"Watch Your Mouth!!" You Tell On Yourself Everytime...

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Here's a link to a video I was just sent that talks about the importance of the words we speak.

Get Unstuck With Conscious Communication - YouTube

What I took most from the video is the "challenge" Brian issues. He says to make a plan and set a reminder/alarm to go off 3 or 4 times per day and when it goes off you write down the last sentence or two that you spoke. Then as you read those sentences of the words you just spoke you ask yourself, "What would I have to believe, to have said what I just said?" This will help you identify what beliefs are determining the words you speak. Then you can ask yourself, "What will this belief cost me?" or "How can I use more of this belief to get more of what I want to experience?"

I suggest you watch the video (5 mins) to get the whole story, but that's what I took away.

I'll be doing this "challenge" along with a few people I know. Anybody else up for cleaning up their beliefs?
#mind warriors #communication #concious #everytime #watch your mouth

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