!
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    • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
      Originally Posted by Justin Stowe View Post

      How are these going so far?

      I definitely need to get back into waking up at 5am. I get SO much done in the morning its ridiculous!
      Good luck Justin
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Finally! Fever is gone!

    Day - 7:
    • Woke up @ 5 a.m.
    • Studied for 6 hours.
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 10 times.
    • Meditated for 1 hour.
    • Growing my internet empire -
    1. Commented on 10 high pr blogs from the "Blog Comment Shop" packet which I bought on the 5th day.
    2. Bought my second WSO - "Google Detonator" (not an affiliate link! Obviously!). Created by my buddy Precious. Well done bro

    Because of my sickness I don't want to put too much pressure on me. That's why I decided not to do exercise for the next 3 days.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kate Campbell
    Great Challenge. Your life will be better. After 21 days, all goals will become as your daily habit.

    Good Luck!

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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

      ... - stop breathing! Yes, you heard me! When you stop breathing, your body parts will send message to brain - "Fight or Flight"! It'll take only a couple of seconds, and you'll be fully conscious!! Your eyes will be wide open and that sleepomania will be gone!
      This is something I've never heard before. The only time I would set my alarm clock for 5am is if I wanted to get up 11am.

      My 2c worth:
      Don't set hard goals. You're beating yourself up for nothing man. They only make you feel bad when you don't achieve them and there's no way to achieve the important today so why remind yourself of what you're not doing or don't have? Instead try creating aims, directions and mile markers and here's the most important tip... remove the dates! Replace all dats with A.S.A.P.! Works for me and people I suggest it to. You think you'll get less done but the opposite happens. 5am is not a time that any human should be doing anything but sleeping or coming home. JK.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Day - 8:

    • Couldn't wake up at 5 a.m.! Come on! It's holiday!
    • Did "2 Minute Concentration Practice" 10 times.
    • Meditated for a total of 1 hour.
    • Growing my internet empire - Commented on 10 blogs+Submitted 1 article to SocialMonkee.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaynjordan
    You are doing great! I actually will be doing the 2 minute concentrations too because of this posting. I will also be creating small goals so I can achieve them.

    Remember to take a break and have fun with it. You are supposed to do it to make money and because you like it. With that said, I think that you telling us about it is really awesome and I am enjoying reading about what you are doing each day and I'm happy your hand is better
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4692195].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
      Originally Posted by shaynjordan View Post

      You are doing great! I actually will be doing the 2 minute concentrations too because of this posting. I will also be creating small goals so I can achieve them.

      Remember to take a break and have fun with it. You are supposed to do it to make money and because you like it. With that said, I think that you telling us about it is really awesome and I am enjoying reading about what you are doing each day and I'm happy your hand is better
      Thank you very much Jordan for your sweet words! Good luck with your goal.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Day - 9:
    • Woke up @ 5 a.m.
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 7 times.
    • Meditated for a total of 1 hour.
    • Studied for 6 hours.
    • Growing my internet empire -
    1. Sent out a JV offer to a fellow warrior with an interesting Flippa trick.
    2. Commented on 10 high PR blogs.
    3. Posted on Social Monkee.
    Quote of The Day:
    As Jonathon posted, this is also my most favorite quote!
    "Success is falling 9 times, and getting up 10"
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Thanks for the mention Adnan. You're an inspiration. : )

      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Day - 10:
    • Woke up @ 5 a.m.
    • Did exercise for 30 minutes
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 7 times.
    • Meditated for 1 hour.
    • Studied for 5 hours.
    • Growing my internet empire -
    1. Commented on 10 high page rank blogs.
    2. Submitted my website to Social Monkee, IMautomator, 247backlinks.
    3. Created 4 new Web 2.0 properties - Ezine Articles, Webs, Helium, Terapad.
    Why I didn't post last night:
    I was soooo tired that I couldn't assist myself towards my computer! Sorry guys!

    Tip of The Day:
    If you are a newbie Internet Marketer, please finish your studies first! Though it's not necessary to achieve those so-called degrees, even I won't never use those hard earned degrees of mine! The fact is, you and I, both don't know what will happen in the future! That's why, it's good to have a backup for bad times!

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    • Profile picture of the author Christine2011
      Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

      Day - 10:
      • Woke up @ 5 a.m.
      • Did exercise for 30 minutes
      • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 7 times.
      • Meditated for 1 hour.
      • Studied for 5 hours.
      • Growing my internet empire -
      1. Commented on 10 high page rank blogs.
      2. Submitted my website to Social Monkee, IMautomator, 247backlinks.
      3. Created 4 new Web 2.0 properties - Ezine Articles, Webs, Helium, Terapad.
      Why I didn't post last night:
      I was soooo tired that I couldn't assist myself towards my computer! Sorry guys!

      Tip of The Day:
      If you are a newbie Internet Marketer, please finish your studies first! Though it's not necessary to achieve those so-called degrees, even I won't never use those hard earned degrees of mine! The fact is, you and I, both don't know what will happen in the future! That's why, it's good to have a backup for bad times!

      Kudos on your 5th day success!

      Love your tip of the day...I definitely agree
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  • Profile picture of the author Bozander
    Wow, I'm getting tired just reading about all you're doing everyday. Great way to accomplish what you want by having yourself held accountable though. That does seem like a lot to accomplish everyday but nothing wrong with aiming high, and it seems to be working for you. It's also great motivation for everyone else, especially me, to maybe ramp it up a bit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ashanti Spiering
    When you meditate in the morning just after waking up, don't you just fall back to sleep? Especially when you get up at 5?

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    • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
      Originally Posted by Ashanti Spiering View Post

      When you meditate in the morning just after waking up, don't you just fall back to sleep? Especially when you get up at 5?

      No ! I take a shower right after waking up. I can also control my sleep as my wish through Autosuggestion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous

    My old friend is visiting me again! His name is Fever!

    I am postponing this challenge again!!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous

    Sorry guys! But this time it (Fever) really got me! Now I am feeling a little good. Will start the challenge again from tomorrow.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Just recovered from high fever! Started the challenge again from today!

    Day - 11:
    • Woke up @ 5 a.m.
    • Did exercise for 30 minutes.
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 5 times.
    • Studied for 4 hours.
    • Growing my internet empire -
    1. Just got a great idea of a service. I am back in freelancing and want to make $1000 by providing services. I want to spend all of them on creating new affiliate minisites and ranking them to page 1 of Google.
    Movie Pick:
    "Source Code". Though it's a movie based on quantum physics and all that. But it carries a very important moral which reflects in our life often! Which is - Whenever we go through bad times in our life, we always expect someone to come to us and say - "Everything's gonna be okay".
    I went through veeerrryyyy bad things in my life. But no one said that to me.

    Have a great day
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    • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
      Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

      Movie Pick:

      "Source Code". Though it's a movie based on quantum physics and all that. But it carries a very important moral which reflects in our life often! Which is - Whenever we go through bad times in our life, we always expect someone to come to us and say - "Everything's gonna be okay".
      I went through veeerrryyyy bad things in my life. But no one said that to me.

      Have a great day
      This is why everyone should strive to be that person that when you see someone down and in need just take a few mins and listen to them. Tell them it will be ok and offer suggestions to help it be better.

      I wish in my personal life i had someone to do that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Hey - he's back. : ) Nice to see you're still going at it Adnan.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author dorianjohn425
      Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

      Just recovered from high fever! Started the challenge again from today!

      Day - 11:
      • Woke up @ 5 a.m.
      • Did exercise for 30 minutes.
      • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 5 times.
      • Studied for 4 hours.
      • Growing my internet empire -
      1. Just got a great idea of a service. I am back in freelancing and want to make $1000 by providing services. I want to spend all of them on creating new affiliate minisites and ranking them to page 1 of Google.
      Movie Pick:
      "Source Code". Though it's a movie based on quantum physics and all that. But it carries a very important moral which reflects in our life often! Which is - Whenever we go through bad times in our life, we always expect someone to come to us and say - "Everything's gonna be okay".
      I went through veeerrryyyy bad things in my life. But no one said that to me.

      Have a great day
      Glad to see you back dude and still going on with your 21 day challenge

      Keep it up man and congrats
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Day - 12:
    • Woke up @ 5 a.m.
    • Did exercise for 30 minutes
    • Studied for 6 hours
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 8 times
    • Didn't meditate
    • Growing my internet empire -
    1. As I want to start freelancing again, but don't have Paypal, I signed-up with 2CheckOut. They cost a non-refundable $49 for just signing-up!!!
    2. Tweaked my business site (the site from where I intend to sell my services).
    3. I am a little worried, 'cause I never did this kind of services before. Though I am only providing with which I saw real results!
    Tip of the day:
    Pray! If we see any object even on the moon, like...some kind of a box (!) we'll definitely agree that somebody must have created it! The same goes for us! There IS a creator. Who is listening to every single bit of our heart, watching us taking every good step, watching us taking every bad step, watching us fall, helping us to get up. The list goes on and on!

    Eat, pray, love
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Day - 13:
    • Woke up @ 5 a.m.
    • Did exercise for 30 minutes
    • Studied for 5 hours
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 6 times
    • Meditated for 1 hour
    • Growing my internet empire -
    1. 2CheckOut contacted me and gave some instructions about my website. Did everything as they said. Hope they will approve me fast.
    2. Revised all my resources, checked everything out. Waiting for getting approved by 2CheckOut, and starting my service. It's like waiting at the Dentists'
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Day - 14:
    • Woke up @ 6 a.m. (Come on! It's holiday!)
    • Did exercise for 30 minutes (I finally reached my 30 pushups target!)
    • Studied for 4 hours (Again, Come on! It's.....)
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 10 times.
    • Meditated for 1 hour.
    • Watched a great movie named "The Terminal"! Featuring Tom Hanks
    Warrior Poll:

    Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? If so, how did you guys first met?
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Sorry guys! I was very busy launching my service!

    Day - 15:
    • Woke up @ 5 a.m.
    • Did exercise for 30 minutes.
    • Studied for 3 hours. (Was overwhelmed with launching the service!)
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 6 times.
    • Meditated for 1 hour.
    • Growing my internet empire:
    I finally launched my service on a reputed forum! I wish I could've launched it on WarriorForum as well! But, I don't have any Paypal account to pay the $20 fee of the "Warriors for Hire" section
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  • Adnan -

    Thanks for continuing to post even though your success has not been as easy as some would make you think. This is a great thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Sorry guys, for not updating this thread for a while. Was really very busy with my studies and Minisite Building service.

    Day - 16, 17, 18:
    • Woke up @ 5 a.m.
    • Did exercise for 30 minutes.
    • Studied for 7,4 and 8 hours
    • Meditated for 1 hour
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 7,3 and 9 times.
    The Biggest Challenge I Have Faced:

    I took a break for 1 day. I woke up in the morning, and found myself totally broken! Looked like, I have lost interest in every single thing of my life! I watched a movie, read my favorite thrillers, and spent more time with my family and did nothing else.

    It was truly breathtaking. Probably it was the result of the constant pressure I am putting on myself!
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    • Profile picture of the author Ashanti Spiering
      Originally Posted by Adnan Firdous View Post

      ... Looked like, I have lost interest in every single thing of my life! I watched a movie, read my favorite thrillers, and spent more time with my family and did nothing else.

      It was truly breathtaking. Probably it was the result of the constant pressure I am putting on myself!...
      I know this feeling too well. You decide to work hard on reaching your goals but along the way you start to doubt yourself and if what you're doing is really what is necessary for success. That's why, from time to time, you need a day off and also you need to step away from the day to day routines and think really hard at where you are and where you are going and how you are going to get there!

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  • Profile picture of the author ArtemK
    Good job so far!

    Don't feel too bad about taking a break once in a while. After grinding ourselves down daily sometimes a short break is all we need to get going again with full force!
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  • Profile picture of the author erooptions
    Best of luck dude. I really admire your discipline to just 'do it'. At least you still have time to exercise and meditate unlike me.
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  • Profile picture of the author sunnyimrs
    Folks...The 21 day program is really good and it works like magic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Illuminations
    I adore you. What you do on a daily basis is already a daily burden for me. Hope I could change my ways someday.
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  • Profile picture of the author DeanaRedsunm
    Toni, a high-school sophomore, lacks self-discipline, fails to plan ahead, and is very anxious.
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  • Profile picture of the author hireava
    Good for you Adnan! Way to go.....good luck on your challenge!
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Haynes
    Very good...I like the fact that you realize that you must take control of yourself & get back on track. Equally important, that you knew what to were ahead of the game. I believe when you are "success" oriented, knowing your goals & putting them to a daily time-table & completing all of them by the end of the day & not going to bed until they are accomplished, keeps you moving closer to your destination. Daily distractions are always there to derail you but face it, fight it & conquer it & get back on track...must finish by the end of the day, for tomorrow is a new day with new challedges.
    "Success" is a definitely a plan.

    The Virtuous Woman
    Put money back into your pocket right "NOW". Click here to find out more.

    -For the first 300 Warriors who download
    my FREE e-book will be eligible to win a
    brand "new" 4SG Apple I-Phone...Click here!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4911130].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ivansoto
    i love this thread ,,,,its really a challenging one
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnan Firdous
    Hey! I am really sorry for not updating this thread on time! I am overwhelmed with work and study, and most of all, whenever I try to enter Warrior Forum, I get some errors like "Database Error", "this domain is not redirecting properly" etc etc!

    Day - 19, 29 and 21:
    • Woke up @ 5 a.m.
    • Did exercise for 30 minutes
    • Studied for 3,5 and 3 hours.
    • Meditated for 1 hour.
    • Did "2 minute concentration practice" 6,7,4 times.
    2nd June, 1995-Present time: What I have learned

    1. The no.1 rule when it comes to self improvement - Never Blame Yourself! You made a routing and can't follow it properly. Every night you go to bed with a thought that, I am a big loser! No buddy, that won't help! It will put on much more pressure on you, and believe me, you will be totally broken in no time! You have tried, that's the main thing! Remember the K.I.S.S factor?

    2. Writing down your goals does help! But only then, when you'll keep the note somewhere you can easily see! Keeping your written goals in your drawer won't help you at all! I generally stick my To Do notes on my book shelf! I can easily see it whenever I enter my room!

    3. Listen to what other say! It's not true that you will be always right! It's not true either that everyone else will be always right! You just keep what helps you, you through away what doesn't help you! Enough said!

    4. Being lazy, is a horrible thing, period! Don't go with those convincing sales letters of Dan Brock (remember "Deadbeat Millionaire"?). If you're lazy, or you want to earn money/automate your business just for the sake of waking up late in the morning......There's no herm in being your own boss. But...don't be lazy. Get up and create new goals, which you work on!

    5. I constantly hear people saying "I want to do something in/with my life"! Another horrible thing! "I will do it/that/this" is way better than "I will do something". Find what you're passionate about! And stick with it!

    6. Academic degrees does help! Though, here in Bangladesh, education is now a big business, people are opening schools/colleges/universities and charging high fees! Students are competing with each other to become the very best student of their class! Now, that's sick! There's no doubt that I won't use my so-called degrees in any means. I know it very well that the way I am going on, there will be no financial problems in my life! But just for the sake of keeping a back-up, and most of all, for the sake of my parents, I am going on and competing with those so-called 'First' and 'Last' thing, in terms of results!

    7. Decrease your sleeping time. It will help you big time! We can do a lot if we wake up early in the morning!

    8. There's no doubt that, it's tough to make moeny online! You need only two things to become successful online - Patience and Knowledge! If you are a newbie and want to make money online, please learn the following -
    HTML (Basic)
    WordPress (Basic)
    SEO (Basic>Intermediate>Advanced)
    Most of all, internet is the only thing you need to earn knowledge!

    9. Do meditation. It calms your mind, resulting into greater productivity! If you don't know how to do it, at least try some Binaural Beats. Google it if you don't know what it is.

    10. Every week, read at least one book! It can be a Nobel winner, it can be a well renowned thriller (though I don't recomment Harold Robbins

    11. Do everything you can to increase your productivity! You must learn the following -
    Speed Reading
    Faster typing (at least 40 WPM)
    Here's a great plug-in to prevent you from getting distructed with those social networks!

    I left all social networks in no time! When I found out that this social networking thing was eating up too much of my time! Though I don't recommend at all, that you must also leave social networking. Connecting with various people is a great thing. But, know your limits!

    12. Spend time with your parents. I hate it, when I see, after passing teenage, people leave their parents and starts living on their own! That's the time when your parents are becoming lonely! And that's the time when they need you the most! We can never give back what they did for us, it's a universal truth! But at least, we can try!

    13. Smile. It's the music of the soul! If you live in the US or somewhere else in the west, there should be some kind of Laughter Club! Don't hesitate, join it!

    Wrote for a long time! Time to get back to work

    Oh, more thing, Live Your Life.
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