When should one give up?

86 replies
Is there a time when one should give up, or a time when it is best that one just give up?
  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Titan
    If you are referring to internet marketing and the ability to make money online,

    I say never give up. Find out what is wrong, adapt, and take another shot at it. If you are not making money and other people are, you are doing something wrong.

    Exception: If there is something in your life that is more important than making money online, such as family in need or overdue rent, then it maybe a good idea to set it aside for the time being. But never just give up. Keep your websites active at least. You maybe surprised what a little aging can do for your website(s)
    New Members Challenge! Join me in 2012. Set an income goal for the New Year and achieve it!
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  • Profile picture of the author feliciayapsl
    Winners never quit and quitters never win.
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    • Profile picture of the author benlydenver
      Originally Posted by feliciayapsl View Post

      Winners never quit and quitters never win.

      I love this one. I will never quit
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  • Profile picture of the author jacobcowen
    I believe that warriors are made to overcome, so never ever give up!
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    • Profile picture of the author Wilma1980
      Originally Posted by jacobcowen View Post

      I believe that warriors are made to overcome, so never ever give up!
      I agree with you!
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  • Profile picture of the author HorseStall
    They say Thomas Edison had hundreds of failures before he invented the lightbulb.

    If you are learning from your mistakes you are moving forward.
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    • Profile picture of the author housewarrior
      Originally Posted by kaniganj View Post

      Don't give up; follow the Think And Grow Rich! method and Get A New Plan!
      Second the motion! Here is the reason.... As time goes by your Internet landscape will be dotted with failures. However, the only thing it's costing you is your domain fee each year.

      As you grow and learn, often times you'll have the occasion to come back to those set asides and take corrective action to make them more profitable.

      The Internet is the ONLY place on the planet where the millionaires and paupers have an equal shot at success. Everyone starts out with a blank page and an idea. Many many times, one lone self-taught page inventor is the equal or superior to a team of college educated marketing specialists.

      Because of the relatively low cost to produce excellence on the web, the only time to give up is when it's no longer fun.

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  • Profile picture of the author DanEitreim
    The way I see it is...if ANYONE is successful at what you are trying to do, then you can be successful too! Just keep trying. Don't get in the rut of doing the same things over and over.

    Each time you try something new, consider it an experiment.

    You may have an experiment result that gives you what you wanted - and that is good. Or it may be an experiment that succeeds in teaching you another route NOT to follow!

    In an experiment, you are only trying to get a result. Whether your experiment delivers the hoped for result or not, it IS a result! Therefore either way, you were a success!

    Why would you ever give up?

    Keep trying new experiments until you find the path to the result you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author jameswatson2002
    Well, as Ben Franklin said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." hehe
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  • Profile picture of the author chelsean
    If Michael Jordan gave up, he wouldn't be an inspiration to so many today.. Never give up!

    Looking for a house in Arizona? Use a Phoenix Realtor! Have little kids? Check out baby clothes Australia. Businesses should use commercial cleaning nj. Enroll in a coaching certification program!

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  • Winston Churchill summed it up when he said "Never, Never, Never, Never Give Up!"
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  • Profile picture of the author iDesigners
    It is always great to say and hear "Never Give UP", but may not be possible always. Hang on till the end and leave it when you are convinced that it is your extreme end!
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    • Profile picture of the author ScottCofer
      I think we've all asked ourselves that question at one time or another. I'm assuming you've tried a few different projects (if you're talking about IM) ...

      My suggestion would be this ... there has to be at least one thing you've had positive results from. One sale you made, one subscriber you received ... something that represented a positive step forward.

      Hold on to that! Let go of everything else you're doing and focus on expanding what worked. Don't get caught up in the next "shiny object" and abandon something that was showing signs of life.

      It's very rare that something generates results - to a massive degree - quickly. Like any business, IM takes a while to mature ...

      You CAN make money online ... you just need a plan:

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  • Profile picture of the author tylersmith
    never give up....must have a hope
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  • Profile picture of the author jettdegraves
    Giving up is never an option, just go on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Good responses. Thanks.

    What if someone has been trying for 5 years but not had enough success? Should they give up? Radically alter their plan?
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    • Profile picture of the author Dimagiba
      You should'nt give up. Just Keep Praying and Our God will help you in many other ways. If you fall then He will catch you.
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  • Profile picture of the author adamlanigan
    great thread....
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  • Profile picture of the author David Sneen
    When should you give up living? When you die. ... If you honestly believe that you have a niche that you can fullfil in internet marketing, never give up.

    Continue learning. Evaluate your results. Adjust your marketing programs based on your results. But, never, never give up.
    David Sneen
    It's what you do when no one is watching
    that determines what you will be able to
    do when everyone is watching.
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  • Profile picture of the author NYC SEO
    The day you lay down in your final hour. DO NOT QUIT!
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  • Profile picture of the author OO
    You are better than giving up arent you? I know you are. It's time you believe it too.
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  • Profile picture of the author AJ Smith44
    Assuming the individual knows what their definite chief aim in life is, I believe giving up is not the correct decision; however, plans may need to be adjusted to obtain the over all goal or object of an individual's desire.
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  • Profile picture of the author Russel Mogul

    you hear me

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  • Profile picture of the author Iriss
    Give up now.

    Give up on thinking about giving up.
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  • Profile picture of the author athanne
    Unless you did not choose the right thing at the beginning, giving up simply means the end of everything i.e. including your life. Rather than that take courage and go out to other people and share out your problems. It will be at this point you will find out that most of what you are going through is just a process. Sit down, think and re-organize yourself and then take an initiative to focus again on your target. Remember one way leads to another, and therefore, if you choose on giving up you are bound to give up on your next initiative.
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  • Profile picture of the author kenyaengineering
    There should be no giving up especially at such times when almost everything seem not to be working every moment that passes by. Many people and companies are experiencing hard times and the problems trickle to every corner of the world. Just keep on with the hard fight as long as, in your belief, you are in the right business . It is normal encountering setbacks at various points in any business and that does not mean you can't make it altogether. Seek advice from others and share out your problems.
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  • Profile picture of the author abugah
    You only give up when you are in the grave. Assuming that you have a definite purpose in life; you have determined the price you are ready to pay; and are working tireless towards it. Giving up is not an option.
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  • Profile picture of the author WhiteStarlight
    You should give up only if you realize, that you are doing something wrong in your life.
    For example you are trying to run offline business and it doesn't goes the way you want to. You want to make money, but you hate that offline business. In that case it is better to give up and start to run another type of business ( for example internet marketing), the business you feel passionate about.
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  • Profile picture of the author ColinT
    When the going gets tough.......the tough get going.........never give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
    You already stated your solution. "Radically alter your plan."

    Whatever you've done so far is in SERIOUS need of a revolution.

    If you want, PM me with what you've done over the last five years. I assure you, I have nothing to sell or preach to you, just to get an idea of what you've tried and maybe I can give you some ideas, Warrior to Warrior. (Gods know I have many...)

    In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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  • Profile picture of the author varun01
    Of course , you have to apply common sense here and realise there are some exception to the rule but and a big BUT... GIVING UP IS NOT OKAY !!
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  • Profile picture of the author Megyn
    If you want results quitting is not an option. Don't settle for anything less than your best.
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    • Profile picture of the author zannix
      There is an important destinction between giving up on something and changing your approach. And it is sometimes very hard to distinguish the two.

      If your goal is to reach $10,000/month, and you've got a plan ready, then execute that plan. But if your plan keeps failing, DON'T PERSIST. GIVE UP ON THE PLAN. MAKE A NEW ONE.

      Why? Because PLAN is not your ultimate goal. Your ultimate goal in this case is $10,000/month, which can be achieved by a better plan.

      Change your approach, keep your goal.
      All you can do is all you can do - Art Williams
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  • Profile picture of the author petragarbar1
    Almost agree with Zannix but only one thing, if someone wants a boy and his wife is pregnant with girl. The plan cant not be changed. I just mean to say that keep the things fair. If you believe you can do that then do it other wise don't. Just making a step further can cause either success or failure. But remmeber Failure makes you perfect and every perfect man make a mistake.
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  • Profile picture of the author webworm

    I got this somewhere in this forum and inspired me not to give up.
    Are you going to give up anymore?
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny Wester
      Never give up, NEVER. I was close but good people convinsed me that if you just staying with what you do 2012 will be the year that 2011 was not and it can be so for you too mate. Just don't give up.

      What would you like to tell people? That you succed and made money from what you do on internet or that you gave up and confirmed what many belive is to hard to do. I would pick the first one.

      What about you?
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  • Profile picture of the author garbs
    Never. Whats the matter?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Field
    If there's a will, there's always a way, so never give ever give up.

    Rank Page 1 of Google in 7 minutes with Webfire SEO

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  • Profile picture of the author sq201
    There are some exceptions where you can give up and that's when giving up will actually be better for you than not giving up and persisting at something you can't win.

    So if you can look at your situation and tell yourself honestly it is better for you to give up, then I think it's ok.
    But if not, then I keep on going and don't stop until you get there
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  • Never quit if it's something you really want.

    If something isn't working in IM, try to stop for a second and look at what you're doing. We all like to go from one thing to another. Usually, you start seeing possibilities and insights once you focus your energy on one thing only.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    Originally Posted by Michael55555 View Post

    Is there a time when one should give up, or a time when it is best that one just give up?
    Of course i say never give up in internet marketing - Fall seven times but stand up eight.

    and also those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly.

    Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass... It's about learning how to dance in the rain. This applies in your IM journey as well

    Hope this help and may God bless you,
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  • Profile picture of the author devonm
    I WAS going to give up and stay on welfar for the rest of my life just recently.

    Good job I didn't. I had a major brain hurricane in the nick-o-time.

    I got this HUGE idea when visiting some other forum. Someone had a job open for Wordpress installation. I got first dibs at it because I replied so quickly to it.

    After I did it, I just had a HURRICANE in my brain, lets say a Category 5+ hurricane of memories. I mean that hurricane cleaned the whole darn land to nothing. Palm trees down, no more towns, NOTHING!

    What happened in the hurricane was there was a flood of memories of past skills, dealing with Wordpress , plugins, editing php and CSS files and setting up Wordpress from scratch through 3 different ways including building and preparing a mysql database for installation.

    Also I remembered installing many other scripts involving using mysql databases.

    I was in SHOCK! I thought, NOW REALLY! Are these actually marketable?

    I got this HUGE second part of the hurricane, just as brutal as the first part to go to oDesk and Freelancer.

    I about DIED like a b%$#@! The prices people were paying for my skills were AMAZING! I just screamed like a SISSY!

    The rest is history.
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  • Profile picture of the author KingOfMusic
    Easier said than done but, never, really.

    The light bulb was made after 1000 failed attempts.

    "Thomas Edison's teachers said he was "too stupid to learn anything." He was fired from his first two jobs for being "non-productive." As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

    Source with many more inspirations: They Did Not Give Up

    The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work. - Michael Jackson

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  • Profile picture of the author Debra Barrow
    Happy New Year Everyone! (2012)

    I say never give up on your goal to be successful. You might tweek your methods, if they're not working. This is a process. Build on what you've learned and run with it.

    I've been at this for several years, and each year I see my hard work paying off. For example, I got my first check from ClickBank in December.

    Anything is possible if you want it bad enough.
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      The success-minded person never gives up ... they just make adjustments and mid-course corrections.

      It's about being adjustable, adaptable and flexible according to your circumstances. Then You Press On!
      Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
      "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
      "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Randy Engler
      I don't really agree with the advice that says never give up... wise people know what and when to give up. Be clear about your goals, and be critical about every thing you do. Ask yourself, is this activity getting me closer to my goals, or is it taking me further away from them. If it's taking you further away from your goals, give it up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    I you really want to do something, be it anything related to IM or something else, you should never give up until you achieve it, no matter how hard it is. The harder it is, the bigger the reward.
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    Never give up. Never, never give up. Refine your plans, refine your beliefs, grow for the life you want instead of the life you have, but never give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author sandyjameson
    clear your mind and follow your instinct
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  • Profile picture of the author abundantlife
    I was wondering if you have considered your "why", your reason for beginning. Has that changed? I mean if you started your IM career to earn extra money but no longer have need of it perhaps it is time to reconsider your options. Is there something your would rather be doing with your time than spending it at a computer, building a business? Columbus was headed for China but settled for America instead.

    Lives change along with circumstances. Sometimes we need to make our own circumstances. Other times we need to roll with the new ones that come along. You have been given some excellent advice, but ultimately, the answer rests with you.
    David Tampien
    Top Ten Reasons to Use Aloe Vera Every Day

    Prov. 22:1 A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul_1
    If you wanted to do something and you are only half-hearted on doing it. Give it up immediately.

    Even if you are 3/4s committed to achieving the goal. Give it up immediately.

    More or less you will fail at the end if you are not WHOLE-HEARTED. Nothing comes easy on your path to success. You will find problems along the way, and it may be plenty. More likely that you will give up if there are bumps along the way. If you are not committed 100% on this, you will breakdown and fail.

    BUT, if what you are doing is what you want and you are committed to it 100% and you have 1000 reasons on why you are doing it. By all means, never give up, whatever the situation is.

    You see, if you are really committed in doing it, you won't even mind the bumps along the way. You will be geared towards achieving your goal. And, that is how it going to be my friend. Success it is!
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  • Profile picture of the author PeacefulCalamity
    Probably after more than a decade of trying lol. Honestly, that's the extreme. But if you really just look at all the techniques of making money before you jump in than you could find that it'll take you far less than "forever" to start making money.
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  • Profile picture of the author tamiro1992
    well it really depends. sometimes in life you have to give up so you dont come out a complete loser. you just let go and move on. but with things such as online marketing and seo, i would never give up. keep trying, eventually it will all pay off.
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  • Profile picture of the author stevet563
    Remember the Spartans fighting the battle of
    Battle of Thermopylae

    300 battled thousands and never gave up.


    Highly skilled, professional, passionate and experienced web designer For Hire.

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  • Profile picture of the author jettdegraves
    Giving up is never an option.
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  • Profile picture of the author hireava
    Never ever give up on something or anything. Life is full of challenges and happiness so live it to the fullest.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
      Originally Posted by hireava View Post

      Never ever give up on something or anything. Life is full of challenges and happiness so live it to the fullest.
      I've been thinking about this since I posted it, and I think what I decided/figured out is that it is alright to give up on a goal, ONLY if one can devote just as much energy effort to a new or different worthwhile goal. That is... if new information indicates a different path is better, then go on that new path... which can look like giving up... so it is and is not giving up.

      It is like a small give up (alright) versus a large give up (giving up totally and bad).
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  • Profile picture of the author Lin Raj
    never ever quit till your end.
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  • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
    What else would you do?

    Although I have no intentions of giving up, I ask myself what else would I do? It's not pretty.


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  • Profile picture of the author Salesforce
    one should give up after getting success.
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  • Profile picture of the author AaronMorton
    Hi Guys,
    What I think is MORE IMPORTANT than living by the notion of never give up is CONSISTENTLY CHECK IN WITH YOURSELF.

    Sometimes the desire to achieve the goals you had a year ago is not as strong a year later and you wonder why you are not getting the results..could be that you don't have the desire for it any more? No shame in that and better to ask yourself 'what is my desire pointing to now' than to carry on with the mantra of never give up.

    'Never give up' is an ATTITUDE an individual will adopt when their desire, their knowledge and focus is directed in the process of getting to their end point. A lot of this is an unconscious, out of awareness act and if you feel frustrated it will be helpful to check in and discover whether it is frustration about experiencing slow progress and set back or that your desire to pursue this goal is fading.

    Aaron Morton
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  • Profile picture of the author abbywebb
    For me, there is no room for giving up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Isaac
    You just need to step back and take a look at what you are doing. Are you doing things to make money, or are you doing things because you want to help people.
    ***No Signature***
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  • Profile picture of the author monkeytrousers
    If something isn't working, try it from a different angle.

    Every day, you hear tons of stories from people who have struggled for months or years trying to make money online. Every failure led them to a new discovery about how to do things better.

    Learn from your mistakes and keep at it. There really is no giving up if you keep your eyes wide open
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  • Profile picture of the author kcvan
    Why would anyone EVER give up? There are 2 billion people online, and most of them are looking for ways to earn money from home. All you need to do is find a legitimate workable system that's affordable for lots of people, and promote it heavily every day, and give support to the people who join it with you. Study businesses until you find the right one, then study THAT ONE EVERY DAY, no matter how long you're with it. I've been in a biz for over 600 days and log in and study the backoffice several times daily, and promote it to dozens of sites daily, for the full 600+ days, and it has paid off extremely well for me. Maintain your focus on your promotions of your best program, don't jump around to a zillion businesses, work the one that will help you earn the most money, most quickly, be unique with your advertising and be supportive of the people who join with you, offer them your best, and stay in touch with your team frequently, even if it isn't MLM, I'm in a resale biz, and I consistently contact my 400+ customers and encourage them and send them new ads I write.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
      Originally Posted by kcvan View Post

      Why would anyone EVER give up? There are 2 billion people online, and most of them are looking for ways to earn money from home. All you need to do is find a legitimate workable system that's affordable for lots of people, and promote it heavily every day, and give support to the people who join it with you. Study businesses until you find the right one, then study THAT ONE EVERY DAY, no matter how long you're with it. I've been in a biz for over 600 days and log in and study the backoffice several times daily, and promote it to dozens of sites daily, for the full 600+ days, and it has paid off extremely well for me. Maintain your focus on your promotions of your best program, don't jump around to a zillion businesses, work the one that will help you earn the most money, most quickly, be unique with your advertising and be supportive of the people who join with you, offer them your best, and stay in touch with your team frequently, even if it isn't MLM, I'm in a resale biz, and I consistently contact my 400+ customers and encourage them and send them new ads I write.
      It is pretty amazing to think about how there are possibly billions of humans online!
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      • Profile picture of the author IMBotz

        But of course if things don't work out the way you expected you may have to change strategies.

        Sometimes you have to take the extreme step of regrouping and starting all over again with new ideas or projects.

        But you should never give up and strive for success at all costs.

        Sometimes taking long breaks help and doing something totally unrelated to IM or whatever it is you are working on.

        Good luck!
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  • i never give up something what i want...

    Hire SEO full time virtual assistant - $130/month - 100% Unique content and human readable - GUARANTEED Ranking

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  • Profile picture of the author linaO
    This thread is amazing, this topic weighs heavy.

    I used to run an offline business in web design, and boy was I terrible at it lol. I mean, I hated it after awhile because I just wasn't the "offline" type and I didn't realize this until I was thousands of dollars in the hole and homeless.

    I started running around, looking for jobs again, even tried to reenlist in the army, but they weren't accepting prior service members. It got really bad.

    I sold everything I had to cover living expenses so that I can at least get a motel for a week and internet usage.

    Than something happened during this whole gigantic storm.

    Now, I've always been awesome at copywriting but I didn't have the confidence to "jump in" I guess. But at this point, I became so desperate I felt this was a sign. I didn't know where to start as a copywriter, especially with ZERO credibility.

    I got everything on the subject and studied as hard as I ever had, practiced, and then started to promote. I raked up enough on the side to place an ad here on the forum and even though only a few people have reached out to ask about my services without purchasing yet, I'm not giving up.

    It's when you give up that you'll see down the road how close you were to making it. This is a fact. So many people resent it. You may not see the answer or the answers right away, but this doesn't mean you never will.

    Just keep going, don't try, just do. You'll be thanking yourself later. Just like me, I'm not gonna be homeless for forever. I won't allow it. So while my competition is sleep, I'm awake, I'm working, and I'm mastering. Never give up
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
      Originally Posted by linaO View Post

      This thread is amazing, this topic weighs heavy.

      I used to run an offline business in web design, and boy was I terrible at it lol. I mean, I hated it after awhile because I just wasn't the "offline" type and I didn't realize this until I was thousands of dollars in the hole and homeless.

      I started running around, looking for jobs again, even tried to reenlist in the army, but they weren't accepting prior service members. It got really bad.

      I sold everything I had to cover living expenses so that I can at least get a motel for a week and internet usage.

      Than something happened during this whole gigantic storm.

      Now, I've always been awesome at copywriting but I didn't have the confidence to "jump in" I guess. But at this point, I became so desperate I felt this was a sign. I didn't know where to start as a copywriter, especially with ZERO credibility.

      I got everything on the subject and studied as hard as I ever had, practiced, and then started to promote. I raked up enough on the side to place an ad here on the forum and even though only a few people have reached out to ask about my services without purchasing yet, I'm not giving up.

      It's when you give up that you'll see down the road how close you were to making it. This is a fact. So many people resent it. You may not see the answer or the answers right away, but this doesn't mean you never will.

      Just keep going, don't try, just do. You'll be thanking yourself later. Just like me, I'm not gonna be homeless for forever. I won't allow it. So while my competition is sleep, I'm awake, I'm working, and I'm mastering. Never give up
      I hope that you have lots of success!
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  • Profile picture of the author D3fiantMark3ting
    Never. You will NEVER succeed if you don't try.
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  • Profile picture of the author queen bee
    You're a warrior dude!! Giving up is not an option at all...Learn to fight and you'll reach your target soon. Be prepared to work hard though :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author KyleGolemMedia
    Giving up is a way of telling yourself you weren't interested in being successful in the first place. If you give up on this now, you'll likely get used to giving up in other walks of life. Work hard...and I mean REALLY hard. It's the only way you'll see the return on your time and money in this industry. Trust me.

    My assessment: Don't give up until you know this isn't right for you. Go off instinct...not failure. And if you're experiencing failure, figure out why. Dissect the problems you're having and eliminate them one by one. Heck, this industry isn't that hard to make money in. 90% of it is taking action and expanding on things that work.

    My 2c!

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  • Profile picture of the author messiah
    Only give up if you can live with yourself afterwards. It's your call.
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  • Profile picture of the author Simon Ashari
    There are 2 schools of thought regarding this question.

    Someone who reads Think and Grow Rich hears Napoleon Hill talk about how the successful people rarely change their mind once it has been made up. They continue doing something long beyond the point where others know it to be unsuccessful.

    However reading 'The Dip' by Seth Godin we are exposed to another school of thought. He states that we should determine whether we can be 'the best in the world' or not. If we can, then we should follow that path determined.

    If not, then we should give up straight away (and move to something we can be the best at).
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  • Profile picture of the author JonathanL
    Here are my thoughts. It is vital to work on your mental game and to become crystal clear on what your end goal is. Decide where you would like to be at by a certain date and then TAKE THE ACTION required to get there. We all fall in to a rut sometimes. Maybe the area that you're working in doesn't align with you or maybe you don't know enough about how to make it work. There are an infinite number of ways to reach any goal. It's all about proper course correction. You have to know where you're headed and then go towards that spot step by step. The hardest part is just getting started. Once you get the momentum behind you then you're unstoppable. If one path truly isn't working for you and you've honestly tried then find a different route to reach the goal. But NEVER give up on what you truly want!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Damien Roche
    Look at it this way..

    If Mike Filsaime, or Frank Kern, or {your favorite successful online entrepreneur) was stripped of their connections and given nothing but an internet connection, they'd taste success again!

    Above all else, value knowledge and skills.
    >> Seasoned Web Developer (CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby) <<
    Available for Fixed Fee Projects and Hourly ($40/hr)
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  • Profile picture of the author redforce
    I think there are several parts to this question. The first is your goal. Do you have a properly formulated goal? I want to make $500 a day isn't a goal. You need to have a why.

    What is the underlying reason for your goal? Look beyond the money to what it would mean in your life. What could you do? Who could you help?

    If you are struggling, check back in with your goal. Do you still feel aligned with it?

    People change and it is possible that what once seemed attractive doesn't anymore. Nobody is going to continue working towards something that they don't really want. It is OK to give up on a goal that you no longer feel aligned with.

    If you are still happy with your goal, there may be more than one way to achieve it. The goal is more important than the method.

    So what about the method. Whatever you have done didn't get the result you wanted but, you did get a result. You have something to work with.

    Is the unwanted outcome down to the method being wrong or your poor implementation of it. Did you do it right and did you do enough of it. There could be a simple fix.

    NLP has a simple success formula.

    1) Take action
    2)Notice what happens
    3) Adjust as necessary

    I have been guilty in the past of not noticing what happens. Specifically, there have been times when I failed to notice that it was going in the right direction.

    The results weren't great but I was making progress. Instead of doing more and learning to do it better, I wasted a couple of years and a lot of money chasing shiny objects.

    So, it's OK to change the method as long as you really have given it your best shot and it really isn't working.

    But to sum up, if you still believe in the goal, never give up. Do whatever it takes.

    After all, if you are not working towards your goal, what else are you going to do?
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  • Profile picture of the author kelsa
    Hi, this is my view - First of all,it actually depends on what your definition of 'giving up' is. In this context, are you saying you're thinking of 'giving up' in favour of following a more profitable, easy, appropriate route to making a living? (A perceived one at least) If yes, then how do you know that your alternative route is going to work for you or that you will be happy with that either? That's not negative. Nobody knows unless they try, right? That applies to all routes when facing a crossroads, whether it be another type of IM activity or a paid day job. It sounds like you are using the term 'giving up' to beat yourself up.

    In reality, the bigger question is have you done enough to make things happen for you, whatever it is you are trying to achieve? How do you know if that's the case? Do you know exactly what you need to do to make things happen? How much of it do you think you need to do? For me, my gut tells me and now, my experience shows me so. That time is different for each of us as it depends on your level of self belief, stamina, determination etc.If you have come to the crossroads where you are feeling only disappointment and seeing nothing for your efforts, you have to be sure that your mental account of this picture is REALISTIC. Is someone or something sabotaging your efforts and poisoning your mind into self doubt? We all hear and see those people in our lives.

    Its a question of a personal conversation you need to have with yourself. You need to weigh up your resources - how much time do you have left in contingency, how much money, how much mental and sometimes physical staying power do you have left. You need to detach yourself EMOTIONALLY and get a piece of paper and write these things down in front of you. Set yourself SMART goals (google it if you're not sure what that means) Then you can establish if what you are doing is right, or if it needs to be changed in some way.

    There is so much inspiration here on this forum, and often it's overload. Its hard to focus. But...focus you must have done or you wouldn't be even thinking of asking about giving up. What works for one isn't necessarily going to work for everyone.

    The best favour you can do yourself is network here, educate yourself, find out what is going wrong with your approach (yeah, that's hard, because there may not be anything wrong with it at all) and try to figure out if you've been realistic about payback goals. I'm always skeptical of promises of 'you will be banking $XXX in no time' Everyone has different skills and a different way of applying themselves. For some a little effort brings results perhaps, but on the whole, there's no real 'quick fix' return on investment, whether it be time or money. That's my opinion and if anyone has anything to the contrary, please let me in on it and I'll jump on board!!

    Don't be too hard on yourself. This is a real marketplace with great potential, you just need to figure out where you can find your feet. Have you been distracted by the next shiny thing and scattering your efforts too widely by buying too many WSO's maybe? Try to get some perspective on all this because I would say do NOT give up, just adapt and tweak, which is a totally different thing. The trick in our world is to keep an eye on what's current (current methods and practices) because this is a very changing marketplace and what worked yesterday, won't necessarily work today, we only have to look at google to see that. I've failed at stuff, loads!I've had those thoughts of..but I've invested so much in this, I must be crap, it must be me... I've learnt from my mistakes and changed the way I've done things so that this time round, I will be making better use of my time, investment and effort. The only shame lies in not trying, and you obviously are trying, so good for you!

    Best of luck for your future. Don't look back for too long, that's crippling, just look forward because it's only there that you will find real opportunity.

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