Wanna Quit IM? Then go ahead, that would be your best decision

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So, you’re givin’ up? Tired chasing all those get rich dreams that never come? Thinkin’ of quittin’ IM? Go ahead! After all if you do it, then it must be the best decision according to your head, huh? Why should we in WF sympathize for that? If you’re quitting, it means another one competitor is gone from marketplace. We can party here behind your back celebrating that – hurrah! :p

But now, before you walk out that quittin’ door, please read and grasp this story carefully. Consider this our last souvenir before we no longer see you anymore :

In around 1800’s in United States, the gold fever was so hot that people competing each other to pursue riches from gold in virgin lands. One of the virgin land was Colorado. One businessman smell this fact. He invited his colleagues, families, all his contacts, to travel miles away to Colorado to find gold. He even purchased the most modern machines and all expensive equipments he could afford for that purpose.

In Colorado, the businessman and his people spent exhaustive weeks to dig every hill , soil, any part of the land that’s thought to be containing gold. And what happened? Zip, zilch, nada! Instead of glittering golds, they only found stones and sands. The businessman and his people lost their hope, disapointed that the long travel ended up in vain.

Convinced they won’t find any gold, the businessman sold all his fancy machines and equipments to local junkmen. They’re really quitting and went home with empty hand.

But there is one junkman – who unlike other junkmen – asked himself : “is there really no gold?”. Finally, this junkman went to the places that had been dug, using the equipments the businessman had sold him. And surprise surprise….

Only 2 feet from the former digging location the businessman left, there are GOLDS. Tons of them.


From this finding, the junkman became so rich that he built several companies and started his own business, all led by himself.

This is NOT a fiction. You’ll find this shocking true story in Napolleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich”.

Let’s see this story otherwise : if only the businessman and his people were willing to just walk 2 feet away from one of their former location, and start digging, the golds are there. Their sweat and tears would be rewarded.

Now, think about this :
How many times in your life, you’re quitting in the middle, feeling that everything you’ve done is pointless, without you realizing that actually…..you’re just standing 2 feet away from the gold?

How many golds have you missed in your life?

And Would you miss another one by quitting?

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they are to success when they give up”

(Thomas Alfa Edison)
#ahead #decision #failure #quit #quit internet marketing #wanna

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