Finding Success in Failure
Today is 11/21, and my page is not up. I missed my self-imposed deadline by 3 factors:
- a preview of my sales page (ran out of time)
- affiliate signup links (I need to make my OTO bonus before I can sign up for the links)
- a Facebook group (this will take 5 minutes to put together).
- I picked a launch date (which I now have to change)
- Created JV training resources and guides
- Created 34 banners and social media headers total (17 for pre-launch, and an altered version of those 17 for the launch week)
- Rebranded 8 PLR books
- Created a product sample to give out
- Figured out how to save an Outlook appointment as a file
- Hired someone on Fiverr to help me with research
- Put together a 9 page reference document with everything a JV could possibly need to know about my product and information to help promote it
- Sorted through over 200 e-mail and gathered example e-mail swipes as a reference so that I will be able to build mine in the future (more sorting and gathering to follow)
- Made my JV video and embedded it on my JV page
- Figured out how to create the buy buttons for my sales page, and how to submit my product to do so (and how much it'll cost ;_
- Finalized my sales copy
- Finalized my JV page design (previously built from scratch)
- Finalized the bonuses to give to my JVs

80+% of these tasks were brand new to me at the start of this week, and while I still have a lot more content to build, I could probably post my page in another 2-3 days (assuming that I hadn't injured my arm XD). It feels sort of like coming in 2nd place with a 2 point difference - bittersweet.
This is just another reminder that no matter the goal for your launch, the point of your first launch is to learn, and no matter how much money you make or don't make, that knowledge is priceless.
It's also a reminder that with every failure comes success in some form. Sometimes it's easier to find than other times, but it's always there if you look for it.
Whether you succeed or "fail", be proud of what you've accomplished; there are thousands of people in the world who haven't come as far as you have.

As for me, my journey continues.
I need to make up the time that I spent on this project in the other projects that I've neglected this past week. I need to nurse my arm, and I need to pick a new launch date. I need to set a new deadline for myself for the posting of my page, and I need to try my best (as always) to hit that new deadline.
I'm sure that I'll have the same problem with my new deadline as my last deadline; it's hard to stick to a schedule when you're doing something for the first time, because you don't know all of the intricacies and tasks that will really need to be done. It's always more than you expect.
That being said, as long as I know I've done my best, I can be proud of what I've accomplished. Hopefully I'll make it this next time around. ^_^
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