You're throwing money off the Cliff!

6 replies
I could tell you something, but you wouldn't
believe me until you saw it yourself. . .

Truth of the matter is doc, that making money
online is all about mindset. It’s all about mindset.
You see, making money online is your business
and in order to grow your business, you’re going
to need to grow yourself. And if you're not
focused on your mindset, then you are throwing
money off of a cliff!

Growing yourself can be done using these simple
tactics and strategies. I use them myself, and I
have produced several thousand dollar days selling
my own products in my own business. Anyway . . .

Set goals – I’m sure you hear this very often, but
the reality is that you’re not going to go anywhere
in life if you don’t know where you’re going. In
any case you can control your future and take
charge of your destiny by projecting where you
want to be in life by having clear set out goals.

Take action – it’s not enough to just set goals and
say you want something. No, you have to immerse
yourself and go after your goals like nothing else
matters. Taking action means always moving, always
doing something that will progress you further to
your goals. If you take action over and over and
over, you can create a lasting change in your life.

Change your thinking – If you don’t know by now,
our thoughts influence out lives and the things we
experience. Your thoughts are the foundation of your
life. If you think negative, then you will get negative
results. But if you think positive empowering and
thoughts about your goals and aspirations, then
you will achieve the very same type of results.
You can change your thinking by simply reading
a book for 15-30 minutes a day.

I hope these 3 insights help you become more
successful. I use them every day and I’ve made
thousands online using these simple insights.

Be blessed,


P.S. Change your thinking if you have any
plans to ever change your income! And stop sitting
on the sideline, get in the game take some action,
and finally breakthrough in your life! 2013 is your
year, and it's time to shine bright like a diamond!
#affiliate marketing #cliff #high ticket affiliate #money #throwing
  • Profile picture of the author 4webmaster
    Great I will print that if you don't mind and stick to my pin board.

    because the problem most enterpreneurs have is that we have so many great ideas that we want to do several things or projects at a time.
    It end to be:
    - Less quality
    - Fail to meet your goals
    - Takes longer to reach your goals

    I'm currently in this situation and your post brings me back to Basics of success I tend to forget.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7616712].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TonyBabb
    Great post! You can't say it any better than that! I can't tell you how many people I talk to that try to make money online that miss these basic steps.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7616755].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    No doubt.

    You can be the best player in the world, but until you finally choke up and aim for the fences, you'll be wondering:

    "What if"

    "Maybe I could.."

    "Ahh, I don't have what it takes"..

    Then, when the game's over, you'll be thinking

    "I should have.."

    "I could have.."

    "If only I had.."

    Stop over-analyzing, and jump in!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7616771].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sniperdomi
    Really good article,
    What I found hard when I was starting was making the first money online.
    Mine was $ 27,48.
    Once you pass that step, it is easier to believe that it's possible to make money online, and you find yourself learning stuff that would be impossible before.

    We become what we do!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7617028].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Off a cliff!?

      At least if we "throw it down the drain" or "leave it on the table" it's still within potential reach but you just raised the bar!

      Great post. Some very valid points!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7617262].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MarvyDery
    thanks for this great share. I must add you would need courage, determination, dedication, focus and the will power to see your dreams and projects come to past
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7619071].message }}

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