6 things you can do today to get - and stay - motivated
As you well know, taking consistent action is everything in business. And yet, it also seems like the hardest thing for many. Perhaps this list of six steps can make your path just a bit easier.
1) Have a major goal
Write down your goal on paper or in a sticky note in your favorite mobile device. Be sure to refer to it at least 2-3 times a day.
Just as important - have mini goals that lead up to the major goal. Have the current mini-goal in written form like above.
When you achieve a mini-goal, notice the awesome feeling you get and how your motivation skyrockets!
Replace a completed mini-goal with a new mini-goal that takes you one more step towards your major goal.
Note that each mini-goal should be somewhat challenging and inspiring. For instance, if you have a goal of reaching $100,000 in revenues this year, it obviously won't make any sense to set each additional dollar you earn as a separate mini-goal!
If you find yourself saying "So what" after reaching a mini-goal, know that the mini-goal was too inconsequential for you. In that case, set something more challenging as your next immediate objective.
2) Write down what will happen and how you would feel about it if you DON'T take action to achieve your objective/s
If your objective is a certain amount of profits from business, what will happen if you don't do anything to get there?
Will you debts continue to pile higher? How will that make you feel? Would you feel a knot in your stomach? A feeling of being overwhelmed?
What are the things you would NOT be able to buy? List them out. How would you feel about that?
How will your small kids feel when mom or dad has to tell them that the family can't go on that vacation they were anticipating for months? How will you feel about it?
Same principle applies for all types of other goals as well, not just money goals.
Write it all down.
And refer to it at least a couple of times a week. If, like many people, you are driven more by pain rather than by pleasure, you will find a amazing amount of motivation when you refer to this list.
3) Write out what will happen if you DO take action and achieve your goal
If you were to achieve your money goal, how would you feel? How would your spouse feel?
If you are drowning in the quicksands of debt, how would it feel if your own business generated enough cash to start pulling you onto firm financial ground? Would you walk just a bit taller?
If you have a shopping list of things you want to buy, think about each and ask yourself how buying it would make you feel. Write down both the object and the feeling associated with it.
As above, refer to this list at least a couple of times a week.
Your feelings are the high-octane fuel that powers your inner motivation engine. Steps 2 and 3 will help you tap into a deep wellsprings of feelings - and thus help you become more driven to reach your goals.
4) Place a high priority on taking action and moving forward
Get going even if it means having to act on incomplete information. Waiting for every last piece of info before you act is a great way to not get things done and kill your motivation.
A corollary to this is that seeking perfection can keep you broke! You don't need to get things perfect to get going. You can always make adjustments along the way.
5) Keep a success journal
Record all successes relating to your major goal, whether those successes are big or small. In fact, go a step further and write down all major accomplishments you have had in your entire life.
When you feel down, as you are often guaranteed to, flip through the pages of your success journal. Or simply recall some of what you wrote in it.
Remind yourself of the distance you have already traveled and the wins you have already accumulated. This will jump-start your motivation and drive.
This step has to do with belief. Unless you believe that you can do it, you won't take consistent efforts to do it.
A list of successes proves to you - beyond a shadow of doubt - that you have accomplished great things in the past and overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. This gives you the belief and confidence that you can do it again.
6) Take responsibility for what happens
Take responsibility for whatever the results you get, whether those results are good or bad.
What has this to do with motivation?
When you believe that you are responsible for a result you didn't like, you are usually more willing to take action to change that result into something you DO like.
On the other hand, if you believe that something outside your control is creating your results - market forces, your customers, your neighbor, your cat or whatever - you lose the will to act because you believe action is futile. After all, if results are caused by outside forces, aren't you powerless to change them anyway?
That's why taking responsibility is directly correlated to being motivated.
Is it true that every result in your life is caused solely by you? Of course not. However, you need to believe that you can take action to get the results you want. Which is why accepting responsibility for results, even when not completely justified, can be highly practical.
And incidentally, you don't have to accept responsibility publicly. Just do it within yourself.
Do these six things and see if it doesn't help you reach and sustain higher levels of motivation.
Here's to the achiever in you!
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