Looking for Meditation book Re-brand

1 replies

Close to being finished with my website, meditationdaily.com. There is a really great opportunity here given the website name. Haven't begun to drive traffic at all yet, and still get sign ups. (right now just have a landing page with an email sign up box). I have done zero marketing and paid traffic, and I still get sign ups.

Here is where I am at. I am an avid meditator, and it has helped me tremendously. However, I would not consider myself a guru There are quite a few Meditation Techniques/eBooks out there, but I am looking for one that might have multiple techniques. The meditation that I do would be actually somewhat complex for a beginner, so not necessarily a good product to sell for beginners.

Do any of you know or have meditation guides that you would be willing to rebrand for my site? We could work something out as a JV or I could buy rights to it.

Thanks and looking forward to it!

#book #meditation #rebrand
  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    Maybe it would also help to find out from the beginners what their preferences are before shopping for new ideas
    http://www.charlesmomo.com Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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