Mindset and success principles that help me
I have been consuming a lot of self help and mindset material over the last year or so so I thought I would share here the things that seem to help me the most. I will list some quotes to that get me going the most. A lot of this stuff comes from Tony Robbins (if you haven't been through personal power I highly recommend it).
"Make today different so tomorrow will never be the same".
"Life will pay you whatever price you ask of it".
"Live a couple years of your life like most people won't so you can live the rest of your life like most people can't".
"It's never to late to be what you always could have been".
"Anything anyone else can you, you can do".
"The best way to remind yourself you have nothing to lose is to remember that you're going to die someday".
The only way you fail is if you quit.
None of your results are failures they are only results and if you didn't get the results you wanted adjust to try and change the result next time.
Act as if you already have what you want.
Ask yourself what is the worst that can happen?
Things I do everyday that I have found the most helpful:
- read my goals
- read the paragraph I have written out about where I am going to be 6 months from now
- visualize what I want my life to be like with my eyes closed really feeling it
- tell myself that I can have any level of success I want to
- ask myself my 5 empowering questions - mine are..what can I laugh about? what am I grateful for? why am I lucky? what am I excited about? where do I want to travel?
- If I get down on myself I think of all the people that have been worse off then I am and how they became huge successes despite it. Anything can be overcome
- Also if I get down on myself I smile and hold it for a bit..sounds silly and like it wouldn't work I know but trust me it helps a lot
Final Thoughts:
If you're not getting what you want raise your standards, that is make your shoulds your musts. You must get these tasks done this week. You must make 6 figures a year online. Whatever goals you have for yourself you must achieve them and you will never quit ever. You have to tell yourself that. Write your tasks down for tomorrow today. That is literally the only way I can get things done. Rich Schefren says if anything isn't the way you want it to be in your business or personal life it is because you don't have good enough systems in place.
A very brief summary of systems is - everything is made up of a primary system and sub systems. You can systemize everything..sleep, eating, morning routine, the way you work and obviously your business. You need to systemize your life and business in the most optimal ways.
This post is somewhat scattered, I know. But hopefully this helps at least one person towards their success. To finish this off..If you know what you want and you have a proven plan to get there you can accomplish pretty much anything.
Will Cowan
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