Getting rid of panic attacks, anxiety and hypochondria with NLP?
I just got myself a book on NLP by Richard Bandler called "Get the life you want". Now, thus far it seems great and I've tried to do the exercises that he explains.
However, the exercise he talks about in the book that deals with anxiety says that I should visualize where in my body the feeling starts, then visualize in which direction it goes, and then reverse that motion in my mind.
The problem here is that my panic attacks and anxiety doesn't start at any specific spot in my body. I just feel really shitty all over and in my head and pretty quickly I'm on the floor, passing out and vomiting.
Since my panic attacks are so severe, could anyone recommend me the best NLP product to get that deals with panic attacks? If it's a book or a home-study course really doesn't matter. Hopefully something that deals specifically with panic attacks and/or hypochondria.
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