You don't need an altruistic reason to make money

32 replies
You don't need to make money in order to feed the homeless, take care of your family members, or give to your church. You can want money simply for yourself, and that's absolutely ok. Don't let people guilt you into donating for a particular cause or purpose. You just tell them you're donating to yourself because you made the money.

I believe there are too many causes and charities in America. You have every right to love Capitalism, competition, and the sport of doing business without any thought to being positive 100% all day every day. That's simply wishful thinking.


Do you really want to help people? Do you really want to make an improvement in the lives of others? I don't. I just want the money to have and keep, for whatever I enjoy. If my products help people, that's fine. If they don't, oh well.

Greed is just a concept poor people made up to scare you away from pursuing wealth- even if it's simply for yourself.
#altruistic #make #money #reason
  • Dorian,

    Those are some interesting ideas you present. I agree there is nothing wrong with earning money simply because you want to. That is reason enough.

    Charities are growing across the land. Look at "Celebrity Apprentice". I believe it is in its thirteenth season now. Trump's brand grows ever larger while he features a show that promotes earning money to donate to charities. What a deal.

    There should be no guilt keeping to yourself what you work so hard to earn.
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    • Profile picture of the author rob7761
      humm, all power to you my friend. to each his own I think I know where your coming from. It's over used a bit no doubt...but if its sincere, you can't have enough of it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Originally Posted by Dorian Anthony View Post

    Do you really want to help people? Do you really want to make an improvement in the lives of others?
    In a word: Yes. : ) What's wrong with that?
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      I agree with Jonathan 100%! I do want to help others. My family first and then those less fortunate than myself.

      That isn't to say I don't want to make money for myself as earning money to give it all away is simply ridiculous.

      A lot more charities are arising because with the current economy, the need is increasing. With all the poisons and chemicals, etc. in our food and atmosphere also increasing, it only makes sense that diseases and illness would rise as well.

      All one needs is a kind and giving heart coupled with wisdom to maintain a happy balance that they've determined for themselves.

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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

        I agree with Jonathan 100%! I do want to help others. My family first and then those less fortunate than myself.

        That isn't to say I don't want to make money for myself as earning money to give it all away is simply ridiculous.

        A lot more charities are arising because with the current economy, the need is increasing. With all the poisons and chemicals, etc. in our food and atmosphere also increasing, it only makes sense that diseases and illness would rise as well.

        All one needs is a kind and giving heart coupled with wisdom to maintain a happy balance that they've determined for themselves.

        so which is better to charities who take care of people who get illnesses from eating the cheep toxic food that gets subsidized by tax money ..

        or investing in people who need money to expand opperations growing healthy food ..or if you have a large back yard..but you personally don't garden..allow a backyard farmer to use your back yard to grow food .

        the state of the food supply is one of the things i focus on ..but the system will only provide the most profitable food for the system to provide .

        and healthy happy people are not that profitable .

        from searching for my own answers to this to restore my health ..i know the steps i can take in the future to help others ..
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        • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
          Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

          so which is better to charities who take care of people who get illnesses from eating the cheep toxic food that gets subsidized by tax money ..

          or investing in people who need money to expand opperations growing healthy food ..or if you have a large back yard..but you personally don't garden..allow a backyard farmer to use your back yard to grow food .

          the state of the food supply is one of the things i focus on ..but the system will only provide the most profitable food for the system to provide .

          and healthy happy people are not that profitable .

          from searching for my own answers to this to restore my health ..i know the steps i can take in the future to help others ..
          Ideally, both!

          It doesn't have to be an either or proposition. My heart just couldn't let me ignore those suffering while also helping to correct the situation.

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          • Profile picture of the author Odahh
            Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

            Ideally, both!

            It doesn't have to be an either or proposition. My heart just couldn't let me ignore those suffering while also helping to correct the situation.

            I love my parents ,

            i have spent the last 2 years trying to help my parent get healthier and not suffer so much..they have found ways to continue to do those things or add to the things they do ..that caused their health problems ...

            and to top it off they have no interest in my long term health i try to inform them to cut out the un needed stress so i can help them and not get stressed out .. but my mom had no problem driving my up a wall 4 months ago so she copuld make some snack while i was trying to cook dinner a point i had to go to the er and get medication ..which ended up with me getting a 2500 dollar bill ..

            so from this point in my life ..i will help those who are honestly working to help themselves .. willing and able ..but support anyone who is just hanging out ..unless they are my own kids some time in the future ..

            now i will help those who are in situations because crap happened
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            • Profile picture of the author Dorian Anthony
              I notice that many people in the IM niche jump right on the bandwagon of trying to help people.


              I don't even know half the people I'm suggesting need help. Aren't you just fooling people if you say the only reason you do something is to help them?

              Everyone knows that's b.s. Everyone knows your WSO is to enrich yourself. Everyone else comes second to that. In a way, we're fooling ourselves.

              We're all pretty much striving to survive and manipulating people along the way. How long can you go on with giving, giving, giving, before you injure yourself or become sick?

              I think this positive thinking/constant helping is a disease.

              @hirechrisgunn that's an excellent point.
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              • Profile picture of the author Dorian Anthony
                Capitalism only works when people have to struggle. Nature is all about struggle. Why should humanity be any different?
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              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                Hi Dorian,

                We share completely different “realities.” (And that's fine.) Maybe one day you'll be more focused on what you can give instead of what you can get. I like this quotation from Winston Churchill:

                “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”
                "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                • Profile picture of the author Dorian Anthony

                  You just made my point. Why are you saying that? How much have you actually given? What gives you the right to make such a sweeping statement? Winston Churchill was one of the most ruthless men to ever live. He's really not an authority on altruism.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                    Originally Posted by Dorian Anthony View Post


                    You just made my point. Why are you saying that? How much have you actually given? What gives you the right to make such a sweeping statement?
                    Lol. And you've just proved my point. What gives you the right to make such sweeping statements about people here on the forum that have a true desire to enrich the lives of other people?

                    Winston Churchill was one of the most ruthless men to ever live. He's really not an authority on altruism.
                    Maybe you're right about that. I don't know much about him. Only that it's a quotation that rings true for me.
                    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                • Profile picture of the author Dorian Anthony
                  Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                  Maybe one day you'll be more focused on what you can give instead of what you can get.”
                  By using the cloak of selflesness, you've made me somehow less than you.

                  I'm not saying you shouldn't enrich the lives of others if that's your choice. Just don't make it seem like i'm less of a person if I don't have that goal.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                    Originally Posted by Dorian Anthony View Post

                    By using the cloak of selflesness, you've made me somehow less than you.

                    I'm not saying you shouldn't enrich the lives of others if that's your choice. Just don't make it seem like i'm less of a person if I don't have that goal.
                    Sorry, that wasn't what I intended to communicate.

                    I'm hoping that you do change your mind. Because (more than likely) you'll be happier and more successful as an Entrepreneur.

                    Maybe you have different values than me but I wasn't all that happy when I was just focussed on making money and what I could get.
                    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                    • Profile picture of the author NoobSensei
                      Just a general observation (not directed at anyone specifically): In my experience, it seems that people who are convinced that the key to their happiness is to amass personal wealth without concern for anyone else tend to be among the most unhappy people.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
                    Originally Posted by Dorian Anthony View Post

                    By using the cloak of selflesness, you've made me somehow less than you.

                    I'm not saying you shouldn't enrich the lives of others if that's your choice. Just don't make it seem like i'm less of a person if I don't have that goal.
                    i believe the problem some have .. is that by saying you have no desire to help people ..the idea is you may have no problem doing things that harm people .
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                    • Profile picture of the author socialentry
                      "a man with no great vices has no great virtue" -Abraham Lincoln
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              • Profile picture of the author NoobSensei
                Originally Posted by Dorian Anthony View Post

                I notice that many people in the IM niche jump right on the bandwagon of trying to help people.


                I don't even know half the people I'm suggesting need help. Aren't you just fooling people if you say the only reason you do something is to help them?

                Everyone knows that's b.s. Everyone knows your WSO is to enrich yourself. Everyone else comes second to that. In a way, we're fooling ourselves.

                We're all pretty much striving to survive and manipulating people along the way. How long can you go on with giving, giving, giving, before you injure yourself or become sick?

                I think this positive thinking/constant helping is a disease.
                That's a pretty cynical way to view the world. You're entitled to your opinion, but all I would suggest is that you engage in some introspection and ask yourself if living to "enrich yourself" and "manipulate people along the way" has actually made you happy.

                I can't imagine that would be a very fulfilling lifestyle, but we're all different so maybe I'm wrong.
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                • Profile picture of the author Dorian Anthony
                  Is it really cynical...or is it reality?
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              • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
                Originally Posted by Dorian Anthony View Post

                I notice that many people in the IM niche jump right on the bandwagon of trying to help people.

                Why? Most likely because they, like me, were kindhearted people before they even started IM. That's just part of their make up. It's an essential part of who they are.

                Funny you see most IMers as wanting to help others and yet most people I know think of IMers as just wanting to help themselves, ethics and morals be darned!

                Just something for you to ponder.

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        • Profile picture of the author hirechrisgunn
          Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

          and healthy happy people are not that profitable .
          People who are happy and health are not profitable. Why? I've been thinking about this for a few minutes, and I have come to the conclusion that is is because of the access to credit that we have.

          Frankly, I believe true capitalism would work in the US if credit was not easily accessible. If this were the case, people would have to work harder than they already do. They would have to find every means necessary to get from point A to point B. Do people fail, yup. Do people win, absolutely.

          It's frustrating for me when people essentially bash capitalism because the winners grow more as they invest. It's risk analysis. Heck, I would too if I had the money. At the end of the day, jobs are supplied, and people are helped. It doesn't matter if the guy on top wins more, progression (not stagnancy or digression) is developed.

          Westerners don't have to work for the things that they have in order to have it because they get approved for loans to pay for large homes, big tvs, nice cars, and extras they really couldn't afford if they didn't have the access. If they didn't have those things but the idea that those things would make them happy still reigned, they would work their tail ends off to make it happen. That's true capitalism. When we add credit, we create "happiness" and then the efforts behind the people shift.

          Imagine if we didn't have that "help," Americans would probably actually keep the jobs going overseas because their work ethic would be that of someone who actually wants the work and is willing to work harder than anybody else to get it (that's true capitalism). The problem was obviously created, not truth from the beginning.

          Americans might actually be able to perform better in the job arena if they weren't so tired all the time from their lack of nutrition. It's unbelievable that people stay alive as long as they do in this country, and the US is set up to crash and burn into a cancer pit. Monsanto is just rounding everybody up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    i am not a fan of charity in it's current form..

    personally i will make my wealth by creating things that make people live better or at least a little more enjoyable ..

    if i give to people or help people it will be to people working to make their lives or the lives of those around them better .

    teach them to fish buy them a boat and get them to pay me back so i can help someone else ..or have them teach others and help others buy boat or do something to better their lives .
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  • Profile picture of the author NoobSensei
    Spending money on others will generally bring you more happiness than spending it on yourself. And that isn't just my opinion; it's been well documented in studies.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with spending money on ourselves...obviously we all need to help ourselves before we can help others. But beyond a certain point (maybe $75-100K) I would question how much our lives are actually improved by spending more money on ourselves, on stuff we don't really need.

    After I pay off my student debt, my plan is to donate at least 10% of my income to charity, for the rest of my life. It's true that some charities suck, but there are some that do great work. My favorites are the ones that fight malaria, because it's an extremely cost-effective way to make the world a better place.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    12/21/12 we really entered a new world ..

    the world we live in now the only real way to help the poor is to teach them how to earn money ..or how to access thing use to need a lot of money for but are now free ..

    want to learn to cook steak from Gordon Ramsey ..there is a you tube for that ..

    most of the things that defined being poor ..are not the issues it is just healthy food and decent housing . and clean water .
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  • Profile picture of the author Dorian Anthony
    How can a copywriter be altruistic? His entire job focuses around manipulating people to buy something.

    I never said I didn't want to help anyone. I'm questioning the conventional wisdom among lifestyle bloggers. etc, that you're whole purpose in life is to help others "grow", "write epic content", "be exceptional", when really all their doing is selling. It becomes more about them then the people they're claiming to help.

    I'm just saying that you don't have to have some big altruistic plan to make money and feel good about it. You can like making money simply for material reasons. That doesn't make you better or worse than anyone else.
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  • Profile picture of the author katherineolga
    I don't even have enough money for myself, quite the opposite. With that being said, I do think it is a nice thing to do to donate 10% of my income on a cause. It just so happens that I am involved with my church so that's where my 10% will go. Also, I don't believe that one absolutely has to donate money... There are other ways to help people that don't involve donations.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dorian Anthony
    I appreciate all the comments and have pondered many of them. It's nice we can share different perspectives and still see each others points without bias or condemnation.
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  • Profile picture of the author highlander11
    You can still help people with an objectivist mind set (opposite of altruist). Altruism, is a form of self sacrifice.

    Rather than donating to a charity, hire some interns, teach then what you've learn in exchange for them helping you out. You are providing value in exchange for value.

    As opposed to giving your value away for nothing in return.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dorian Anthony
      Excellent idea Highlander. Thanks for sharing! Value for value...I like it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    One thing I haven't seen mentioned is that altruism can build self-esteem. Not the ego-fluff that washes off, but real self-esteem that gets down in your bones and stays with you. It's hard to feel bad about yourself when you're making a positive difference.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Why not turn that selfishness into profit?

    Here's one of the healthiest, selfish and altruistic statements ever made. Sounds like a paradox but it's not.

    "You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want." Zig Ziglar

    Weird how that works, huh?

    BTW, it feels good to help others. Not everything is about money.

    I'd have thank yous for several posts in this thread but I've run out today.
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  • You know, Dorian, the more I think about it the more I would like to have it both ways.

    I would love to become mega rich on the one hand simply to experience what that would be like keeping all the dough for my own use exclusively. But on the other hand, I can't see much wrong with helping out folks with or without my money just because that would resonate well with me. I like both ideas.

    Your beliefs on money and how to use it or not use it are just fine as well. Everyone is right in their own minds until that changes, . . . or not. We all share that characteristic I suspect.

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