I chose freedom..
I mean.. when I first started, I wanted to get away from my 3 jobs.. I wanted to find a way to enjoy the world around me. And since then I have done a crap load of stuff. Ranging from affiliate marketing, adsense sites, youtube partnerships, cpa promotions, website creation, and I'm really proud of where I've come since then..
But I started to realize that I was investing WAY too much time into this. I thought working online was all about spending more time with your friends and family and I just wasn't doing that.
I was working.. working.. working..
Well, it's a few years later and I've changed my direction entirely.
Instead of just focusing on money my new objective in life is freedom.
And it's amazing..
Think about it this way...
When you're working, you're probably only spending about 20% of that time actually doing something productive. So why not cut out the other 80% and just focus on what's working? It's changed my life and jumping from 12 hour days to 2 hour days really blows my mind.
Someone recently came to me and told me about a book called "The 4 Hour Workweek", I haven't read it yet but after this post I'm going to go ahead and get it. Working 2 hours a day is great, but working 4 hours a week seems like my next step
Just remember, you can do it! It's going to take a bit of time to train yourself to work less, but it's totally worth it!
Justin Lewis
My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.
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