Finding Success in Failure

Profile picture of cajtrixie
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12 replies
In the last week, I've triple down (if that's even possible) in an attempt to finish the JV page that I've been working on. I had set myself a deadline of 11/20 to get it posted, and stopped all networking so that I could work from 9am - 2am every day to get it done. I didn't take breaks, refused all possible distractions, and worked until one of my arms was more or less useless.

Today is 11/21, and my page is not up. I missed my self-imposed deadline by 3 factors:
  • a preview of my sales page (ran out of time)
  • affiliate signup links (I need to make my OTO bonus before I can sign up for the links)
  • a Facebook group (this will take 5 minutes to put together).
As I sit here, looking at how close I came to making my deadline and nursing my injured arm, I'm disappointed, but happy. I may have missed my deadline, but I accomplished so much in such a short period of time!
  • I picked a launch date (which I now have to change)
  • Created JV training resources and guides
  • Created 34 banners and social media headers total (17 for pre-launch, and an altered version of those 17 for the launch week)
  • Rebranded 8 PLR books
  • Created a product sample to give out
  • Figured out how to save an Outlook appointment as a file
  • Hired someone on Fiverr to help me with research
  • Put together a 9 page reference document with everything a JV could possibly need to know about my product and information to help promote it
  • Sorted through over 200 e-mail and gathered example e-mail swipes as a reference so that I will be able to build mine in the future (more sorting and gathering to follow)
  • Made my JV video and embedded it on my JV page
  • Figured out how to create the buy buttons for my sales page, and how to submit my product to do so (and how much it'll cost ;_
  • Finalized my sales copy
  • Finalized my JV page design (previously built from scratch)
  • Finalized the bonuses to give to my JVs
And I'm sure that there's more that I have forgotten at this point.

80+% of these tasks were brand new to me at the start of this week, and while I still have a lot more content to build, I could probably post my page in another 2-3 days (assuming that I hadn't injured my arm XD). It feels sort of like coming in 2nd place with a 2 point difference - bittersweet.

This is just another reminder that no matter the goal for your launch, the point of your first launch is to learn, and no matter how much money you make or don't make, that knowledge is priceless.

It's also a reminder that with every failure comes success in some form. Sometimes it's easier to find than other times, but it's always there if you look for it.

Whether you succeed or "fail", be proud of what you've accomplished; there are thousands of people in the world who haven't come as far as you have.

As for me, my journey continues.

I need to make up the time that I spent on this project in the other projects that I've neglected this past week. I need to nurse my arm, and I need to pick a new launch date. I need to set a new deadline for myself for the posting of my page, and I need to try my best (as always) to hit that new deadline.

I'm sure that I'll have the same problem with my new deadline as my last deadline; it's hard to stick to a schedule when you're doing something for the first time, because you don't know all of the intricacies and tasks that will really need to be done. It's always more than you expect.

That being said, as long as I know I've done my best, I can be proud of what I've accomplished. Hopefully I'll make it this next time around. ^_^
#failure #finding #success
  • Profile picture of the author rhodester
    Profile picture of rhodester
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Boy did you say a mouth full."as long as I did my best" It sounds like you accomplished a lot of your goals in your time frame even though you did not complete all of your tasks. I agree with you, be happy that you are miles ahead of where you were last week and continue forward until you finish what you set out to do. Good job.
  • Profile picture of the author katrim
    Profile picture of katrim
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well, you did a heck of a job and I honestly have a hard time thinking I could put up with that amount of stuff done, coming from zero, nothing, nada. I am simply less independent and rigorous with my stuff but reading your message made me feel all these things a little more approachable, just because you were able to do nothing more than your best.

    So thank you for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Jonas Phil VA
    John Jonas Phil VA
    Profile picture of John Jonas Phil VA
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    Considering the amount of work you've been able to do, you are by no means a failure. Congratulations and keep us updated!
    • Profile picture of the author cajtrixie
      Profile picture of cajtrixie
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by John Jonas Phil VA View Post

      Considering the amount of work you've been able to do, you are by no means a failure. Congratulations and keep us updated!
      Thank you so much! ^-^

      This week I finished making the graphics pack and the FE sales page preview. Now I need to make the FB groups, get some feedback on my sales page preview, and adjust the date on my JV tools, and then my page will be ready for the world! ^-^

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  • Profile picture of the author LastingLifeSuccess
    Profile picture of LastingLifeSuccess
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    Wow! What a success you are. You have been so productive in such a short period of time. You have also learned an enormous amount of tech skill along the way. Congratulations to you. You so richly deserve it.

    Missed the mark, but still a huge success. Why? Sheer amount of ground covered proficiently in record time. Huge self discipline factor involved. Great going.

  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Jonathan 2.0
    Profile picture of Jonathan 2.0
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Inspiring post. Thanks cajtrixie. : )
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
  • Profile picture of the author malcsimm
    Profile picture of malcsimm
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    Originally Posted by cajtrixie View Post

    In the last week, I've triple down (if that's even possible) in an attempt to finish the JV page that I've been working on. I had set myself a deadline of 11/20 to get it posted, and stopped all networking so that I could work from 9am - 2am every day to get it done. I didn't take breaks, refused all possible distractions, and worked until one of my arms was more or less useless.
    Hey -serious result!

    1. You made a plan
    2. You followed it
    3. You reviewed how you did
    4. You learned from the experience

    I'd say you are firmly on the way to success.


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  • Profile picture of the author RuthStewart
    Profile picture of RuthStewart
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for putting your experience out there. It is actually really motivating for me today. I am getting my stuff done today to launch a site, if I can do it all, it will show in my signature.

    I think you have done a marvellous job, and I am sure everything you have done will mean a great payday too!
  • Profile picture of the author hostdare
    Profile picture of hostdare
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    Try to avoid..

    Negative people
    Blaming others
    Negative self-talk
    Focusing on obstacles

    Make Positive Changes!
    Celebrate a success every day
    Make a bucket list
    Love yourself
    Love others
    Perform random acts of kindness
    Do things that scare you

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    • Profile picture of the author cajtrixie
      Profile picture of cajtrixie
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      Originally Posted by LastingLifeSuccess View Post

      Wow! What a success you are. You have been so productive in such a short period of time. You have also learned an enormous amount of tech skill along the way. Congratulations to you. You so richly deserve it.

      Missed the mark, but still a huge success. Why? Sheer amount of ground covered proficiently in record time. Huge self discipline factor involved. Great going.

      LLS, it's great to see you!

      And thank you so much! Boy, are you right in that I learned a lot! Even more than what I learned, I learned that there are a lot of things that I still have yet to learn! XD hahahaha

      And just like that, projects evolve and become better. XD hehehe

      Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

      Inspiring post. Thanks cajtrixie. : )
      Thank you for reading and commenting, Jonathan!

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    • Profile picture of the author cajtrixie
      Profile picture of cajtrixie
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      Originally Posted by nipon View Post

      Try to avoid..
      Negative people
      Blaming others
      Negative self-talk
      Focusing on obstacles

      Make Positive Changes!
      Celebrate a success every day
      Make a bucket list
      Love yourself
      Love others
      Perform random acts of kindness
      Do things that scare you
      That's really good advice!

      There are a lot of things on those lists that can be really hard for people to do, but if they were easy, they probably wouldn't be worth doing. ^_^ lol

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  • Profile picture of the author cajtrixie
    Profile picture of cajtrixie
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by malcsimm View Post

    Hey -serious result!

    1. You made a plan
    2. You followed it
    3. You reviewed how you did
    4. You learned from the experience

    I'd say you are firmly on the way to success.

    Malc, that's a really good point! In the end, I guess it's all about having a plan and sticking to it. Sometimes it's hard to remember that mistakes are wonderful things, and are, in fact, necessary as long as you learn from them. ^_^

    Thank you for your comment and support! ^-^

    Originally Posted by RuthStewart View Post

    Thanks for putting your experience out there. It is actually really motivating for me today. I am getting my stuff done today to launch a site, if I can do it all, it will show in my signature.

    I think you have done a marvellous job, and I am sure everything you have done will mean a great payday too!
    Thank you so much!

    Oddly enough, I can't see signatures in this thread, but please let me know how it went! I'd love to hear about your experience! ^-^

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