*The Great "Reminder" from GOD ?!?..... ;)

12 replies
The Interview with "God":

Question : "What surprises you most about mankind?"

"God" answered:

- That they get bored of being children, are in a rush to grow up, and then long to be children again. (impatience)

- That they lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health. (priorities)

- That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live neither for the present nor the future. (appreciation)

- That they live as if they will never die, and they die as if they had never lived. (regrets)


===> * Key takeaways?

* Always remind Yourself to have confident Patience (with great expectancy of your results), put First things First (i.e. your health! - w/out your health, how the heck are ya gonna enjoy your money?!?), and freakin' enjoy & appreciate the journey, the path,....the NOW!,...as you have your "goal", destination, desires in mind.....with No Regrets....(follow your intuitive nudges and do what you really want to do! Don't hold back!

Life's waaaay tooo freakin' short!

Thank You, God!....for the Great Reminder!!!

Let's Do This!


#god #great #reminder
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5614470].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mattryan30
    Thanks for that bit of inspiration! I'm a believer in God so I also found what you said had some extra meaning.People always forget to look at their health by neglecting sleep,not exercising,and eating horribly.The brain and therefore mind is in tune with how we treat the body.

    Yes, ain't that the truth about doing things and not holding back.! If we have goals we ant accomplished we need to strive for them and have the patience to not give up when hurdles or setbacks come our way.Life's too short to give up on what we want out of life.We just have to have confidence in ourselves,take action,and keep diligently plugging away until we achieve the desired results!

    You only have one life to live.Don't withhold your chance to become successful by procrastinating! Take action... Now!

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    That's interesting to me. I've never heard of the term "God Reminders" before. Nice.
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  • Profile picture of the author CoralN
    Wow all very strong messages to take home.
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  • Profile picture of the author RobbieT
    Thanks for the reminder.

    I purchased a book today called "Conversations with God" by Neale Walsch after browsing through it.

    It should provide some good insights.

    Take good care of those that you love.

    Robbie T
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  • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
    Robbie - I love that book, in fact I love the whole series! Would you PM me with your views once you've read it?
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  • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
    God wanted to hide the secret of life somewhere safe but didn't know where to hide it.

    The first angel said "bury it in the desert". "No", God replied "Someone might find it and dig it up.

    The second angel said "put it on top of the highest mountain". "No" God replied "Someone will climb to the top and find it"

    The third angel said "Throw it into the deepest ocean". "No", God replied. "Sooner or later they'll explore the depths and find it"

    The fourth angel said "Bury it in their hearts". God's face lit up "Excellent, they'll never think to look there!"
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  • Profile picture of the author thetrusted1
    I agree, Nic! That book, "Conversations With God" was a gift given to me, and has inspired (and continues to inspire me) daily!

    ..Highly, Highly Recommended!



    *Got BALLZ?!? Take the Challenge! Go Kick Some Azz! ==> http://budurl.com/thekickazzblog

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  • Profile picture of the author dwfulton
    My Pastor did a series on, "God's Post it Notes." It was awesome. What would God say to you if He were to leave you a post it note. Can you imagine...?
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    • Profile picture of the author thetrusted1
      That's Awesome, Dino!

      My local christian radio station here in Houston, TX (89.3 KSBJ), does a cool thing right around Valentines Day every year in a similar concept.

      They basically challenge the listeners to write a quick, simple, powerful message on a post-it note(s), (i.e. "God Loves YOU!"), and just stick it(them) anywhere in the city....like in restaurant or school bathroom walls, or bulletin boards, park benches, bus seat, etc.....

      Way COOL!!

      I know if God had sent me a post-it note or two to find, one would simply read: "Just LOVE."

      ....And the other: "Just GIVE."


      Thanks for sharing, dwfulton!



      *Got BALLZ?!? Take the Challenge! Go Kick Some Azz! ==> http://budurl.com/thekickazzblog

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  • Profile picture of the author buckeyes09
    I voted for the first, but I'm somewhere between one and two.


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