Erasing All Negative Thinking

Profile picture of ConcordeWarrior
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64 replies
I am curious to know..

How to deprogram ourselves from our old ways and stop negative thinking: "I cannot do it", "It will not work", "this is impossible", "this is not for me", "I am always out of luck", "I never win"... all the negative thoughts that keep going through our mind when we have the desire to do something.

How to get rid of the negativity that will stop us from going forward and reaching success...

How to stop being emotional about people and situations... to the point where we have no emotions at all and we see the whole thing in a totally neutral and detached way...
#erasing #negative #thinking
  • Profile picture of the author venomous2000
    Profile picture of venomous2000
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    You can never stop being negative, but you can change how you think. My son is growing up and I have taught him to say to ask himself this everytime he wants to buy something...."Don't say to yourself I can't afford, start thinking HOW you can". This has managed to get my son into part-time jobs, helping around the house etc..
    • Profile picture of the author AnneE
      Profile picture of AnneE
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      Originally Posted by venomous2000 View Post

      You can never stop being negative, but you can change how you think. My son is growing up and I have taught him to say to ask himself this everytime he wants to buy something...."Don't say to yourself I can't afford, start thinking HOW you can". This has managed to get my son into part-time jobs, helping around the house etc..
      I like this! I wish I had been saying it to my sons, my husband, myself. I will now. Thanks. At the moment I am unsure how I am going to afford my son's upcoming college tuition, but I working on HOW I am going to do it.
  • Profile picture of the author cyowell
    Profile picture of cyowell
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    I don't know if you completely get rid of negative thinking in this existence. Perhaps that is part of the game?

    You can utilize tools to move through it quickly.

    A simple technique is to acknowledge the thought, thank it for sharing, and start laughing.

    You can also add the thought of what you really do want to experience.

    For example: You can acknowledge that you are thinking you are "out of luck."
    You thank the thought for sharing. And you say "I choose to believe I am
    always lucky anyway." And start laughing.

    As ridiculous as the above might seem in it's simplicity, it can be amazingly effective.

    The reason it works is you are not trying to block anything, or stop it. Then you change your state. You know when someone tells you not to think about something, you think about it right? So let it go after acknowledgment and laugh.

    A method doesn't always have to be mysterious, complicated, or come with the FDA's approval to work.
    • Profile picture of the author Li Weng
      Li Weng
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      Originally Posted by cyowell View Post

      I don't know if you completely get rid of negative thinking in this existence. Perhaps that is part of the game?

      You can utilize tools to move through it quickly.

      A simple technique is to acknowledge the thought, thank it for sharing, and start laughing.

      You can also add the thought of what you really do want to experience.

      For example: You can acknowledge that you are thinking you are "out of luck."
      You thank the thought for sharing. And you say "I choose to believe I am
      always lucky anyway." And start laughing.

      As ridiculous as the above might seem in it's simplicity, it can be amazingly effective.

      The reason it works is you are not trying to block anything, or stop it. Then you change your state. You know when someone tells you not to think about something, you think about it right? So let it go after acknowledgment and laugh.

      A method doesn't always have to be mysterious, complicated, or come with the FDA's approval to work.
      great response, you hit the nail on the head.

      - Insert backlink here -

  • Profile picture of the author LarryC
    Profile picture of LarryC
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    I'm working on this too. I try to absorb as many positive messages and information as I can, such as Abraham videos on YouTube as well as various books and tapes. You have to find what works for you (I know everyone isn't into Abraham or "channeled" material for example). I think one key is to realize you probably aren't going to erase all negative thinking overnight. The trick is not to get caught in negative states for long periods of time. Another method I use is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). If nothing else, this will distract you from a negative state!
    Content Writing, Ghostwriting, eBooks, editing, research.
  • Profile picture of the author katherine7
    Profile picture of katherine7
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    Everyone has given really great advise. What I like to do is approach thought as though I were in a constant state of meditation. In other words, I observe the thought but I do not identify with it. The thought is not me. So if a thought comes through, "I can't do this," I just observe the thought and don't let it effect my emotions. A great book to help with this is The Power of Now by Echart Tolle.
    • Profile picture of the author 1 Marketing
      1 Marketing
      Profile picture of 1 Marketing
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      I have found REIKI as quick remedy for erasing Negativity.
    • Profile picture of the author MrLD
      Profile picture of MrLD
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks for this post you said ....
      "The trick is not to get caught in negative states for long periods of time". This is really the key. Catching it at the soonest time possible and then replacing negative thoughts with positive self-talk always work wonders.


  • Profile picture of the author daryamconsult_aust
    Profile picture of daryamconsult_aust
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    Try not to hang around negative people.
    Building relationships (work & friends) with positive, optimistic, glass is half full people, starts to rub off in a refreshingly inspiring way.
  • Profile picture of the author TheAngelGuy
    Profile picture of TheAngelGuy
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    You can't erase negative thinking.

    It's negative FEELINGS that cause negative thinking and you CAN erase them.

    Check out these "inner work" tools to make this happen fast, easy, and gently -

    EFT -
    TAT - - free e-book
    Zpoint - -

    You can do it manually and take forever, or you can use those tools, which are like rocket ships.

    Rocket to the moon, anyone?
  • Profile picture of the author TheAngelGuy
    Profile picture of TheAngelGuy
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    Also, the Sedona Method and the Release Technique work well, too.
  • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
    Emily Meeks
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    Even though bad days are inevitable, I try to see the good in the situations I'm given. I try to learn from my mistakes as well as those I interact with. Somebody once told me that everyone can learn something from everyone else. I can learn from you, my best friend, that one annoying customer, whoever. It's not always a happy experience but I grow and change for the future.

    Whether you use meditation for religious purposes or not, no one can deny that if your conscious thought patterns are repeated enough, they become part of your unconscious mind. The mind is a powerful thing, more powerful than people realize. We are used to having phrases like "I'm too old" "I'm too young" "I can't afford it" "I'm not smart enough" drilled in our heads, which is more toxic than people think. It sounds cooky, but if you reinforce the positive phrases "I can" "I will" "I choose", it can have a dramatic effect on one's life.

    In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

    • Profile picture of the author Seductive Marketing
      Seductive Marketing
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      • Profile picture of the author Lisa aka LJ
        Lisa aka LJ
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        I'm working on this too!

        Once you start to stop the negative thinking, it gets easier.

        Instead of trying NOT to think negative thoughts, try thinking positive thoughts so that you don't create a vacuum in which there's room for negative thoughts. It's like holding a glass full of dirty water under a faucet running with clean water. Eventually the glass will be full of clean water, although at no time was the glass empty.

        I recommend The New Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.

        Also, not knowing what your science background is, I suggest you do some research on Reticular Activating System. That's the part of our brain that chooses what to pay attention to and what not to. Once we're aware that we're choosing to notice the negative things, we realize that we can choose not to.

        This is big for many people!

        Lisa J. Lehr
        Just Right Copy
        Just Right Articles

  • Profile picture of the author JayMachado
    Profile picture of JayMachado
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    What helped me was imagining my life in the future if I DIDN'T take action. While it's great to have the fantasies of how much money you could make, those thoughts don't really help that much.

    But let's say you envisioned your future a year from now where you took no action at all and learned absolutely nothing new. It wouldn't be too great, would it? That would only make the negative thinking persist.

    However, if you take imperfect actions and learn a whole ton of new stuff, you can look back and say "WHOA!" I learned so much even if I didn't succeed entirely.

    And guess what, when you do have success, you can create a WSO about how you did it. But that WSO will never happen unless you actually start to do something and work through the negative thinking.

    Finally, look at Noah St John's Afformations and his book The Secret Code to Success. He's a bit overwhelming for me sometimes but it's only because he really is helping a lot of people.
  • Profile picture of the author tunasalad
    Profile picture of tunasalad
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    Be aware of your intentions, your actions and the way you impact those around you. As you do this, don't judge yourself, just watch the way you feel. If you feel like you're judging yourself, take a breath and center yourself on the fact that everything you're experiencing is in your mind, so why not take another breath and just smile it all away. Rinse, repeat.
  • Profile picture of the author Bardo
    Profile picture of Bardo
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    My 2$ bucks worth:

    "Look at any event or situation and recognize it represents just one expression of an idea and that infinite expressions of that idea are contained in the omnipresence of that event." --Neville Goddard
  • Profile picture of the author Brian W. Wang
    Brian W. Wang
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    The best approach is to feel motivated by thinking of the positive. Think about ways or things you can do to make things possible. Also, think of ways to avoid things that will stop you from achieving what you want.
  • Profile picture of the author nathanro
    Profile picture of nathanro
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    Hi, I teach this as my job, I help people do this, it is imperative to create any change in life.

    The not so fast and easy ways are Sedona Method and Ho'oponopono, They are awesome mind you.

    But I have been given a new technique that has worked instantly, it is something that I have tried and taught a couple of my students and got great results with it

    Find the negativity as a reaction in your body, see where it is reflected, once you spot the "negative" energy, you just send love to it, really just send love to it in your inside, you will soon feel it transform into love.

    This is very powerful, some people have asked me if this "sending love" is like when you love someone and you want them to feel your love and you send it, and this is exactly it.

    Try it, I am sure you will see some results.

    And by the way, some subliminal audios and videos could do the trick for you, google subliminal audios and videos and go to the first page there, you will see a good result.

    You want to get bitcoins with a farm that delivers?

    • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
      Daniel E Taylor
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      Originally Posted by nathanro View Post

      Hi, I teach this as my job, I help people do this, it is imperative to create any change in life.

      The not so fast and easy ways are Sedona Method and Ho'oponopono, They are awesome mind you.

      But I have been given a new technique that has worked instantly, it is something that I have tried and taught a couple of my students and got great results with it

      Find the negativity as a reaction in your body, see where it is reflected, once you spot the "negative" energy, you just send love to it, really just send love to it in your inside, you will soon feel it transform into love.

      This is very powerful, some people have asked me if this "sending love" is like when you love someone and you want them to feel your love and you send it, and this is exactly it.

      Try it, I am sure you will see some results.

      And by the way, some subliminal audios and videos could do the trick for you, google subliminal audios and videos and go to the first page there, you will see a good result.
      Sedona Method has been very effective for me. It's really
      great for getting to the root cause of the negative thought pattern then letting it go completely.

      I've found sedona method is effective when you're getting started because it helps bring awareness to the real issues that are causing your subconscious to hang onto that thought pattern.

      Now I don't use the sedona method because I've found it for me to just call forth the intention to dissolve the belief that is creating that negative thought.

      Then I don't think about it again and the universe gives me a new perspective/insight that allows me to let it go instantly.

      Again there are limitless ways to skin the cat of negative thinking. Can you get rid of it completely? Well the only way to do so would be to completely gotten rid of your ego and walk 24/7 in spirit.

      Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
      else is an illusion.

      • Profile picture of the author nathanro
        Profile picture of nathanro
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        Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

        Sedona Method has been very effective for me. It's really
        great for getting to the root cause of the negative thought pattern then letting it go completely.

        I've found sedona method is effective when you're getting started because it helps bring awareness to the real issues that are causing your subconscious to hang onto that thought pattern.

        Now I don't use the sedona method because I've found it for me to just call forth the intention to dissolve the belief that is creating that negative thought.

        Then I don't think about it again and the universe gives me a new perspective/insight that allows me to let it go instantly.

        Again there are limitless ways to skin the cat of negative thinking. Can you get rid of it completely? Well the only way to do so would be to completely gotten rid of your ego and walk 24/7 in spirit.
        I agree and don't agree, I agree with the statement that you need to walk in spirit, meaning start being love towards all, BUT you can only be at that stage once you have cleaned yourself out.
        The more you clean, the more you become love, but you can speed it up by being love more and more.

        You want to get bitcoins with a farm that delivers?

        • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
          Daniel E Taylor
          Profile picture of Daniel E Taylor
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          Originally Posted by nathanro View Post

          I agree and don't agree, I agree with the statement that you need to walk in spirit, meaning start being love towards all, BUT you can only be at that stage once you have cleaned yourself out.
          The more you clean, the more you become love, but you can speed it up by being love more and more.
          absolutely. Not sure where anything I said goes against that. But again I speak from my experience and so I can understand if it doesn't fit anyone elses way/teaching.

          Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
          else is an illusion.

  • Profile picture of the author mikaere
    Profile picture of mikaere
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    I truely feel for you i have been, and still am going through that experience myself but have learnt to except who i am. It all starts with the thought then the feeling until it becomes action if you can cut it off from that thought it will stop the rest of the process from happening ....all the best take care.
  • Profile picture of the author Tristan Lee
    Tristan Lee
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    The answer to that may be as simple as two words: just be.

    There is not a day that goes by in my life where my body does not feel negative emotions. I really don't like it when my emotions start to overcome my rational thought. It would be nice if we could stay detached to our emotions and not let it affect us and our thinking, but emotions are part of the body; it is here to stay.

    Since we think about hundreds if not thousands of thoughts per day, it's natural that a few of them will cause us anxiety, worry, sadness, but mostly fear...

    Fear that we cannot do it...
    Fear that it will not work...
    Fear that this is impossible...
    Fear that this is not for me...
    Fear that we are always out of luck...
    Fear that we will never win...

    When this happens, our imaginations run wild with more negative thoughts and this can totally cause our bodies to be paralyzed, causing us to stop working, move forward, and reach success.

    But you have something in which you can control, and that is your concious thoughts. You could say that negative emotions is a constant battle between the mind and the body.

    Don't ever do this! This will always cause you to have negative emotions. I used do this a lot for hours and the end result was always the same; either staying the same place where I was a hours ago or backtracking.

    For example,

    "I'm afraid that I that people will think lowly if I do something wrong."

    This is negative thinking and will cause tension in your body, and you're body will then tell your subconscious to stop working. Then you mind go into a mode where all you are doing is battling with yourself endlessly.

    "Why would people people think lowly of me?"
    "Who are these people?"
    "Should I keep going?"
    "Just go!"
    "What do I need to do?"

    All this talk of analyzing the situation is useless.

    If you want to get rid of negative thinking, do not battle your body with your other thoughts; just try to stay in complete harmony with your body. They should be aligned; not disjointed.

    In other words: just be.

    When a negative situation comes up, such as a negative thought or a negative emotion; let it be.

    Nothing outside of your physical body is actually happening; everything is going on inside of you.

    When you feel worry, anxiety, or fear, let it be. Accept that it's there; don't try to fight it.

    When any negative situation comes, be prepared for it, be aware of it, but most importantly, be conscious of it.

    Sometimes when this happens, you'll absolutely need to stop what you're doing such as get off the computer, shut it down, and sit somewhere where it's completely silent. This may take 1 hour; this may take 10 minutes. It depends on how strong the negative emotion is.

    And when this happens, don't question, analyze, or talk about the negative feeling.

    Just say to yourself, "I understand that this is what I am thinking about right now, and I understand that this is what I'm feeling right now; and I accept this. It's okay."

    To really understand how to accept something, sometimes you won't even need words at all; you won't even need to say what is written above.

    You just are.

    The more you are able to absorb negative emotions, which comes from negative thoughts, the easier time you'll have dealing with it. When the 83th negative situation comes up, you'll be so completely detached from it that you'll simply brush it off and move on.

    You'll say, "Hey, I understand that this is the 83rd time that I am feeling negative and it's okay; actually it's nothing. I've been through this 82 times and the first 1 through 27 times, it was extremely painful but now it is what it is. It's a part of me. I know exactly where I need to go in my life and what I need to do to get there and that I'm going to do that right now. The negative feeling and emotion is just there. In fact, I'm going to say 'hello' to it right now. 'Hello! How are you doing today? Great, I got to get back to working right now. See you later!"

    Then you move on.

    The original posts asks, "How to get rid of negatively?"

    People who try to "get rid of it" will have a hard time because you're in constant battle with something that's naturally a part of you.

    Emotions is not something where you can "remove" or "erase" as you're not getting rid of anything.

    You're absorbing something and putting it for better use later on.

    And the key to doing this first understand it and accept it. Allow to to be there.

    Or to put it how I'd liked to put it: just be.

    By doing this, you'll be able to move forward and reach success.

    Anyway, sorry this post was so long. I hope this helped.
  • Profile picture of the author 1 Marketing
    1 Marketing
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    THE SECRET is on it's way... I see most of us here are conveynced to idealogy of THE SECRET....
    • Profile picture of the author Tom2009
      Profile picture of Tom2009
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      Well, i don t know many are conveynced of The Secret , but i am one of them , and i really belive that if you think everyday on how your life would like to be , if you try eveyday to be a little more optimist than yesterday.. tha you willl eventually succeed in everything you want

      Originally Posted by 1 Marketing View Post

      THE SECRET is on it's way... I see most of us here are conveynced to idealogy of THE SECRET....

      Do you want a website like this ? I can create it for you , and you ll earn at least 3k per month
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      For sale pm me if interested

  • Profile picture of the author UnleashReality
    Profile picture of UnleashReality
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    realise that those are just feelings and they're not real and they're not you and you can let them go.

    feel the feeling fully then ask yourself, "can i let this go?" and feel the space.

    google "the sedona method"
  • Profile picture of the author macabhay
    Profile picture of macabhay
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    Often times, we underestimate the power of our association. If we associate with predominatingly negative people, listening to predominatingly negative music, etc. we can expect that our consciousness will become more negative.

    At the same time, if we associate with positive people, absorb positive sounds and images, etc. we can expect and experience that our consciousness will be uplifted.

    I would encourage you to take a look at who and what you associate with on a daily basis. Take inventory of the people/things who generally tend to inspire you, also take inventory of the people/things who tend to leave you feeling distraught or with a lack of direction.

    Even before you make any decision on what you want to keep and get rid of, just being AWARE of who and what are effecting you will bring you huge amounts of freedom and security. At least that's my experience.

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  • Profile picture of the author ManifestingWellBeing
    Profile picture of ManifestingWellBeing
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    The Emotional Freedom Technique is excellent for clearing negative thinking and redirecting one's focus toward what you DO want.
    • Profile picture of the author borischileno
      Profile picture of borischileno
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      I find the best way is to start the day off right and say how beautiful it is, I'm a visual type person i find watching "the secret riches visualization tool" which i happen to burn and watch daily when am up gets you in the right mood. Looking at your vision board, your dream your goals, is vital important. Always use positive vibes, avoid using negative words like if you may know something and mumble to yourself and say oh why did i come, this is old, already know this, rather you need to tell your mind "thank you for sharing"

      if you think negative, negative real occur and continue. if you think positive and stay positive in your mind and soul your life will always be positive and you will attract positive people.

  • Profile picture of the author theinfomaven
    Profile picture of theinfomaven
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    Go To A Local EMDR Therapist.

    You can look them up on

    They can eradicate all negative beliefs & trauma (which feed negative thinking patterns) in eight session. The effects are permanent.
  • Profile picture of the author Green09
    Profile picture of Green09
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    I believe that negative thinking can not be eliminated, however a person can always overcome it by finding strong reasons to do so.
    I find my child and my husband as strong reasons to believe in myself and overpower any negative thinking.

    Whenever negative thoughts begin to flood my head I picture my child or my husband watching me. Instinctively the negative thoughts or doubts and any indecisiveness almost instantaneously disappears.

    Negative thoughts make a person susceptible to failures and even limit a person to reach her maximum potential. I don't want my child or my husband to settle for the better of me when I know in my heart they deserve my best.

    I hope this helps.
  • Profile picture of the author eijk82
    Profile picture of eijk82
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    everytime I thought something negative, I always take a look at my "Rhonda Bryne-The Secret" DVD. I've seen it for more than 30 times ;-D
  • Profile picture of the author Don Wright
    Don Wright
    Profile picture of Don Wright
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    You cannot completely rid yourself of negative thinking. Setbacks are inevitable. Mistakes are inevitable. However, you can change how you respond to negative thinking and negative situations. Instead of focusing on the problem, focus on the solution. The only time you can truly fail at something is when you decide to stop trying. Winners never stop. Losers run and hide when they come across their first setback.
  • Profile picture of the author epik-marketing
    Profile picture of epik-marketing
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    This is a great post and all I can say is this, 1st give yourself credit for acknowledging this, it's a proof of your growth!

    2nd something I think is really powerful and you may feel silly at first but trust me it really starts to work. when you start saying this negative thing say

    Then have a list of declarations you can say I like T Harv
    I really recommend his book millionaire mid!!!! It's all about this!

    In a declaration you would then put your hand over your heart and state your new belief example I am an excellent receiver, I am open to receiving large amounts of success and money"

    then touch your forehead and say I have a millionaire mind!

    Really this is powerful something about touching your head and saying you have a millionaire mind is really powerful

    That's how you start replacing the negative stuff

    Hope it helped some!
  • Profile picture of the author Amenda Jessera
    Amenda Jessera
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    What I do if i fail or feeling down, in one day I will think of all the negative and failure I did, and the following day I will thing possible solution on my problems and think of changes in myself to achieve what I want...from this day I am looking forward for a new change and stop thinking negative.
  • Profile picture of the author Kezz
    Profile picture of Kezz
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    The thing is that it is impossible to erase negativity in the same way it is impossible to erase the dark. Don't try to get rid of the dark, instead, just switch on the light!

    If you spend time contemplating how to erase negativity, all you will do is create more of it.

    Start by rephrasing the question. Instead of saying "How can I erase negativity"


    "How can I consistently think and act positively?"

    Don't fight the dark, just look for the light switch and flick it on.

    It's all about where you place your attention. In this life, whatever you place your attention on will be reflected in your environment. Put your attention on negativity, you'll get more of it. Put your attention on positivity, and you'll get more of it.

    To me, attention is the 'currency' of the universe, so choose carefully what you 'pay attention' to.

    When you find yourself with negative thought, don't wrestle against it. Instead, find a positive thought to replace it with, and put your attention solely on that positive thought. Then, like turning on a light, the dark/negative thought will just disappear, and all you'll be left with is light and positivity.
  • Profile picture of the author Stevie Drive
    Stevie Drive
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    Got a simple solution that will work wonders for everyone wise enough to grasp its awesome power:

    When I was just a lil' cub and my brother and I would be sitting around the dinner table with my Mom and Dad, while passing around the dishes, my wizened ol' dad would ask me a profound question I was too young at that time to fully realize its effect on me today:

    "Tommy, what was the FUNNEST thing you've done today?"

    Being asked, I would then promptly run through my memory of the day to tell him that "I drew a giant spaceship in my art class!". With a huge grin.

    The topic of "I fell down the stairs and scraped my knee" or "Jason and I got a detention for fighting" never even came into existence.

    I still recall in my fond memories, my dad's warm voice at the dinner table:

    "Tommy, what's the FUNNEST thing you've did today?"

    ...And so I've told him.
  • Profile picture of the author John Blaisdale
    John Blaisdale
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    I think it all comes down to teaching yourself to deal with negative thoughts. You must "program" yourself over time to ignore feelings that could potentially hold you back from success.

    You absolutely need to look at the big picture and constantly remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing. You see, when you are constantly working on your business or maintaining a website you won't always get results right away. It might take a week, a few week, or maybe even months for results to kick in depending on what type of work you are doing.

    Basically, just try to put things into perspective whenever you are feeling suppressed by negative thoughts.
  • Profile picture of the author PrettyJenny
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    I'm trying to follow the Law of Attraction, it does make me think more positively. I normally go to the Abraham Hicks' website and read the inspirational quotes there, always lift my mood a bit. Their website is: Home of Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction -- It All Started Here!
  • Profile picture of the author genieofwealth
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    Originally Posted by ConcordeWarrior View Post

    I am curious to know..

    How to deprogram ourselves from our old ways and stop negative thinking: "I cannot do it", "It will not work", "this is impossible", "this is not for me", "I am always out of luck", "I never win"... all the negative thoughts that keep going through our mind when we have the desire to do something.

    How to get rid of the negativity that will stop us from going forward and reaching success...

    How to stop being emotional about people and situations... to the point where we have no emotions at all and we see the whole thing in a totally neutral and detached way...
    pratipaksua bhavanam

    put simply think the opposite.

    you will never control the negative thoughts that come into your mind.

    our subconscious is bombarded with symbolism that computes into negativity such as the news etc.

    if you get a negative thought simply hold the vision and picture the positive one.

    simply make the negative one black and white and reduce in size and get the positive one in glorious colour and make larger the vision.

    to understand this we need to understand the brain.

    without going into the technicalities the brain is programmed with a gate keeper.

    the gate keeper is against change and doing things differently so will automatically send a fear signal to your conscious mind which could release chemicals making you feel uncomfortable.

    it takes on average over 30 days of working through before a new break through or habit is held and taken on board.

    to re program the best and most efficient way is meditation (visualising what you want) and also affirmations.

    say and repeat what you want in life.

    it does it's job so well that we as humans don't achieve what we want sometimes as the fear sets in and it paralyses us.

    what you have said in your original post is common to 1000's if not millions of people.

    regards and good luck
    Stephen Doyle
  • Profile picture of the author henrychai
    Profile picture of henrychai
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    for my suggestion you can go read or watch the movie or books "The Secrets" or "the law of attraction" it change my way of thinking totally after watching it.
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    • Profile picture of the author goldentraders
      Profile picture of goldentraders
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      In my own opinion, nobody and nothing can change your life but you... But of course you need to be inspired but it's no use if you're stubborn... Life is made perfectly with Happiness and Sadness, 'coz if God made the world without pain, d'you think people would still remember God? Everybody around the world experienced LOVE, HATE, PAIN, COMFORT etc., but it's just the way it is, so just go along with it... Problem is a natural thing but don't feel negative about it... otherwise, things will definitely change as time goes by, so don't lose hope... you're not the only one feeling that way... think of a funny thing in your life, you just need to pray to overcome pain, discomfort, hatred etc. and believe that all things are possible!!!
  • Profile picture of the author WCA
    Profile picture of WCA
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    Part of the problem that most people have is that they focus on how to "get rid of" something. This in and of itself makes us focus on that thing. For example, negative thoughts.

    You can't focus on getting rid of negative thoughts to get rid of them. The nature of doing that itself causes you to feed those thoughts with your energy because you are still thinking of them, even if it's to get rid of them.

    Instead, we need to focus on what we want. If you want to stop thinking negative, focus on putting things in place to always think positive instead. Again, by it's very nature, focusing on thinking positive by default get's rid of negative thoughts.

    If you want to lose weight, stop focusing on losing weight and focus on being and eating healthy.

    It's true for any thought pattern and habit. Focus on developing the opposite of what you want to get rid of, and by default you not only develop that trait, but get rid of the old one at the same time.
  • Profile picture of the author theinfomaven
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    Once again, EMDR therapy is the way to go. You can find a good therapist on, as well as
  • Profile picture of the author Bright Wings
    Bright Wings
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    There is no way to change a negative thought, but you can choose to replace it with something else (say, a different or positive thought instead.) Thoughts come and go in the mind like clouds; the only ones that stay are the ones to which we attach. If you notice a negative thought, then you can decide whether it is one you want to keep or not. If you want a different thought, then you can choose one you'd rather have instead.

    Often the negative thought itself is a clue to what you'd rather have. For instance, if the negative thought is about scarcity, then you might replace it with a more powerful thought along the lines of "I am good at creating ideas that help people." Or, often a thought that is filled with generosity and gratitude will be a great antidote to thoughts of lack or scarcity.

    But you must consciously replace thoughts you don't want with ones you do; that is the work.
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Murphy
    Mike Murphy
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    I was really resistant to the fact that mindset plays such a huge part in how we feel and live our lives. For a while there I got so down I wasn't sure I'd ever snap out of it.

    I do believe that you CAN scrap the negative just have to choose to and it takes enormous mental strength, willpower, dedication and persistence.

    If you are surrounded by negative people, distance yourself from them. Ignore the news (TV and Internet) or at least have a good buffer for what you allow yourself to be subjected to .

    Be greatful for what you do have in your life and when negative thoughts creep in, cherish the good things you have.

    I hope I don't sound too "preachy" here but I cannot explain how deeply I was affected by negativity and self doubt. I wish I could round up every single person who doubted themselves and personally helped them to see how truly awesome they really are.

    Movies and books are great ideas too. Have you seen "The Peacefull Warrior"? Great message in that movie.

    Right now I'm listening to "Wake Up Productive" by Eben Pagan and it is really inspiring me. I find that keeping oneself inspired can actually make you more able to ignore negativity.

    I believe that negativity most often stems from self doubt and sometimes, a feeling of worthlessness. Want to get rid of that feeling really quickly? Go do something for someone for no other reason than just to help them out. You will shock them and you'll both feel great for it.

    Trust me, the world needs more Warriors...go be one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phoebe
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    you have to read a book called the magicians way by William whitecloud. the basic jist is that your thoughts and your emotions seduce you away from the expression of your soul. when you find what your soul truly wants you should focus on that and only that and all obstacles will melt away and magic will happen.
    And meditate - 30 mins 2ce a day - I find this is the best way to still the mind and create space so that you do not react to people/ situations but have time to asses what you're feeling and respond in a way that will produce the results you actually want.
    if you react you are more likely to create what you dont want.
    just tak some time for yourself every day - it's well worth it.
  • Profile picture of the author Josh Bartlett
    Josh Bartlett
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    I was going to suggest the same thing. Watch the movie "The Secret" (or read the book) and put it into practise.

    Another important tip, if you find yourself in a negative state, change that state AS QUICKLY as possible!

    What I mean by this is I know alot of people who are struggling with their business and will sit there, stare out a window or at the PC screen and worry. Whether they sit there for 5mins or an hour is not important, what is important is that they are training their brain to focus on the negative.

    If you find yourself feeling like that, GET UP, walk around, go out, drive somewhere, change the pattern and whilst doing so, think about how you can solve the problem.

    Changing the pattern is hugely important, as is looking after oneself.

    If you are stressed, tired, worried, hungry and annoyed that something isnt working then dont try to fix it then. Go away, sleep, relax, eat and look after yourself. Come back refreshed and try again.

    You wont find many boxers training for a fight after just having gone 12 rounds. They rest first. (Its an important part) If you are your greatest asset in the fight towards your goals, look after your greatest asset.
  • Profile picture of the author Mark 2
    Mark 2
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    Either negative or positive attitude both are the states of mind depending upon how to spent your time. If you spent your time happily you can smell the roses every where.

    Bad times leave their own marks.
    • Profile picture of the author innhui
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      Although it is impossible to totally get rid of negative thoughts, I think the key is to know that we have a choice.The power is in our hands to choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts; and the more we practice positive thinking rather than to succumb to negative thoughts the more positive we become.

      It is really important for us to choose the positive thoughts as we attract what we think. If we keep allowing thoughts of poverty to dominate our minds,we will attract more lack in our lives. On the other hand, if we think thoughts of abundance, happiness and wealth, we will attract the good things life has to offer.

      If you want to be happy, reject thoughts of failure, lack, depression,sadness.Choose happy thoughts. Every morning, when I wake up, my first thought is "Today, I choose to be happy"

      The bible tells us to meditate on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and good-as we dwell more on positive thoughts, we are making choices and taking control of our lives.In this way, our positive thoughts will overcome the negative thoughts over the course of time

      To be wealthy, you need to learn to have positive thoughts about money

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  • Profile picture of the author la dominatrix
    la dominatrix
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    The curious thing about the subconscious mind is the fact that it does not recognise negatives. So for instance if you want to stop wasting time you say to your self I'm just stop wasting time. Your subconscious get the wasting time bit, but it does not get the stop bit at all so it goes on to reinforce the behaviour that you are telling it to, ie waste time, therefore you are more likely waste time.

    What is useful is to tell yourself something positive, which your emotional brain has a hope of engaging with as does your subconscious. Say to yourself I will not multi task today it is counter productive,insterad of checking my emails several times an hour I will check them once in the morning before I start work and once when I have finished work. Give yoursefl the rationale ie disruptions take you abour a quarter of an hour to twenty munutes to recover from and therefore they waste time. It takes about a month to stop bad habits and reinforce good habits.

    This example works with eveything just turn it around to your experience
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    One can definitely overcome negativity to some extent. Just try to realize that nobody in this world is perfect and if you are bad at 100 things, you are good at 1000 things that others can't do!! Do whatever you want to do ... do not let your desire go and keep trying to get what you want...I tell you its all in the mind and its how you take control of it. So cheers
  • Profile picture of the author Buhry
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    Originally Posted by ConcordeWarrior View Post

    I am curious to know..

    How to deprogram ourselves from our old ways and stop negative thinking: "I cannot do it", "It will not work", "this is impossible", "this is not for me", "I am always out of luck", "I never win"... all the negative thoughts that keep going through our mind when we have the desire to do something.

    How to get rid of the negativity that will stop us from going forward and reaching success...

    How to stop being emotional about people and situations... to the point where we have no emotions at all and we see the whole thing in a totally neutral and detached way...
    This is very possible. I have done it or at least come a long way. I used to have low self esteem, a ton of limiting beliefs and be very emotionally reactive (and no controll over my mood). I let my negative thought processes push me around, and I was depressed.

    Today I am very confident in my self, and I have full belief that I am capable of handling almost anything thrown at me if i try hard enough. I also have very good control over my thought processes and emotional states and responses to things.

    I started working on myself about two years ago. It takes some work (err I've done a lot of working on my self and my issues) but it is definately achieveable.

    I recommend starting to monitor your own thought processes and emotional states, and how you emotionally respond to things. Your emotional states can be changed, and you can control them at least to a certain degree.

    An important aspect of controlling your emotional states is ''non resistance'' wich is sort of the concept coywell discussed. Basically it means that you just accept whatever emotion you are feeling at the moment (that you would percieve as bad), kind of dismiss it without putting labels and judgements on it, and then move on from it. Often the interpretations you put on things make it seem a lot worse than it is in reality.

    SO instead of saying ''this sucks, I hate this, etc'' you just go ''hmm.. it is what it is. Interesting.'' and then you move on.

    Another thing I recomend doing is trying to focus always on what is positive instead of what is negative. Be shifting your focus you can almost always find something good that can be taken away from a situation. Focusing on the good stuff also helps your state and confidence in the long run.

    A self-help dude I know told me some time ago that state control consists of 3 things: Your inner and outer communication(how you talk to yourself, and how you talk to the world), your physiology, and your mental focus.

    A good book on overcoming mental resistance and dwelling on past failures is '' `The power of now'' by Eckhart Tolle. Some of it is kind of hippie-ish, but the overall message of living in the now without resistance is good.

    A really great book on overcoming mental issues and roadblocks and limiting beliefs is ''Psycho cybernetics'' by Maxwell Maltz. It's an old book, but it is really awesome and I recomend it.
  • Profile picture of the author chinois
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    It's always much easier to slip into negativity. And if you believe in the law of attraction, dwelling too long in negativeness will attract negative things in our life. I am a firm believer that continous positive thoughts in the midst of negativeness will eventually bring positiveness in our life. Positiveness in our life will should manifest itself.
  • Profile picture of the author daryamconsult_aust
    Profile picture of daryamconsult_aust
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    Your own negative thinking generally happens when you associate regularly with negative thinking people.
    Start associating with positive thinking people and distance yourself from negative thinking people, and your own thinking will start to change.
  • Profile picture of the author Gaby10
    Profile picture of Gaby10
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    Originally Posted by ConcordeWarrior View Post

    I am curious to know..

    How to deprogram ourselves from our old ways and stop negative thinking: "I cannot do it", "It will not work", "this is impossible", "this is not for me", "I am always out of luck", "I never win"... all the negative thoughts that keep going through our mind when we have the desire to do something.

    How to get rid of the negativity that will stop us from going forward and reaching success...

    How to stop being emotional about people and situations... to the point where we have no emotions at all and we see the whole thing in a totally neutral and detached way...

    I concur, positive thinking is the key to success.

    However, there are a few considerations (you may be already aware of them, of course)...

    1- Occasional negative thoughts (along with their associated negative feeling) are extremely powerful indicators of what's positive for us, what do we really want to do, be or have.

    2- Trying to hard to hold oneself in positive thinking, is counterproductive. That tension is often confused at the beginning. I am easy with myself. Enjoying the positive thoughts, one at a time. Watch them coarse and grow, over time, gradually. Until they become a natural effortless habit.

    My 2 cents...
  • Profile picture of the author JoreJjZ
    Profile picture of JoreJjZ
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    Erasing negative thinking I feel that is inviting repression and blockage. Even judging thoughts as negative or positive is if you want to use those labels, "negative". Why? Because transcendental mind power is where you are willing to follow your thoughts to their source within and love them all.
  • Profile picture of the author anneivy
    Profile picture of anneivy
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    thanks for the share
  • Profile picture of the author Justin Finkelstein
    Justin Finkelstein
    Profile picture of Justin Finkelstein
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    I would like to echo the power of the Sedona Method or EFT.

    What also works is taking action. Negative thoughts are there for our mind to protect us. For example, if I write this post, somebody may not like me or they may judge me could be a negative thought. The thought could be something even as strong as - I will die!!

    The mind is not rational. However, if you take the action that you planned on taking before the negative thought popped in to your head, the mind will eventually get the hint that this is not a legitimate fear.

    That will work for one area and then you can go to work on the next area. Eventually, the positive thoughts will overwhelm the negative thoughts.

    However, keep in my mind that the negative thoughts will never go away completely.

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