Getting rid of panic attacks, anxiety and hypochondria with NLP?

6 replies

I just got myself a book on NLP by Richard Bandler called "Get the life you want". Now, thus far it seems great and I've tried to do the exercises that he explains.

However, the exercise he talks about in the book that deals with anxiety says that I should visualize where in my body the feeling starts, then visualize in which direction it goes, and then reverse that motion in my mind.

The problem here is that my panic attacks and anxiety doesn't start at any specific spot in my body. I just feel really shitty all over and in my head and pretty quickly I'm on the floor, passing out and vomiting.

Since my panic attacks are so severe, could anyone recommend me the best NLP product to get that deals with panic attacks? If it's a book or a home-study course really doesn't matter. Hopefully something that deals specifically with panic attacks and/or hypochondria.

#anxiety #attacks #hypochondria #nlp #panic #rid
  • Profile picture of the author teknetz
    I have worked with NLP and EFT for many years, and know exactly what you mean. When I treat people with panic attacks, they usually tell me it starts all at once and all over...

    The best way to use NLP for this, is to find out what the precursor is to your panic attacks? What do you feel the second before one starts? What thoughts feelings emotions or physological changes to you experience the moment BEFORE you start having a panic attack?

    If you can pin point this, then you can use the swish pattern(also in that book) to change your reaction/anchor to the precursor...

    Also, you may want to explore EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique) for panic attacks, as I have had excellent success with that..

    For the hypochondria NLP all the way... But tackle only ONE issue at a time.

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  • Profile picture of the author svedski
    Thanks a lot teknetz!

    I will try to figure out where the feeling shows up before the anxiety (and later on panic attack) happens.

    Do you happen to have any suggestions on books/courses on EFT that deals with this?
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  • Profile picture of the author rhodester
    I will also let you know of a natural product called "panic away" I have been doing some research on the product and people are getting good results. It is usually much better to be able to deal with a condition without having to take a product into our body, but I would at least recommend that you look into "panic away" as an alternative if you need one. "panic away" uses many psychological techniques to help reduce your panic attacks besides just consuming a natural substance . Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author m5smiley
    I used The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook and it was pretty good. I have heard great things about EFT but have not used it. I have found some free torrents online to listen to on NLP but they have never helped. What has helped is regularly listening to stress reduction and guided meditations. I feel your pain! My panic never started in a body part I can identify. It always starts as intense my mind!

    Originally Posted by svedski View Post


    I just got myself a book on NLP by Richard Bandler called "Get the life you want". Now, thus far it seems great and I've tried to do the exercises that he explains.

    However, the exercise he talks about in the book that deals with anxiety says that I should visualize where in my body the feeling starts, then visualize in which direction it goes, and then reverse that motion in my mind.

    The problem here is that my panic attacks and anxiety doesn't start at any specific spot in my body. I just feel really shitty all over and in my head and pretty quickly I'm on the floor, passing out and vomiting.

    Since my panic attacks are so severe, could anyone recommend me the best NLP product to get that deals with panic attacks? If it's a book or a home-study course really doesn't matter. Hopefully something that deals specifically with panic attacks and/or hypochondria.

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  • Profile picture of the author teknetz
    I could give you an NLP/EFT session via Skype if you're interested

    Master Your Life! 5 Day Plan! -

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    My understanding is that cognitive behavioral (CB) strategies can be quite effective when combating what are often referred to as panic attacks. You can seek a counselor or read a book on it. Deep breathing, physical exercise and muscle relaxation exercises as well as changes in thinking about panic are standard CB interventions. The CB interventions are heavy on the behavior aspects. Of course, it is important to make sure that panic attacks are not actually a dangerous medical condition. I am not your therapist, but that is what I understand to be true about what are called panic attacks. I have even read somewhere that actual physical problems are more common in individuals diagnosed as having a panic disorder (Panic Attacks Linked To Higher Risk Of Heart Attacks And Heart Disease, Especially In Younger People). It makes me wonder if supposed panic disorders are often more than just mental disorders as described in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or at least frequently misdiagnosed.
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