3 business beliefs to live by....

13 replies
Recently I watched a YouTube video of Will Smith being interviewed and there was a piece of the interview that struck me. It was where he said 'you may be better looking than me, you may talk better than me, but you will never outwork me, I'll die on the treadmill if I have to. Will's belief in his abilities to work as much as he needed to in order to succeed shines through in congruent fashion.

Beliefs are like the foundations of a house; you can't see them, but you can see the consequence of them. If there is a strong foundation, the house can stay up for as long as necessary. If the foundation is weak, it is only a matter of time before the house crashes down like dominos.

So what is a good belief?

Well a belief is what you see to be true in the world you live in. I say 'see' because your belief's ultimately have an effect on what your brain filters through to your conscious awareness.

A strong belief is one that will focus your awareness in achieving your goals and hold your conviction in the face of set-backs. You can probably see that this definition holds true equally for someone like Hitler as it does for Ghandi, so what would a strong belief look like that would put you in good stead in business and on your life as a whole.

Here are 3 to get you thinking:

Learning is a lifelong process

When something is a lifelong process, you activate your curiosity on what else is out there and how you can get even better on what you already know. There is a legend in martial arts called Dan Inosanto, a close friend of Bruce Lee. He holds multiple black belts, but when he starts a new art, he puts on his beginners white belt like everyone else.

Having a belief that learning is a lifelong process washes away any bull**** about whether you are an expert or a guru and allows you to focus on the question "what can I learn today?" Let other people call you an expert, focus on being a learner.

I accept failure when it occurs

By deciding to go into business on your own, you are deciding to fail multiple times. You can call it something else; messed up, ****ed up, set back, 'didn't go according to plan', but ultimately it is a fail. Yet having the belief that you accept failure when it occurs, means you are not going to curl up in the foetal position crying a river.

Instead you:

- deal with it,

- learn what needs to be learnt from the situation to ensure you reduce the chance of it happening again

- Plan and implement your next move.

For this belief to be implemented one of the first steps is to redefine what failure means to you; see it as an opportunity to learn and you will learn something. See it as a signal to stop and you will stop.

I have everything I need to succeed

Anyone that has done well in business or life has done so with everything you currently have already. They may have more knowledge than you, more money than you or more connections that you, but strip them naked (metaphorical of course!) and they have exactly what you have.

The knowledge, money, connection is the result of how they have applied what they have. Having the belief you are no different than someone wealthy, someone successful, someone happy means you can believe you are capable of being in the position they currently are.

One of the biggest restrictions on someone's chance of success is the belief you don't have what you need to succeed; it simply is not true.

Beliefs are as part of you as your arms and legs. The only difference is you can change your beliefs and if doing so increases the impact you have in your business, isn't it worthwhile spending the time to have a belief spring clean?

What beliefs do you live by?

Aaron Morton
#beliefs #business #by… #internet makerting #live
  • Profile picture of the author IMoptimizer
    "I am my best partner in success" - this helps me work "with" myself at all times (if that makes sense). Helps me get rid of all the blame, guilt, and self-sabotage and keeps me focused, always looking for a solution instead of becoming anxious or discouraged.
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  • Profile picture of the author nadia712
    I remind myself often that I have the power to create anything I want in my life. Knowing that deeply helps keep me on track.
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  • Profile picture of the author thetrusted1
    That is a very interesting belief/refocusing tactic, IMoptimizer!

    I will start using that powerful phrase in my own arsenal! Thank YOU!!

    As for "Beliefs", AaronMorton,....I completely and whole-heartedly agree with all of what you stated surrounding beliefs and it's massive impact on our causes and resulting effects in life.

    A great question one, who may be "challenged" in life, may ask, is this.....

    "What if I have some deep, maybe even subconscious, beliefs that have been impregnated and deeply rooted............and these beliefs are of the "negative, non-serving", growth-hindering kind,.....that have been initiated perhaps long ago,...and have been pounded and reinforced over time???"

    What are some of the truly effective ways of either ridding,...or replacing these negative, non-serving beliefs,.....with Positive, Powerful, Growth-Inducing Beliefs???

    I've personally used a handful of methods, but I'm curious to hear some feedback and sharing of other fellow warriors....

    Please chime in!



    *Got BALLZ?!? Take the Challenge! Go Kick Some Azz! ==> http://budurl.com/thekickazzblog

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  • Profile picture of the author Ltespd
    Originally Posted by AaronMorton View Post

    Recently I watched a YouTube video of Will Smith being interviewed and there was a piece of the interview that struck me. It was where he said 'you may be better looking than me, you may talk better than me, but you will never outwork me, I'll die on the treadmill if I have to.
    I saw that Will Smith interview a few years ago. It told me everything about why he's so successful. It helps tremendously to be smart, good looking or talented. But I'll take hard work and consistency every time over the aforementioned qualities.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
    If it's to be, it's up to me!
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  • Profile picture of the author thetrusted1
    .....And by "methods" I've personally used,....I was referring to the Sedona Method, Release Technique (RT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and healing/prayer work...

    Through working with other "students in the game", I've found that no matter how Big the Will, Desire, Dreams, Goals, Intent, etc. is,.....and no matter how many times they meditate or do daily affirmations, or create multiples of dreamboards, etc......

    ...The BIGGEST obstacle and challenge they/we face and have the most difficulty in overcoming time and time again, in truly & finally attaining our goals, success, "it" (whatever you wanna call "it") is,........

    ...Is the overcoming, exterminating, and/or replacing of the deep-down limiting "negative" non-serving BELIEFS that have been planted deep inside, many years ago,.....and have been anchoring, growing, festering, and molding into the being they/we are today.

    The sooner and quicker and most effectively this major obstacle is addressed, the sooner, the quicker, the enjoyment and attainment to success and "making it"...becomes.

    Hope this helps!



    *Got BALLZ?!? Take the Challenge! Go Kick Some Azz! ==> http://budurl.com/thekickazzblog

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    it is foolish to think success is impossible.
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  • Profile picture of the author kaisamuel
    Everything is possible, just believe that you can and do all that you can.
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  • Profile picture of the author almiller
    A very interesting and motivating post I must say!
    The belief and confidence in your own abilities is paramount for success!
    Thanks for sharing

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  • Profile picture of the author AaronMorton
    @almiller my pleasure and my hope is you will get more value from the frequent posts I make.

    Aaron Morton
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  • Profile picture of the author samsank71
    Good post Aaron
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  • Profile picture of the author Kom
    Nice ....

    Thank you for sharing This
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  • Profile picture of the author Mutikasa
    that only one thing is certains, we will all get old and die, everything else is lunapark
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