The Power Of Your Mindset (If You're a Newbie, this especially for you!)

13 replies
Hey everybody,

I've only really recently began my journey on the internet; however I have had a lot of experience in life coaching and sales development, and a lot of the lessons I learned through my office jobs are highly applicable, if not more applicable to running a business on the internet.

The following short article is from my Blog, and I felt it would be cool to share it with you guys; especially newbies who are feeling down in the dumps about their success.
The reason I wanted to post this is because of an experience I had yesterday. I basically had massive problems with my hosting company, which led to a plethora of problems for my site which eventually led me to having to cancel my account with the hosting company, and re-doing my WHOLE website (all data was gone). Cutting it short, I was in a place/mindset yesterday where I was almost ready to quit this. I had put a lot of effort into putting my site together, and my articles are all unique. I felt broken and as though I'd hit rock bottom, (Was just one of those days!).
Anyways, I started in the evening yesterday, redesigning, and doing my whole website from scratch. I worked till the morning today and re-done everything. Literally been working 24 hours straight, from figuring out what happened, to designing and writing up my content again. I then went back and changed the dated around on my blog posts because I didn't want it to look like I made 4 posts on one day! (even though I did).

My point is; I could not have done that if I didn't have the right mindset. I am a strong believer in effort for result, positive thoughts for positive results, and though I haven't made a dime online yet, I no my perseverance will pay off. I am currently working on some Alex Jeffreys material, and the man motivates me a lot because I can relate to his story. Right now in my life, I have so many things I want to amount to; and I no this is my gateway to success.
Every newbie out there thinking this can't happen for them, or think they are in a tough market or whatever; believe me - if you want something, you can have it. It's all down to your mindset.

This article that I wrote myself reminded me yesterday to pick my chin up, and keep moving forwards. Roadblocks are always there; but they are just that - an obstacle. Challenge your obstacles and defeat them.
Anyway, without further delay, here's an article I'd like to share on 'The Mindset'. I really hope you guys enjoy it. If you do, feel free to repost on your Blogs (with credit my way if you don't mind). Here goes:

"So after a few days into Alex’s coaching program, I wanted to address something that I think will be vital to my success, and everyone elses success to running an Internet business, or any other business for that matter. There is one thing that is going to make me really strive in this coaching program, and I’m going to make sure I stick to the concept throughout my challenge.

The first thing I learned when I got into sales was that your attitude and mentality will determine your success. So today, I want to cover what I feel is the most critical tool to your success in business. I want to talk about the human mind,. I can categorically say that my positive attitude has helped me again and again in the business world, and I have always reaped great rewards for keeping my emotions out of the negative bubble; I think staying positive in my journey is going to help me succeed, and will set me apart from the millions of others who are trying to make money online.
Your mind is the most powerful element of your being. Mind always wins over matter. People are very quick to dismiss metaphysical definitions of positive thinking and the law of attraction; and though I don’t agree with everything about the law of attraction, it does hold some essence of truth. Let’s explore!

When I first started out online back in 2007, I had bad perceptions, doubts, fears and anxieties! I know exactly what the newbie feelings are because it wasn’t long ago that I was feeling that way (I sometimes still feel this way). I always felt so dumb when I was trying to set things up online, from creating blogs to finding niches. I was constantly thinking “this is so difficult, how on earth am I supposed to do this?”. This eventually led me to fail in my efforts to make money online a few years back.
I have to tell you now that positive thinking does a lot of things for your mind and body, and all of it is good for you and your road to success. When I started my coaching course I was amply skeptical about the legitimacy of the program; “Is it even going to work?”, “Is this another online scam?” etc. However as soon as I got into the training, Alex makes it clear from the outset that it’s my mentality that will hold me back (i.e. my constraints). Anybody who thinks they are going to fail, have already set themselves up for failure.


“Hmm, I don’t know if I should go to the gym today. If I go I know I’m not going to be 100% into it…”

What is wrong with this way of thinking? Well it’s quite obvious isn’t it? When this example subject goes to the gym, they aren’t going to be into it because they have already suggested it to themselves; this is like self-hypnosis! I use to do this all the time. Every morning I would tell myself that I am going to head to the gym after work. By the time it came to 17:00 o’clock, I was telling myself “I’m so tired. What a long day! If I go gym I probably won’t be putting in 100%, I’ll just take it easy in there…”. The problem here was that when I got to the gym, I had already pre-suggested that I am going to not put in 100%, so naturally I will only work at 30-40% of my actual ability. Maybe that isn’t the case with you, but it certainly was for me and I think this same analogy applies heavily to the Internet business world.

One of the most difficult things to control is our mind, because we train ourselves to think negatively from a very young age on a subconscious level. Some people see life as a rat race; we go to work from 9 -5, come home to eat and sleep, then do it all over again. You will see some individuals who are always constantly finding something to complain about, no matter how big or small it is! Please understand this; even if you complain about tiny things, you are teaching your mind to be negative. You are teaching your mind a habit and feeding your subconscious level to think negatively. This will harm your success like no other obstacle. Does any of this sound like you?

"Will this work?
I don’t know how to do that.
What if?
But that might go wrong.
I can’t."

The above are just general examples of a negative thinker, I know it because in the past I have said all of the above and more! I have had roadblocks with creating a blog, learning about hosting, domain names, keyword research (a serious killer for me!), SEO and all that other technical jargon. The Internet Business world is not easy. Not because the techniques are hard, or the technology is hard; it’s hard because you need the right mindset to succeed, and that is hard to achieve if you are a habitual negative thinker. A negative mindset does so many things, such as;

"Makes you not believe in yourself
Makes you unhappy; which can lead to several neurological and physical problems
Stops you from taking action (Business is all about intelligent risk taking; remember, great risks yield great rewards. If you don’t take action, you will be stuck.)
Creates more negative situations
Causes stress; which causes more problems"

None of the above is going to help you make money or grow a business. You must begin to change your way of thinking from negative to positive. A positive thinker is:

Believes in him/herself
Feels good about their actions
Takes action
Expects success!"

I can honestly say that adopting a positive mindset has helped me in a plethora of ways, both mentally and physically which have resulted in much better results in any task that I want to tackle. Anticipation for success creates patterns in our behavior to create success. Read that again, 10 times over until it is drilled in your head. Now when I think about everything I need to do online, I just tell myself “one baby step at a time” and “don’t worry about it, I’ll find a way around”; this not only keeps my spirits and motivation up, but keeps my mind clear so I can problem solve much faster.

So what is a mindset?

If we Google the definition of "mindset" you will learn that your mindset is habitual. That means it is a habit; and habits can be broken. So if you are negative thinker now, you can change your way of thinking. If you are dismissing this as a joke, and telling yourself that this is stupid, then unfortunately you are unlikely to see any success. Creating a positive mindset from the outset is the first thing you should do before attempting to create a business, and before anything else you do in life.

So how do you create a positive mindset? There are hundreds of techniques, but I will tell you the simplest one: Do it! You read it, just do that shit! Whenever you feel you are becoming negative, or doubt yourself, or telling yourself something is hard, and that you can’t do it, tell yourself you can. Reverse the thought pattern. This will create a new habit of thinking.
The hardest part of changing your mindset, is trying to change it; but just do it, take action and don’t let the little negative setbacks stop you from being a success.

So guys, what do you all think? How important is your mindset? We all have a hard time making it big on the internet; so how much of that can we attribute to our mentality and perception of those tough tasks ahead? I’d love to hear your thoughts!"

Hope you guys find some value in what I had to say; if I helped one newbie get motivated, I'd be happy aboout that!

#mindset #newbie #power
  • Profile picture of the author Jen Eick
    Thanks for this post, Joey! So true. As the old quote goes, "Whether you think you can, or think you can't -- you're right!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
    Whoa dude this is an awesome post, you are 1000% right about this one it is in the mindset of the individual and like Jaej already said "whether you think you can or you can't you're right" true statement

    - Isaiah Jackson
    Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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  • Looks great... Hope it helps the newbies!!
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  • Profile picture of the author fitnesslover1
    really awesome post.. the power of the mind is truly amazing. Thanks for the post

    Visit for nutrition and fitness topics including the safety of tap water consumption, the hormonal response to exercise, and and other health articles.

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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Crosbie
    Thank you Joey for the post! I am fairly new to Internet Marketing and when I woke up this morning I knew I had set myself a negative mindset for the day. It is 5 hours since I woke up and I have not taken a single bit of action! Whilst I was reading your post I felt my mindset and my outlook for the rest of the day change! Thanks to your post I now feel very motivated and excited for what I know I can achieve!

    Do you have any tips for being around a very negative family? Everyone in my family seems to be down 24/7 and although I understand very well their reasons for feeling like they do, it doesn't stop me allowing my self to be dragged down by their negative thoughts. What could you suggest to stay positive and focused on my dream ?

    Thank you once again! Joe Crosbie !
    I chose entrepreneurship over further education despite being laughed at by my friends and family..

    I recently hit the "RESTART" button on my life, read my personal blog to find out how I did it :)
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    • Profile picture of the author webcashuk
      Joe ,

      This may seem a little counter productive and i fully understand where you are coming from .I guess it depends on how close the family you are talking about is.Believe me however once you do crack on to whatever money making method suits you, and you start producing an income things will change very quickly.Set yourself a little target even if it is only a quid a day , as target setting is essential.Then do whatever it takes to hit that target.Once you have beaten it consistently then up that target again.Make all your targets achievable and WRITE THEM DOWN.If they arent written down then they dont exist and you will find that once you have written them down you will be much more positive and fired up to achieve those targets.Heck even if it is only one fiver gig a week for example you just need to get over that first hump and then you will have the satisfaction of proving everyone wrong

      Hope that helps and keep on trying and coming in here for support .Think of us as your cheerleaders who will also be behind you 100 percent

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  • Profile picture of the author ComputerChris
    Definitely found this post motivating. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Crosbie
    Thanks for the advice Peter!

    The family I am talking about are quite close to me! And proving them wrong is one thing I do dream about! So many people have said about goal setting but I have always looked over it as something that would not benefit me! Just before I wrote this article I wrote down a goal to earn $10 in the next week on a piece of paper and put it on the wall next to my bed! I put it there in the hope that when I wake up in the morning it will be the first thing I see! Im hoping this will get in the zone I need to be in every day to allow me to achieve my goal! Sorry, wrong mindset there "I know it will get me in the zone"

    Its good to know that the Warrior Forum is always there when you need a kick up the backside to get back on track! I look forward to the day when I can back on here and tell people who are in the position I am in today that it is possible to succeed, and that you just need to stay focused, determined and have a clear goal to work towards !

    Thank you for advice!
    I chose entrepreneurship over further education despite being laughed at by my friends and family..

    I recently hit the "RESTART" button on my life, read my personal blog to find out how I did it :)
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    • Profile picture of the author webcashuk
      Great to hear that Joe , I am also in the UK so good to see a fellow UK member getting stuck in.What i would say though is whilst this forum is fantastic be careful not to waste hours and hours a day in here and not spend enough time on your business, thats one little negative of here

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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Crosbie
    I had noticed that there are not a great amount of people from the UK on here.

    Thanks for the advice, It is quite strange as I found myself on here the other day in the situation where it felt like I had only been on here for 5 minutes; it was actually over 2 hours! It wasn't exactly the most productive way to spend my time.

    So yeah I do need to start managin my time more carefuly or I know my journey will be a lot longer than it needs to be.

    Joe Crosbie
    I chose entrepreneurship over further education despite being laughed at by my friends and family..

    I recently hit the "RESTART" button on my life, read my personal blog to find out how I did it :)
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  • Profile picture of the author WilsonDenero
    Thank you for your great message. I fell much better after reading your thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author therenegadeleader
    You will always on the right track when you have the right mindset.
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