Wht is the best personal devlopment book....

by 29 replies
Hi there i am such a negetive person and now i am focusing on mindset
and want to grow my personal devlopment.

Has anyone got any suggestions on what book to read that would make
me think in the correct way.

please dont hesitate to leave any links of book

and thank you for reading
#mind warriors #book #devlopment #personal #wht
  • Ask & It Is Given by Jerry and Ester Hicks

    Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn

    The Game of Life and How to Play It (included in the Wisdom of Florence Scovill Shinn) by Forence Scovill Shinn

    These books are all relatively short and very easy to read do I would say get them all.

    All of the books by Jerry & Ester Hicks are empowering and positive.

    I would also recommend that you go right now to Jerry & Ester Hick's site
    Home of Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction -- It All Started Here! and go to the free audios online that you can listen to.

    As A Man Thinketh by James Allen can be downloaded free here
    Kathy Hadley Life Coach

    That should get a great start. Once you have done all that, let me know if want some others.

    Also. you can sign up for free at both the sites I mentioned above for free positive and inspirational things in your email to help you.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Thanks for that mate, i was looking at a book called super self is it any good
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  • The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

    It's from a different era, and that's a good thing because it really helped understand what was being taught so much better.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • For personal development here is a list to set a good foundation. Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill. Psycho Cybernatics by Maxwell Maltz. The psychology of achievement by Brian Tracy the audio. Of courser there are many others such as The magic of thinking big. But the three mentioned above lay a great foundation to build others upon. When reading personal development it's best to start out with the old school simply because it has more origingal content. Hope that helps and wish you the best to your personal development journey. And remember personal development is a never ending journey. There are so many continiums and bodies of knowledge it's impossible to learn everything.
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    • Thanks everyone for the help good guild lines, switch books now gonna read think and grow rich. Everyone seem to mention it everywhere in different threads.
  • No book will make you think in the correct way. A book can help guide you but you have to make yourself think the correct way.

    A couple good books about positive attitude are:

    Amazon.com: Attitude 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know (101 Series) (9780785263500): John C. Maxwell: Books

    Amazon.com: The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset (9780785260981): John C. Maxwell: Books
    Keep smiling!
  • Check out some Brian Tracy and Tony Robbins stuff. I think both of them offer free stuff of some kind on their websites if you check on google. Good luck!
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  • Think and Grow Rich, no contest.

    How to Win Friends and Influence People is also very solid.
  • The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
    The Road Less Travelled by M Scott Peck
    Men's Search For Meaning by Vıktor Frankl

    ...all changed my life, hope you get a chance to read them.
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    “An Iron Will” is definitely one of my favourites.

    Here’s some quotations from the book:

    You can download the ebook below:
  • The book The Success Principles by Jack Canfield definitely changed my life for the better. I hope you get to read this book and goodluck to you.
  • Ive read and studied the subject for years, i live by the law of attraction, my opinion by far is the book think and grow rich by Napolian Hill, you can pick one up on ebay, i would recommend going for the older version you can pick up, i managed to get a 1945 edition for around 40 pound on ebay, it is an amazing book.

    Negativity attracts more things to be negative about, start thinking in a fantasy world, believe you already have the things you so desire, think and believe it with passion, and start to change your pattern of thinking, if you can achieve things in your mind then you will achieve those things in your body !

  • akhtar,
    I used to be a really negative person. Immersing myself in good inspiring literature has certainly helped change that!

    I have many books I would highly recommend, some of which have been mentioned.

    The one I will recommend to you at this point in your journey is the first one I ever read, and is still one of my faves: "The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino.

    I believe this is the best one to start with for three reasons:

    1-It is short and really easy and fun to read.
    2-The self help message is included within an entertaining fictional story, which makes it fun to read. It tells of a little boy who comes across ten scrolls that contain hidden wisdom of the ages. It is these scrolls that make him become the greatest salesman in the world. (And I personally LOVE what he does with the scrolls at the end!)
    3-Having read dozens of self help books since then, I can tell you the content in that book is second to none. As far as raw content there are a few others I would put on par with it, but none that surpass it.

    I won't give you a link to it though, because you should save the money and take advantage of your local library. I'm sure they have it. If not find a half price books near you that does.

    Best wishes, and may the force be with you!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • the audio that you sent me in the other thread was amazing and it has made a change honestly that why im gonna read more up

      thanks dude
  • My favorite book of all time is The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino.

    It teaches you self discipline and is the perfect place to begin your transformation.

    At the end of the book there is what they call scrolls and in my opinion it is what make this book super special.

    It is recommended to read each one 3 times a day for a month.
    This book instills the discipline to stick to the process daily. You read each scroll 3 times a day, and aloud the third time.

    By instilling a habit of doing this three times a day, every day, it brought my personal development, as well as each individual lesson, to my attention constantly.

    It is not enough to just read the book by reading the scrolls daily it instills the habit of taking action. It requires only a small time commitment and is very easy to do. Continuing the reading once per day after this is even easier.

    This provides a starting point for future personal development with other applicable lessons. The Scroll Marked III, persistence, and The Scroll Marked VIII, overcoming procrastination, are incredible, and for those two alone it is worth reading the book.

    The rest of the scrolls in this book will bring about changes in the way you interact with people, your view of your place in world, the way you present yourself and the way you approach your goals.

    I believe personal development is the first step to success.

    I personally have my "Power Hour" first thing in morning and it starts my day off in the right mindset.

    Stay focused on being around the right people and stay away from the tv and the talk radio.

    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Looks like we think alike Jedi
  • TrishOleary, wow! Check that out, you and me were typing recommending the same book at the same time! Is that a synchronicity or what?

    Ok akhtar, that's a sign. Go get the book!
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • jedi im getting the book now cool hehe
  • I agree Jedi!! Absolutely a sign for Akhtar
  • I HIGHLY recommend napoleon hill's the law of success.

    It's the first book he ever wrote and its 1000+ pages.

    Go download the free one online, the paid ones now a days on amazon are all edited and watered down.
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    • I agree. Think and Grow Rich is great, but The Law of Success is where it's really at.

      Not one I would recommend for just getting started, but if you want to get to where you not only play around with self help material but really deeply study it, The Law of Success is IT!
  • I've personally used Josephy Murphy's Power of Your subconscious Mind with great success.

    Two keys that worked for shifting my mindset quickly was by repeating these words to myself: 'wealth, success' and avoiding any use of negativity regarding money. I explained the details here:

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    • Combine 2 books.

      1. Born a healer by Chunyi Lin. Practice Qigong everyday to live to be over 100 and never get a disease.

      2. The Sedona Method - Use this book to release all resistance to material goals - and maybe even become enlightened.
  • "You can win" by shiv khera is the book i love now and ever...
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    • I love the Sedona Method to release "blocks" you might have to success. I've also read a few of the ones mentioned here.

      But I'd have to say for me, the grandaddy of them all is the course Mind Powers, by John Kehoe.

      He's got a book too, but the course goes way more in-depth.
  • Well, actually there are many ebooks that can help you to think in the correct way.

    I'm thinking about one specially that can shift your mindset if you follow and understand the knowledge in this one.

    Stephen Covey - 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T Harv Eker
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    • Hi Akhtar!

      I grew up in a terribly negative environment, but was fortunate to recognize that and worked hard to overcome the negative influences in my life. Today, I consider myself to be a very positive person and try to influence others to view life more optimistically. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to be aware of negative thinking and negative speech. When you find yourself saying or thinking negatively, STOP...and change it to something more positive. For example, if you do something and then say to yourself " Wow, I'm really stupid", change that thought to something more positive, like " I could have done that differently". if you see something you'd like to buy, but you're finances aren't great, instead of thinking " I can't afford that" say, "I choose to spend my money elsewhere".

      Our self-talk is really important. I recommend a book called "Self-talk: What to Say When You Talk to Yourself" by Shad Helmstetter.

      Good luck and keep working on yourself...we're all a "work in progress"

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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