Interesting headline no? You don't want to make money online....I can tell.... I actually said this to someone that I am mentoring...
You Don't Want to Make Money Truthful! Yes I'm talking to you!
I actually said this to someone that I am mentoring...
I've done ok believe I don't think I'm so far above everyone and some hot shot Guru..because I'm not....but I can and have helped people make money online.
I told him "I've given you very direct exact things to do to make money online....I've shown you my paypal accounts and my you not believe I know what I"m talking about and can help you?"
He said.."oh yes I believe you sure. of course"
I said "then why aren't you following the exact steps in detail..and doing this with urgency and passion?"
He said..(making we all do at first) " I've done some of the things you told me....and I will finish the rest"
I told him.."I told you something to do almost 3 months ago and you didn't complete it all the way....
I told him...."your not serious about making money online....if you were serious you would implement everything I told you to do right away and ask what's next...instead your waiting months to get things done"
=======A couple of things to take away from this...
I've seen many WSO's giving the exact details on how to make a strategy work...then I see reviews this doesn't work...I've tried that already...I tried it for 15 minutes...nope doesn't work....
There is so much information online...showing you how to make money..sure some of it is bogus..but there is a ton of good info online..from WSO' youtube.....
You know what's funny....the same thing that happened with the person I was mentoring....
100 people would sign up....
80 people would never reply back to my email...
20 would take the first steps....
maybe 1 person would actually go thru the entire process and get it done.and make $3,000 a month.
There is MORE than enough information to make any amount of money that we want's all out there.
If you don't commit yourself 100% to making this a business and going forth with passion..your not going to make it..your going to continue on....looking for the quick fix.
You need to decide if you want to be in the same place 1 month..6 months....a year from now..
I want you to imagine that....
1 year from now...your still in front of the same the same house....working the same job...making the EXACT same amount of money....still spending hundreds or thousands on courses....
that is not what I want to see any of you go thru...
You need to decide right now....what it is that's going to motivate you to go forward...
.they knew they were going to make it no matter what.
I need everyone that reads this to decide right now....what's going to switch you into overdrive mode?
Is it the freedom to spend more time with your family?
Freedom of traveling anywhere you want anytime?
Being able to buy your daughter the birthday gift she really wants?
Not have to wake up with misery written all over your face everyday because your going to that job that you hate with a passion?
What is your motivating factor...think about it right now...
Take that thought...and implant that deep into your mind...right now...
We need something that motivates us greatly....besides just money itself....there is a mission behind all money...all of us have a different mission for it....
It doesn't matter you don't have enough money for hosting..find a find a way to pay for the 1,000 channels you have on your cable TV right? Make sacrifice right now...
It doesn't matter you say you don't have time...make find enough time to sit in front of the TV for 2 hours every night dont' you..
It doesn't matter you "think" you don't have everything you need to get have the ability to do anything you want's all in front of you..don't wait until the perfect conditions to start...they will never be perfect.
This post may seem a little harsh..please believe me I want nothing more than to see everyone do well online....but we need to stop blaming situations or other people why we are not succeeding..
Every single one of us has the potential to be great...
Every single person reading this has the ability to be financially free by the end of the year....
As you browse online...and get tips and suggestions...don't ever let anyone tell you .no that wont work...or no you can't make that much money....
There is no limit to what you can do.....I believe that 100%...
Change your mindset right now...
Fill your thoughts and surroundings with positivity ONLY....
I wish you the best this year....and hope this post has motivated you to change your mindset and take the steps you need to...
I'm here to give Light to your Life..
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