"Fitness" The First Stone Of The Foundation. Why?
My goal is to rise earlier every day till I rise just before sunrise. I eat supper early so my breakfast is like a banquet: all good heavy breakfast ingredients, yum. I take a number of key supplements (black seed oil being one of them) and fit in a brisk quarter mile walk every day before sunset. . It is during this walk I practice my 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 in breath then out breath. Fruit lunch and light dinner. I keep good hygiene and eat at least one apple a day.
The exercise part of my day comes in the form of work I do on my property. The work generally comes in big chunks and that keeps my body fit just keeping up with the maintenance work and gardening.
I often imagine what it would be like not to enjoy the level of health I do now, not in a negative way but in a more contemplative way which then gives rise to gratitude for the healthy life I enjoy managing my household and business. When you give it a little thought it is easy to see why one heavily stacks the deck in one's favor if good fitness is their primary driver. That's a great basis to build success.
Odahh -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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[ 1 ] Thanks - 3 replies
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