You Don't Want to Make Money Truthful! Yes I'm talking to you!

93 replies
Interesting headline no? You don't want to make money online....I can tell....

I actually said this to someone that I am mentoring...

I've done ok online...I made almost $500k last year...I say just "ok" because there are people making $500k online every believe I don't think I'm so far above everyone and some hot shot Guru..because I'm not....but I can and have helped people make money online.

I told him "your not serious about making money online...I've given you very direct exact things to do to make money online....I've shown you my paypal accounts and my you not believe I know what I"m talking about and can help you?"

He said.."oh yes I believe you sure. of course"

I said "then why aren't you following the exact steps in detail..and doing this with urgency and passion?"

He said..(making we all do at first) " I've done some of the things you told me....and I will finish the rest"

I told him.."I told you something to do almost 3 months ago and you didn't complete it all the way....I'm giving exact ways to make money...I know these work because I've done them for years..."

I told him...."your not serious about making money online....if you were serious you would implement everything I told you to do right away and ask what's next...instead your waiting months to get things done"

Finally he admitted...."ya your right...I'm just being lazy...I should do more"

=======A couple of things to take away from this...

I've seen many WSO's giving the exact details on how to make a strategy work...then I see reviews this doesn't work...I've tried that already...I tried it for 15 minutes...nope doesn't work....

There is so much information online...showing you how to make money..sure some of it is bogus..but there is a ton of good info online..from WSO' youtube.....

You know what's funny....the same thing that happened with the person I was mentoring....

I could give 100 people right now the exact way to make $3,000 a month online..that I know for sure works....

100 people would sign up....
80 people would never reply back to my email...
20 would take the first steps....
maybe 1 person would actually go thru the entire process and get it done.and make $3,000 a month.

This is the 100% Truth!

There is MORE than enough information to make any amount of money that we want's all out there.

The problem is our mindset....

If you don't commit yourself 100% to making this a business and going forth with passion..your not going to make it..your going to continue on....looking for the quick fix.

I want to Motivate you today
You need to decide if you want to be in the same place 1 month..6 months....a year from now..

I want you to imagine that....

1 year from now...your still in front of the same the same house....working the same job...making the EXACT same amount of money....still spending hundreds or thousands on courses....

That is not what you want...that is not what I want to see any of you go thru...

You need to decide right now....what it is that's going to motivate you to go forward...

You notice all the extremely successful people on and offline...are all motivated....they knew they were going to make it no matter what.

I need everyone that reads this to decide right now....what's going to switch you into overdrive mode?

Is it the freedom to spend more time with your family?

Freedom of traveling anywhere you want anytime?

Being able to buy your daughter the birthday gift she really wants?

Not have to wake up with misery written all over your face everyday because your going to that job that you hate with a passion?

What is your motivating factor...think about it right now...

Take that thought...and implant that deep into your mind...right now...

Let that be the desire and passion that will propel you forward into greatness...

We need something that motivates us greatly....besides just money itself....there is a mission behind all money...all of us have a different mission for it....

From this point more excuses....

It doesn't matter you don't have enough money for hosting..find a find a way to pay for the 1,000 channels you have on your cable TV right? Make sacrifice right now...

It doesn't matter you say you don't have time...make find enough time to sit in front of the TV for 2 hours every night dont' you..

It doesn't matter you "think" you don't have everything you need to get have the ability to do anything you want's all in front of you..don't wait until the perfect conditions to start...they will never be perfect.

This post may seem a little harsh..please believe me I want nothing more than to see everyone do well online....but we need to stop blaming situations or other people why we are not succeeding..

You are the reason your not successful yet...You...nothing else..

Every single one of us has the potential to be great...I believe that 100%

Every single person reading this has the ability to be financially free by the end of the year....I believe that 100%...

As you browse online...and get tips and suggestions...don't ever let anyone tell you .no that wont work...or no you can't make that much money....

There is no limit to what you can do.....I believe that 100%...

Change your mindset right now...

Fill your thoughts and surroundings with positivity ONLY....

If you think will be great...

I wish you the best this year....and hope this post has motivated you to change your mindset and take the steps you need to...

I'm here to give Light to your Life..

#make #make money online #money #onlinebe #talking #truthful
  • Profile picture of the author deji yusuf
    this a powerful motivational post that will motivate a lot of guys out there
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  • Profile picture of the author AlbertGA
    beautiful motivational thread....

    most of us dnt take it seriously to make a plan and follow it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lyfe Lyte
      Originally Posted by rlorenzmusic View Post

      Awesome motivation, Lyfe--thank you!
      Hey thanks so much Ralph! Really appreciate it!

      Originally Posted by AlbertGA View Post

      beautiful motivational thread....

      most of us dnt take it seriously to make a plan and follow it.
      Albert!..How's GA ....yes I use to be the same way...but once I focused and decided nothing was going to stop me...and I took it as a business and mastered the area I was in...I was surprised on how fast I was able to gain income...
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  • Profile picture of the author wyatt2011
    Thank you Lyfe, I think you hit the nail on the head. You were speaking directly to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Silvestru
    No surprise there. Very few people actually want to be successful.

    Sure, we all want boats of money and expensive cars, but that's only the result... not the actual process.

    I mean, for most people the answer is "yeah, that's a nice thing to have".

    For me, it's "I MUST get this by the end of the month".
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6825120].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Reed
    Thanks Lyfe!
    I'm as guilty as anyone of buying a sensible money-making method (from WSO or elsewhere) and then forgetting it before I've finished a plan, a timetable and begun to produce the goods! I've dug out my copy of your Passive Income Blueprint and know I will enjoy implementing it....... I just have to COMMIT and KEEP TAKING THE ACTION!!
    Thanks again for the very timely reminder.
    John O'York, UK

    Ex Army Major hates Hype!!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6825307].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Lyfe Lyte
      Originally Posted by John Reed View Post

      Thanks Lyfe!
      I'm as guilty as anyone of buying a sensible money-making method (from WSO or elsewhere) and then forgetting it before I've finished a plan, a timetable and begun to produce the goods! I've dug out my copy of your Passive Income Blueprint and know I will enjoy implementing it....... I just have to COMMIT and KEEP TAKING THE ACTION!!
      Thanks again for the very timely reminder.
      John O'York, UK
      Hey John fantastic to hear! Thanks for taking the time to post!....take care in the UK
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6825313].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author loganbadger
        Thanks Lyfe,
        Great inspirational post, I think you were talking directly to me lol.
        But yea, I know I get distracted and then jump here and there and do not implement one project to the end..I will apply your "mindset" into my ventures.

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        • Profile picture of the author Lyfe Lyte
          Originally Posted by warriorjeterboy View Post

          This line is super true.

          Thank you so much for that awesome and motivational post Lyfe Lyte, I will promise to myself that I can make it!
          Thanks so much Warrior! I know you can

          Originally Posted by mariell View Post

          GREAT post Lyfe! - Guilty as charged of many of your points. Add in a good helping of procrastination and the days can just fly past without any productive work taking place!

          I'm taking this to heart and getting on with the job tomorrow....

          Hey Mariell!...Agree...I've been there many times before...procrastination makes the time go so fast...until the day is gone and your like..oh well I can do it tomorrow...

          Happy to see you going forth!

          Originally Posted by Michael Baiton View Post

          Newbie Michael Baiton Very true thank you, for this most well addressed every day problem, this will certainly get me going, as I am one of these. It is very very hard to concentrate on what you are trying to do when you are always multi tasking and not pay full attention to complete even a small task, you try to view the completed project which is a giant. Thank you Lyfe

          Your welcome...onward we march!

          Originally Posted by loganbadger View Post

          Thanks Lyfe,
          Great inspirational post, I think you were talking directly to me lol.
          But yea, I know I get distracted and then jump here and there and do not implement one project to the end..I will apply your "mindset" into my ventures.

          Logan...thanks so much...happy to hear!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6827979].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Baiton
    Newbie Michael Baiton Very true thank you, for this most well addressed every day problem, this will certainly get me going, as I am one of these. It is very very hard to concentrate on what you are trying to do when you are always multi tasking and not pay full attention to complete even a small task, you try to view the completed project which is a giant. Thank you Lyfe
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6826036].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mariell
      GREAT post Lyfe! - Guilty as charged of many of your points. Add in a good helping of procrastination and the days can just fly past without any productive work taking place!

      I'm taking this to heart and getting on with the job tomorrow....

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6826452].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author warriorjeterboy
    This line is super true.
    100 people would sign up....
    80 people would never reply back to my email...
    20 would take the first steps....
    maybe 1 person would actually go thru the entire process and get it done.and make $3,000 a month.
    Thank you so much for that awesome and motivational post Lyfe Lyte, I will promise to myself that I can make it!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6826820].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ScottGordon
    Hey, Lyfe Lyte, You're in the Milky Way? Me, too!!
    We should get together sometime.

    Great, savvy post filled with wisdom/inspiration.

    Aside from the tremendous value of the content in the post, what it shows is that you understand human nature and other people. And that's what makes you a great marketer. I think one thing standing in the way of success for some Internet marketers is that they never really get outside of themselves, they continue to try and market stuff that they thing people will buy. They need, instead, to develop more empathy and get inside the minds of other people. Understand them, their foibles, their weaknesses, their hopes and dreams.

    Lyfe Lyte, I think you demonstrate this ability in the content of your post. You UNDERSTAND what's going on inside other people. And THAT can make you enormously wealthy.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7102666].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dmarseller
    Thank you for your motivation story!

    I stick with these lines:

    "100 people would sign up....
    80 people would never reply back to my email...
    20 would take the first steps....
    maybe 1 person would actually go thru the entire process and get it done.and make $3,000 a month."

    This is the sad truth.

    Thank you and have a nice day!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7104547].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 7krt
    Thanks Lyfe,

    Great Post! We do mirror our dominate thoughts.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7109010].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dee4d
    Thanks for such an inspirational post. That's what makes the difference between those who make a big difference, and those who just do things normally - doing 100 %.
    Stay Healthy all your Life, and Avoid Lifesty Diseases Later in Life. Enjoy life to the fullest.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7132618].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Lyfe Lyte
      Originally Posted by SasaIlic View Post

      Awesome post, really inspiring and truthful. You got to the bottom of the problem, everyone "wants to make money" but everyone need to realize that money doesn't grow on a tree you need to work for it.

      Great post once again.

      Originally Posted by jamesrich1 View Post

      This is one of the most powerful, truthful posts I have ever seen on the Warrior Forum.
      Originally Posted by Shery View Post

      Nice words . THanks !
      Originally Posted by TradingExpert View Post

      You have said all.

      Without ACTION a dream never comes through!

      Thanks for this informative post and I hope it helps all
      Originally Posted by Michael Ten View Post

      Nice post. I really do want to be successful and earn money online...
      Originally Posted by Joe Crosbie View Post

      It only takes one person to make you stop and think. Over the last hour I found my self making excuses and putting something off, if you had't of been for this thread I would be annoyed with myself tomorrow for wasting valuable time.

      Thank you Lyfe for directing me back on my way

      Best of luck
      Originally Posted by Sully4071 View Post

      Thanks for the post.

      It was a very inspirational post.

      Life is often full of reasons why not to do something.
      Originally Posted by muzzy4u2 View Post

      Thank you lyfe for this post its really inspirational any one who wants to make money/successful needs to prioritize,focus and take continuous action to get the expected result.
      Originally Posted by dee4d View Post

      Thanks for such an inspirational post. That's what makes the difference between those who make a big difference, and those who just do things normally - doing 100 %.
      WOW thanks so much everyone for the wonderful replies! I love it!!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7169529].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gavin Stephenson
    Most people have deep routed subconscious beliefs that keep them in the buying frenzy - quitting, and never following through.

    This is a great post and I don't mean to take away from it but... INSPIRATION comes from within... IN-spire... emphasis on the IN, as in inside yourself. Inspiration is and idea that you are compelled to take action on.

    This post isn't inspirational it's motivational... Let me Explain:

    We as humans can only be motivated for a short while then we go back to our old ways. Our old routines and our old patterns and we never seem to figure out the cause of why we never seem to achieve our dreams. Motivation comes from external sources.

    All we do is POINT fingers, look for NEW shiny ideas and concepts, get refunds and never take consistent action or ask for help


    You are being controlled by deep routed Subconscious Beliefs. You are not consciously aware of this. You may think NO NO NOOO... I want to make money and I am positive about money etc. For many this illusion causes a lot of pain frustration, depression, loss of money time and effort. Don't let the voice in your head trick you (The ego). Trust me I've been there...

    In order to change your subconscious beliefs (Automatic Mechanisms) you have to vividly share with your mind your goals and aspirations with intense emotions and imagery.

    Reprogramming with this technique will allow you automatically act on sometime without trying or using brute force. You will be naturally be IN-spired to take action rather than looking outside yourself for motivation.

    You are a human being and you have a POWERFUL COMPUTER on your shoulders, you just need to learn how to become a MIND programmer so naturally you're PULLED towards your goals and aspiration rather than trying to PUSH your way through and working hard.
    • How easy does your heart beat?
    • How easy do you breath?
    • How easy do you walk?
    • How easy do you drive?
    • How easy do you do your day job?
    • How easy do you do your hobbies?
    • How easy do you play sport or ride a bike?
    • How easy do you prepare breakfast?
    • How easy do you brush your teeth?

    Pretty EASY right?

    These are all deep routed automatic mechanisms of the subconscious mind that are easy and natural to you.

    Internet Marketing and making money online is not hard it's EASY.

    It's easy WHEN, and only when you change your believes about it, and about yourself, and about money (using intense emotion and imagery). This is when you are TRULY INSPIRED and you naturally take action and get results.

    Once you become a good programmer you will never need another Anthony Robbins or Jim Rohn or Zig Ziglar because you have the tools to get what you want.

    Everything you need is within you. Stop looking outside yourself for answers. The answers are always inside.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7132935].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Niky Ray
      Originally Posted by Gavin Stephenson View Post

      Most people have deep routed subconscious beliefs that keep them in the buying frenzy - quitting, and never following through.

      This is a great post and I don't mean to take away from it but... INSPIRATION comes from within... IN-spire... emphasis on the IN, as in inside yourself. Inspiration is and idea that you are compelled to take action on.

      This post isn't inspirational it's motivational... Let me Explain:

      We as humans can only be motivated for a short while then we go back to our old ways. Our old routines and our old patterns and we never seem to figure out the cause of why we never seem to achieve our dreams. Motivation comes from external sources.

      All we do is POINT fingers, look for NEW shiny ideas and concepts, get refunds and never take consistent action or ask for help


      You are being controlled by deep routed Subconscious Beliefs. You are not consciously aware of this. You may think NO NO NOOO... I want to make money and I am positive about money etc. For many this illusion causes a lot of pain frustration, depression, loss of money time and effort. Don't let the voice in your head trick you (The ego). Trust me I've been there...

      In order to change your subconscious beliefs (Automatic Mechanisms) you have to vividly share with your mind your goals and aspirations with intense emotions and imagery.

      Reprogramming with this technique will allow you automatically act on sometime without trying or using brute force. You will be naturally be IN-spired to take action rather than looking outside yourself for motivation.

      You are a human being and you have a POWERFUL COMPUTER on your shoulders, you just need to learn how to become a MIND programmer so naturally you're PULLED towards your goals and aspiration rather than trying to PUSH your way through and working hard.
      • How easy does your heart beat?
      • How easy do you breath?
      • How easy do you walk?
      • How easy do you drive?
      • How easy do you do your day job?
      • How easy do you do your hobbies?
      • How easy do you play sport or ride a bike?
      • How easy do you prepare breakfast?
      • How easy do you brush your teeth?

      Pretty EASY right?

      These are all deep routed automatic mechanisms of the subconscious mind that are easy and natural to you.

      Internet Marketing and making money online is not hard it's EASY.

      It's easy WHEN, and only when you change your believes about it, and about yourself, and about money (using intense emotion and imagery). This is when you are TRULY INSPIRED and you naturally take action and get results.

      Once you become a good programmer you will never need another Anthony Robbins or Jim Rohn or Zig Ziglar because you have the tools to get what you want.

      Everything you need is within you. Stop looking outside yourself for answers. The answers are always inside.
      Thank you for going deeper!

      The answer is UNDER THE RADAR!

      This is why momentum is lost before ANY REAL RESULTS are ever created.

      Warriors pay close attention to the importance of subconscious programming. It really IS the missing ingredient!

      Start from WITHIN!
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Kerby
      Originally Posted by Gavin Stephenson View Post

      Most people have deep routed subconscious beliefs that keep them in the buying frenzy - quitting, and never following through.

      This is a great post and I don't mean to take away from it but... INSPIRATION comes from within... IN-spire... emphasis on the IN, as in inside yourself. Inspiration is and idea that you are compelled to take action on.

      This post isn't inspirational it's motivational... Let me Explain:

      We as humans can only be motivated for a short while then we go back to our old ways. Our old routines and our old patterns and we never seem to figure out the cause of why we never seem to achieve our dreams. Motivation comes from external sources.

      All we do is POINT fingers, look for NEW shiny ideas and concepts, get refunds and never take consistent action or ask for help


      You are being controlled by deep routed Subconscious Beliefs. You are not consciously aware of this. You may think NO NO NOOO... I want to make money and I am positive about money etc. For many this illusion causes a lot of pain frustration, depression, loss of money time and effort. Don't let the voice in your head trick you (The ego). Trust me I've been there...

      In order to change your subconscious beliefs (Automatic Mechanisms) you have to vividly share with your mind your goals and aspirations with intense emotions and imagery.

      Reprogramming with this technique will allow you automatically act on sometime without trying or using brute force. You will be naturally be IN-spired to take action rather than looking outside yourself for motivation.

      You are a human being and you have a POWERFUL COMPUTER on your shoulders, you just need to learn how to become a MIND programmer so naturally you're PULLED towards your goals and aspiration rather than trying to PUSH your way through and working hard.
      • How easy does your heart beat?
      • How easy do you breath?
      • How easy do you walk?
      • How easy do you drive?
      • How easy do you do your day job?
      • How easy do you do your hobbies?
      • How easy do you play sport or ride a bike?
      • How easy do you prepare breakfast?
      • How easy do you brush your teeth?

      Pretty EASY right?

      These are all deep routed automatic mechanisms of the subconscious mind that are easy and natural to you.

      Internet Marketing and making money online is not hard it's EASY.

      It's easy WHEN, and only when you change your believes about it, and about yourself, and about money (using intense emotion and imagery). This is when you are TRULY INSPIRED and you naturally take action and get results.

      Once you become a good programmer you will never need another Anthony Robbins or Jim Rohn or Zig Ziglar because you have the tools to get what you want.

      Everything you need is within you. Stop looking outside yourself for answers. The answers are always inside.
      It is important to take daily inspired action vs. seeking motivation and this post has the signposts to what you seek however it is within that you will find it.

      Beliefs are very powerful as they turn into certainties, expectancies and then our reality. What do you believe right now? What is your self talk like? How do you express yourself to others?

      Become more objective, look within, discover the reasons behind your beliefs, attitudes and actions. There lies the cause and the ability to change it.

      For a bit of humour on the matter of success online see Frank Kern's Two Commandments:
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      • Profile picture of the author iam8iam
        We build our beliefs about everything, success and money included, early on in the childhood. Sometimes we have negative beliefs we are not even aware of. We get caught up in negative patterns and it is not very easy to break away.
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  • Profile picture of the author muzzy4u2
    Thank you lyfe for this post its really inspirational any one who wants to make money/successful needs to prioritize,focus and take continuous action to get the expected result.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jon Sullivan
      Thanks for the post.

      It was a very inspirational post.

      Life is often full of reasons why not to do something.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Crosbie
    It only takes one person to make you stop and think. Over the last hour I found my self making excuses and putting something off, if you had't of been for this thread I would be annoyed with myself tomorrow for wasting valuable time.

    Thank you Lyfe for directing me back on my way

    Best of luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7144161].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Nice post. I really do want to be successful and earn money online...
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  • Profile picture of the author zannix
    Originally Posted by Lyfe Lyte View Post

    I wish you the best this year....and hope this post has motivated you to change your mindset and take the steps you need to...
    It has definitely motivated me to click through to your WSO
    All you can do is all you can do - Art Williams
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7156479].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TradingExpert
      You have said all.

      Without ACTION a dream never comes through!

      Thanks for this informative post and I hope it helps all
      [Earn With Peace Of Mind] - Safe Online Investment Platform - Paying Since 2014
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7158330].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shery
    Nice words . THanks !
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    This is one of the most powerful, truthful posts I have ever seen on the Warrior Forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author SasaIlic
    Awesome post, really inspiring and truthful. You got to the bottom of the problem, everyone "wants to make money" but everyone need to realize that money doesn't grow on a tree you need to work for it.

    Great post once again.

    Start Making 5 Figures a Month Flipping Domains you don't own Click here and Grab your Spot

    Build Your own Email List using Methods i use to build 15k Email list
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7160769].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tonyna
    Lyfe Lyte, thank you for doing this post.I will pm you shortly
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  • Profile picture of the author josephhubbard0
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  • Profile picture of the author MalBryc
    What a post! Great stuff!
    Thanks for sharing...
    "Before you save the world. Save yourself first." ~ Mike Litman - My twitter, why not @MalBryc me?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7196558].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author teammate
    Lyfe Lyte. Many many thanks for posting such interesting motivational post and I am sure it is going to change my life from today onward.

    Thanks you from bottom of my heart.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7207312].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RoadCEO
    Your words ring so true with me. I am lazy. I do need to commit myself. I need to and can do more. I so wish I had a mentor like you, someone who has steel toe boots on and are not afraid to use them.
    FREE Mentoring / Consulting - 19 years of experience as Technical Consultant
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7207891].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author orensht
    Great post! I agree with every word...
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    • Profile picture of the author Lyfe Lyte
      Originally Posted by orensht View Post

      Great post! I agree with every word...
      Originally Posted by RoadCEO View Post

      Your words ring so true with me. I am lazy. I do need to commit myself. I need to and can do more. I so wish I had a mentor like you, someone who has steel toe boots on and are not afraid to use them.
      Originally Posted by teammate View Post

      Lyfe Lyte. Many many thanks for posting such interesting motivational post and I am sure it is going to change my life from today onward.

      Thanks you from bottom of my heart.
      Originally Posted by MalBryc View Post

      What a post! Great stuff!
      Thanks for sharing...
      Originally Posted by tonyna View Post

      Lyfe Lyte, thank you for doing this post.I will pm you shortly
      Thanks so much everyone!!! Im glad I am inspiring some of you .... It's not just the movement that you must take to make things's also the mindset....
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  • Profile picture of the author onestrangepath
    Great Post... Inspiring... You have Kick Started My Day! Thank You!
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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    Dude awesome post man. Yeah that is the one thing I hear more often from those newbies wanting to get into the game. And that is, oh yeah I see that you can make alot of money, and I want to make money like you do, but...and here come the excuses.

    Most people don't want to play big. And by that I mean, going big in life and hittin for the fences. Life is geared toward mediocrity. It's ok if you just want to get a job and make $30k a year, it's ok if you just want to make $13 and hour, ugh.

    But hey, that's what makes life a bad ass place to live. There are no dress rehearsals, this is it folks. If you want to play big, or you were planning on playing big at some point in your life, then when?

    When are you gonna start to play big? If the answer is now, then you gotta take massive action, listen to those folks that have made money online, and do what they do. Stop being mediocre and swing for the fences.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7262404].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Lyfe Lyte
      Originally Posted by tjaysen70 View Post

      Dude awesome post man. Yeah that is the one thing I hear more often from those newbies wanting to get into the game. And that is, oh yeah I see that you can make alot of money, and I want to make money like you do, but...and here come the excuses.

      Most people don't want to play big. And by that I mean, going big in life and hittin for the fences. Life is geared toward mediocrity. It's ok if you just want to get a job and make $30k a year, it's ok if you just want to make $13 and hour, ugh.

      But hey, that's what makes life a bad ass place to live. There are no dress rehearsals, this is it folks. If you want to play big, or you were planning on playing big at some point in your life, then when?

      When are you gonna start to play big? If the answer is now, then you gotta take massive action, listen to those folks that have made money online, and do what they do. Stop being mediocre and swing for the fences.
      Indeed....let's change our mindset to one of power and progression...
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  • Profile picture of the author mnjuguna
    How so so true! You have spoken the truth that many people need to hear.We need a reason behind 'Money'. I really like the fact that you are not gloating about making 500k per annum like most 'gurus' would

    I would have wished to click the thanks button at least twice
    Signature - For Corporate websites and web apps - Free crm and project management - Investment clubs and groups software....coming soon- Investors wanted
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  • Profile picture of the author vilmosg
    Wow! Lyfe Lyte, you did it. This post was amazing for me! Thank you very much!

    And the title is working very well on the forum
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  • Profile picture of the author andreabolder
    Great post...reminds us that no matte which blueprints, strategies and marketing methods we are equipped with...none of it works if we can't get our minds right!

    Your mindset dictates your money!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Blokereport
      Long time lurker, first time poster. I must agree with you there. The only thing stopping us from succeeding is ourselves.

      Now, I am just starting out and would have bent over backwards for an opportunity like that to come my way! I'm pretty sure that getting a mentor is the quickest and fastest way to get forward in life.

      I only have an hour a day free to give time to this venture of mine with work and my family taking priority this is a side thing I hope will take over so I can spend my life with my daughter.

      If you could show me, what you do and how you did it I will be your protege! No excuses, No complaints, If I can do this in one hour a day I will set aside that time and dedicate it to your tuition. No Failures, no moaning just me and you!

      Can you help?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10109864].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Lyfe Lyte
      Originally Posted by vilmosg View Post

      Wow! Lyfe Lyte, you did it. This post was amazing for me! Thank you very much!

      And the title is working very well on the forum
      thanks tons Vil!

      Originally Posted by andreabolder View Post

      Great post...reminds us that no matte which blueprints, strategies and marketing methods we are equipped with...none of it works if we can't get our minds right!

      Your mindset dictates your money!!
      thanks Read...ya right...truthfully you can make money in just about ANY area online...just master one and you'll do it...focussss
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanLow
    Kudos to you, Lyfe, for hitting the right spot. I couldn't have say it better
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  • Profile picture of the author Bexxi
    Thanks Lyfe, great post!
    it's very true and very inspiring also.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wilton White
    This is a great reminder to remain focused and make a careful accounting of your time. Whatever you're spending your time on besides the business you want to build is something that you value more than the business itself.
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  • Profile picture of the author CathyAnn
    Great post, Lyfe!

    Yes, mindset is huge. The problem is that what is getting in the way of mindset are the underlying beliefs you don't even know are running. Start clearing those out and you can really move forward. It changes your mindset quickly.

    I've done a great deal of work on this part of the equation and have assisted many with it, also.

    If you want to know what your beliefs are, just look at your life. What belief would someone have who has "that" in his or her life. Change the beliefs and life flows much more easily.
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  • Profile picture of the author Woodsusa
    I think I'm going to print this out and tape it to the back of my laptop...this is so motivational, and exactly what I need as I can so easily fit your description on some days!

    Thank you for posting it!

    Let's make some awesomeness happen!
    Looking for Excellent PLR at great prices?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7357598].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ellrose
      Ha ! I just responded to a post made on the fb page ,then I check my email and find a link to this.
      Here is my answer: Every day I get 10-15 emails pitching shiney systems,I have just unsubscribed from them all.
      Right now I am too broke to put much into play.I have a basement full of stuff I don`t need. . . . Kijiji ads are going up now.
      This will work,I will find a way.:rolleyes: I`ve beat the odds before,I can do it again.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZackStam
    Hi Lyfe

    I m guilty, as i feel your description totally hit me.I've been jumping from one thing to another more than one year now with no results.I blame only myself because i 've been to scared to fail,but i did not want to admitted that to myself.I was buying all kinds of different wso 's and quick rich program loosing a lot of money on BS and scam. My biggest problem is that i find it difficult to trust many IM 'ers but i will continue because a have goal.
    Thanks a lot for the motivation you 're giving us Lyfe.
    (Most people fail because they make up Imaginary Excuses.
    The only Person that can stop you is yourself- Michael Jordan).
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  • Profile picture of the author therenegadeleader
    I just found the best way to hammer people to get reminded about to take action and not being lazy. Wonderful share.
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  • Profile picture of the author cmbwealth
    Great post! I have been guilty of looking at a method, going at it half hearted then getting discouraged and stopping. I had to really find my why, find a method I enjoy, and get after it before I started seeing progress in my business.
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  • Profile picture of the author goldbear
    Thanks Lyfe.....for bringing me back to what is real

    All the best,

    This is my website, I think you'll like it!

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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Houck
    This keeps things in perspective. Thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author vicdd
    That's an old thread but I'm so happy I've come across this.
    Thank you Lyfe Lyte!
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  • Profile picture of the author anton433
    I'm so happy someone bumped this as I hadn't seen this before. What an awesome post!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
    Excellent post Lyle. It is almost 1 year old and is still valid today, and will still be valid 1 year from now.
    Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Houck
    I keep coming back to this and rereading it. Again, thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author AskMsD
    Just what the Doctor Ordered

    Business loans for business owners of 5k - 2 Mill with no traditional personal guarantees or assets as collateral with highly competitive rates, visit: or Call Us! 1-(866) 304-2253

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  • Profile picture of the author coffeediva
    Guys this is a great post. I actually got here from another post and so glad i followed the link here
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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    dude this was such an awesome post. Yeah you're right, 90% of those that buy an IM course neverr even take any action. They wait till they have it 100% right before making a move, meanwhile accomplishing nothing.,

    The takeaway from this post is this: It is your mindset !!

    If you believe that this online thing won't work, or it will take too much time or money or whatever, then you're right. You must believe that it will work and have no problems doing whatever it takes to make it work.

    The problem is that sales letters and sales videos for products always sell the end result. If you said the truth, that this will take time and money and you will fail a first, the sales would be much lower.

    I believe that people are basically lazy and look to the internet money lifestyle to be one of no work and set up a site and watch the money roll in. Doesn't work like that.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

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  • Profile picture of the author ScottieScott
    A Lot of what you say is true. There are many who have a wish, rather than a goal. I even found this thread last year and copied it, printed it, and have it hanging by my desk. I do however think that it isn't only ones attitued and follow through that keep money from coming in. I have purchased a couple of 'plans' over the last couple of years, and have followed them to the letter. Nothing. And it wasn't some half-a$$ed effort. Anyway, while I agree that mindset and focus are keys, one can easliy fall prey to a plan that just doesn't work.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lyfe Lyte
      Originally Posted by ScottieScott View Post

      A Lot of what you say is true. There are many who have a wish, rather than a goal. I even found this thread last year and copied it, printed it, and have it hanging by my desk. I do however think that it isn't only ones attitued and follow through that keep money from coming in. I have purchased a couple of 'plans' over the last couple of years, and have followed them to the letter. Nothing. And it wasn't some half-a$ effort. Anyway, while I agree that mindset and focus are keys, one can easliy fall prey to a plan that just doesn't work.
      wow thanks Scottie....wish you well...keep at it...something will hit for you
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  • Profile picture of the author RealSocialSignals
    You are right, the problem is indeed our mindest. I can't remember all the times I've seen people make shallow excuses, say stuff which wouldn't make sense at all.
    I'm always taken aback from how much people actually make it even harder for themselves by finding "justifications". At the end, it's better, so we can reign.
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  • Profile picture of the author fdmarketers
    Thanks Lyfe
    Incredible injection of energy and motivation, post very stimulating.
    Everyone wants to win and be successful, but few are willing to do what it takes. Wake up BOYS !!!!!!!!!!!
    Whether it is an inspiration to all.
    Good job.
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  • Profile picture of the author RealSocialSignals
    You should honestly look into making a book out of thi, or a video sequence. I can imagine you in your hour of fame.
    I can't wait to see you do what you preach, be successful! You've deserved it for helping others. Now is the time to help yourself!
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  • Profile picture of the author rihsam
    very much motivational post. Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author dwall
    Amazing post!

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  • Profile picture of the author allanrsm
    That's a brilliant and honest assessment of many peoples reality, they give up! Success comes from habit and habit comes from persistence in particular when it relates to a new concept, idea or skill.

    Far too often skepticism, doubt and cynicism are allowed to deprive us of a life more fulfilled and wonderful because we don't want to pay the price to attain a worthwhile and advanced goal.

    Thanks for the reality check and the definitive outlined...we can all use the kick up the butt every now and again!

    Much success to you!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10242226].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Lyfe Lyte
      Originally Posted by allanrsm View Post

      That's a brilliant and honest assessment of many peoples reality, they give up! Success comes from habit and habit comes from persistence in particular when it relates to a new concept, idea or skill.

      Far too often skepticism, doubt and cynicism are allowed to deprive us of a life more fulfilled and wonderful because we don't want to pay the price to attain a worthwhile and advanced goal.

      Thanks for the reality check and the definitive outlined...we can all use the kick up the butt every now and again!

      Much success to you!
      thanks Allan!...indeed..always try to speak positive, act and do things in such a way...the world will reward you with greatness..
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  • Profile picture of the author eddyeddy
    This post really motivated me, I'm that guy who makes excuses. Sure, I work and had some success but I'm not putting enough time and energy into my craft. Thank you for your post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lyfe Lyte
    it's natural for us to make excuses I think our own cultures evolves around somehow it's acceptable ...oh he can't or I can't do that because I have kids...cause of no time, no tech money etc...

    If you REALLY love something and want to go after wont make excuses...that's why I'm always telling people to go into an area you love and build a biz there.

    It's funny because I will also tell people to STOP trying to make money online...if your passion is in the WORLD are you doing spending all your time trying to sell ebooks online about gold?

    It's not always about's about doing what you LOVE...sure learn online marketing if your an artist etc...but don't get sidetracked into selling SEO services if your passion is being out with dogs and training them.

    People get trapped...(myself prior as well) into working 40-50 hours a week..coming home..paying bills..that were ALWAYS late.

    They then turn to online to try to make quick money, it's rather insulting to me when I get people writing me saying...I need to make a quick $1,000 or I'll get kicked out of my house, show me how you do it.

    WHAT THE HELL! lol..that's basically making a mockery of what I do online....I spent years and years studying and learning to build a business online, 18 hour days turning vampire pale lol...then people come to me thinking it's so easy what I do that I can just teach them in 5 minutes to make a quick $1,000.

    How about go to your doctor next time and ask him, hey I have this large lump on my neck, can you just give me a quick 5 minute tutorial how to remove it and I'll do it myself.

    People are so damn lost in life because they are surrounded by bills...going to school for 4-8 years...only to get a job they hate and not even in their field...

    Isn't it funny how people that go to Harvard are taught to CREATE a Business ...and the other 99% of colleges teach you how to get a job.

    What a vastly different mindset.

    That's exactly why Zuckerburg and Gates both dropped out of Havard...they weren't going there to get a fancy degree to impress someone at an interview.

    Its soooo important to have someone over that's adjusting your mindset. Hundreds of Millions of people think the JOB way is the only way to go, because that's all they are taught.

    I asked someone why he's trying to get into college...he said, so I can get a job. I said a job doing what? He said I don't know, I need money so I need a good job so I need to go to college.

    GAHHHH drives me insane...I'm not against having a job, as long as it's in the area you are passionate about, example, it's ok to join the red cross to get experience and give back, then after that you can create a chairty etc and ramp things up on your own, it's ok to train under a master chef to get your skills...then break out on your own.

    It's funny...or maybe it's I will write about this stuff, instead of directly saying or writing it directly to someone, because 99% of people I say this too don't believe it's possible, give me excuses or just don't do anything about it, so I'm like, why do I even say anything anymore. I know there's always that one person you will reach, but I'm not the person to be a mentor and motivational speaker for people.

    That's people that have a passion for it...and they should pursue it.

    There's a place and purpose for everyone on this planet, let excuses control your decisions and they will rob you of your destiny.
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  • Profile picture of the author Corey Taylor
    One of the best, if not the best thread. Congrats man.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hamadoto
    I'm highly motivated and will invest time in one way, any way that i see outside of warroom i will do it, no money to get into warroom now, is there any legit way to do money for free outside the V.I.P section? so much information, cant filter what is good and what is not as a new member
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    • Profile picture of the author Gandolfo85
      Great Post!

      Just by asking yourself what's the activity/job that you would like to do for FREE all day, every day is enough to propel you in finding the "Motivation Factor" as you said in the first post.
      Discover HERE The EASIEST Money Maker EVER
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  • Profile picture of the author IbStar
    18 year old here, this really motivated me to take action and keep going with a method. And sort of take a risk when investing.

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  • Profile picture of the author Felix Makmur
    Really beautiful and motivating post! The thread is already 3 years old but every word still rings true. Thanks a lot for sharing Lyfe!
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  • Profile picture of the author jw22777
    I love this message. It really shows the reality of what it takes to actually make it in business. Thanks for the post.
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