Haters and Negative People can make you WEALTHY

5 replies
'You're fat!' The words shot out like a shotgun blast and instantly shredded whatever pride and dignity I had. Still, I managed to grin and nod at my neighbor as he passed off those painful words as a joke. After we said goodbye to each other, I made a DECISION: I will use that hurtful assessment as a SOURCE of strength. I will prove him wrong.

Six days out of every week, I have woken up at 3AM to 4:30AM for a 8 kilometer run and 1 hour of swimming/poolside exercises. I only eat two meals a day now. I have even ventured, albeit slowly, into a rawfood vegan diet.

The result? When my neighbor 'joked' that I was FAT, I weighed 215 to 217 pounds. Now I am down to 196 and I am still losing weight. I plan to give my neighbor a huge chocolate cake once I get down to 175 lbs.

Moral of the story: Haters will hate. Your critics will always try to tear you a new one. Instead of RUNNING AWAY from such criticism, FACE IT, accept it, and TURN IT INTO A CHALLENGE.

I sometimes hear people tell me to the effect that 'writers don't make any money' or 'you're a FAILURE for trying to make money online by blogging.' I have used the same approach described above to these haters and will report my results once my newest site network is up.

RULE: Let haters hate. That's their job. That's what their put on earth for. But NEVER ever believe them. Turn their HATE into a blessing.

As Joseph said to his brothers (the same guys who put him in a pit and later sold him as a slave), you meant it for EVIL but God meant it for GOOD.

Other people's hatred and negativity don't have to hold you back. You can choose to train your mind to use such negativity as a PROPELLANT instead.

Keep pushing forward and keep BELIEVING that you will prove your critics WRONG.
#haters #make #negative #people #wealthy
  • Profile picture of the author x11joex11
    Well said. I like the attitude.

    -= Currently looking for craigslist & facebook experts =-

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    • Profile picture of the author Arun Chandran
      If someone tells me, "You're fat!"... The first thing I do is ask myself if I really am a fat ass. If I am, then it's not hate, it's brutal honesty and I start getting my act together. I experienced it before and just laughed, agreed and told myself to get in shape.

      We are only hurt by what we secretly believe to be true. That's my 2 cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcusJohnson
    That's the way! Keep it up! I'm sure your neighbor will be surprised once you get to your targeted body weight.
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  • Profile picture of the author CBusiness
    definitely agree. doubt builds motivation and the preface of confidence
    Buy YouTube Views, No Way! ! ! Force Youtube Videos To Go Viral. Contact Me For eBook or check my WSO
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  • Profile picture of the author ronaldperks
    If you make their bullying as an inspiration...
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