Get Started Today

by 14 replies
Good Morning Warriors! What a glorious day!

Are you ready to succeed! Are you ready to do the work, to take the time, to push through, and drive yourself to success?

Then get started today! How many times before have you given yourself an "out" for not getting started? "I don't know enough", "I'm too deep in the hole", "I'll start my diet on Monday", "No one will listen to me", and on and on...

You realize when you say those things, the only person you are convincing is yourself! You can learn what you need to learn, you are not too deep in the hole, you can start your diet now, and yes people will listen to you!

When you make this switch, from having all the reasons not to follow through, to all the reason you are following through, you will find a massive burden has been lifted.

No, I am not saying this will be perfect, or that any of this is done overnight, without pain, not at all. Some of the most deep, and real, learning and growing happens during times of pain.

And, you already know that. In fact, that knowledge is in the back of your mind, and is what is holding you back. The fear and the pain of the unknown is greater than the comfort and safety of the familiar - even if that familiar is not something you wish to continue.

So make the choice. Stand up. Literally stand up! Stretch, and yell out, "I am taking control now!" You already have the power, it was granted to you with birth. Use it. Take control. Change your life!

Get. Started. Today!
#mind warriors #started #today
  • Good stuff Warren! Great words to start the day by...

    A lot of times when people don't succeed in whatever they may be involved in, their quick to blame others, society and government for everything that goes wrong when in all actuality, the biggest thing holding them back is themselves...

    Start each and everyday positive; it starts with your self.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • When we start something we will see power in process if we have discipline action and have enough persist. That mean you keep yourself moving might slow but that is grow, then it will be faster. And the fact is if we don't start do anything then nothing change with ourselves. Fist we need start or take action on what we want today.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Great advice Warren! It's nice to see some much positivity in just on thread!

    I agree with you very much, I remember the excuses I used to make on a daily basis. Thinking back on them now, some of them were just terrible, they weren't genuine reasons, they were just my way of delaying working. I never used to think I liked Internet Marketing.

    I think it's often hard to start working because choosing something like TV is much easier, and when we must force ourselves to dedicate time towards working. It becomes very easy to start disliking it, just because it takes effort. That's where I fell of the rails, as soon as I started to dislike it, I stopped putting the effort.

    I completely lost focus on my goals, I was in a unproductive state of mind. I have however since learnt that when we get that feeling of "I can't be bothered to work", change things up! It works for me, right now I have 3 different project on the go. All three of them being totally irrelevant and unique to one and other.

    That really helps me, if I don't feel like writing some content because I don't feel like that today. I have other tasks to do on other projects, I am just very cautious that I don't keep delaying doing one task. I try to do at least 10 minutes of every task each and every day.

    "Regular short periods of action is a lot more productive than irregular long periods of action"

    Keep on working guys! Start working hard today so tomorrow is easier!

    Joe Crosbie,
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Good stuff Warren.

    A lot of people want to have success and have been given a good plan to get started with. The problem is that many of them don't get started for a lot of reasons and that is why they never make it.

    It takes action and persistent action to succeed and reach their goals.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • A positive attitude at the start of the day is itself accomplishment. What follows is icing on the cake.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Start every day with a positive attitude and a smile, is the better way to succeed in our lives and of course our business.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thank you Warren.
    It's right, with positive mind, I'm sure it will also create a positive action.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Well written, Warren. Consistently engaging in effective action is important when trying to be successful with just about any and every goal.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Nike said it best "Just Do It." I find that if you want to do something and you have goals and a plan of action, you need to just do it. Take your mind out of it and take action, because if let your mind guide you, you will come up with excuses to not work out, decide to not eat healthy or decide to watch tv instead of building a business online. Take action!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • actually this is so me. i want my essay done but i dont know where to start. my data was never valid. so im stuck. at the end i just think about this essay should be done but no effort to find data's.

    after reading this i will find those data to accomplish my essay.
    thank you. good quote
  • Thanks Warren! Motivational post.. I better go do some work
  • What a great post to read for motivation I would want this kind of article every Monday when I am a bit lazy to start the week!
  • Good advise..

    Just get started guys.. Do anything that is related to attaining your goals.

    Put it out, then you can always enhance it in the future..


  • I agree and I believe that we can overcome obstacles. This topic is just timely
    Great post.

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    Good Morning Warriors! What a glorious day! Are you ready to succeed! Are you ready to do the work, to take the time, to push through, and drive yourself to success?