WHY do you want to be a Millionaire?

195 replies
Seriously! Why do you want to be a Millionaire? Answering that question would
clarify your goals and priorities in life.
What would you do with your money as a Millionaire?

#goal #goals #inspiration #lesson #millionaire
  • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
    For me it is about how much I can do to help charities I like to support. I also like to inspire others that it is possible to be successful and be generous at the same time.

    I also like to leave a legacy of inspirational life adventures to help motivate others anytime, anywhere.
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    • Profile picture of the author DBracey
      Originally Posted by Noel 100K View Post

      For me it is about how much I can do to help charities I like to support.
      For me, the same. I want to support as many charities that help animals as I can. The more money I have, the more I'm able to do that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
    What happens after you reached your goal of having a million dollars in your bank account?
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    I want to so that I can be location independent.
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  • Profile picture of the author Blinking
    Freedom. Plain and Simple.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kaizen5
      I would like to do what I like to do and of course it would be great to be independent. To have time to travel and the ability to afford something.

      But first I need to get out of that deep hole before I can start dreaming of a big amount of money.

      I think it should be normal to contribute part of the money for charities and needy people.
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    • Profile picture of the author impro42
      Originally Posted by Blinking View Post

      Freedom. Plain and Simple.
      Indeed. Financial freedom, location freedom, freedom of time. Do whatever you please
      Power Affiliates Needed! $$$$$ Make Thousands $$$$$$

      PM Me for Details
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      • Profile picture of the author Blinking
        Originally Posted by impro42 View Post

        Indeed. Financial freedom, location freedom, freedom of time. Do whatever you please
        As one of the above posters already said, Freedom to do whatever I like, whenever I like, however I like, with whoever I like, and for whatever reason, with no one to question me etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Joseph
    I would like to ask, as to why you cannot do all the above before you become a millionaire.

    No one has written something outrageous like buying a $60 million yacht or having a G550. There is nothing wrong with these things, I just hope that the above people realize that you do not need to be a millionaire to do what you do. I can't wait to hit the seven figures either, but I'm already doing what I want to do.

    So essentially the answer for me is security.
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    • Profile picture of the author cheynan
      Originally Posted by Gary Joseph View Post

      I would like to ask, as to why you cannot do all the above before you become a millionaire.

      No one has written something outrageous like buying a $60 million yacht or having a G550. There is nothing wrong with these things, I just hope that the above people realize that you do not need to be a millionaire to do what you do. I can't wait to hit the seven figures either, but I'm already doing what I want to do.

      So essentially the answer for me is security.
      When did you start? You look like a pretty young and you're almost at a million? A true inspiration brutha
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  • Profile picture of the author geekpreneurinc
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  • Profile picture of the author Baadier Sydow
    I would like the freedom of choice. The ability and power to do whatever crosses my mind at any given point. I would respect the security the cash would provide along with the benefits of being able to help my siblings. I have 3 siblings currently still studying. Its not just about the bling, a million is not enough for me, what I want is more.

    My girlfriend thinks I get a Darth Vader look when discussing my plans. According to her, I want to take over the world. Its quite funny, because she's doing a Masters in Enviromental studies, my answer is always, "If I take over the world, I can save the enviroment" she's not buying it though.
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    • Profile picture of the author stevereh
      I love your post

      really made me laugh

      I really hope we can all change the environment together

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  • Profile picture of the author stevereh
    I want to have time and freedom for my family

    the ultimate goal is once i become successful to help other people become successful. I think thats the true reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author betterwtveter
    4 Things
    -Family Time
    -Out of Debt
    -Help other to do the same
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  • Profile picture of the author AlwaysAwa
    I want to be a millionaire because:
    - I want to be with my love one
    - And enjoy every moment with together.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxaurelius
    I want to be a millionaire to be free. I want to live the way others can't.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joetheblogger
    I would help out my family. Buy a house and new car but at the same time I would help charities and the less fortunate.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronboyartesti
    I don't want to be a millionaire. I want to be a billionaire so badly.
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  • Profile picture of the author chukster
    I want to be a millionaire so i can sort out my bills provide for my family. Also teach others to become millionaire to. Now I know I can do these with less money but I always wanted and will get it
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  • Profile picture of the author gabysanchez225
    For those whose main profession isn't internet marketing, or treat it as a means to an end: To do what we truly love, free of the compromise often needed to facilitate financial gain.
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    I bear my all kinds of expenses. I know the value of money. Without money people don't even know you let alone helping you. I also know the sufferings of being poor. This is why, I want to be a millionaire so that with removing my poverty I can also help the poor people.
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  • Profile picture of the author stamford
    I work for a billionaire and although he still works 30 plus hours a week, he has the freedom to travel where he wants, when he wants and with whoever, he's a regular down to earth guy. When i make it into the millions i hope i too can remain the same
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    Freedom and possibly making a movie.
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  • Profile picture of the author ih8themall
    No debt and free time to play !
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    • Profile picture of the author InfiniteInc
      Originally Posted by ih8themall View Post

      No debt and free time to play !
      Haha could't have said it better myself.

      Being a millionaire would also allow me to work on creating the exact lifestyle I want. I would be able to start the businesses that I want and create the household of my dreams.
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  • Profile picture of the author nuworld
    The possibility that you can be a millionaire and the belief is a driving force.
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  • Profile picture of the author craigpullman
    I want to be a millionaire:
    1) So my family won't have to worry about money
    2) To prove to myself that all my crazy money making ideas actually do work and that I did not need to complete college to get there
    3) Devote more time to charity
    4) Hell, why not?
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  • Profile picture of the author LeslieMendenhall
    I am FREE because I live to give - to create a legacy by sharing the tools that have allowed me to be free. Money is just the by-product of doing the right thing and giving, giving, giving - of both time and money.

    Imagine...making such a huge difference in the world starting with *you*.

    Millionaire - no, that won't do! BILLIONAIRE!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesse L
    I don't believe I have ever considered being a millionaire. Actually, I always could care less if I made a million as long as I was doing what I wanted to do.

    As mentioned above, why do you need a million dollars to do what you want? Why does there have to be a "final number" on success? Why do you need a million to give to charities? Why not give something more precious... your time?

    I understand business and planning and goal setting, etc..
    It is what I do and have done for many others for many years... and I will tell you now, if you wait to live, then you may miss the boat.

    Yes, you should set numbers on your business... but if you set a number on when you will begin living, then you may well miss out on a life.

    Today and no other day matters, my friends. Live it like you will never have another chance to live it...
    No one will find happiness by hanging around on a forum looking for the keys to success. They do not exist on the outside. Each story is different and you must write your own.

    Use this forum to learn from and to motivate and to help each other. Enjoy your time here. Don't waste your precious short time on Earth dreaming of a million dollars that doesn't even matter. It is only money, after all. Just a human idea that has caused much suffering in this world.

    So smile and be happy with who you are and what you have. Then enjoy your business ventures as "adventures" and not chores and tasks and searches for magic keys. I think you will find once you reach that million that it isn't quite what you thought it was going to be.

    May Google look fondly upon all of your Internet ventures

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  • Profile picture of the author DanielleDeHann
    I DON'T want to be a millionaire.

    I want a good work/life balance. If I can work 4 to 5 hours a day and make 80 to 90K per year like I do now, I'm good. I will not, ever, work a 90 hour week in order to say I'm a millionaire.

    However, because I invest smartly and have zero debt, I will be a millionaire most likely within the next ten years.
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  • Profile picture of the author markmatthews
    1. To honor God by giving the my tithes.
    2. To enjoy the best in life.
    3. To share what I have enjoy the best in life.
    4. To build a foundation and help those who want to enjoy the best in life.


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    • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
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      • Profile picture of the author makinitmine
        1. The ability to help my family. This includes helping my dad retire instead of having to work his job (truck driver, which requires him to push/pull/lift/load heavy oxygen/helium/etc. gas cylinders every day and at his age it's getting tougher) and helping provide my stepmom the care/medicine/etc. she needs/will need (she has an almost crippling medical disorder that gets worse with age).

        2. The ability to live more free to pursue things such as helping less privileged/charities/etc. without worrying about bills/job/etc.

        3. Travel freely / live however I want

        4. Anything else not covered by above
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        • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
          Originally Posted by makinitmine View Post

          1. The ability to help my family. This includes helping my dad retire instead of having to work his job (truck driver, which requires him to push/pull/lift/load heavy oxygen/helium/etc. gas cylinders every day and at his age it's getting tougher) and helping provide my stepmom the care/medicine/etc. she needs/will need (she has an almost crippling medical disorder that gets worse with age).

          2. The ability to live more free to pursue things such as helping less privileged/charities/etc. without worrying about bills/job/etc.

          3. Travel freely / live however I want

          4. Anything else not covered by above
          Those are Very nice and inspiring reasons to become a Millionaire. You deserve to be one my friend...
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  • Profile picture of the author stevejones003
    To make WSO about the process and help others become millionaire!

    On a serious note,I do not think $1M is really worthy target,if you are materialistic. $7-10M would be a cool mid term target.Make it 1/3rd if you are from third world.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    I'd help make the world a better place to live in for me, my family, and everybody else. World peace!

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Why the fascination with "millionairism"? What too many people don't realise is that becoming a millionaire is very difficult and almost impossible to plan for. In most cases it happens accidentally as a result of giving massive value (as has been said) impacting millions. Many of the things you think will come only with millionairism (especially the emotive reasons such as freedom) can be had without ever going anywhere near being a millionaire.

    I've interviewed hundreds of people on this very topic and (in all but a few) the overwhelming real desire is to be free - not "rich". Freedom is a far easier thing to achieve and when you're free you will feel the same as what you expect it would feel like to be a "millionaire".

    I have almost no desire to be a millionaire but I have a strong desire to be free and being free is much cheaper than trying to become a "millionaire. The biggest problem for most people is they have absolutely no idea how much money they want anyway. They just want "lots" or "millions" and if you're a goal driven individual (I'm not) then you better get clear on exactly how much you want to make and more importantly "why" you want it. When you finally out "why" you will see that you could have all that without ever getting anywhere near millions.

    I've hung around many "millionaires" (as a stock market trader, speaker and coach) and got some solid advice from many of them. In fact (they say...and I've seen and experienced personally) to live the life of a millionaire only takes about $250-400k. The difference between the two of those numbers are extravagance. The higher number involves mega luxuries like hiring helicopters or flying all your friends around the planet to "join you" or throwing massive and elaborate parties...etc. If that type of life doesn't interest you then you will only need closer to the $250k per year mark to live like and look like a millionaire. That's about 5k per week.

    Most people (and I'm definitely on a crusade to change this) don't realise that for about 100k per year you can have a fantastic life but it requires that you can control your expenses. There's no point at all in making a million and spending a million. You will feel just as awful as someone with a plain job that spends all they money and lives from pay to pay. The real "trick" to financial freedom is to escape financial stress and that involves making a "fair bit" more than your expenses and making sure that financial stress doesn't rule (and ruin) your life.

    Forget "millionairism" and focus on freedom. It's closer and will give you more time to then come up with ideas to make "millions". Millions don't give you freedom anywhere near as easy as freedom will give you millions. Think about it. Freedom first.

    That's what I reckon anyway...
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    • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
      Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

      Why the fascination with "millionairism"? What too many people don't realise is that becoming a millionaire is very difficult and almost impossible to plan for. In most cases it happens accidentally as a result of giving massive value (as has been said) impacting millions. Many of the things you think will come only with millionairism (especially the emotive reasons such as freedom) can be had without ever going anywhere near being a millionaire.

      I've interviewed hundreds of people on this very topic and (in all but a few) the overwhelming real desire is to be free - not "rich". Freedom is a far easier thing to achieve and when you're free you will feel the same as what you expect it would feel like to be a "millionaire".

      I have almost no desire to be a millionaire but I have a strong desire to be free and being free is much cheaper than trying to become a "millionaire. The biggest problem for most people is they have absolutely no idea how much money they want anyway. They just want "lots" or "millions" and if you're a goal driven individual (I'm not) then you better get clear on exactly how much you want to make and more importantly "why" you want it. When you finally out "why" you will see that you could have all that without ever getting anywhere near millions.

      I've hung around many "millionaires" (as a stock market trader, speaker and coach) and got some solid advice from many of them. In fact (they say...and I've seen and experienced personally) to live the life of a millionaire only takes about $250-400k. The difference between the two of those numbers are extravagance. The higher number involves mega luxuries like hiring helicopters or flying all your friends around the planet to "join you" or throwing massive and elaborate parties...etc. If that type of life doesn't interest you then you will only need closer to the $250k per year mark to live like and look like a millionaire. That's about 5k per week.

      Most people (and I'm definitely on a crusade to change this) don't realise that for about 100k per year you can have a fantastic life but it requires that you can control your expenses. There's no point at all in making a million and spending a million. You will feel just as awful as someone with a plain job that spends all they money and lives from pay to pay. The real "trick" to financial freedom is to escape financial stress and that involves making a "fair bit" more than your expenses and making sure that financial stress doesn't rule (and ruin) your life.

      Forget "millionairism" and focus on freedom. It's closer and will give you more time to then come up with ideas to make "millions". Millions don't give you freedom anywhere near as easy as freedom will give you millions. Think about it. Freedom first.

      That's what I reckon anyway...
      Good Post my friend Freedom happens first then the Millions
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    • Profile picture of the author jandd
      Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

      Why the fascination with "millionairism"? What too many people don't realise is that becoming a millionaire is very difficult and almost impossible to plan for. In most cases it happens accidentally as a result of giving massive value (as has been said) impacting millions. Many of the things you think will come only with millionairism (especially the emotive reasons such as freedom) can be had without ever going anywhere near being a millionaire.

      I've interviewed hundreds of people on this very topic and (in all but a few) the overwhelming real desire is to be free - not "rich". Freedom is a far easier thing to achieve and when you're free you will feel the same as what you expect it would feel like to be a "millionaire".

      I have almost no desire to be a millionaire but I have a strong desire to be free and being free is much cheaper than trying to become a "millionaire. The biggest problem for most people is they have absolutely no idea how much money they want anyway. They just want "lots" or "millions" and if you're a goal driven individual (I'm not) then you better get clear on exactly how much you want to make and more importantly "why" you want it. When you finally out "why" you will see that you could have all that without ever getting anywhere near millions.

      I've hung around many "millionaires" (as a stock market trader, speaker and coach) and got some solid advice from many of them. In fact (they say...and I've seen and experienced personally) to live the life of a millionaire only takes about $250-400k. The difference between the two of those numbers are extravagance. The higher number involves mega luxuries like hiring helicopters or flying all your friends around the planet to "join you" or throwing massive and elaborate parties...etc. If that type of life doesn't interest you then you will only need closer to the $250k per year mark to live like and look like a millionaire. That's about 5k per week.

      Most people (and I'm definitely on a crusade to change this) don't realise that for about 100k per year you can have a fantastic life but it requires that you can control your expenses. There's no point at all in making a million and spending a million. You will feel just as awful as someone with a plain job that spends all they money and lives from pay to pay. The real "trick" to financial freedom is to escape financial stress and that involves making a "fair bit" more than your expenses and making sure that financial stress doesn't rule (and ruin) your life.

      Forget "millionairism" and focus on freedom. It's closer and will give you more time to then come up with ideas to make "millions". Millions don't give you freedom anywhere near as easy as freedom will give you millions. Think about it. Freedom first.

      That's what I reckon anyway...
      Could not agree more!!! for me internet marketing would never be about becoming a millionaire (not that I would say no to that though!) rather it is about making enough so you just don't have to worry about money as much anymore.

      While the millionaire lifestyle (massive house, expensive cars, huge shopping trips, private jet etc) has its appeal (often very strong) I think that being comfortable in yourself and having a happy home and family life is a stronger indicator of happiness.

      People often forget that a millionaire life does not remove worry it adds worry I would be happy to live debt free and happy in rather more modest circumstances, though as I said, a spare million would not be the most terrible thing to happen
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  • Profile picture of the author robertoslaw
    Yeah, billionaire is way much cooler than millionaire.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jillsescape
    I don't care about being a millionaire per se. I just want to have enough $ to SLOW down this whirlwind of a life and enjoy it a little! It's called better quality of life......
    spending time with family, doing what we want to do when we want to do it, and showing others how to do the same thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetex Marketing
    Freedom,freedom,freedom and the feeling that you can chill all day long in Lamborghinis, big mansions and yachts
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  • Profile picture of the author successproducts
    I would use that money to fund animals sanctuary. In this material world having more money is one of the necessities to do more good deeds.
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  • Profile picture of the author jimmylucas
    I want to be able to spend time with my loved ones. I want to be able to experience things in life without restrictions due to money issues. That is why I want to be a millionaire.

    More about Jimmy Lucas Z
    My Secrets to Success

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    • Profile picture of the author Shana Walters
      If I ever became a millionaire, I would use my millions to catapult me to becoming a billionaire. And of course creating a charitable foundation.

      Shana Jahsinta Walters.
      Write until my fingers fall off. LOL!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author redwill
    Millionaire doesn't need to think hard when he/she want to buy a house.
    Millionaire doesn't have to worry if he/she want to buy cars.
    Millionaire doesn't have to wait for low season ticket for a plane
    Millionaire doesn't have to think too much if they want to open new business
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    • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
      Originally Posted by redwill View Post

      Millionaire doesn't need to think hard when he/she want to buy a house.
      Millionaire doesn't have to worry if he/she want to buy cars.
      Millionaire doesn't have to wait for low season ticket for a plane
      Millionaire doesn't have to think too much if they want to open new business
      It's the Freedom of more choices my friend. If you want to become a Millionaire you can do it but you have to Focus on which means you want to do/use that will give value to people.
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  • Profile picture of the author markstipends
    Money isn't everything. Sad to say it's very difficult to live without it.
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  • Profile picture of the author garfield29
    Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

    I have no interest in being a millionaire. I do what I like when I like. What's the point?
    I share the same thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimK06
    well I no longer really want to be a millionaire I just want to take care of my loved ones and be comfortable.

    I've found that from observing the life of the rich and famous that most of them are really unhappy and feel empty inside just look at your favorite celebrity: drug addiction, thoughts of suicide, weapon charges, anxiety attacks and worse.

    Just enough to pay the bills and live conformably for me thanks anything else I get I'm giving to the poor and meek and investing into the church.

    Just an option of mines
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  • Profile picture of the author therenegadeleader
    To have more time for myself and to my family as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author ju113n
    Have a home without pay rent !! And travel a lot
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    • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
      Originally Posted by ju113n View Post

      Have a home without pay rent !! And travel a lot
      You mean to have the freedom of not paying rent and the freedom to travel a lot with spending money
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      • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
        Depending on where you live and the cost of living there, making around $250k a year you can pretty much have what you want material wise.

        If you have a bunch of kids, then add another 200k to that.

        Why do I like money? Mostly selfish reasons. I love to see the numbers in my bank account. I love to count it. I love to watch my accounts increase.

        Define millionaire?
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        • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
          Originally Posted by nipsyr View Post

          Depending on where you live and the cost of living there, making around $250k a year you can pretty much have what you want material wise.

          If you have a bunch of kids, then add another 200k to that.

          Why do I like money? Mostly selfish reasons. I love to see the numbers in my bank account. I love to count it. I love to watch my accounts increase.

          Define millionaire?
          A Millionaire in this context is anyone that has 1 Million Dollars in the bank account free and clear that can be withdrawn any time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dong Lee
    I want to be a millionaire because i want to have a happy and healthy family, beautifull wife, big house, god job, great friends and to secure a great future when i will be old.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan85
    I have to agree with alot of people on here already.

    Money only gets you so far with being happy. yes it gets you things that you may have always wanted but then what happens to the things you have, what do you do next. This is not a negative view on things as I believe most people are looking towards the same thing.
    Have enough money so they can support their family and live a life where there is no worry about where the next meal will come from. Being able to explore places and see new cultures and lands.
    It is the most uplifting experience to have , going and seeing new things and not having that small amount of doubt in their mind that they will have to pay a trip or meal or experience for the next few months or years.
    Freedom and experience is what life is about
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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    I was always a millionaire, I just didn't have the money. Ha, you know so much about becoming a millionaire is all about mindset. In order to reach that level of financial freedom, that is making that cash through something you created and worked hard for, versus winning the lotto, you need to have the millionaire mindset. The money will come later.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

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  • Profile picture of the author ceenote100
    Because millionaires get all the pretty girls first. Duh!
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    • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
      Originally Posted by ceenote100 View Post

      Because millionaires get all the pretty girls first. Duh!
      Not all the time Maybe most of the time
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      • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
        Originally Posted by Noel 100K View Post

        A Millionaire in this context is anyone that has 1 Million Dollars in the bank account free and clear that can be withdrawn any time.
        In Australia the Australian Tax Office defines a millionaire as someone who has a million dollars in assets outside of the family home.

        I personally define a millionaire as someone who has at least 1 million dollars worth of yearly income.

        I think a "real" millionaire should be defined as someone who has at least 1 million dollars per year of passive income and is free to do as they please 365 days of the year.
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  • Profile picture of the author copystud
    For me it's about unlimited world travel and philanthropic goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author Inspired, Inc.
    so i can dine, shop, travel without looking at price tags... lol
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  • Profile picture of the author AdamFinan
    I aspire to become a Millionaire so that I can help all who I can, have what I want and provide my family with the security they deserve.

    I would run multiple businesses from wherever I choose to be and I would help as many people as I could replicate my success.
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    If I become a millionaire, I will do something for the animals. I love the street animals, when I see that they are leading a miserable life, I cannot tolerate it. But I can do nothing as I do not have sufficient money to aid them.
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  • Profile picture of the author PrestonSr
    I have been trying to help people rid off addictions by directing them to qualified coaches and trainers but they never listen--"Like what can a 20 yr old student advice me on?"
    with cash I think I can be more influential and steer people in the right directions.
    10,000+ quality TWITTER followers
    10,000+ quality YOUTUBE views

    -Facebook -Pinterest -Google+ -Instagram
    Contact me on Skype: prestonconsultance or eMail me jesusnervous@gmail.com
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  • Profile picture of the author sigmundeverlast
    It always feels good when you have plenty of money on your pocket.
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  • Profile picture of the author luane
    I would like to be able to provide my family when they need me financially and physically and know that in my older age, there is a nest egg to nest in . There are always needy people around us and if you have nothing to give, that is very sad indeed. Let's be givers!
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  • Profile picture of the author Darren Money
    I was just talking to my wife about this very question tonight. I want to be a millionaire because it would just allow me to do more in life...bottom line.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      Originally Posted by Darren Money View Post

      I was just talking to my wife about this very question tonight. I want to be a millionaire because it would just allow me to do more in life...bottom line.
      Darren, I can appreciate that you want to "do more" but until you get very specific and start costing and defining what "do more" means you will never have any power in that. What "more"? What exactly do you want to achieve? If you just aim to be able to "do more" you will never achieve it and will just flounder around where you are now (or worse). You must get specific about exactly how you want your life to be.

      I've done a lot of research on this for my book and those who get specific start achieving or at least making progress but those who keep their aims general like " do more", "have more", "travel more", "give more" are just dreaming and don't really believe it's possible.

      I don't mean for you to get specific here on a public forum but get a pen and paper out or make up a spreadsheet (pen and paper is better) and start getting specific. I'm not a fan of any time based goals other than ASAP! so it's not essential (and often counter productive) to put fake dates on things so that's not essential but having a clear image in your mind of the type of life you want and the the type of day you want to have over and over and over again you will not move.

      This goes for all the other general desires posted in this thread. Guys, without getting specific you don't believe it. Don't forget a "why" statement as well. You might think you want a multi million dollar mansion but why? Maybe a great urban home would be ok and give you the same feeling?

      Get specific or you won't start moving beyond your current activities.

      My 3 cents worth.
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      • Profile picture of the author Darren Money
        I actually do have specifics, but was just trying to summarize for posting purposes. I agree 100% about being specific and also living each day as though it were my last, because some day I will be right.

        Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

        Darren, I can appreciate that you want to "do more" but until you get very specific and start costing and defining what "do more" means you will never have any power in that. What "more"? What exactly do you want to achieve? If you just aim to be able to "do more" you will never achieve it and will just flounder around where you are now (or worse). You must get specific about exactly how you want your life to be.

        I've done a lot of research on this for my book and those who get specific start achieving or at least making progress but those who keep their aims general like " do more", "have more", "travel more", "give more" are just dreaming and don't really believe it's possible.

        I don't mean for you to get specific here on a public forum but get a pen and paper out or make up a spreadsheet (pen and paper is better) and start getting specific. I'm not a fan of any time based goals other than ASAP! so it's not essential (and often counter productive) to put fake dates on things so that's not essential but having a clear image in your mind of the type of life you want and the the type of day you want to have over and over and over again you will not move.

        This goes for all the other general desires posted in this thread. Guys, without getting specific you don't believe it. Don't forget a "why" statement as well. You might think you want a multi million dollar mansion but why? Maybe a great urban home would be ok and give you the same feeling?

        Get specific or you won't start moving beyond your current activities.

        My 3 cents worth.
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        • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
          Excellent, good to hear.
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  • Profile picture of the author andywestfall
    I want to be a millionaire so i can give people more jobs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ali Thunder
    I want to be millionaire so i can support my family, help poors and complete my future studies
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      Originally Posted by andywestfall View Post

      I want to be a millionaire so i can give people more jobs.
      This is a new one. What people? What jobs? By giving people jobs what will you gain? How will that help you?

      Originally Posted by Ali Thunder View Post

      I want to be millionaire so i can support my family, help poors and complete my future studies
      Have you costed how much this support will cost? How much do you want to give to the poor people? Will it just be handing out cash or do you want to build houses, distribute food...etc? How will you do this?

      Future studies...this is interesting. What studies? If you're a millionaire do you need more studies or do you just enjoy being a permanent student? Do you want to become a professor or study business so you can...become a millionaire? If you're a millionaire already, how will that work?

      Let's put some thought into this people. Throwing obvious and thin ideals around won't help you and makes this thread boring when instead it can be an inspiring and interesting conversation.

      Get specific.
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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    I want to be a millionaire because i want everybody to be happy. Share to them what i have and open new jobs to those who need it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      Originally Posted by kellyyarnsbro View Post

      I want to be a millionaire because i want everybody to be happy. Share to them what i have and open new jobs to those who need it.
      Interesting. How do you think that everyone will be happy if you're a millionaire Kelly?
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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Elss
        OK, I'm going to be the odd ball here. First off yes, I have the same desires as the rest of you, wanting to be my own boss, have more time to enjoy life and do the things I love doing as well as give my kids some of the things I never had growing up, but honestly, I don't need to be a millionaire. I would rather live very comfortably but still have the excitement of that next pay day, still having something to look forward too. Call me cheezy but love and friendship play an enormous role in happiness to, at least does for me. Call me cheezy AND crazy but if a man already has everything he wants and has done about everything he has dreamed of, is there much left to look forward to? Maybe so, but I will be happy as heck with six figures. If more came my way, I guess I certainly wouldn't turn it away.:p
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Far from being the odd man out Daniel, you've actually hit the nail on the head. Having "enough" is an art and a pleasure. 6 figures in the bank will give you security but I've long prescribed financial relief as the most urgent matter followed by financial security. Life is for living not accumulating. I also like having lots of money, the more the better but I know when I have enough to life a stress free life and I also know that that next to having financial, relief and security enjoying my hobbies and indulging my passions is the most useful pursuit for me.

    Well done.
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  • Profile picture of the author andyredsox
    It will fund my freedom! A lifestyle that I want for me and my loved ones!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      Originally Posted by andyredsox View Post

      It will fund my freedom! A lifestyle that I want for me and my loved ones!
      Brilliant. Is this just a dream or do you know what it will look like?
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  • Profile picture of the author alvawalter
    retire early and learn more! not stuck in the computer working 24/7
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    • Profile picture of the author Deb S
      I'd like to earn back the 50% drop in value my homes took, replace the 40% drop in my equities and 401K plus the total loss of a pension from a prior company my husband worked for that sold out and had an underfunded pension account.

      May seem selfish, but I'd like to get back to where I was before the banking crises started and I think online marketing/income is my only hope of achieving that. 1 million will get me back to where I was and make up for the last 4 years of declining income that my husband and I have experienced.
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  • Profile picture of the author aliveder
    I want to be a millionaire because:

    - Financially independent from the government (am a libertarian)
    - Will be able to treat my parents to the things they deserve (poor hardworking immigrants)
    - Will be able to eat different awesome vegan delicacies every day!
    - Will be able to start my animal sanctuary charity that I have been wanting to do since I was young (my main goal in life)

    Don't Forget To Give Thanks to Those That Have Helped You!

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    • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
      Originally Posted by aliveder View Post

      I want to be a millionaire because:

      - Financially independent from the government (am a libertarian)
      - Will be able to treat my parents to the things they deserve (poor hardworking immigrants)
      - Will be able to eat different awesome vegan delicacies every day!
      - Will be able to start my animal sanctuary charity that I have been wanting to do since I was young (my main goal in life)
      I'm a libertarian myself. I also have no desire to be a "millionaire". I merely want to live my life how I want to. And while I could use more cash flow to reach the full level of what I want I do very well right now. Read Tim Ferris and Harry Browne. What people want is to be free and free takes a lot less cash than you think.

      1. The more you make the more the government will take. So honestly making more doesn't make you independant from the government. I may not agree with everything Harry Browne says but he has some good points on this and other ideas in "How I became free in an unfree world." Good free but I think the "New Rich" idea of Tim Ferris better discribes this freedom and how little it really takes.

      2. You can buy your parents (and yourself) a lot of things they want for a lot less than you think. I always use my personal example. Since I was a kid I wanted a Corvette. I bought my first Corvette at 23. Lot of people wondered how i could afford it. And half of them paid more for their "normal" cars. They were too focused on how expensive it was and putting it off vs. just figuring out how much it cost and paying for it. I'm now on my 3rd vette and when I am at work it is normally the car everyone thinks cost the most when the reality is that about 20% of the "normal" cars in the lot cost more than mine. They still don't see it. So if there is something you want to buy your parents figure out how much it costs and buy it.

      3. While you will never get me eating Vegan I love food myself (bit too much). I eat out all the time and within reason I don't worry about the price. I don't know how much you make so I don't know if you can do this yourself or not but unless you have $100+/meal tastes you'll likely be able to afford to do this a lot sooner than you think.

      4. How much money do you really need to start the charity? When you read this message pull out your calendar and set up an hour (or however long it will take) to figure out how much you need. Once you have that figured out you need to figure out how to get that money. You can start likely for a few hundred (or thousand dollars). If that is your dream then live it. The only thing holding you back is you.
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      • Profile picture of the author aliveder
        Originally Posted by Aaron Doud View Post

        I'm a libertarian myself. I also have no desire to be a "millionaire". I merely want to live my life how I want to. And while I could use more cash flow to reach the full level of what I want I do very well right now. Read Tim Ferris and Harry Browne. What people want is to be free and free takes a lot less cash than you think.

        1. The more you make the more the government will take. So honestly making more doesn't make you independant from the government. I may not agree with everything Harry Browne says but he has some good points on this and other ideas in "How I became free in an unfree world." Good free but I think the "New Rich" idea of Tim Ferris better discribes this freedom and how little it really takes.

        2. You can buy your parents (and yourself) a lot of things they want for a lot less than you think. I always use my personal example. Since I was a kid I wanted a Corvette. I bought my first Corvette at 23. Lot of people wondered how i could afford it. And half of them paid more for their "normal" cars. They were too focused on how expensive it was and putting it off vs. just figuring out how much it cost and paying for it. I'm now on my 3rd vette and when I am at work it is normally the car everyone thinks cost the most when the reality is that about 20% of the "normal" cars in the lot cost more than mine. They still don't see it. So if there is something you want to buy your parents figure out how much it costs and buy it.

        3. While you will never get me eating Vegan I love food myself (bit too much). I eat out all the time and within reason I don't worry about the price. I don't know how much you make so I don't know if you can do this yourself or not but unless you have $100+/meal tastes you'll likely be able to afford to do this a lot sooner than you think.

        4. How much money do you really need to start the charity? When you read this message pull out your calendar and set up an hour (or however long it will take) to figure out how much you need. Once you have that figured out you need to figure out how to get that money. You can start likely for a few hundred (or thousand dollars). If that is your dream then live it. The only thing holding you back is you.

        Well I have no choices but to pay taxes. But I do not want to rely on Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Welfare, Financial Aid when my children go to school (If I ever have any). I am glad that you are living your life the way you want to. Just don't forget freedom is subjective, as well as desire, and what you think a small amount of cash is. What I pay for my apt in NYC is what other people pay for 3 months of mortgage in other parts of the country (another reason I am moving!)

        Well I have figured it out. A luxury round the world trip will take them about 3 years and 8 months, and will cost half a lemon. That is not including souvenirs and food, and other desires. My parents dream is to travel (not backpack like some youngsters. I also want to build them a dream home, as they have never lived in a private house before.

        Food wise, I live in NYC. Food prices here are outrages. Also I am not very creative when it comes to cooking food. Even well written recipes do not turn out well. To make a vegan pizza it takes 8 hours, 4 hours are active labor. Plus I prefer to eat different things for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The only reason for making money is to spend it on things you enjoy.

        I don't want a public charity, I want a private fund. As I don't want a BOD. If you spot me 33 million for 7.7k acres in Florida that is perfect in regards to zoning, temperature, and pasture, it would be awesome Don't forget property taxes, and vet bills, and FOOD for all the animals, building of shelters. Payment of workers. I have gone to a lot of Animal conferences, I have seen the way these people who have sanctuaries or animal charities look like. I do not want to be eating bland rice for the rest of my life because I cant afford anything better. I am also an individual who believes you either go big or you go home. Used frequently in IM and scaling campaigns. I also don't do anything half asses, just to have done it.

        Don't ever assume that people just wan't things and haven't' thought them out in minute detail. I have dollar figures associated with the realization of many goals of mine. It helps ME be more motivated, and contributed to me completing 3 other big goals of mine. As well as fulfilling Goal #2 late next year. Not bad for 22.

        Don't Forget To Give Thanks to Those That Have Helped You!

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  • Profile picture of the author andyredsox
    Well being a millionaire means being able to enjoy a life of freedom.

    It also means being busy about life-relationships, career and business.

    It means being able to manage all about life and staying on top of everything.

    Why I want to be a millionaire?- To have it all!
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  • Profile picture of the author Confined To Life
    So I can do whatever the hell I want. I don't have to answer to anyone and I won't be confined to financial constraints.
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    • Profile picture of the author QuanWar
      Originally Posted by Confined To Life View Post

      So I can do whatever the hell I want. I don't have to answer to anyone and I won't be confined to financial constraints.
      I second that
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud

    Seems like many of your goals are the "ultimate" goal. You can achieve many things on the way to it. My point (and Tim Ferriss', and Harry Browne's) was/is that you can start living your dreams now. You don't have to put it off till you have money for the ultimate goal.

    For example myself. I'm a car lover. I would love to have a dozen sports cars. That would require a lot of money just to maintain them. I could wait till I got to that point or I could step back and look at what I really want. What I really want is to drive sports cars and enjoy myself. Now I have ways to do it on my current cash flow. So I buy one or more sports cars I can afford. I may not be able to own a MP4 but if I wanted to I could rent one for a day or two.

    I believe a lot of your goals could be achieved in the same way. Yes freedom and cash are subjective. But the point I am making is that a lot of things require a lot less cash than people think they do. And a lot of people spend time and cash on things that don't make themselves happy. When you change your outlook on life becomes a lot more free and you get a lot more of what you want.

    1. Moving out of NYC for cost reasons is something I would recommend to anyone. I have always lived in the midwest and my dollars just go further for food, housing, and entertainment. Of course my job on the east coast would pay double so many things are relative to each other.

    2. As for your parents trip. Why not make it multiple trips. If you haven't read the 4 hour work week by Tim Ferriss please do as he focuses a lot on this. Due to relative costs like we spoke about above many of the places they would visit would cost them less than living here. So they would be replacing the high costs in the US with much lower costs in another country. I really can not do this the justice that Tim Ferriss does. But if their dream is to travel there are ways to make that happen starting just a few months from now.

    3. Living in NYC does help your love of Eating different foods as often as you can I am sure. I used to take day trips to Chicago just to eat lunch and dinner with more choices. Are their classes you can take in the area to learn more on Vegan cooking since you sound like you want to do more yourself? Though "time" to do it may be a concern given how long you said a Vegan Pizza would take to make.

    4. Why do you want to fund the charity 100% yourself? You can put other people's money to work for you in this dream. And once again why focus on the ultimate dream when you can start living the dream on a lot less. You can start smaller and grow. Think about it this way. In business most of us would not hand over control of a 33 million dollar business to someone with no experience. But someone who had been successful with a 5 million dollar business would be worth a shot. So if you truly want to help animals start small, build your network, and use other people's money to make it happen. I honestly believe if you are truly driven in this goal that you could have a charity which could fund your ultimate goal in 10 years.

    5. You have the dollar figures. But like most you have the ultimate dollar figures. They become a reason why you can't do it now. "It will cost $$$$$$$" just becomes a reason to live a delayed life.

    So on each of your goals stop and ask yourself what you really want. Then ask yourself how you can start having that now, a month from now, or at worst a year from now.

    Everything you mentioned you could start living within a few months.

    Parents Travelling: First read and have them read "The 4 Hour Work Week" and understand what he means by DEAL. You can spend time training them how to make money on the internet. This will make them location mobile. Once they are location mobile it is merely about maintaining the cash flow to live in these foreign lands. And for the vast majority of locations they will be able to live for less there than here in the US. I truly believe you could have them starting this lifestyle in 1 year or less if they (not really you) become focused on making it happen.

    Helping Animals: Like I said earlier focus on what you can do now. And I 100% believe the best and fastest way to achieve your ultimate goal is to run it as a charity. Using others money means you can focus your time on the animals. Once you have ran smaller ones you can focus on making contact with one (or more) dream donors. These should be celebs is possible. You will sell them on the bigger dream and use their money and their influence to achieve the funding needed for the ultimate goal.

    And here is the reason why living the "realistic dream" now vs. holding off for the "ultimate dream" is so important in my mind.

    First you have no idea how long you will live. If you found out tomorrow you had cancer and had a year to live what would you do to live your dreams? We can all answer that so why are we not living that life now?

    Second how can we be sure we will ever live that ultimate dream? Will I ever have my ultimate garage of cars? I have no way of knowing. But I've enjoyed driving the ones I have had the chance to drive.

    I use cars a lot because this like travel is a classic that people want to do "when I can afford it". I belong to a Corvette club and as you can guess I am among the youngest there. But the vast majority wanted a Corvette all their lives. And i talk to people all the time who say they would "love" to own a Corvette. But they put it off even though nearly every single one of them could have afforded a Vette in their 20's. It may not have been new (hell I have never owned a new one) but they could afford one.

    Third and finally how do you know you will love living your dream till you try it? I work for an RV dealership. I have seen people who saved their whole lives to buy a large and expensive RV to travel around the country. I have also seen a certain percentage of people who a year or two later sell the RV. You know why? They didn't like the lifestyle.

    They held that dream for so long but because they never tried living it they never really knew it was what they wanted.

    Most of us have "Ultimate Goals". These are the big dreams that in some ways we may think are impossible. But inside every one of those is the true desire we have. And that true desire can almost always be achieved in smaller ways now or in the new future. So we can choose to do what most do and delay life or we can start living the life we want right now.

    And there is nothing wrong with people delaying. Our society wouldn't function as well without those people. We need the cooks, servers, managers, doctors, lawyers, and etc who work now to live their dreams later. But for those of us who see the truth we can start living the life we want to live not the life we are told we have to live.

    But once you have opened your eyes can you really delay living the life you want? You don't have to be a millionaire but who knows... maybe once you start living the life you want you might just become one. Harry Browne and Tim Ferriss both did. But both had to learn to stop delaying life.
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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    For me, becoming a millionaire would be awesome although not necessary. I would just like to have enough money to enjoy my life and live it on my own terms.

    My #1 priority and 'WHY' is to help my family though! I want to retire my dad so he doesn't have to work his job anymore. He actually just recently told me that he would rather work at Wal-Mart because it's more peaceful!

    I would get my dad a nice big truck for him to enjoy and I would make sure he knows that he doesn't have to work another day in his life unless he wants to. That would be the ultimate payback to him and I can't wait to achieve it!
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  • Profile picture of the author aliveder
    @ Aaron Doud Thank you for your response. I read it through and I have my own response.

    -I have volunteered full time for a year at a Farm Sanctuary, so I know that I will enjoy it immensely. I saw the financial as well as the legal problems that were encountered and handled during my time there. I do not want to have any other people’s money involved because I do not want them to even think they are entitled to my hard work. I have seen charities where the founders end up either getting kicked out, or worse: their wishes for their charity are not met. I would rather pay the taxes and be in full control, so I decide how everything is handled. Also asking for permission to do something is ridiculous, it’s like working for the man. I also want to use the land for personal things as well. I do not want to answer to a BOA as stated before. I do not want my taxes public either. It's my own choice. It's not a 33 million dollar business. The land costs 33 million (atm) I could move to Montana and get 3 times the land for 1/3 of the price. Business is not valued by land, but by income. But I have done research regarding taxes and temperature. -20 degrees F is not a fun place for me as I hate the cold, and the chickens will become ice (hahaha)

    - Well you may be close to Chicago, but you never grew up in NYC. There is nowhere else like it. I mean nowhere else, and I have traveled to all the major cities in the US. It is expensive, but also a very hard place to leave. Especially if you have called this home almost your whole life. Plus things never close. i want to be able to order food at 3am when I get hungry. I love the amenities. Everything closes at like 12-2 in the rest of the country, where is the fun in that? The only reason I am moving is because I love the beach too much and want to be closer, Miami here I come!
    - Parents wise. Father controls NYC water supply, mother works on wall street. They have things like health care, and pensions, my mother is in her 40s, father in his 50s. It is not very easy to leave those jobs and lose everything because you are not even close to retirement. It is not money wise that is the problem. They are also old school- meaning they like to work and contribute. Even vacationing we (unfortunately) are not laying on the beach. Always involved with something. It is that I want them to have the ability to leave everything behind (all responsibilities) and move forward, not wondering who will be paying for things or taking care of them when they do become elderly. High costs in the US? Have you been to Europe? I am not talking about backpacking and staying is hostels. Living in Rome is expensive, especially if you plan on living there for at least a month, dining out every night so you can taste all the dishes, going out to opera, shows, traveling to wine country.

    - Vegan wise. It is easy to make something that is vegan friendly at home. But I find the things that take the longest to prepare, things that I will not spend my time on doing myself, the tastiest. Also just looked up vegan cooking classes in NYC -$125 + cost of ingredients per hour. Very nice. I think I will stick with going out. When I was a meat eater a few years back, I could cook like nobody else

    It is very easy to judge and tell a person what to do because you are not in their head, and not in their shoes. For example the charity I would only start in my mid 30s, when I can actually fully concentrate on it. I am not ready to be stuck on a farm 60 miles away from the nearest village. I am young, and I have yet to live my life. It's like getting married and having kids at age 18. It's a commitment the average person cannot make until they have experienced everything, and can fully appreciate it. So by your logic if a person ultimately does want a family, and children they should go for it at any age- even at 16- could explain the teen mom phenomenon?

    Also I have read the 4 hour work week. I think it’s garbage. I don’t mean to offend your heroes, but I prefer Jim Rohn (RIP). Ferrisses book in my opinion is fluff. He tries to teach you a few skills, very poorly, and put you in the mindset. You want to learn about the rich man’s mindset, rather than the poor man’s? Read Jim Rohn. You want product creation? Read Jason Fladlien. You want copywriting and expert marketing (like found all throughout the 4 hour workweek, to manipulate you into asking for more?). Read Dan Kennedy! Ferriss does not give you anything new. He says create a product, start the business, and boom there is the 4 hour workweek. He also doesn’t expand on the fact how hard he worked to market his product (the most important part), how to get affiliates, how to massage his lists. He is only talking about how it is possible. It is very possible to do. But he is incredibly misleading in it, to make 9-5ers buy his book, and give them starry eyes. All the positive reviews given to him, the sites that advertise and promote him- they are not such big shots in their industries. If this book really held up to something great, Donald Trump would be endorsing it. Yet all the mega rich people are constantly working, even on one product for months and months at a time, to create value, rather than the next gimmick. They also build relationships with people, or did Ferriss write to outsource that too? Hahaha. The people who bought this book were individuals who also bought the magic diet pills, thinking they will lose 10 pounds taking a pill and watching tv. Ferriss also says that work is doing something you don't like- so all of his hard work promoting his products is not actually work because he enjoys it. Nice omission!

    I do not mean to be critical. I see that you have a lot of history here on the forum, and you are trying to give me a good mindset. I appreciate it, but I have a very good mindset already. I will not say it is perfect though. I don’t measure my goals by dollar figures only, my main measurement is what happiness I can bring to others with those dollar figures.

    Sorry for such a long post. had a lot to say! Also in my opinion, everybody should read the authors I wrote about.

    Don't Forget To Give Thanks to Those That Have Helped You!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7348566].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
      Originally Posted by aliveder View Post

      @ Aaron Doud Thank you for your response. I read it through and I have my own response.

      -I have volunteered full time for a year at a Farm Sanctuary, so I know that I will enjoy it immensely. I saw the financial as well as the legal problems that were encountered and handled during my time there. I do not want to have any other people's money involved because I do not want them to even think they are entitled to my hard work. I have seen charities where the founders end up either getting kicked out, or worse: their wishes for their charity are not met. I would rather pay the taxes and be in full control, so I decide how everything is handled. Also asking for permission to do something is ridiculous, it's like working for the man. I also want to use the land for personal things as well. I do not want to answer to a BOA as stated before. I do not want my taxes public either. It's my own choice. It's not a 33 million dollar business. The land costs 33 million (atm) I could move to Montana and get 3 times the land for 1/3 of the price. Business is not valued by land, but by income. But I have done research regarding taxes and temperature. -20 degrees F is not a fun place for me as I hate the cold, and the chickens will become ice (hahaha)

      - Well you may be close to Chicago, but you never grew up in NYC. There is nowhere else like it. I mean nowhere else, and I have traveled to all the major cities in the US. It is expensive, but also a very hard place to leave. Especially if you have called this home almost your whole life. Plus things never close. i want to be able to order food at 3am when I get hungry. I love the amenities. Everything closes at like 12-2 in the rest of the country, where is the fun in that? The only reason I am moving is because I love the beach too much and want to be closer, Miami here I come!
      - Parents wise. Father controls NYC water supply, mother works on wall street. They have things like health care, and pensions, my mother is in her 40s, father in his 50s. It is not very easy to leave those jobs and lose everything because you are not even close to retirement. It is not money wise that is the problem. They are also old school- meaning they like to work and contribute. Even vacationing we (unfortunately) are not laying on the beach. Always involved with something. It is that I want them to have the ability to leave everything behind (all responsibilities) and move forward, not wondering who will be paying for things or taking care of them when they do become elderly. High costs in the US? Have you been to Europe? I am not talking about backpacking and staying is hostels. Living in Rome is expensive, especially if you plan on living there for at least a month, dining out every night so you can taste all the dishes, going out to opera, shows, traveling to wine country.

      - Vegan wise. It is easy to make something that is vegan friendly at home. But I find the things that take the longest to prepare, things that I will not spend my time on doing myself, the tastiest. Also just looked up vegan cooking classes in NYC -$125 + cost of ingredients per hour. Very nice. I think I will stick with going out. When I was a meat eater a few years back, I could cook like nobody else

      It is very easy to judge and tell a person what to do because you are not in their head, and not in their shoes. For example the charity I would only start in my mid 30s, when I can actually fully concentrate on it. I am not ready to be stuck on a farm 60 miles away from the nearest village. I am young, and I have yet to live my life. It's like getting married and having kids at age 18. It's a commitment the average person cannot make until they have experienced everything, and can fully appreciate it. So by your logic if a person ultimately does want a family, and children they should go for it at any age- even at 16- could explain the teen mom phenomenon?

      Also I have read the 4 hour work week. I think it's garbage. I don't mean to offend your heroes, but I prefer Jim Rohn (RIP). Ferrisses book in my opinion is fluff. He tries to teach you a few skills, very poorly, and put you in the mindset. You want to learn about the rich man's mindset, rather than the poor man's? Read Jim Rohn. You want product creation? Read Jason Fladlien. You want copywriting and expert marketing (like found all throughout the 4 hour workweek, to manipulate you into asking for more?). Read Dan Kennedy! Ferriss does not give you anything new. He says create a product, start the business, and boom there is the 4 hour workweek. He also doesn't expand on the fact how hard he worked to market his product (the most important part), how to get affiliates, how to massage his lists. He is only talking about how it is possible. It is very possible to do. But he is incredibly misleading in it, to make 9-5ers buy his book, and give them starry eyes. All the positive reviews given to him, the sites that advertise and promote him- they are not such big shots in their industries. If this book really held up to something great, Donald Trump would be endorsing it. Yet all the mega rich people are constantly working, even on one product for months and months at a time, to create value, rather than the next gimmick. They also build relationships with people, or did Ferriss write to outsource that too? Hahaha. The people who bought this book were individuals who also bought the magic diet pills, thinking they will lose 10 pounds taking a pill and watching tv. Ferriss also says that work is doing something you don't like- so all of his hard work promoting his products is not actually work because he enjoys it. Nice omission!

      I do not mean to be critical. I see that you have a lot of history here on the forum, and you are trying to give me a good mindset. I appreciate it, but I have a very good mindset already. I will not say it is perfect though. I don't measure my goals by dollar figures only, my main measurement is what happiness I can bring to others with those dollar figures.

      Sorry for such a long post. had a lot to say! Also in my opinion, everybody should read the authors I wrote about.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts
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      • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
        Originally Posted by aliveder View Post

        Also I have read the 4 hour work week. I think it’s garbage. I don’t mean to offend your heroes,...

        I do not mean to be critical...
        Really? You did an excellent job of doing both of those things and in spades.

        Originally Posted by Noel 100K View Post

        Thank you for sharing your thoughts
        Noel, please don't quote massive slabs of text just to add a thanks. That's what the thanks button is for.
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  • Profile picture of the author Coach Anna
    I want to be a millionaire because that is the product of what I have achieved not because I aimed at being a millionaire but its because I love what I do and the million is just a bonus of what I am passionate with.
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  • Profile picture of the author joefizz
    Hey Noel,

    3 words:
    1. Lifestyle
    2. Lifestyle
    3. Lifestyle


    I am an Internet Marketing coach. Accelerate your performance here:
    FREE RESOURCES to help you...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7393667].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Peter Szabo
    ...why not?

    just kidding. well to have the money to help my loved ones.

    Sometimes when I close my eyes I can't see, but I make money.

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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    Money can't buy love, but itsgood to have both moeny and love.
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    • Profile picture of the author DBracey
      Originally Posted by kellyyarnsbro View Post

      Money can't buy love, but its good to have both moeny and love.
      I used to think this too, until I came to the realization that money can buy a dog, and dogs are the most unconditional loving creatures on the planet. Therefore, I concluded money can buy love.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tuzio
    I want to be a millionaire so I can be at harmony with the world and not a slave to another mans dreams.

    I also would help others especially my family and closest friends.

    Peace out
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  • Profile picture of the author Patho
    For me it's about the freedom it gives me and my loved ones in this life. Less worrying about the financial things and living a more stress-free lifestyle. I don't believe in a 9 to 5 lifestyle, working for someone that DID follow his dream. Money can do a lot of beautiful things in Life, i believe. Of course with sharing it and staying healthy
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  • Profile picture of the author Young Financier
    Two reasons.

    #1. So that I can provide my family (talking only about my wife and children) with the best life possible. I want them to have access to the finest of everything.

    #2: I want to live an opulent, affluent lifestyle while the majority struggles.
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    • Profile picture of the author DBracey
      Originally Posted by Sean T Alexandre View Post

      I want to live an opulent, affluent lifestyle while the majority struggles.
      Okay, that made me laugh.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7403513].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Young Financier
        Originally Posted by DBracey View Post

        Okay, that made me laugh.
        What might really crack you up is that I was serious.
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    • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Coe
      Originally Posted by Sean T Alexandre View Post

      Two reasons.
      #2: I want to live an opulent, affluent lifestyle while the majority struggles.
      That cracked me up. lol
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  • Profile picture of the author jackiebi
    It's simple.I want to do whatever i want
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  • Profile picture of the author OneLifeAway
    I do not want to be a millionaire... I want to be a billionaire.
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  • Profile picture of the author artfulstratagem
    Hi Warriors... this is my first post on the forums and I'd like to tell you what I would do with deep pockets. I want to provide an incredible product which provides a service to all who can benefit from it. Becoming rich after. I would continue my education in Science, contribute to Stem cell research, astronautics, and engineering. In my life, I will do all and more in my power to have the power to fund and support science and technology that will benefit the masses, advance people towards the future, and secure our tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    I have seen many things in my life. I have got an experience that, money is everything. Without money u are so small and meaningless.
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  • Profile picture of the author Happyeagle
    To have a high quality lifestyle for myself and my family, And to give to worthy causes and invest in great ideas that lack funding!
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  • The freedom to do things we desire. To help other people become successful. To set new goals and new heights and remain hungry for new challenges in life.
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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    Life is cool when you're a millionaire, money and love is cool.
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  • Profile picture of the author gazmit
    Why do i want to be a Millionaire?
    So i can clear my depts
    Have a secure family life
    Teach other to have the same goals and ambitions to make it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
    It is the question of what would you do when you reach a million dollars deposited into your bank account
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  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    I want to be a millionaire to remove my financial problems as well as to help poor and needy people.
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  • Profile picture of the author rolough
    I don't necessarily want to be a millionaire. I just want to LIVE like one!
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    • Profile picture of the author DBracey
      Originally Posted by rolough View Post

      I don't necessarily want to be a millionaire. I just want to LIVE like one!
      Good answer. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
    Why NOT be a millionaire? I live my life once. Do I want to be 70 years old and tell myself "Damn that could have been me?" Do I want to live my life knowing that I didn't exceed everything to my full potential? (Not saying you can't by not being a millionaire). Do I want to be at a certain age and knowing that I wasn't able to help others? (In my opinion, having money does play a big role when it comes to helping more people). I want to give more than what my parents have given me. I want to help my sister who is a victim of human trafficking (she's stuck in Amman Jordan right now as a maid). I want to make sure that my future kids are taken care of, along with my future wife. I want to have that financial freedom. I want to be my own boss. I don't want to live off pay check to pay check and not enjoying what I'm doing, or can't spend that money on anything else but the bills/survive. I want to have a big savings account. A big house to party with my family and friends. I want to make a change in this world (Having a lot of money can make that change). I want to leave a damn foot print on this Earth before I die.

    Crap. I'm getting emotional. But yes. THAT is WHY I want to be a millionaire.

    RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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    • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
      Originally Posted by GGpaul View Post

      Why NOT be a millionaire? I live my life once. Do I want to be 70 years old and tell myself "Damn that could have been me?" Do I want to live my life knowing that I didn't exceed everything to my full potential? (Not saying you can't by not being a millionaire). Do I want to be at a certain age and knowing that I wasn't able to help others? (In my opinion, having money does play a big role when it comes to helping more people). I want to give more than what my parents have given me. I want to help my sister who is a victim of human trafficking (she's stuck in Amman Jordan right now as a maid). I want to make sure that my future kids are taken care of, along with my future wife. I want to have that financial freedom. I want to be my own boss. I don't want to live off pay check to pay check and not enjoying what I'm doing, or can't spend that money on anything else but the bills/survive. I want to have a big savings account. A big house to party with my family and friends. I want to make a change in this world (Having a lot of money can make that change). I want to leave a damn foot print on this Earth before I die.

      Crap. I'm getting emotional. But yes. THAT is WHY I want to be a millionaire.
      Thank you for sharing your passion to help. You have the right motivation...
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  • Profile picture of the author Raineer
    Same here, I'd love to help everyone first and foremost in my family and friends. But most of all, try to help change things. Feed children and people who aren't fortunate enought o have what most of us have given to us daily.

    Definitely would make an impact in every way I could
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  • Profile picture of the author agababryn
    Travel the world and stay where i ever i want when ever i want
    For SEO, Website Hosting and design - http://agwebconsult.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Amanda786
    I want to live life my own way, helping others settling down and going on the most exotic places on earth.
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  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    Without money the world is like a graveyard. You are a dead body without money, so no one will notice you without money.
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  • Profile picture of the author ScottStuart
    I have very specific things that I would do with my financial goal - but as to why I want have a lot more money than I do now, because having more money allows me (in the way I want my money) to have more freedom, more comfort and more time with my loved ones and doing what I want to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOZONE3
    - I'll start my 2 Companies -

    1. NGO for Poor People throughout this world;

    2. I'll establish my Own Software Industry ...

    - Then I'll spend my life with lots of comfort.
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  • Profile picture of the author Super Money Maker
    I want to live better life and money can do that for me
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  • Profile picture of the author Sophia Soul
    Financial Freedom for myself is one of the driving forces to create my first of many millions. To me this means, being debt free & then being able to do want I want, when I want.
    The main driving force is my passion to assist other people in empowering themselves. When someone is really ready to make a change in their life, then I want to be able to help them without money being a controlling factor.
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  • Profile picture of the author qadar
    I just wanted to do my best. Becoming a millionaire is not priority. But then. many people will share happiness if I do become a millionaire.
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    Because money can buy everything. I need a lot of money.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I never wanted or had a goal to be a filthy rich person who earn a $million per year online and still don't.

    My WHY for all these years has been the same. I wanted to be able to work for myself and not for anyone else. No way in the world was I going to work for anyone for the next 30-40 years.

    Anyone can achieve great success online but you have got to write down why you are doing what you are doing. What are your biggest reasons?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mo Jogee
    The achievement and freedom would be an insane feeling

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  • Profile picture of the author cerdasmanfaat
    I want to be a millionaire because with a lot of money u can buy anything and help anyone,, being a millionaire also make us have a prestige value so if i have an opinion about something they will follow my opinion,,
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    • Profile picture of the author phort6n2
      I'd like to not have to worry about paying bills. I'd like to live comfortably and make sure that my family never goes without.
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    • Profile picture of the author unxnownlogic
      To be able to free my mind by not having to worry about the next dollar so i can explore the world and expand my thoughts
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  • Profile picture of the author Rachel McKnight
    So that I can stop worrying about the damn bills forever! Also, I believe money brings a certain kind of happiness.
    >>>The MOST AWESOME Manual Article Spinning Service In The World<<<
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  • Profile picture of the author chukster
    But there is a problem if you think being millionaire will make you happy you are wrong sorting out your inner problems will make you happy.
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    Because from my personal experience I have noticed that money determines everything. That's why I wanna become a millionaire.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronorr
    To have time freedom and to be able to help others develop time freedom and be able to travel and live the life that they want while building relationships and evolving every day.
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  • Profile picture of the author zenji
    I do not want to be a millionaire. All I want is to enjoy the lifestyle of luxury & indulgence that money can offer.

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author surferchris
    I'd like to become a millionaire so I can attain more time for myself and be able to do the things I love and enjoy. I would be able to travel and explore the world. More time with my friends and family would also be a reason. Financial freedom is something definitely worth striving for.
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  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    I want it to do something good for the mass people.
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  • Profile picture of the author yitbarek
    Being millionaire for is freedom, having money to help others, it makes me live life to the maximum. Money affects everything.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mas Agung Laksana
    I want to be a millionaire because my father always told me that I cannot be a rich because I was stupid and moron people. So I cannot find a good job and high salary

    I just want to tell him that I want to be rich in different way,
    One day if only I become rich man
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  • Profile picture of the author sovee
    get freedom and do things I want to
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  • Profile picture of the author albert12
    Freedom and an enjoyable life.
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  • Profile picture of the author abbe77
    Travel the world, just SIMPLE!!! ))
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  • Profile picture of the author curly sue
    to live the good life, the opportunity to change peoples lives
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  • Profile picture of the author ValDu4
    Define "millionaire". Seems to me that most people posting on here seem to think that means making a million dollars a year.
    A millionaire just has a net worth of 1 million dollars. And I agree with everyone on here who said the real goal is freedom. Freedom to do what you want, when you want. A million dollars would definitely allow you to do that, but you definitely don't need a million dollars to do it. You could easily jet set the world on $50k a year if you know what you're doing. You can also retire worth a million only making that same amount. You just have to be smart with what you have.
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  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    Because without money the whole world and everything is meaningless.
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  • Profile picture of the author chukster
    To help family and freinds to
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  • Profile picture of the author chukster
    i want to be a millionare so I can help peopke goof
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  • Profile picture of the author John Davy
    Independence to wander your own path without question.

    The ability to call your own shots, to work with who you want to not who you have to.

    To do some art and call it work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Henri Lind
    Who wouldnt want to be a millionaire? Some may want it for the wrong reasons, but still...

    I would like to become(not that the millions will fall from the sky, but millions that ive worked for, that i deserve) a millionaire someday to not only help myself, my family and friends around me, but so i could help anyone in need who deserves to be helped. One of my life goals is to write a check for 1 million euros for a charity.
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  • Profile picture of the author Make Money Ninja
    To create something awesome/valueable/beautiful.
    Personal validation.

    Can tell the "millionaire" responses and the poor person responses within seconds of reading each one

    The Ultimate Guide To Link Building

    Get More Links - Generate More Traffic - Make More Money!
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  • Profile picture of the author eternalsongbird
    I wanna make an animal farm where street animals will be taken care of.
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  • Profile picture of the author laraGTN
    I'd like to be a millionaire for a number of reasons: First to prove to myself I could do it! Second to have the freedom to work with whomever I want, whenever I want and however I want. Third to pave the way for others and finally to take care of my loved ones and to my favorite charities.
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  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    Money is the one thing that can measure So I wanna be a millionaire.
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  • Profile picture of the author higherluv
    Not sure why. I'm more concerned about the value that comes OUT of me, not necessarily TO me. What comes to you is always dependent on the value that you can provide. That's always my focus.
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  • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
    "You can do what you think you cannot do. First you must change your thinking.

    Most perceived limitations have some basis in fact. Yet every limitation that holds you back is supported in large measure by your assumption that it is a limitation.

    By changing your assumptions, you can change the whole landscape of your possibilities. What once were limitations no longer are limitations.

    Look at life from the perspective of purpose. Realize that there is a way to successfully express whatever authentic purpose is within you.

    If you focus merely on how to get it done, you’ll find that many of the paths are blocked. Focus instead on why you must, and you’ll open yourself to a new set of workable, accessible and achievable strategies.

    What do you think you cannot do? Find your why, and you’ll see the way."

    — Ralph Marston
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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    Who is this forum does not want to be a millionaire? I bet everyone does. I too wants to be a millionaire so i could buy the latest Ferrari car.
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  • Profile picture of the author kaposzta
    I don't really want to be a millionaire, I need only $250.000. If I had that money, I could quit my job, and could do what I really want to do - travelling with my girlfriend, painting (I don't have much talent, but I like it ), just enjoying life.
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  • Profile picture of the author lior199
    I want be millionaire to Travel around the world without any worries about the money
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  • Profile picture of the author Anoosh Kashefi
    I have some immediate ideas and investments that I would like to make, such as a house. But, there are things I do not even KNOW I need money for right now, at the age of 25.

    I would like to have a kid one day, I think... So, there is a huge financial obstacle in itself. not only that, but family is important to me, and I would like to be able to take care of my parents the way they took care of me one day.

    While it would be nice to have a ferrari and a mansion in Beverley Hills (thats cliche, right?) I think there are much more motivating factors to focus on in life. But, that is just me.

    Thanks for getting me thinking about this.. Awesome!
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  • Profile picture of the author veron5959
    So I can share how I did it and create more millionaires out there!
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    • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
      What is the journey to success?
      Success is not gained by defeat

      Success does not occur over night
      Success can emerge at any age

      Success is working to full potential
      Success is courage
      Success is lending a hand

      Success is not listening to negativity
      Success is being positive

      Success is living your life instead of the life of others
      Success is being proud

      Success is overcoming obstacles
      Success is striving
      Success is listening to your heart

      Most of all success is accepting
      What you have accomplished

      - Alisha Ricks
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      • Profile picture of the author TEAMHOPE
        This is so good. Thank you for posting this.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kieren Brown
    Purely because I want the freedom to be my own boss and to live life on my terms. I've never been the type of person who can work for somebody else, I've always needed to be my own person. The idea of spending the next 40 years waking up at 6am to go to a job that bores, and drains me and earning a pittance while I do it is pure and utter torture. I want to be free to write my stories and engage with my hobbies. I also want to be able to look after my parents and close relatives and also set a great example for my kids so they don't grow up to fall into the same perpetual debt and modern slavery cycle that most people do.
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  • Profile picture of the author winz
    I want to be a millionaire because i want to Travel around the world
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  • Profile picture of the author TEAMHOPE
    I want to be able to give everyone the opportunity to succeed, for, I believe, when everyone has the opportunity to succeed, we will all reach new heights.

    To learn more about my plan, visit:TEAMHOPE
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  • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
    Originally Posted by Jean Michel Mailhot View Post

    So I can show my parents that becoming a millionaire online is REAL!

    Also because I want some freedom... Nothing online will stay 20+ years but still, it's worth it to "just try" :p
    Freedom is necessary to become who we are meant to become the best we can be.
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  • Profile picture of the author marktwins
    My motto is Earn, Learn and Travel. I will drop the first one..
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  • Profile picture of the author Bri777
    I want to help other people and contribute to humanity. I want to have a better life for myself and all my loved ones. I want to see for myself that anything is possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    I can then take care of my family and future but more importantly is the power I then have for starting different businesses and then maybe getting ride of them. You know train others then sell the business and you just helped the economy. I would be doing a lot of charity as well though. 10% of all profits....
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    Originally Posted by Noel 100K View Post

    Seriously! Why do you want to be a Millionaire? Answering that question would
    clarify your goals and priorities in life.
    What would you do with your money as a Millionaire?

    PEACE OF MIND. Freedom to afford flexibility and comfort wherever in the world you are. The freedom to be pampered. The freedom to have an entourage of trainers, doctors, metaphysicist, psychics, and, alchemist with you at all times.

    No need for a budget no problem
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  • Profile picture of the author Heart Cardio
    To give my family the best that I can. I want them to have it all and never have to worry about money.
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