The gift of life
You're breathing. You're conscious. You have thoughts and feelings.
You, you, yes YOU - you're a most precious gift. Your life really does have meaning. Great meaning in fact.
Within each and every single one of us is the ability to achieve greatness. The ability to achieve the extraordinary.
No matter where you think you are right now, by choice you have it within your capacity to change your life around for the better. Make no mistake about it.
Everywhere around you, everywhere you look, people want to help you. They want to help you to fulfill your goals, dreams, and aspirations.
Some of you may have been knocked around a bit by life. You have the mental and emotional scars to prove it. In fact, some of you may feel life has dealt you a cruel blow. Or two or three. No matter...
You are still a wonderful individual in your own right. You are the American dream. You are just utterly fantastic belief it or not and you deserve to feel valued, loved and respected for who you are right now in this moment.
Doesn't matter that your a drug addict.
Doesn't matter that you weigh 500lbs and feel as ugly as a rattlesnakes arse.
Doesn't matter what your history is, what your failures so far are...
...or whether you've never found true love - fact is...
You are ALIVE.
You are a living breathing individual capable of so much more.
Doesn't matter your environment.
Doesn't matter that your poor.
Doesn't matter where you live or what you live in.
Doesn't matter that you've been in prison for crimes committed - you are still an incredibly valuable individual in your own right.
Recognize within yourself your own greatness, your capacity to change who and what you think you are in any one moment.
As you draw in your next breath, you can think to yourself... enough is enough - I am living and it feels good. Actually thinking about it, it feels bloody awesome.
Wow! Pinch myself...
Yes, I am alive. Wow! How amazing is that!
Despite all the odds of not being alive, you are indeed alive. For billions of miles in every direction there is nobody else quite like you. You are unique. Totally 100% unique. Original. One of a kind. Incredible!
And the sad fact is, we're not alive here on earth forever. We're only going to be around for a finite amount of time. Your time could be up in the next hour, next week, next month, next year, or you might live to be 100. Who knows?
Question is...
With the time available to you whilst you are alive, this very precious living soul, with your own thoughts and feelings - what do you want to really do, what do you truly want to achieve with your life?
Time alive is precious. When you're old one day, you'll look back and think to yourself, where did all the time go?
My goodness, life flies by so fast. Just what feels like yesterday, I was in good health, young, fit and handsome (or very beautiful), now...
...I'm all wrinkly, weathered, emotionally jaded and God forbid, old. Like a tortoise. Slow, wobbly and slightly eccentric. Egad!
Take full advantage of life whilst you can.
Life does not last forever.
Your loved ones, your family, your friends, they all want to see you happy. To see you feeling satisfied, contented, and enjoying yourself.
So be who you want to become. Love yourself enough to reward yourself with those gifts in life which are freely available to you at all times.
Love life. Love yourself. Grow in love, compassion - commit random acts of kindness.
Be crazy once in a while. Live. Breathe. Imagine. Explore. Go traveling. Meet new people. Go to new places. Try out new experiences.
All this and more is within you IF you just know how to ask for it.
Whatever you want in life is yours simply for the asking.
Give yourself permission to be who you want to be!
Only one who risks is free to be.
Smoking hot,
Mark Andrews
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New Book! Radical Life Extension. Help me to hasten the defeat of aging.
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