Have A "Wait" Problem? Lose Your Wait and Succeed in 2012
But a bigger problem besides taking off the pounds exist. And that’s "waiting" for the perfect opportunity to take actions on our goals.
As you read this millions of people delay, avoid and procrastinate toward taking actions on their dreams because of a wait problem. The result? Millions of opportunities pass by them because of their wait problem.
For example they're waiting for the perfect circumstance, the perfect conditions, the perfect amount of money, or the perfect person.
Yes, procrastination has quietly stolen more dreams, hopes and goals than the slickest thief, crook or swindler could ever do.
That's why we should all renew our commitment to lose some of our "wait' for this coming New Year. If we ever hope to achieve our goals we have to shed the “wait”.
There's a popular saying that “success comes to those who wait". I agree to a certain point. Yes, success can come to those who wait, but it's only achieved and kept by those who take action. And that means losing the wait problem most people have .
Here's 3 tips to help you shed your wait problem in 2012 and achieve more goals.
1. Think Action-Minded.
Practice taking action, however small. There's a law of physics that says a body in motion tends to stay in motion ... and a body at rest tends to stay at rest.
That's why a simple act can often lead to breakthrough discoveries and opportunities.
When facing new challenges, one of the biggest problems to beware of is the dreaded paralysis of analyses. Over-analyzing can often lead to inaction or waiting.
That's why getting in the habit of action is so important. Just do it is more than a clever slogan.
2. Make A Decision to Decide.
Another obstacle that gives most people a wait problem is their difficulty in making decisions. After they ask the questions, spend money on books, DVD's and seminars they never decide or commit to taking persistent actions.
Depending on whose study you read, it's estimated only 10 - 20% of the people who order self-improvement books will take action on the suggestions.
That means 80-90% of the people will simple read or listen to it and lay it to the side and never make the decision to take action.
It's my guess most of those people have a wait problem. They're waiting for something to happen before they take further actions ... and they wait .. and they wait.
3. Be Mentally Prepared To Persist... No Matter What.
In our microwave, push button, got to have in now society, persistence is turning into a dirty word. But it's the key to overcoming your wait problem.
I've often said, “the difference between a goal and a wish is that you're willing to persist“. If you're not willing to persist you're just wishing? The result? You'll often find yourself getting bogged down with a nasty wait problem.
So, mentally prepare yourself to persist through the challenges and obstacles before you start. How? By making a committed decision (See number 2).
So, make it your New Years resolution to exercise these 3 powerful tips and you'll find your wait problems melting away. Happy New Year!
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