What It Means To Be A Leader...
This is actually a thread totally inspired by a previous one on the question of why did we all start our particular businesses.
When I first started business online, it was a major pitch-fest of 'Get Rich Now!' or 'Join Me And You'll Get Massive Results!' and I could clearly see that a lot of the same mentality that existed in the outside world also existed online. I knew that there was something missing and after months of researching the heck out of the internet, I found my answer: Leadership.
Developing the mindset and the behaviours of a leader, deciding to become a leader and creating the skills involved to be one was the most important lesson (one that is often overlooked) I learned.
After that, EVERYTHING changed not only in my relationships and business, but also my confidence, spirit and mentality. Taking the road less travelled was a difficult task at first but now I really am enjoying the results I'm gradually manifesting on a daily basis.
Taking The Road Less Travelled Is More Difficult, But The Rewards Are Greater. |
The mindset and skills required to create success are steps that cannot be skipped, the masses however; seem to think they can be skipped and therefore generate mediocre results or fail. As an wise man once said:
The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With The First Step. |
Take this message to heart and start to learn or continue to study and implement these time-tested qualities and you will slowly but surely see results in your life and in your business.