Does Self-Help Really Help?
Over the past year, I put the self-help material away and began studying material from the technical side of the business I'm involved in. Not only studying it, but putting it into action. Then I began reading material by businessmen who'd actually gotten rich outside of writing books on how to get rich, and they had some not-so-kind things to say about some of the things the self-help industry teaches. Since putting away the self-help stuff and studying business from a pragmatic viewpoint, things changed. Foolish enough, after reading enough of this stuff, I'd actually believed that you could get as wealthy as you'd like without having to work that hard. I believed that if your thoughts were right, you could have it all. LOL!!!!
I've noticed that the people who the biggest fans of self-help are usually not very successful in their business endeavors. I've met lots of people who could quote chapters of various self-help books almost verbatim, but weren't doing well. Don't get me wrong, some of the principles in self-help are very useful. In fact, I believe the Law of Attraction is VERY real. So much so that I study Metaphysics now instead of self-help. But the way in which its taught nowadays is BS. That being said, there are 3 books from this genre (though they were written during the early 1900s) that have been very helpful. But it seems today that self-help has become a cult ruled by snakeoil salesmen who's only agenda is to fatten their pockets. A lot of people who read this stuff are too busy trying to think their way into riches instead of actually doing it. It amazes me how I log into my Facebook account and see my news feed full of inspirational quotes, but I often wonder if any of those people are actually putting that stuff into action. From my experience, the best way to be motivated and inspired to achieve a goal is by actively working on it. But that's my own experience.
Sorry for the long thread, but that was my premise. So the question is: Does self-help really help? Or does it stunt growth and productivity? What do YOU think? Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.
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