How many hours before sleeping do you turn off your laptop/ tab etc?

20 replies
Hi all,

I recently ran into a research (it was on just can't find the link any more) where researchers found that using your laptop / tab (any device with back light; NOT black light) greatly affects the production of a hormone called melatonin.

Which basically completely screws over your sleep rhythm. They stated that young people (< 30) are more affected by this phenomenon than older people. They strongly advise to shut down your computer (this includes you tablet) at least 2 hours before sleeping.

I for one never do this and well my sleep pattern is seriously screwed up so perhaps that is a big reason.

How about you guys?
#hours #laptop or #sleeping #tab #turn
  • Profile picture of the author JoeUK
    Yeh, I think it's the same with any kind of artificial light TBH, whether it be monitors, T.V's or even fish tanks! 'Technically' we should all go to bed the second it gets dark if we wan't to truly be in tune in things...
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  • Profile picture of the author secretguy
    Originally Posted by SteveSRS View Post

    Hi all,

    I recently ran into a research (it was on just can't find the link any more) where researchers found that using your laptop / tab (any device with back light; NOT black light) greatly affects the production of a hormone called melatonin.

    Which basically completely screws over your sleep rhythm. They stated that young people (< 30) are more affected by this phenomenon than older people. They strongly advise to shut down your computer (this includes you tablet) at least 2 hours before sleeping.

    I for one never do this and well my sleep pattern is seriously screwed up so perhaps that is a big reason.

    How about you guys?

    Thanks for that. I turn it off 30 min before. I should do 2 hours.
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  • Profile picture of the author HolyWarrior
    I use my laptop even when I'm sleeping. Every night, before I sleep, I set up an empowering hypnosis audio file from someone like Paul McKenna or Steve G. Jones. The files I listen to are ones that speak soothingly and use strong inductions and positive affirmations. However, none of this requires a backlight, since I close the lid of my laptop and just let the audio go through the speakers.

    I find it's very relaxing, and I never have any issue with poor sleeping at all as a result.
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  • Profile picture of the author iceapplez
    I listen to audiobooks right before sleeping for about 1-2 hours, it helps entertain you without overstimulating yourself visually by staring at your monitor right before bed. It's also nice to be able to shut off the light and fall asleep after only a few chapters of a book you like
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  • Profile picture of the author Tinderet
    generally i do not turn off my laptop
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  • Profile picture of the author OolongMedia
    What I do is turn off my laptop around 12 or 1am then use my mobile phone which makes me 24hrs online. The problem is I can't make it when I know my phone is just there which makes me stay awake until 5am most of the time. That's the time I check my social media pages and sometimes even talk to clients via Skype. It's really true that the light from our devices causes us to have sleep disorder or something like that.
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  • Profile picture of the author GT
    I turn my laptop off for the day and walk away from it around midnight to 12:30 a.m. most nights and usually read in bed for about half an hour before turning out the lights and falling asleep.

    I am sure I could sleep better than I do. Perhaps my computer does affect my sleep! I might have to experiment turning it off earlier . . . but that could be a huge challenge to do that, LOL!


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  • Profile picture of the author therenegadeleader
    I also read that study, that is why I rest at-least 2 hrs before going to bed so my hormones can recover.
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    • I usually turn it off a few hours before bed to ensure that I spend enough time with my family. Success is nothing if you have no one to share it with, so I make sure that the computer doesn't eat up all of my time to where my family is neglected. I guess this approach actually saves my eyes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert M Gouge
    Originally Posted by SteveSRS View Post

    Hi all,

    I recently ran into a research (it was on just can't find the link any more) where researchers found that using your laptop / tab (any device with back light; NOT black light) greatly affects the production of a hormone called melatonin.

    Which basically completely screws over your sleep rhythm. They stated that young people (< 30) are more affected by this phenomenon than older people. They strongly advise to shut down your computer (this includes you tablet) at least 2 hours before sleeping.

    I for one never do this and well my sleep pattern is seriously screwed up so perhaps that is a big reason.

    How about you guys?
    Interesting. I've never heard this, but I'd be interested in reading the study, if you have a link.

    I suffer from insomnia and I've had a PC in my room for the majority of my adult life (which I never turn off). So, that might explain a few things, lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Gray
    I also read the Research report,

    but i turn off my laptop when my eyes are full with sleep.
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  • Profile picture of the author Perdant44
    Interesting. I usually watch a movie before bed and fall asleep within 30 minutes of shutting off my laptop.
    Also, I fall to sleep listening to hypnosis CDs.
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  • Profile picture of the author nmohan1980
    Originally Posted by SteveSRS View Post

    Hi all,

    I recently ran into a research (it was on just can't find the link any more) where researchers found that using your laptop / tab (any device with back light; NOT black light) greatly affects the production of a hormone called melatonin.

    Which basically completely screws over your sleep rhythm. They stated that young people (< 30) are more affected by this phenomenon than older people. They strongly advise to shut down your computer (this includes you tablet) at least 2 hours before sleeping.

    I for one never do this and well my sleep pattern is seriously screwed up so perhaps that is a big reason.

    How about you guys?
    I directly go to bed after shutting down my Laptop!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author phenon1216
    1 hour. do some cleaning tasks and small exercise make my body feel good to sleep well.
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  • Profile picture of the author bookworm techie
    really? interesting facts. better turn off 2 hours before sleep starting now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Links Sales
    I never turn off the laptop after wearing it just to close it after use, because there will be a guide book turns itself off after the screen is closed.
    for sleep patterns to be balanced, at least the day I make sure to sleep 8 hours a day for body fit.
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    • Profile picture of the author geraldspins
      I've come across studies that tell me the same thing.. Which is probably why my sleeping patterns aren't the best but I can't help it 2 hours is a lot of time! I can't imagine reading a book for 2 hours before falling asleep every night.
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  • Profile picture of the author speedbird
    I rarely turn my laptop off but I think it should be off when not in use to conserve power.
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  • Profile picture of the author Taika
    Interesting. Does anyone have a link to the study? Like some other folks on this thread, I also listen to hypnosis recordings via my MP3 player about hour before I go to sleep. I turn the laptop off just before my hypnosis sessions. (btw, anyone interested about hypnosis can get my free recording + an ebook called Hypnosis - Myths...and Reality by clicking the link on my sig.)

    PM me for questions, JV, whatever...
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  • Profile picture of the author Elamros
    This is true. Even the light from the television affects your sleep pattern. The kind of light that a tv or pc emits make one more awake. You shouldn't take your laptop to bed before you sleep. Personally I can't sleep with lights on... that includes night light and the light from my mobile phone. But I guess it also depends. One can get used to it with no negative effects...
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