Can you do what you love while making plenty of money?

7 replies
The goal of this thread is to put this question to rest once and for all.

When I was a teenager I lived in a neighborhood of quite successful lawyers. I wanted to be very successful as well. At the time I envisioned money as the largest part of success. Now enjoying my life and making money are both a large part of how I envision success. Sometimes it's make more money, sometimes enjoy life more.

So back to the lawyers. These were people that for the most part enjoyed life, had plenty of money, and had it all - so to speak. So I went and asked them all if they actually did enjoy being a lawyer or were they just faking it? I mean who could actually enjoy being a lawyer with how society craps on them all the time. Sounds like marketing . . . anyway, the vast majority of them answered that they truly did enjoy what they did. And I also got some very insightful answers as well.

Some of the more successful lawyers said they enjoyed most of their job and just did the other parts because it was required. That's what paychecks, weekends, and boats are for, they said.

One lawyer gave me the best answer ever. He said he learned to love being a lawyer. He had gotten into it for the money but learned to enjoy the work. He was very social so he became a court attorney. (If you can't beat'm - join'm, eh!) It was over the years that I also learned how to "appreciate" work.

Only one or two lawyers said they hated their jobs but only did it because it paid a lot of money. I don't know what ever happened to them as I followed most these people for several years. They went away. This one guy was so miserable and RICH.

So the question is can you do what you love or learn to love what you do AND it obviously also has to be doing something people are willing to pay top dollar for? I can't believe people are still saying screw what you love, just get a job that pays a lot of money. That basically means you have to spend a majority of your life miserably scratching around the crap. I see a lot of very rich people who are quite miserable. And you know what? I see also a lot of miserable people who don't have very much money either.

Combining the two - joy and being rich seems to be a little harder than we first thought, ya?
#love #making #money #plenty
  • Profile picture of the author vk3
    Hmm... you bring up an interesting topic, Toby.

    I enjoyed hearing about the lawyers, and the differences between their satisfaction levels with their job... the one that "learned" to enjoy the job really stood out to me.

    Personally, I think that we all have our own preferences... and a lot of our satisfaction comes from lining up our preferences and what we're doing... however, with that being said, beyond that, you get into manifesting, LOA, "hard" work, and a bunch of other topics that we could spend forever talking about.

    Nice share man; thought provoking.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxfactor
    I think Larry Winget wrote that most people only get to do what they like 10% of the time on the job, and the other 90% is spent so they can get to do the 10%. For example, a doctor might spend 10% of the time actually with patients, and 90% doing paperwork. So I think liking your job doesn't mean you have to enjoy everything about what you do - if you enjoy more than 10% of the activities you're better off than most people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    the real key isn't so much the thing ..there have been many people who hated selling or trying to be sale people..untill they found something they really enjoyed selling

    what i am going for now may not make me rich ..but i have spent the last year deconstructing what i like doing in my former job..or what kept me there despite how much i hated them what i get out of doing several other things ..and i put the list of what makes me keep doing domthing or gives me joy ..and i have come up with something that fits that
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  • Profile picture of the author James Fame
    Your career is something you work on for a majority of your life. So is your wife. If you choose your wife carefully, why don't you choose your career carefully?

    Just saying. Sometimes, life doesn't have to be as complicated as human beings around the world make it to be.

    James Fame

    Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

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  • Profile picture of the author svetod
    I am definitely trying and so far succeeding to do what I love while making plenty of money. Fortunately the affiliate marketing gives me the chance to travel a lot, to go surfing etc. and in the same I make a lot of money thanks to the internet and my computer Can only wish everyone to follow his dreams and make his life not dependent on the job.
    Any questions just drop me a message.
    Want To Know How I Make Money Online? Read my story
    Follow me on Instagram for Daily Inspiration & Free Tips: svetlintodd
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  • Profile picture of the author thsisinsanity
    This topic is a VERY clear one for me, as I am HUGE into being fullfilled, happy, and loving/living life!

    I choose health (happiness included) over wealth every single time.

    Funny thing is, when you enjoy what you do money seems to pour in from every direction!
    Need help succeeding but can't afford a coaching program?

    Stop procrastination, get motivation INSTANTLY!

    Check it out here.
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